DIDI episode 3, Sasha and Corey
May 6, 2021DIDI AND LUCY
Today we’re releasing the final chapter of our DIDI RUNNING AWAY pilot.
Do you want to see us continuing the story in this format?
Please vote in the poll below and share your feedback in the comments section.
DIDI: Running away
To keep our subscribers busy while waiting for the complete texts for SERENA: DARK CONFESSIONS, probably next week we gonna release another FREE game for PLAY IT FIRST section on lopgold.com.
You’re probably familiar with Sasha and Linus characters from ELEANOR 3. In our new short game Sasha need to prepare a special evening for Linus (her current partner) in order to convince him to help her jump start her music career. So she got some decisions to make before the date and then use the results of her choices during the romantic meeting with her lover.
BTW – I love Sasha character so much that I’ve decided to add her to WILD WET WEST game – more info about this here
Do you remember COREY from PARTY WITH FRIENDS game released as a BONUS a while ago?
We’re going to create a sequel of that game (and release it in the same format). This time you’re going also to meet CARLOS – COREY’s father. The character who will play important role in the incoming SERENA: DARK CONFESSIONS. What’s more, you’ll have a chance to interact with NANCY’S mother – HANNA. Expect interesting story with twist and a lot of choices to make.
While I prefer big gamesI’d personally love more Didi episodes,it’s nice to get something while waiting for big projects and incoming free games that take more time to make. Or if not more Didi,then some other characters. I’d love if it would be possible to take for example certain scenes,events or even endings from other games and expand them into such short episodes like Didi stories.
I personally don’t care much for the Didi episode format. They are way too short to be anything interesting, they’re repetitive (the ‘choices’), and they are plagued with typos and grammatical errors. For example, in the latest episode, there is one part where whoever wrote it, wrote ‘Grant it’ instead of ‘Granted’, yet has no problem with things like ‘vegetation’. Or there will be an obvious typo, and then the next sentence, error free. Its like, are you paying attention to what you’re writing, or not? This is true in all 3 episodes, just go read them. It’s irritating, distracting, and just unprofessional. You don’t run a spell check on the texts before authorizing it for release? Wow. Otherwise, I like and enjoy your games. That’s why I continue to be a paying subscriber. Thank you.
Let me just say, I understand language barriers and English maybe not being the author’s first language. However, that is no excuse to proof read your work. Or ask someone else to check it. That’s all….
To NOT proof read your work.. hehe! That was embarrassing. But anyway,… 🙂
What can I say? Please accept my apologies.
I’ve used older version of the text file, without language modifications. This morning I’ve fixed that and implemented the right text file into the game. Thanks for pointing this out.
I was never a fan of Didi, so I wouldn’t miss her.
Party with Friends is getting a sequel? That’s unexpected. Huh, I’m curious about how you guys decide what game to continue expanding or not. I didn’t think this game was popular enough to get a sequel, while other games like Serbian Casino and Lily in Hawaii didn’t even get a single expansion.
How do you play the first game party with friends?? I’m using a mac, can I download it?
leo, we need lwt1 and serena exp. follow the vote result please, poor my membership
I did quite like the original Didi game, but have been disappointed by “Running Away”. I think that reflects three things: first that I am not really a fan of the visual novel format – I prefer more traditional games because what happens depends more on my choices; second thing is that this Didi doesn’t seem like the same character as the original (except physically of course); and third the erotic content doesn’t really do it for me. I just don’t find girl on girl action very interesting, and although the Zahary character is certainly different I can’t say he adds much excitement either. Obviously these comments just reflect my personal tastes, but I’m guessing from the votes that I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Both Sasha and the Party with Friends sequel look more interesting.
I’d like to know more about Didi’s story but the lack of path in your mini-games is disappointing. Maybe more differents choices – not too much, we’re not in a big game – will be more interesting…
A sequel of “Party With Friends” ? Interesting ! More : having new characters who are linked to another games is pretty amazing. After all, we can notice Sandra in “Lily in Hawaï”… And maybe one day we could have interesting meetings between some of the main characters of the LOPverse (ex : Justin-Tracy-Lisa-Richard-Antoinette-Gabrielle + Julian-Serena-Jade-Nicole-Lorena-Melissa + Eleanor-Drake-Page-Amelia-Flake-and-all-others…) or, at least, seeing again some other characters from other games (Lily & Geoff, Sylvia & Nick, Olivia, Ellie & Paul, Hank & Rachel, Francis & Jazz…), even from older ones. With years, you’ve built a large universe. Maybe you can explore it more…
Is there a way to be able to translate the texts inserted in your games into other languages?
Thank you.
I was wondering can I be a main character in a upcoming game.
I’m brown skin, low cut hair, 6 foot, nice trim beard, with a lion tattoo on chest and a sword tattoo that goes down my back that says victory.
Hopefully my character will make it or headline a upcoming game
i find didi boring played 3 episodes but was boring same old stuff, i think the reson people like Elinor you have the eliment of surprise. I’m hoping living with temptation will have that surprise eliment in the game.
Bring back my name is david with an expansion with all stars girls like Tracy, Selena and sue from the valley
Always appreciate the work and content but didi was by far the worst project to date.
It would be nice to see more black lead characters. I appreciate the content you guys produce but the Catalog can be more diverse. Is that something y’all are working on??
Hi, I know I’m really late and probably no one will read this, but I thought I’d give my opinion anyway :p
While I liked the original Didi games, and didn’t mind those short stories, I was a bit bummed out by the fact that the main character from the original game barely got 1 mention… Maybe I’m the only one thinking that, and I know he never had a face and that his personality was never developed, but the whole point of the game was to managed Didi’s career and their relationship, so to find out that he’s just thrown away that easily, well that was a bit disappointing… So if you decide to make another episode of Didi, maybe consider bringing him in? It would be the occasion to finally give him some substance, and it could be interesting to make Didi remember the love they had, and maybe even try to make a menage-a-trois work between him and Lucy, considering both love Didi
Anyway, it’s up to you, regardless of your choice, I’m looking forward to your next games