LOP free games
September 14, 2015With our last two free games we’ve learned that you’re very demanding players who can easily evaluate which game is brilliant and which isn’t. And that was a very important lesson to me which only motivates to even harder work and improving our standards – both in terms of game design and quality control.
So today I’m assembling a special group called “LOP Insiders“.
This group of users will have access to beta releases of our free games with a chance to test incoming projects before we’ll officially publish them on our site.
Who can join?
We’re looking for experienced players, who can test a new game and share their feedback with us in a short period of time (1-2 days). We would value your feedback in terms of potential bugs / problems but also we want to hear your opinion about used gameplay features, quality of the story and potential of created characters.
How to join?
Send us an e-mail to insider@lessonofpassion.com with a subject “JOIN” and describe us what kind of improvements you would like to see in our incoming free games.
And now the list of incoming free game.
Weekend with Bradleys
Farm stories
Do what I say
oh you guys are wanting some beta testers…that’s good
Btw..the graphics of Characters in “Weekend with bradley” & “LIVING with LANA” are looking kinda different comparing to the usual lop games.
Once again Leo thanks for the reactivity. I think beta testers can be a good thing. It’s a win-win decision.
The graphics of the free games are wonderful, but these have never been in question. A little more infos about the story and the gameplay would be appreciated (dating sim, life simulation, visual novel,…).
Well done Leo and crew. It’s very easy to ignore criticism but doing something like this to help improve your games is fantastic. You have shown multiple times that you listen to fans which gives you even more respect in my eyes. I hope the beta team will help improve the games and I will look forward to when I can play them later this year and the next. Once again, good job!
Living with Lana visuals look like from premium games. More realistic, detailed characters and background textures. Good job.
I think evolving the engine to create more realistic characters was a great decision. Keep it up
Looks good guys.
I have to say, I’m a huge fan, but Princess in the last game was just not pretty at all.
But these look great. Weekend At Brads look kinda plasticy, but we’ll see what the final game comes to. The rest just looks great, the girls also look fine. Lot of promise with Lana.
Good luck on finding beta-testers, that’ll keep the complainers at bay a little more. And take your time.
Thank you for listening to your fanbase and taking customer criticism seriously. Setting up a “task force” of beta testers seems like a solid solution and hopefully it will help calibrate the free games to the fanbase’s expectations.
It’s been said before, but it deserves another mention: These graphics look amazing. I’m especially impressed with Farm Stories and Do What I Say.
You guys are the best! Great idea, and I would love to see how the new games will turn out!
Whoever gets the ‘job’, make sure you put forward the idea of having the character from Agent 069 in another game. ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)
I’m pretty sure that’s not what they do. I believe that the people that will be testing the games will tell them if they found bugs, bad grammar or probably the most extreme, the gameplay doesn’t fit well with the story. They aren’t going to be writers and shoehorn characters for no reason, plus that’s a Kinglywarrior character so I imagine that he is the one that decides if he wants to use her again (could be wrong). The beta team shouldn’t effect the story much since they are not the people that wrote it plus having multiple people work on one story could cause inconsistency.
From what leo said I think beta testers will have a limited impact on the story, such as recently in Call Me Desperate. A lot of people are saying that some of the story/dialogue doesn’t make sense. I imagine beta testers will pick up on things like that and point it out to the lop team to fix it.
please, fix Tori 500 Dirty Business bonus pictures(LOPGOLD).
pictures won’t display. I’m requesting a fix for almost a month now. It’s sad to see it won’t be fixed, considering it’s premium stuff.
I mean, the bonus pictures page won’t display the pictures and links for the pictures are dead.
Cool graphics
That was a great decision! Beta testers will spare you more TIME, and help you make better/other decisions, that can only improve your games.. GOOD LUCK!
When will new developments be available?
When will new developments be made?
graphics is getting better and better and these renders look incredibly good but i still like more your older games with v4 models which look more artistic than photorealistic
but that does not mean that i dislike this,as i said renders look incredibly good
Hey, the graphics are getting nice and perfect in each game. Just wanted to all when would you guys decide the beta testers, as I emailed you guys, so was wondering if you would mail some days after or is there is a specific day you would choose, and would I hear from you guys whether you choose or not, or of you don’t reply then I wasn’t chosen for beta testing?
