American Sunset – presence and the future
October 18, 2024I’m glad to announce that the development of AMERICAN SUNSET is going very well, and we expect to release this version of the game soon. We’re considering two potential release dates: the 25th of October or the next possible release window, the 8th of November. Of course, we’re trying to release it ASAP, but we have some things to do before we’re done.
The game is still missing ENDINGS texts (+ some modifications to one of the scenes) and more hours spent on testing everything. The game has so many variables, conditions and scenes that getting to every scene and testing if everything works right is an epic endeavor. Remember that right now, you’ll be able to play almost every content released to LWT up to date, including WIFE GONE WILDER, WEEKENDS, LUSCIOUS SECRETS (without KEIKO and TRACY’S OFFICE scenes) + all new scenes developed, especially for AMERICAN SUNSET with the expansion of scenes presented in previously released expansions.
We’re aiming to release it next week, but please be understanding if we push the release date to November 🙂 Certain aspects need more time and we want to make sure the game is fully developed before putting it out.
And yes, while we’re finishing the development of the BASE version of the game, we’re continuing our effort to develop much more content for it.
So, what can you expect in future updates?
Renovation of Justin’s basement, during which you’ll meet CALEB, DEREK’S friend. He will not only finish your basement, creating a new interactive space in your house but also get involved in a hot romance with your wife. After your permission, she will tease him, and finally, the three of you will land in the redecorated basement for an uber-hot threesome scene.
Then, we’ll focus on DOMINIQUE, whose route will be vastly expanded in comparison to the base game. Presently, you might get a feeling she is a very business-focused person who could boost JUSTIN’S career forward. That’s true, but not the complete picture of who she really is. Prepare for something with a substantial emotional load, which would affect not only JUSTIN but also his wife, TRACY.
As we’ve revealed before, our plan is to add extra content for every girl you saw in the game in the previous versions. Currently, in the BASE version of the game, you’re going to find:
- much more scenes with TRACY and LISA, who play the most crucial role in the game
- expanded scenes with SANDY – right now, she has become a datable character
- the same treatment for HANNAH means adding new scenes and cool daily interactions
- daily interactions for COCO
Our next goal is to add more scenes with COCO and move her story beyond the lesbian scene between TRACY and her, presented in the LUSCIOUS SECRETS expansion. We’ve already started to render scenes, and I need to admit that our plans are ambitious – we plan to present one of the scenes in Tracy’s hometown, by the same lake where her weekend cabin is located.
And that’s not everything – we got even more content planned!
Want to WISHLIST AMERICAN SUNSET on STEAM? We would be honored!

Yes! Can’t wait!
Regarding the Caleb arc, if we could also share Lisa with him, that would be great as well
Wow, I’m impressed how fast you got with the development, the migration to Renpy was really worth it. LwT is my favourite game and the additions look and sound great. Can’t wait for the expansion.
I’ll be honest, I don’t get the need to invent Caleb. Couldn’t we just have Derek renovate the basement for us? That would have introduced a LOT of potential combinations (Lisa and Derek; Tracy and Derek; Justin and Derek; Lisa, Justin and Derek threesome; Tracy, Justin and Derek threesome; Tracy, Lisa, Justin and Derek foursome).
Some of these combinations have been teased for years (ever since the first the dinner scene in the first version of the game, plus the Derek-teasing scene with Tracy), yet for some unknown reason, we have to introduce a completely new character into the mix, that makes some of the scenes I listed less likely, because Caleb, unlike Derek does not have the necessary connection to Lisa.
I don’t know if it’s the designers or the community’s hate for Derek! I’d have liked to see his role extended as they teased with the extended cut scenes by the pool they had in the first demo of this revamp. But from what I’ve seen they removed those in the second demo.
We had teaser pics of Derek’s appartement but that also went nowhere…
First they created Daniel and now Caleb… why when they already had a suitable character?
I feel like I’ve been waiting for a Derek and Tracy scene for 10 years. It’s RIGHT THERE, just make it happen, lol
I agree…We even gave so many ideas in previous posts, for possible scenes between Derek and Tracy…They just need to make the scenes finally happen.
The thing is, if/when they add Caleb, there will be even less of a chance to get Derek. What would the scenes be about? Here Tracy, have another young boy toy to play with? Doesn’t seem all that likely.
