Life of a teacher – soon!
May 26, 2017Rimyirr, a talented friend of mine, who together with IL develops Bounty Hunter for Sex and Glory, created a game especially for LOP GOLD BONUS section. He’s responsible not only for a game concept and copywriting but also images and coding.
It’s a short dating sim with adventure game elements -a mix of genres I like the most. We gonna publish this game soon and if you like it, he could provide our MEMBERS section with more of his creations.
More content is more content, I ain’t gunna complain.
Looks cool.
I don’t know about the game we’ll see what happens but I don’t like how the game is looking on the images. I does not look like a lop game.
a new game to tinker with sounds good 😀
Hmmm… and i was blamed for being spammer similar text on different pages 🙂 but nevermind i don’t feel grudge however the game don’t look like LO,P yeah dudes above are right it is rare some of the new games characters not to look like quadrants without curves or they are really ugly. I really liked LOP games when i discovered them even being more cartoony some of the first games, chicks were really hot and they evolved even better for example LWT2 graphics were Wooooow, story well kinda in a hurry so to speak Eleanor 2 also great graphics except axed in the face when sex scene but very hot. I liked the tatto on her leg, curves and all and pls don’t do chicks with to much tattoos like girl with tattoos not sexy i mean small sexy on leg, but chick above butt, thighs, shoulders above feet certain area small tattoo looks sexy, but not more big tattoos and why in LOP-wikiia says Eleanor 36 its not a little to old 31-32 well 33 max, but 36 kinda a lot. For the new game however 1 of the chicks looks hot but faces not really satisfied from what i see from this pictures at least will see in future and when we can expect this new game or the one from the previous page that’s what pains with you guys you are doing cool work you are one of the best creators on net but you must be more accurate and tell earlier about release dates. So that is for now till the next time fellas Greetings!
I dont like short games. Bigger the better. 🙂
We can see a bigger style change.
The heading pic looks ok to me, the top pic is nice, the middle is ok-ish, bottom looks a bit substandard. Still probably in the top 20% of the adult games by graphic, I just get used to being spoiled by you guys. 🙂
Im also not fond of event based limited games, I would prefer the open wolrd, sandbox direction and I am a bit worried the hybrid will have the wrong mixture or balance of game elements. But hey don’t bury the dog before it’s death.
So we shall see.
Not really liking the look of this game. Sorry. The concept is cool, but the renders are not up to your usual standards. Also, the mix of gameplay modes could go both ways, in that it could work just fine or be terrible. I guess we’ll see.
It looks more like a game that you’d find on patreon, but something a bit different might be fun so i’ll happily play it
looking forward to see work from new artist,it may not look as good as your top games but i don’t mind that since it’s his first project
I agree with some of the guys above. We shall see.
Anyway if it’s his first work should be review just as it is. A first attempt.
I would like to see group of girls. Pls add some group actions..
The concept sounds exciting, and the visuals look pretty good! Hope it’s a great game!