So what your saying is your looking for people who are stupid enough to work for you for free because if I remember correctly being a bug tester use to be a paid gig
If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Simple, easy and efficient. Also: *you’re. And punctuation is your friend. 🙂
They are not going to pay people to test FREE games !
Leo is organizing this “task force” because a lot of us complained about the FREE games released recently. He is just asking us to help him to improve the free games (bugs, story/dialogues, gameplay,…). And hopefully I’m sure a lot of us will be “stupid” enough to do something for our little community.
bro beta testers aren’t usually paid…normally many gaming companies release beta games to get some feed back about the lackings before the big final release. Only few companies hire beta testers just keep their respect intact so that they don’t have to hear any complains or negative feed backs.
And since lop is a small group it’s kinda obvious that it’s not a paying job.
Beta testing is unpaid. You get to play the game before anyone else and all you have to do is tell them about bugs and what can be done better.
I beta tested many games on PS4.
MASTER 110 beta testing isn’t about your “ps4 ” only, there are many banking softwares , office softwares that reauires High skilled testers for testing it out . And they are paid. Try learning few stuff before trying to give a definite statement.
What are you going on about “GAME BETA TESTING” is unpaid. Please stop posting BS.
Everyone here is talking about game testing not banking you nerd. Also kev you sound jealous that he has a ps4. I have xbox1 . If you got a job instead of crying about being paid to test games you could buy one.
noob kid…was it really necessary to say who got x-box or ps4 ?
lol…i think they forgot this is lop blog XD
I love the way if you have a ps4 or xbox you’re auto a kid. So the people like you are just wankers correct?
Just curious, but have you heard of games like Starcraft, Tomb Raider, Star Wars Battlefront? Those games, with limitless resources and huge development staffs constantly advertise for Beta Testers. So, are the thousands upon thousands of those testers “stupid”?
They sign up because they get to play the game months earlier than others and because they get to provide feedback, which hopefully is used to improve the final product. And those gigs are unpaid.
it´s a very good choise including fans in developing and testing new games. It helps make things better and give us all more fun.
When we can expect these games and which one you gonna release first
i’d love to see a game from James’s perspective. High school/collage student attendidng classes and trying to get it on with some hot women. lets say headmistress at school, 1 hot teacher, leading cheerleader, hot girl from his class and a married woman living next door: Eleanor! would appreciate girls having different looks: f.e. boob sizes, hair collour, body types. all of them hard to get: we r all hunters after all, aren’t we?
It’s pretty simple, Leo…you already have good artists, so to build high quality games you just need to focus on the gameplay and story. The objective here should be having an interesting (and naughty and possibly not too linear) story and leave the player (through the gameplay) as much freedom as possible (in terms of choices, through dialogue or gameplay decisions).
It’s not a surprise that most of your best games (Lwt, Eleanor, LwB, …) all have those characteristics.
The problem is that it’s not so “pretty simple”.
Writer is a very difficult job. Having a good idea of story is just the beginning (and you have to be sure your idea is interesting for everybody, not only you).Then you have to develop your story, to think about it through a “game” angle and after you have to write it (and not everybody has good writing skills…).
If it was so simple to have talented writers, all Lop games would be as good as LWT or Eleanor in terms of story and story telling.
I agree with Chrispool. There are two ways to write a story:
1) that in which it is simply told: anyone who is passionate about writing can create one. I have created several myself (I’d read you but they are all in French including a ten-page Word).
2) that in which it is lived: it is more complicated, because not only part of the story is told, but another part depicts the characters with dialogues.
And regarding LOP, what is needed are writers of the second category. Someone can create a story and have it live his characters (which I do not know how, I am unfortunately not excited enough for that ^^)
Wow! Thank you guys – so far I received almost 200 e-mails from people who want to join “LOP Insiders”.
I also received a lot of interesting suggestions and ideas concerning the direction we should follow with our free games.
I’ll contact selected users via e-mail when we’ll be ready with our first test.
