RELEASE: LWT American Sunset PREVIEW 2
May 16, 2024Today, we’re releasing the second preview of the AMERICAN SUNSET, which still is in an EARLY ACCESS phase. Last week was focused entirely on this project, and we’ve put a lot of sweat and heart into completing it in the form we are presenting today.
Classical story re-told with refreshed images, redesigned gameplay and reinforced with new scenes and characters. Everything is baked with Renpy with the ability to save the game whenever you want, with the option to roll back the time and play on PC, MAC and STEAM DECK via a web browser. This version of a game, which we call PREVIEW 2, offers over 6 hours of gameplay.
What is included in the PREVIEW 2?
Complete interactions at LEVEL 2 & LEVEL 3 for Lisa and Tracy around the house, sending the whole relationship-building experience into space. Just a crazy amount of new content to explore during daily actions.
Expanded VEGAS TRIP quest, including new photo sessions with Tracy and redesigned scenes in the city of sin, where you’re going to meet new characters and see the whole event in the club on new renders, with new animations and interactions that took place before the show.
Slightly expanded the event when Lisa invited Justin to the club for the first time – new scenes and renders.
Expanded WEEKENDS IN THE CABIN with Tracy, including new scenes on a deck during night hours and scenes with Tracy in their bedroom on a Sunday morning.
Introduction of new dating possibilities with girls, spending their free time around town (COCO, LISA and DOMINIQUE)
All events from the BASE game, WILD WEEKENDS, and most from the WIFE GONE WILDER expansions
What is NOT included?
SWINGERS CLUB scene from the WIFE GONE WILDER expansion – we plan to significantly expand this scene, including new characters meeting during the VEGAS scene, and we need much more time to prepare new renders for this QUEST – both for what happens in the club and for events that took place before Justin and Tracy go there.
What are the changes?
First, the gameplay is so relaxing – it flows like a stream, and you just follow the current, unlocking new scenes and enjoying every minute. Forget about mundane and repetitive actions. There is no time limit (before, it was 30 days), so you can experience the game as long as you want, at your own pace, doing whatever you want.
To achieve quests, you need to make an effort and be focused, but everything is clearly explained by the quest system, so pursuing interesting scenes is not a matter of luck but your actions. If you don’t achieve something one day, don’t worry – you can try it another day or next week – no pressure, you won’t miss any scene by accident.
Some of the scenes were redesigned to make everything more approachable. For instance, you don’t need to worry about blocking some parts of the content because you’ve made a wrong decision (for example, you can no longer progress your relationship with Lisa). Now, all events are streamlined and designed so you won’t miss anything that would require you to start playing from the beginning. Just relax and let the story flow.
Is it worth paying for PREVIEW 2 now?
Yes, absolutely. Our initial PREVIEW acted as a proof of concept. Although it was brief in terms of content, the gameplay showed great potential.
PREVIEW 2 is a mix of this splendid gameplay, elevating the experience to an entirely new level and a very generous amount of content. Everything, except the SWINGERS CLUB scene and LUSCIOUS SECRET expansion from the original game, is reinforced with beautiful new scenes created especially for AMERICAN SUNSET + some key scenes from the past supported with new images, characters and interactions. Enjoy the AMERICAN SUNSET now and get access to the game before anyone else.
Your feedback
Share your opinion with us on our blog and help us shape the LIVING WITH TEMPTATION you have always dreamed about.
Yes, finally. Played for a few minutes, very good so far, great work. Lots of things to do and new stuff to discover. Haven’t reached the veqas scene yet, looking forward to it.
Great! I’m glad you like it.
Love how the game feels and looks now. Lot to discover but i’m loving it so far
I’m delighted to hear that.
Game certainly flows well, i’m looking forward to the next expansions. There is an whole hep of story that can be told now and looking forward to see whats next
The game looks awsome. I think I have found a bug. I dont know if its just me or others have the same issue but I dont have access to the sex shop. It just doesnt exist on the map.
Sex shop appears on the map in 2 cases – when Justin need to buy fleshlight (VEGAS QUEST) or a sensual lingerie for Lisa (MOVE BEYOND THE NO TOUCHING RULE). Opening hours: 12:00 – 18:00 if I remember it right. Do you think it should be available from the start, without the quest conditions?
