CVR expansion – meet Teri
April 21, 2017Itmakesmeblush continues to render visuals for the update, right now I would like to present the last new female club member – Teri.
Teri works as secretary. She also just so happens to work with James. Since first arriving in the company, her eyes fixated on him, craving for one lustful encounter in the supply room or late one night in her bosses office when everyone else went home. Though in a relationship, her boyfriend and her frequent the swingers club for a little spark and kink. But once her heard about Jame’s marital trouble she jokingly insisted on going to a swinger’s club. To her surprise he took her seriously and sign-up. Now she’s going to the club, in hopes to get her hands on James and take him for the ride of his life.
BTW – it’s said that next week something is going to happen in Arkham so stay vigilant and praise the Old Ones.
“That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die”
Oh yeah! I definitely like it!
Cannot wait! I think cvr is becoming one of my favorite lopgold games so far. In addition to more woman, please include more scenes with veronica! I would love to see a couple more scenes with her and Che, gradually falling to his seduction and letting her inhibitions go. Maybe adding another male character who has a history with Veronica? Keep up the great work!
fantastic,i have weakness for redheads so i like her already,although not a big fan of that kind of haircut
very interesting background aswell,that path in playthrough will be very exciting
We are hard at work to bring this expansion to you all and can’t wait to unveil it with more details and images. But for now, the image will have to do.
I won’t spoil it, nor give enough away for a me to get concussed with a frying pan, but I will leave you with this: you will not be disappointed. 😉
my man you guys are doing incredible work.excited for arkham and cvr expansion.but you gotta give me a hint…..when can we expect living with temptation 2 expansion??
Looks really nice, but i still hope to see Marcy again in any game:):)
I played the game and about Tracy he looked surprised when she mentions that and also the narrator saying that i think that’s why most of the dudes in the blog are confused! I think maybe its hint or trying LOP guys to confuse us. The “Red Hair” by the way look devilish and trouble very hot i like her real cookie when can we expecting CVR expansion summer or autumn?
Looks really good, CVR is great.
Wow! She looks dangerous; she must be a super-villain, with the mask and those gravity-defying earrings 😉
Seriously though, I can’t wait to see what she’s up to. All the scheming so far has been spicy but spur-of-the-moment, Teri will have had plenty of time to fantasize about how to craft a well-laid trap! Really looking forward to this expansion 🙂
Cthulhu fhtagn!
Any news on the BlindDate3D update ??
Nice! Great news!
Any chance of bringing in a few more male characters too? And by that I mean selfish douchebags having their way with Veronica in the back rooms 😉
hi she looks great. well done everyone at LOP.
i would like to see alyssa from my girl is a model in some future game love to see mungo mess up her relationship with dave or if you can bring alyssa and dave to one of the swingers clubs the one in LTW or CVR for some play they wanted to not be dull in their relationship so it works. Alyssa is one beautiful girl that need some attention. well this is just my thoughts you are doing one great work so far…
Teri looks great. It’s nice to see a redhead every once in a while. Really looking forward to seeing the expansion to CVR. The game is near perfect in it’s current state and I can’t wait to see what the expansion will do.
I’ll also be clearing my schedule for next week in order to play around in Arkham’s Lovecraftian nightmare 🙂
I see what you did there with that Lovecraft quote 🙂 Excited!
Great news guys. Damn she’s sexy af. #teamsecretary lol.
ItMakesMeBlush aka the rendering machine go go. can’t wait.
Keep it up.
Teri its very dudes name like soldier or something she can use nickname like “Cherry” 🙂 or something she redhead after all consider this guys Greetings till the next time
okay, so games was:
lily in hawaii – female protagonist in relationship
club velvet rose – skip, swing shit with cuck protagonist
jacob’s rebound – black protagonist (quality was decent tho)
lwt 2 – sequel of the relationship sim with married weak protagonist (blonde wife makes the game)
eleanor 2 – sequel of classic slut female protagonist
living with serena – another relationship sim with tiny dick average model girl, was some not bad parts (lost potential on cheating scenes)
and then there is first great game – seducing the throne, although it could be way better
so it’s already six games and you spend your time on expansion for most shitty theme ever
then there is one of my favourite games – dignity one, but it could be much more, and city of love – it’s three games in a row i really liked
we don’t talk here about lesbian shit / whores sims
so your loudest game – lwt 1, overall is nice game, bukkake scene is the biggest potential loss in your history
living with britney significantly better, trip to paradise was pretty good too, except of timid piece of shit protagonist
how is free almost noble hero is better than half of your gold games? piece of gold games can’t even compete with some of free products
so where is games like thorn-e? where is games like johnny bullet? where is games like dignity one?
comprehend what binds them?