Sorry if I seem a bit to eager but I think a lot of us would like to know around when that might happen, not asking for a specific date but if it’s gonna happen the next week or two or in a month or longer.
Yeah Nafets’ right, we need to know when that might happen. This is just so that the testers who are chosen, they might know that, and also post here so that who are not chosen might know that the beta testers have been chosen already.
Yup and after that everyone who doesn’t get chosen can get to say: We are in the NoBetaClub
on the initiative its good, but i sincerely hope the testers are actually gonna test – report etc. Not just go on about woohoo we played it early its fantastic.
I think that’s right, as many of the players who doesn’t report would have given good ideas for the games, so that they could be chosen and get to play games first. I haven’t reported ever on thus blog or other. But on the contrary, as this is now official, I would love to help, by being a beta tester.
Still isn’t 200 a pretty lie considering the fans of lop and s&g. Hey Leo, could we have a fan club of lop too, online. You could start a new blog for fans of lop, and some moderators, which you choose, would help you manage it…… It’s just a suggestion..
wow 200 means alot of reading stuff .
Anyway it would also be better if you LOP TEAM can take some story ideas … I mean there are many people with many ideas and stories…some might be a big hit…
First get your websites up and running properly yeah.
Half the time it loads like a snail half asleep.
That includes this blog, which loads like an old granny walking up a flight of stairs.
And before people point out and say “it’s fine for me blah blah blah”… I have cable internet with over 150MBPs download, this is the only site to lag on loading (all the LOP sites EXCLUDING S&G which loads like a rat on crack… ie: Very Fast).
And Leo, could you focus on fewer games at a time, so that they could be completed as soon as possible. Because of taking on all the games, each game takes a load of amount of time to be completed. I say this because as it was last year when we heard about LWT2 and ELEANOR2 and till now they are pending projects. You are releasing other games, as you have been working on them. Also there is this Seducing the Throne, it’s around 5 months, we heard about it. I was wondering how much time would it take for you guys to release these games. Last we heard about it was, that it was a native game with sounds and all and you were getting problems packing a huge for of 90mb in a flash file.
I also think that you decided for the beta testers for these huge games only.
And of it is, I couldn’t wait for you to choose the beta testers…… Come on Leo, be quick…..
You need to develop a little patience. LwT, Eleanor and Seducing the Throne are, by all estimates, huge projects and as such they take time to develop and finish. Think about Hollywood movies or triple A gaming titles. Those are also projects announced months or years ahead of release. Working on fewer titles at a time will make no difference because different teams work on different projects. Working on fewer projects at a time would result in even more infrequent releases. So you’re kind of arguing against yourself when you demand faster releases yet also demand that they work on fewer projects
I know the two first won´t be released until next year, but any hope with Seducing the Throne? 🙁
He said to release lwt2 first, then eleanor2. After then well come seducing the throne, unless I an wrong and he releases the games as soon as they are completed.
First it’s going to be Seducing the Throne, then Eleanor2 and finally LWT2.
I don’t think we will see any of the big titles to next year. The rest of the year will probably be small free games, well that is what i am thinking.
According to the last posts of the team, I think that at least Seducing The Throne will be released this year. And maybe, if we are very lucky, there’s a chance to see Ele2 or LWT2 before 2016. But don’t rush, take all the time you need.
Anyway, I’m sure Leo will let us know soon.
I’ve been lurking for a while, and this is my first time commenting (though I did submit a game idea once through your message box thing quite some time ago). My only real comment about these upcoming free games is that, while they look nice, there seems to be way too many guys in them…
My English is bad that you can not fully understand what it is but I do know that, and certainly you’re too late. I can write English with the help of translation software. I’m sorry, maybe I’m not exactly tell, but I will not take you seriously in this way I never quite. Because you always told me “AAA” to distract players from the rest by promising your game. I think this is definitely a bad behavior that you have made. Until that changes, I think this behavior is not worth making amateur and always will be the first tangible value. so I never feel the need to support you financially, because you always postpone your best game with just excuses. You can always us who are simple and maybe leave you alone or with a job we do not like or does not do any good you this is my opinion, because I am in a waiting from you. If you can be so serious how I’m serious. you’ll always stay simple for me. I agree that this is definitely not engaged, but always seems to escape easily. games thrive as more basitleşiy scenario instead. I saw it at the last instance. and you showed us it seemed like a very good game. we did not expect it, you know it very well.