I dont know about the first case yet but as for the second case, Lisa (MOVE BEYOND THE NO TOUCHING RULE), it definitely doesnt unblock the sex shop at least in my case. I think since at some point in the futur we would be able to interact with Coco and date her, it would make sense for us to be able to interact with her since the beginning of the game.
Okay, I’ll implement such modification tomorrow.
When can we expect this Masterpiece on STEAM.
Not yet – before we hit STEAM with EARLY ACCESS we want to add more content to the game.
lopgold.com players got priority for now.
I played a little and I live how the story flows through the game now. It doesn’t seem like it’s chopped up storylines. It’s seem to all flow together this may be LOP’s best work yet when it’s complete
A couple errors found at the cabin on the weekend.
You have sex with tracy 21:00 on saturday, she sits on Justin sideways and it goes into a loop never ending about the sideways sex.
On sunday 9:00 you can invite daniel back to cabin after cuckold path resulting in some image errors
“Image ‘ctw_tracy_127’ not found.”
“Image ‘ctw_tracy_128’ not found.”
“Image ‘ctw_tracy_129’ not found.”
Thanks, I’m fixing it right now.
Is it fixed?
Do I need to start a new game for it? Because it’s not fixed in my load?
I can see the clear path to getting with dominique and coco, really hope to see more of them as the game progresses. As Coco is open to many things sexually and women (known from current LWT versions with Tracy) would be interesting to see her and Dominique or sandy at the club. Could find Coco with a Woman at the club and option to watch or proposition.
Speaking of new Ladies hope to see more of Carla as well in the hair dressers.
Also since were in the mall would love to sneak into the restroom with some of the ladies. Already some naughty language with Tracy while meeting in the mall suggests that you could sneak away to fool around.
Forgot to mention the new vegas ladies, the dialogue seems to suggest some swinging with the newlywed couple, but would also like to have seen the other girl that’s quite cold to Justin in the scene as well.
Hmmm, I didn’t get past the dating in the 2 night time locations and their resident locations (shop and office), other than that, nothing really happens. Also no quests showing.
Nothing is there yet with either Coco or Dominique. You can just meet them in the evening and talk/dance with them.
Well done. Great job. The game flows fantastic, the quests are clear, a bit fun and it’s nice not to stress about details. What some past games had was you had to click endlessly, and then you would suddenly misclick the one thing you had to keep in mind.
I don’t think the “gameplay” before the Wet T-Shirts show added anything. It looks like fluff. Obviously it sets up a swinging route, but yeah, it’s just some clicking adding nothing. I’d much rather have seen Justin being able to take some agency in the contest by allowing me, the player, to cycle through some of the poses for Tracy and the 2 other girls. Cycling some poses is something I’d also like to see in the blowbang. I think the strongest sex scenes you have is where the player controls the action and can decide to keep it up a bit longer.
I also really think there needs to be more proofreading. Some translations are not good, one scene it says Justin takes his dick off or something like that. And there’s some spelling and grammar.
I’m also not sure you’re supposed to always have to tell Lisa you’re not in her room to vacuum before she does anything. Some interactions with her were put in Stage 3 which seemed to belong in Stage 1 or 2, especially the ones in the kitchen. But I do really like the Stages system. It gives alot to explore over and over.
Things I wish were different with the Stages though. Progressing to Stage 3, gets rid of the option to do the “no touch” scene. Which is sad. That scene is fantastic. And the weekends with Lisa are too short. You can finish up everything else and then having to sleep through weeks just to unlock those weekend scenes. Especially if you also want to do the cabin scenes, where the weekend is also too short. One possible solution is not having Lisa stuck in the park or in her room during the weekend, so you get 2 extra slots to invite her to the garden to progress those scenes a bit further. I’d also like to see Lisa back in the club on Fridays. But I guess that’s content to be added.
But this is just some little constructive criticism. I think the game is looking to be an all time great. I can’t wait for the extra content to be added. I do wish the Swingers Club adds the option to cycle through the different phases/scenes so it feels like you’re interacting with Tracy setting up her scene. I also agree with the sentiment that Carla needs more screentime, she’s gorgeous.