Not saying its impossible, I can see some, for example, Tracy/Lisa/Derek/Caleb stuff happening when Justin is not home (and with yet another girl getting added, there is plenty of reasons for him not to be), but my hopes are not exactly high.
Hope what hope. They didn’t event content on the topic… so I guess the game – at least for my p part – needs more updates before it’s interesting again. I’ll take a look in a year or two an see were we stand than.
I’ve just created an account in order to comment my agreement. More character development on fewer characters is better, especially for this game. That’s why it was so popular in the first place. I hope they do not add any more important/sexual male characters… totally agree, Caleb does not offer anything unique that Derek does not already provide.
For the Caleb scenes, will the dynamic be just a traditional threesome, or will there be a cuckold element option? Hoping for the latter…
I’m hoping for not even with Justin
Both Lisa and Tracy caught with him by Justin. If Justin’s trying to manage too many relationships, then they’ll go looking elsewhere, and with this guy working in the same house as Lisa and Tracy he’d spend quite a bit of time with them. Plus isn’t the story supposed to be Lisa introduces him to Justin/Tracy? Lisa already has a preexisting relationship.
Agreed 100%
Sure, have a threesome option for those who want that, but that dilutes the experience for me. Tracy and Lisa need to get with Caleb on their own and love it!
Plus, the fact that we are not getting the Keiko content, I hope that means we might see the old, or at least different design for Keiko. We really need someone with… more petite stature? Smaller tits? All the girls we get access to so far are fairly similarly equipped. Having two large chested blonde friends of Lisa is already a wasted opportunity (one of them could have been a tattooed chick with piercings and purple hair, or she could have been black, or I dunno… basically what I am trying to say, we need more variety in Justin’s potential conquests.
Tastes are different but I really like the new Keiko. There are variations from medium to large concerning the women in the game. Maybe the new CVR protagonist is more your thing.
Honestly liked the new Keiko over the old. I’ll agree that many of these games seem to favor quite large chested women, though Hannah is the most outrageous in this game.
I am a big fan of the new Keiko as well. Hoping the next release after this one will feature a LOT of Keiko, she is one of my favorites now.
I’m perfectly happy to wait till November if you guys need the time to button things up. I know it’s impossible to bash down all the bugs before launch but I’ll take what I can get.
Looking forward to the game though, especially now that there are failure points for me to play around and make it feel a bit more like a game. Not sure about Caleb but I’m happy for more Lisa scenes (and the new Hannah stuff) in general. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for more shopping trips for more outfits and more excuses for Justin to whip out the camera lol.
Also, seems like the game is getting well underway to make room for basically any expansion idea you guys or the crowd come up with. It’ll be fun to see if we get anything like full-on exhibitionist Lisa or a cheating Tracy for Justin to voyeur on or any of the other naughty ideas bouncing around the game.
NTR and cuckold is too less
Dear God.. don’t like it don’t play it! Overcompensate somewhere else!
I played RELEASE: LWT American Sunset PREVIEW 2…and I came across small detail that bothers me…for example
Naughty night in Vegas-(Increase the RELATIONSHIP to 100)
Become Tracy’s Cuckold-(Join Tracy during the weekend trip to the CABIN)
Why would game do that?
it kills the Joy to explore the game and most importantly it kills the Anticipation of Hot Scenes as a reward of playing the game.
There is no room for brain to interact with the game, or to keep trying to figure out what must be done to unlock certain Sex Scene, because that will game do instead of player.
My choices don’t matter… and the game already revealed the outcome of my choices. I just need to keep clicking the game will do the rest.
If all Lessons and Passions are revealed…then what is left to play in the game… Just keep clicking and you’ll get your Pornographic animation in no time.
Everything else in this game is extraordinary amazing and beautiful except that small detail i just said…the designs, the models, the graphics, its just great cant wait to play.
This might sound gay but could you make Caleb more attractive. If I’m going to get cucked by this guy then I want it to make sense. This guy oozes beta energy. Daniel was manly atleast.
The Caleb model is definitely BAD in every way. He looks like a helpless teenager who still going to high school… I hope you guys will make the Caleb model better, at least to look like a man who is capable of doing and fixing things instead of a teenager, who came around at Justin and Tracy’s house asking them about his school homework.
use lwt2 gaberille and others make perfect tits with age all are huge its greedy