Today games are very shallow empty without emotions and you have hell of competition, lately games are really like yes no affirmative like talking with limited cyborg. My friend pays by credit card i pay him on hand 50-50 but he don’t like to continue because he already hes member on some patreon web site developers and game are made on decisions, events, long games day by day, every day making different choices increasing stats or conversations or relationships you must do something, if you don’t create game like LWT1 or Eleanor1 you guys kinda sliping away and i don’t wanna abandon you but… the only way i hate in some games its incest its a little fucked up you don’t do that i respect that, but your games became like today’s pop music text irrelevant or who is the singer, voice zero talent zero just music in behind and shaking fine ass thats model not singer you kinda living on old glory, no deep behind story on the game or the characters, no emotions short games its like yes no lets fuck so predictable i played one patreon game they releasing them part by part i needed 3 days to finish 1 part with 1 dirrections of choices. You use to have quality not quantity its not important how many games you cr8 old free games were with worst graphic still much better you need deep emotional insightful long game with a lot more days and choices and options i prefer to see old hot builded with history characters rather then new empty characters your games became capitalistic you cr8 game like ELEANOR 2 with not complete story with holes like swiss cheese then next month update so the members will pay again for game supposed to finished not shallow small event you calling it update and i believe some games are already over finished but you cr8 updates to fullfill empty story update suppose to be story to continue or change locations or something not adding another character or conversation or room on empty story maybe you will publish this maybe not or erase it later but this is not insult this is friendly negative honest critic only promising project was CVR this days sry for all this text or negativity if you liked but… competition doing the job i hope more from LWT 2 expansion you totally ruined ELEANOR 2 in the sequel and think many people will want to see mixed characters or some from the old in other games in some events like Avengers or Justice League for example will be nice if Tracy invite Eleanor for party or something and the dude its tempted what to do and yeah kinda agree with the dude above prefer male protagonist sry for very long maybe boring text i dont usually do this and piece by piece not gonna work but i needed to say what i have to say and consider because this forums used to have tons of people now i only see the couple same few till the next time Greetings!
i agree that games are little shallow nowdays and hope we can get games in the future that are thicker in story with more content of layer over the time it takes to play, like when you choise one thing in game it means that if you want to repair that then you have to suck it up for the other partner if you still want to be able to be together with that person in the end of the game. Like in LWT2 even if you cheat on tracy and she fucks rickard or the other way around it should be one way to repair your relationship because of your son charlie and that you both justin and tracy works to keep their family together maybe allowing each other have other partners? maybe have lisa move in together like there was in the treesome ending but with her partner, anyway i love the games but would like to have little more twists in the games that are made, i hope we can see some games in future that we can play different person in different days that we can choice who we play that day. great work on the games so far i enjoy them all.
@slayer i think i know what game you’re having in mind here and i agree with you,i also think that lop would benefit from moving to that approach of releasing their games in monthly updates and here is why:
personally i don’t think that lop games are becoming waeker or shallow,i just think that there is no enough time to exploit full potential of the games and their story and characters that lop creates
take lwt for example as the flagship title,both lwt1 and especially 2 would benefit greatly if the approach was similar or same as some of patreon games which just have better build up than lop games lately
for example the problem with lwt2 is game concept that doesn’t allow proper build up and full exploit of the story and makes the players feel restricted,i mean we are in huge mansion on vacation and we have so few choices to do,no interactions with girls and other characters in style of lwt1 which bothers me the most,no visiting them in rooms,nothing to do in sauna,no options to sneak around at night and having fun,no options to interact with environment..all of that is missing to make the game feel big and complete
i don’t mean to bash the creators here on lwt2 but the game is short because there is lots of choices and paths to follow (which is great) in 6 days and basically no interactions at all.
now imagine how the game would looked like if it was released in updates where the whole size of the released game was just day 1 or maybe one of the days before the trip,it opens up numerous possibilities and options to exploit and build up the story in many ways better than it is now and i believe more freedom and interactions that it is in the game at the moment
i really do believe that it would be way better if it was released in this way i.e. monthly updates where the focus is shifted from the whole game to one day by the time,so much more stuff could be added,much more interactions and freedom which would result the game feel huge and obviously properly complete than it is in this case now
this may sound like a rant but it isn’t,i have huge respect for the lopteam and all the work they are doing and i’d love if all of lop games could be 5gb atleast but with the appearance of other creators they need to step up their game,i hope they will
Wish Eleanor 3 or Hot wife 3 would come out nothing like these two franchises….
When is terri coming out?
I’m thinking around the time as the expansion comes out. LOL
We are hard at work on it, trust me it will be well worth the wait!
wow amazing wiev. I would like to see her in groups 🙂