Yeah, fantastic. This preview does feel just finished after completing it, so the replayabilty isn’t that high. But it’s what it is, just a preview. Good job, truly. I might replay it over the weekend to snatch some screenshots of grammar or bugs.
I also like how easy it is to make some money. But you end up with so much of it, it really needs a place to go 😛 I hope in future expansions there will be options to buy outfits for the girls unlocking small scenes. I also think that nurses outfit teases too much 😉
The new animations are hot as hell, the new models are hot as hell, the new quest system gives you a straight line but…
The few remaining stats feel completely useless without any actual check for why you’re building up your body or mind. I know that all the changes are designed where you can get everything through one playthrough but I feel like that’s a bit of a mistake. The current version of the game feels a bit like a visual novel, and as a hardcore Serena fan I’m not a hater but for LwT… I feel like the removal of “choices matter” removes what made the original game so exciting.
If you’re pursuing Lisa, then obviously your marriage will suffer with Tracy. If you’re pursuing Tracy, Lisa is less an object of lust and more a boon for you to pass off child duties to. If you’re trying to do it all, and by all I mean every girl in sight, then you have to really work for it. This version of the game has kind of lost that magic for me, part of what I love about LoP games is that they’re ultimately narrative driven and American Sunset plays like a sort of cop-out porn fantasy version of the older LwT games. Even though it consequences were minimal and easily avoided, now that I don’t have to even bother avoiding them makes me feel like I haven’t really earned any of the rewards and I’m just left with a lesser feeling than if my gameplay choices actually mattered.
It’s not easy to design games or write stories so I feel bad for critiquing in this manner, but the feeling that I get from American Sunset at the moment is that I’m just playing some porn game rather than playing a Lesson of Passion game, and it’s kind of a bummer despite the quality of work that went into the models and everything else.
I put it in the discord, but I don’t really think Justin is ‘Living with Temptation’ in American Sunset since he can fuck whoever, whenever, and he can succumb to temptation as much as he wants since it just doesn’t matter.
It seems that is a bit the point of this remake. Take the game out of it and turn it into a visual novel without forcing you down kinks you don’t like. I understand it’s the only feasible way to add content to this world at a decent pace. It’s fantastic at what it is or aims to be.
But I also hope it’s not the direction all future games will go in. There is indeed no consequences. I felt less like I was playing as Justin and more like I was a director. It’s fine because I could still go out and play Luscious Secrets. But I feel this comment.
I’ve been sitting here brainstorming ways to satisfy both audiences and while the answer is unfortunately “more content” since they’re remaking it to begin with but the itch that isn’t being scratched anymore by the current game is my choices don’t matter and there’s no sense of narrative satisfaction. The only things I’ve been able to come up with are:
Easter Eggs, Timed Quests, and Secret Quests
Easter Eggs are already kind of in the game, but it’s a nice reward to players who are maybe concentrating on one specific stat and girl to get a little something extra that isn’t laid out for players to get.
Timed Quests obviously indicate missed content for the player which is something Leo and LoP are trying to remove, but what if they’re repeatable? Start a quest Justin just doesn’t have the stats or relationship score to actually complete? The player might suffer a penalty and have to wait for that quest to be available again, but next time they’ll be ready.
Secret Quests are, in my head at least, a little harder, more hidden, and provide an actual ‘end’ to the game. Endless summer of debauchery is well and good but this is LwT and I’m here for the story as much as the hot nanny. I posted an idea earlier where Justin can engage in a quest where the narrative of what could happen actually plays out in a book that he writes. What if something similar happens where the player, after engaging in a specific set of events, makes Justin inspired to write a book for himself. The narrative of the novel drives the quest rather than a little ticker, so it’s not as easy as just following the prompts, and perhaps Justin is asked to make some choices along the way that influence the ending of his book and what actually happens in his life. Choices matter, a little more difficult to actually puzzle out, and a rewarding narrative driven ending which at least to me was the draw of LwT in the first place.
