Lily – work in progress
March 7, 2017I want to let you know guys that right now I’m fully devoted to Lily game and the more time I spend with this project the more I adore the leading character.
Everything is going smooth and I predict that I’ll be able to release the game at the end of this month.
Great news. Thanks.
What about cvr expansion?
Cool, can’t wait for that
when we can expect the free game with Kim?
I hope it’s not the same as Living With Temptation 2 and i mean no stats no !repeating sex! scenes basic point and click and in some days game end.
I love the new graphics LWT2 engine is great
or quality however you like to hear it .
The Sex Scenes Repeating that’s why i play these games , and more the better !
I think the flow of the game was excellent, but it seemed forced in some areas. It seems like it could have benefit from time in-between the main cut-scenes of each day to explore the house and get a better opportunity to trigger or re-trigger more sex scenes.
The visuals were immaculate to say the least, and the game played out like a flash novel; truly a gem of a game in it’s own right. When fleshed out, I believe the expansion will put this game light-years upon LWT1.
completely agree with you regarding time format,i would revert back to classic 24h format like in lwt1 with options to explore the mansion and interactions with characters
also i would add one extra week to game too,that way the story and game itself wouldn’t feel so fast
!Oh And The Girl Characters From This Games Look Awesome!
I really hope there will be repeatable sex scenes in it too, and the option to download a folder of all the images and sex scenes from the game in HD would be cool too
is this game made on unity engine?
Great to hear, Leo! I confess I’ve been having high expectations for Daman’s next opus. I’m sure we’ll love Lily as much as you do 🙂
Really great news, the pics looks very promising.
Please put at least one Dp scene in this (not involve husband).All ur games involving dp were well received.
That would be cool, anal aswell obviously 🙂 and lots of other sex scenes too
Yeah yeah! Well received indeed. DP FTW!
In conjunction with all the elements of a great fiction i.e. characters, plot, sexual tension ;);) etc. you stand to make a ton a money Leo if you & your team simultaneously continue to elegantly impregnate the plot from various entry points with some hot ass dp or better yet mp, as you’ve done masterfully in the past.
You know, there was an article published in a Swedish newspaper way back when about what kinda pornography people preferred. According to the article, a large percentage of porn connoisseurs enjoyed watching one woman engaging with many men. Not tryin to start anythin … I’m just sayin… 😉 😉 😉
I rest my case – Leo.Thanks to skankhunt42
Great news! Just wondering the timeline of releases, will this come before CVR expansion? Will the free game with Kim be released this month? No rush, keep up the great work!
I think this will be out before CVR, leo said at the top that lilly in hawaii should be out by the end of this month, i think we’ve still got a few months before CVR comes out
Helllllooooooooooo LoP Community!
It’s been far too long since I had a little catch-up with you all. I have been recovering for a while and the doctor said the ringing in my head from being hit in the head with a frying pan for so long should dissipate in the next few weeks. So there’s that!
For this game, Lily is confirmed for her flight and is packing her bags as we speak, just some final system checks before take off to Hawaii! I can’t wait as this is my first game concept to be green lit and used for LoP and I’m so happy to see it grow into what it is now!
As for the CVR expansion, the club unlocked the Dungeon Room but there seems to be a bit of a mess there from being abandoned and unattended since Miranda, oops, I mean, MADAM Miranda last step foot in it. So once we shampoo the carpets and dust away any cobwebs (and maybe disinfect everything!) things should get rolling and the Dungeon Room should open for business!
The small bit of news I have from the wild west from a town called Snake Valley, is that some outlaws seemed to commandeer the wagon carrying a few key components to this little gem. But no worries, they told me the best marshals in the west are on the hunt and we should soon have what we need to complete it, but it may take some time.
And last, and surely not least, I want to say simply thank you to you, the players. Without you, I would be…well, somewhere fun and sunny I think and probably in good health too, but you know what I mean! You have given me a chance to voice my stories and given me the greatest thing of all: a chance to follow a life long dream of writing and publishing my works! And with the past two years working here finished and the third one starting now, I like to take this moment to say I love you all! And it’s because of you that I am here doing what I love and for that, and I give you my word, I am never ever going away!
Now, I need to get back to the office and say hi to everyone, especially Leo! *Opens door* Hey Leo! Oh, the doctor said I should be good, thanks for asking. Huh? Told people about the future plans? Well…kinda but it was all encrypted. What are you doing? Oh come on, at least get me some recovery time here before you-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
Stop being so abusive Leo.
If you want to keep him quiet use a gun (it’s a joke. Don’t take it seriously)
I’m so excited to play these games.
Thanks for checking in, Daman. Thanks for chartering this flight to Hawaii, good to see you here with the rest of us 😉 Can’t wait for take-off… fasten your seatbelts!
The image of Lily on your Instagram site is absolutely gorgeous. Lisa, by far, was my favorite character of all the LOP games…. but, if the rendering of Lily is a sign of things to come, she may supplant Lisa when this game is released.
Good luck, I hope the release of the game goes well and as scheduled. Looking forward to a trip to Hawaii.
Hey, Daman, have you ever thought of wearing a helmet to work – or switching Leo’s collection of pans with a nice Rubbermaid line?
I hope this trip to Hawaii will be as good as that Trip to Paradise. 😉
Are You guys ever planning to comeback with characters like Serena ( hottest women in LOP universum, I don’t know why she’s so often ignored in users top lists) and Julian ?
I’ve recently played LwS expansion again and I’ve got to say scenes, graphics, texts are masterpiece !
Best regards for lop team 😀
Agreed. Serena takes first place in my personal top 10 of hot LOP women. I’d like to see another game featuring her (preferably not as the playable character though, keep the pc a man),
Serena as a main character would be excellent in it’s own right. Possibly as a CEO of her own startup since leaving Julian for Tony and hooking up with one of his business savvy friends???
One can hope.
I’m really starting to think to stop this subscription. When I first joined this and sexandglory it was amazing now it has become drab. Promising things that never come.
I would strongly recommend it. Just sub when they release a game then unsub the next month. When was the last time they released a game on S&G?
Something completly irrelevant. Today I seen a model called Irina Ivanova. Lots of her pics reminds me a lot Eleanor in her famously hot red bikini (in the infamously wasted boat trip scene ). Google her if you need inspiation of creating more Eleanor pics. If you are Leo or work for him; if not than use it for something else.
Sir, if that is when Lily’s plane leaves for Hawaii, then that’s the best news I’ve had today.
I am looking forward to the trip! The previews have looked stunning.