I thought my translation program may be words to tell you I have only used and misunderstood.
Purchase your support, comments and ideas to give you more effort is needed to show the rest empty and not at all attractive.
Sounds good to me, but diverting free games now. you’ll be able to do it much better than me, but that always takes away from the feeling of respect that you did your job.
I love you all, but I wish you to be more attentive. 🙂
About the “always postponed games”, I don’t agree with you. Leo usually don’t give a precise release date. He says : “late summer”, “before end of the year”,…
The only game postponed this year is LWT2. It was planned for a release in “late summer”. But we have to be honest, it’s us, players, that are the cause of the delay. Without the argument about V4/V6 models (and I precise that I was for V4), I’m sure the game would have been finished in time. So I think it’s not very fair to blame the team for that.
Like everybody, I’m eagerly waiting for this game and I find the wait very long, but unfortunately we have to be patient.
A delayed game is always better than a rushed one.
I agree wid chrispool completely, but a bigger game should be released around October , so players can at least not worry about ur nxt yr projects(lwt 2 n ele 2)
If everything will go right, we’ll release short PREMIUM game at the beginning of October and later that month we’ll go with Seducing the throne. Then we’ll go with ELE2 (this year for 90%) and next year LWT2.
The last big game, premium game (Dignity One) was released in May. In October you will receive (lovely Sylvia) another joke game, it’s a shame they don’t have another expansion or another SMALL game until the end of this year, and they have to release the second premium game for this year Seducing the Throne.
The short PREMIUM game and small expansion they are a BIG HOAX.
What do you mean by that?
it is very simple.. you cheat people with this games……i pay for premium not for small games…make another section for this bullshit games…and don’t tell me you do this for the people because it is too much time between premium games….
you work on Seducing the throne from the time when the money were made by wood
Hey, please calm down iulyus, take a deep breath and please get familiar with my previous statement:
“We’ve started to work with longer and bigger projects – Dignity One, Living with Temptation 2, Eleanor, etc. Those projects takes a lot of time to complete them – in terms of writing texts, rendering visuals (both locations as well as characters) and then putting everything together. Because of that we aren’t able to update our PREMIUM site so often as we want to. So we’ve decided that between releases of really huge projects we will launch smaller ones to keep you entertained.”
i play your games from the beginning but this year your games are going down…free or premium. in premium section we have dignity one not a very good game but i see you put a lot of work….2 expansion (city of love a very very small expansion) and a free game Living with Serena and will have another free one next mounth
entertain us with good free games, and if you release 2 premium game on year is very good, but not try to cheat with free games on premium section
What do you mean by cheating?
Every time you get detailed description of a game before you buy it – even with the numbers of used visuals and even animations.
We can’t compare Living with Serena to a free game – in terms of file size it’s more than 3-4 times bigger than the biggest free game ever released. The same in department of quality and quantity of used texts, visuals and animations.
What’s more, I dare to claim that this game is longer and has more assets than original Living with Britney, Mank Moody, Hot Wife Story 2 and other PREMIUM games we released before.
So please, don’t manipulate iulyus.
i do not try to manipulate anyone, it is just my opinion, everyone is free to make their one choice.
you can not compare Living with Serena whith Living with Britney, Hank Moody, Hot Wife Story 2, if you want to compare try Living with Sasha.
anyway i RESPECT and APPRECIATE your work…i wait the release of your bigger projects
i don’t see you lower the subscription price, but you release only small games or small expansion …
No ones forcing you to subscribe, if it upsets you that much then cancel your sub until a big game is released.
“Then we’ll go with ELE2 (this year for 90%) and next year LWT2”
late summer you say not next year, why best games release maybe this year or next year .
what with so many boring games.
LWT2 or ELE2 should already be released.