I like these ideas. The last version of the game had some images that were hard to find, but very nice, a bit like Easter Eggs. And I really think Secret Quests are the way to go. You don’t need many. But just a few. With for example an upper limit in imagination or body, or a skill check with a few stats combined. Something you could actually miss. I like how Renpy allows saving at any time and having a million saves, but the game in the current state doesn’t really need saves. Maybe 1 save per stage but that’s it.
I did forget one thing: turning the fashion show into a quest so you got to see all the different outfits for Lisa is a solid win. Content like that is a perfect fit for the new system and easy to expand upon if you ever choose to.
I didn’t had a chance to play the game I am a STEAM player. But I totally agree… The Choices and Stats should really matter in game. and every girl I want to fuck or have, I have to deserve her through my choices and actions I make in game…
For example: if the game giving me a choice to cheat on Tracy. then I should suffer consequences in some way. depending how far I am willing to go with options that game giving me… The game should give the player that thin line that Justin should slip through with selection of the right choices with each scenario that game presents… and the player through the gameplay should discover that thin line… Or if I am pursuing any of the girls like Hannah, Lisa or any other girl… at some point certain consequences should catch me up that matters based on my choices I made… and my choices should matter because of the stats I build up through the game like my body and mind…
But if the game gives me that straight line for each girl or scenario where i need just to show up and do click – click – click in order to get that hot scene… Then the game won’t have that hot magic that drives me through the story… Where I should with some hard work and tough choices earn as my reward that Hot Scene. I don’t mean to be rude or judgmental… I just really like or should i say love this game and I am a HUGE FAN… I will always buy every DLC-expansion and every chapter of this game…
So the choices have no meaning and are not important… character Stats don’t matter… Just go CLICK… select the girl… CLICK… select the place… CLICK… select the animation… CLICK… you are ready to fuck. If that’s what this game becoming… Just fantasy with hot images and porn animations…
With no Lesson of choices… and Passion that drives you through the story.
It really like the new approach. In the past one wrong dialogue choice could block a whole story-path which was frustrating and you had to keep several saves and remember which belonged to which path. Now it’s more convenient and you still have to do certain things to accomplish your goal. Maybe leonizer can implement a “hard mode” with no rollbacks and no hints.
I guess the difficult thing is that at first you have to explore and find the perfect routines, and that’s fun. But the moment you know what’s what and the right routes, it becomes a chore. But making a game with both elements is hard ofc. New Game+ helps in most games, but it actually hinders some paths in others. Like in StT getting the orgy in the dungeon still is almost impossible if you haven’t played for a while and the gallery doesn’t work properly. In this remake at the moment your Mind really seems a useless stat. It could become more useful with the expansions.
I think a few examples of the top of my mind would be dream sequences when hitting certain mind stats. With the current cast or cast of other games. Like after seeing Lisa in the nurse outfit, it could become a fantasy when max inspiration is high enough. Fantasy when masturbating in the shower would make even more sense than a dream sequence.
Or they could finally do something with the watching porn thing. There’s a whole catalogue of porn game. I think you could just straight up add scenes from other games into the porn here. No need for writing or whatever. And the options for what porn to watch would depend on the Mind stat.
And lastly ofc. The erotic novels are nice and all with the AI generated images. But I can’t imagine that’s the end goal. When announced they were doing something with that, I figured eventually those erotic novels would either play out a bit, or Justin would fantasize about Tracy being in the Erotic Novels. Like the Detective one and what work has been done on the Detective Tracy game.
The game bug on my chromebook, I don’t have sound, I don’t understand because I didn’t have this problem in the first early access (preview 1).
I think it’s really bad idea to remove SKILLS, STATS, RELATIONSHIP, and CHOICES that really matters… and only have few actions that will give you that straight line that will lead to from one sex scene to another building and Improving the statistics of character is important. and based on how i improved my stats… the certain choices should be unlocked for me to progress with the game… If my statistics is bad then of course I’ll unlock the bad endings and events… where it will lead like losing Tracy losing Lisa…
Like older classic LOP games where SKILLS, STATS, RELATIONSHIP, and CHOICES really matters for the outcome of the events, sex scenes, and endings.
For example Justin’s writing…
To be successful in my writing I must work and level up my writing skill perhaps through finding inspiration… and with high statistic numbers of writing skill I leveled up through reading books or practicing on computer or something I’ll have options for better novels and even greater inspiration….
With this the writing should really matter in the game. and it would really mean something.
For example: Statistic Marriage & Relationship with Tracy:
The relationship with Tracy. and my relationship statistics with her.
spending time with her… taking care of Charlie.. helping her with house chores… buying her gifts… having sex with her… go on a travels with her…stuff like that should keep number up on my statistic and my marriage with Tracy… and in case the numbers on my statistic drop down i should just go back and try to repeat them to maintain my relationship with Tracy.
and if every time i cheat on Tracy the numbers on my statistic relationship with her should Drop down. then when i hit the certain numbers on my statistic i can expect that Tracy cheat on me and then i would need to get back to Tracy to rebuild and maintain the relationship with her all the time if I want to keep my marriage.
I can cheat Tracy. And Tracy can cheat me of course.
as long as I keep the statistical relationship numbers somewhere in the middle and in check. then the numbers on the statistic with Tracy should always go up and down… depending on the choices and actions i make…
But if my stats drop to zero with her… I can expect which guy she’ll go and leave me with… With this the relationship with Tracy should really matter and mean something in the game.
…and then the word “TEMPTATION” that this game carries at its core should really be expressed in its real form.
I bought the SERENA: DARK CONFESSIONS. on STEAM because I am fan of Serena…and i have like maybe 12 hours of play…
I unlocked everything all the scenes and endings and that’s it. Aside all those beautiful images and hot scenes they are really hot and i like them all but i don’t play it anymore. WHY? Because the game has nothing to keep me occupied and to make me stay to repeat my actions over and over… I’m sad to say all you do in that game is click – click – click Just chose the direction path and all other actions are automated based on game and how the game decide not the player.
But LWT: Luscious secrets. I have over 100 hours play on STEAM. Why because the game itself keeps me passionately occupied to repeat my chores . my actions. and my choices that matters. so I can see my favorite HOT SCENE once again which doesn’t come easily. and when i unlock that HOT SCENE… it means something to me… why because i put lots effort and time to get that HOT SCENE as a reward…and that’s why no matter how many time i finish the LWT: Luscious secrets… after some time i still get back to replay it… Because the game itself has the hook that makes me want to come back and repeat all over again.
I would say that Chores, Choices, Statistic, Skills, it really really matters in the game…
Its because of them that i keep getting back to repeat the game over and over again because it keeps me passionately occupied. To once more i reach that HOT EROTIC SCENE, that i earn as a reward of my hard work through playing.
I’m a hardcore fan of LWT: Luscious secrets…and because of it I even made a guide for everyone on Steam on how to unlock gallery sex scenes for everyone who needs it.
How can you get the swingers scene?
Finally played for a few hours and reached the new vegas scene, huge upgrade to the original version. Overall the game feels way more alive with the subtle animations of characters and the new environments. There’s so much potential layed out that now needs to be filled. Can’t wait for the new additions you already teased. Hope the development goes well so we don’t have to wait that long.
Does Tracy only have sex with Daniel? Doesn’t she have any scenes with other foreign men?
Yes, and the Vegas scene. Swinger club ist missing in the current version and will be rebuilt.
Oh man I love this. Am unbelievably excited to see more, especially if it involves Dominique!
I think sometimes the flow of the events is just off. Like something happens with Tracy, so she is obviously home, then the event ends and she is back at work again? And its still 12:00? Like, the one with Justin getting the publishing deal?
Also, when you invite Lisa to the bathroom and Tracy is at work, she will still say “Tracy is home” when you pick the “Gently touch her thighs” option.
Also, telling Tracy about the plug should be one time thing, after that, it should just be ‘Use the plug’ or something.
Next one, is hiding with Lisa in the garden so Tracy cannot see… when Tracy isn’t even home, it doesn’t really make sense.
On the other hand, you can have Lisa masturbate with the banana or ‘relive the no touching scene’ with Tracy in the next room. I dunno, but that seems little bit too risky.
The game seems to need some logic fixed.
Early in my first playthrough, I was presented with the quest to continue the cuck path, allowing Tracy to go to the cabin alone and meet Daniel. But even after she did that, and successfully went down that path, I was then allowed to have Vegas weekend.