LWT2 would have most likely been either out by now or very close to release, if not for the PLAYERS kicking up a fuss about the V6 model’s. Meaning in order to please the PLAYERS the LOP team had to re-do all the models in the old V4.
As to “boring” games, well that’s your opinion, personally I liked Living with Serena, either way full descriptions of a game are always released before your asked to pay a penny. So you are free to vote with your wallet, cancel your subscription until a game you like is released then re-subscribe.
If, Leo had shown the visuals before ever creating the while game then it wouldn’t have taken much time. I too agree with iulyus. Leo really takes to much time. Dignity one was kind of boring. But the 13 rooms was pottery well made. But the point is of you see, the games, as Leo says that they are bigger, of one produces pictures in higher resolution, then the game would be bigger than others. And also there is one thing. One cannot download his games, and thus it we cannot compare his games to be big or small. I have his subscription and use portable chrome, so that I can play his games offline. And I can tell that even though his games are bigger, they are bigger because of the graphics quality and resolution. The games play time, is still pretty much the same. I was able to finish living with Britney, hank moody, hot wife story 2, in around half an hour, so was living with Serena. So where does it makes this one better then them. The visuals are great, so is the game’s size, but the play time is same. So Leo, instead of having a monthly subscription or a yearly one, you should just put up a prove for each of your game so that they can be downloaded and played anytime without an internet connection.
Lopgold is a business. Unless I’m wrong, the team makes games for a living. I’m sure they know that they have to release LwT2 and Ele2 as soon as possible to make money. But they also know that we, customers, will not forgive rushing for games so awaited. It will be a commercial suicide. So we can be sure that if the games have not been released yet, it’s because they are not ready.
A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
Shigeru Miyamoto
Thanks for the schedule, Leo. Now things are clear.
Leo, please don’t pay attention to the extremists. Also, I would suggest you take in consideration only tips regarding story or gameplay from the blog posts but respond to critics only to those that can prove that are paying memebers of either LOP Gold or SexAndGlory.
agree all lulyus, welll said
Will you start using html5 instead of flash?
I was thinking about it. And I’m not sure about that. In terms of free games – certainly not cause 99.99% of erotic games published right now are still made in flash and all sites with those type of game accept accept this format.
In terms of GOLD games. Probably one day yes.
I can understand that some of us are disappointed by the release of LWT2 in 2016, but its not really a surprise.
About the schedule of the games given by Leo, some people are complaining. However I just want to remind that in 2014 at the same period (October to December) we had 1 premium game : City Of Love (November). Today there are 90% chances that we have 3 premium games, with 2 “big” games (Seducing The Throne and Ele2) ! I think nobody can deny the enormous efforts of the team !
So let’s enjoy these games first, and if there’s a matter to complain, let’s complain, but later.
I would like to sincerely thanks everyone who send their e-mail to us. I appreciate your will of support and great feedback concerning areas of improvement.
When we’ll be ready with a first test we’ll contact everyone one of you with personal e-mail.
You’re great! Thanks
No, thank you for the kindness and consideration.
I’m sure I speak for all of us, when we say that we appreciate that!
No, thank YOU for your kindness and consideration.
I believe I speak for all of us, when I say that we all appreciate that!
hi LEO can please bring back to life “shelly” the escort girl, i liked it very much’ it was short but rich with amazing scenes.
one of the best games untill now with the gold titles ELEANOR EXPANSION & LWT EXPANSION, i also would like to see more girl/woman Main character based games it is more fun to play the sluty girl around.
So when can we expect these games?
Hey Leo!
These new games look awesome. specially Living with Lana. I hope you realease these games soon, untill we wait for other awesome games like LWT2. Which I saw you were releasing LWT2 untill next year, it´s a bummer to wait for so long, but I really have high hopes for that game, so I trust it will be worth the wait.
As for the free games, they look better than ever, and hopefully they’ll be a little longer than the last ones.
BTW: how will be able to test these games out?
Has anyone been picked for beta yet?
No, not yet. Right now I’m busy with STT.
As I mentioned before – everyone who sent an e-mail will take a part in a first test.
Okay thanks for letting us know
When are the free games being released?