If Justin is TRULY the cuck, Tracy wouldn’t be having a vegas weekend with him. She’d be having a Vegas weekend without Justin and with Daniel, sending back pictures, videos of how her alpha kept her sexually satisfied. At best all 3 go to Vegas and Tracy makes Justin sit in the corner as Daniel fucks her.
It seems like there are quite a few scenarios like this where one path should supercede the others and instantly fail them if the one completes.
Quick question in one of the past blog post along with this update. A scene with Tracy in a alley way with a stranger was posted. Wasn’t sure if this made it into the update or not ?
I played through all of Lisa and sandy stuff and i dont really like how everything is easy now. I dont want things to be super difficult either but, i can now just click an image and be taken to lisa, click next available dialogue. no risk of clicking wrong, nothing like that.
You’d think it would be what id like, but no, apparently not. I like the little added difficulty, and that things have consequences. I like that its renpy. The money after getting things rolling seems absurd and there is not enough things to spend the cash on.
How can I replay scenes that I have discovered?
First, I just have to say that this is the hottest near-reality environment I have ever enjoyed, which is really saying something after thoroughly enjoying CVR: Midnight Bliss. After completing nearly 300 game days, I think I have finally experienced everything this “preview” has to offer, and I just have to convey my kudos to you. The subtle way you keep Justin true to his love of Tracy, while enhancing his life with his lust for Lisa, but never reducing his need to explore his excitement of the unknown. The inclusion of the task to-do lists you have included has really taken the enjoyment of these fantasies to the next level. I am really looking forward to seeing what you have in store for future additions. I realize that everyone has their vast variety of fantasies that can play out with the many characters you have already introduced, but I figured I would add my two cents when it comes to a wish list. First, I know that you have already teased at some of the updates you have planned, but I would love to see the Tracy situation evolve into so many areas, including (but not limited to) hot wife, gang bang, cum slut, and maybe even secret porn star/content seller with a “fuck-a-fan” option as the cherry on top. Second, considering that Justin already has accepted that Lisa and Derek are still intimate, I don’t think it would be a stretch to begin corrupting her with the addition of a threesome, both with women and men. (on a side note, I think it would be very hot to include a little side story where Justin ends up separately sharing both Tracy and Lisa with the pizza guy, and tipping him really well to keep his mouth shut). And finally, it would be awesome if something could be added where things can go very casually to the next level with Sandy, considering what is already going on. These are certainly not criticisms, just ideas I’m throwing on the pile. Keep the amazing content cumming. Thank you.
Hi all! The game turned out to be very hot.
I would like to express my gratitude and some feedback:
1. On the one hand, by reducing the number of Justin’s characteristics, the game has made it easier to achieve hot scenes (and now there are a lot of them in the game), but the game has really lost the intrigue of getting a new scene.
2. On the other hand, I didn’t have enough provocations from Lisa and Tracy. For example, if you get level 2 with girls, then when choosing Justin’s actions like relaxing, resting, you would expect Lisa or Tracy to flirt with him.
3. My favorite heroine in all the games was Lisa, but you tried very hard and now Tracy is a real competitor to her. There are no complaints or any suggestions for Tracy’s scenes, they are truly crazy. But regarding the scene with Lisa, I have a couple of wishes and suggestions. I would like to have an anal sex scene with Lisa, and also add more close-ups when creating new scenes.
4. I would also like, if I had a good relationship with Tracy and Lisa, during intimate scenes between Tracy and Justin, Lisa would spy on them. Yes, there are several scenes like this, but I would like more.
5. Well, it would be cool to do a storyline if Lisa caught Tracy with Derek, and in revenge cheated with Justin, as an alternative way to move to the second level of the relationship between Lisa and Justin.
I wish you creative success!!!
One of the small wishes:
Realize the opportunity to follow Lisa when she is lounging in the living room in a nurse’s costume.
If Justin is on level three with Lisa, then you can add a sex scene with her.
If there is no level 2 with Lisa, but Justin meets two hot girls from the library there (provided that he was close to them), you can add a WMW scene where Lisa will peek.
And if everything is rotten with the girls, then you can just have a good time and come off.