Eleanor 2

Written by Daman

Table of Contents: (Use CTRL ‘F’ and type the code to jump to the section you want)
Disclaimer and Intro (DSC)
Rules (RLE)
Conversations (CNV)
Places (PLC)
Items (ITM)
Event (EVT)
Extra Scenes (EXS)
Specials (SPC)
Achievements (ACI)
Endings (EDG)

Disclaimer and Intro (DSC)
Hello everyone, welcome to my guide!  In this guide you will find everything you need to get achievements, special events, endings and more in Eleanor 2.  Please do head over to lessonofpassion.com for more great games such as this one and support them!

The following guide contains themes and characters that belong to Lesson of Passion.  This guide is fan-made and was created out of respect and for recreational fun.

This is a free guide; if you have paid a site and were redirected to this page, ask for your money back, it is a scam.

Note: This guide reflects the new expansions and varies differently from the first release of the game.

Rules (RLE)
One year has passed since we last saw Eleanor. Last time, she paid her debt off back to her husband, Drake, while she secretly hid her “methods” of raising the money. But as time went on, Eleanor sank back into her boredom looking for something new to occupy her time, that’s when Drake decided to fold up his old company and then move him and Eleanor to a new city to start a new one. Looks like Eleanor may have something interesting happen to her afterall…

Similar to the first Eleanor game, the game features Fidelity Meter. For every good deed, like cleaning the house or being loving to your husband, or evil deed, like sleeping around with others or strutting your stuff at the strip cub, will be reflected in the meter. Certain actions and even certain dialogues reflect upon this meter, if too high Eleanor will be unable to perform lude acts and if too low her husband may grow uneasy around her.

The game also features a ten point leveling system for your stats. For every ten-point mark, the stat gets a single point for use. For example, if your look stat is 34 points, Eleanor will have three points on her Moral. This works for all stats and maxes out at 6 points. Below are all the stats and what the correlate to in the game:

Look: Sometimes it pays to spend an hour or two brushing your teeth and doing your makeup. For every ten-point mark you get for your Look, you will score a point for your Morale. Morale allows you to perform boring tasks like cleaning and working more often during the day.

Fitness: Looks can only get you so far. You need a killer body to back it up! For every ten-point mark you get for your Fitness, you will score one point for your Stamina. Stamina allows you to perform more exhausting feats from dancing to even sex. It also allows you to go through sex scenes faster.

Sex: And of course, once you get them in the bed, you need only to impress them one last time! For every point you get for your Sex, you will score one point for your Sex Vibe. Your sex vibe allows you to perform more sexual acts.

NOTE: Please also note that when going to bed every night, Eleanor’s base stats drop by one point! So plan ahead and make sure you keep the levels high enough.

Conversations (CNV)
Below are the characters interaction section where certain actions yield certain results. Below are all the interactions/conversations and gifts that Eleanor can do with other characters.

Watch TV Together (3 Hours) +2 Morale, +2 Fidelity, +5 Drake
Kiss Him Passionately (1 Hour, 15 Drake) +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +1 Fidelity, +2 Drake
Say Some Kinky Words in his Ear (1 Hour, 30 Drake) +1 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +1 Fidelity, +3 Drake
Watch Porn Together (2 Hours, Sex Vibe 2, Porn Channel Subscription, 80 Drake) +1 Morale, +3 Sex Vibe, +1 Sex, +10 Drake
Get Naked in front of Him (2 Hours, Sex Vibe 3, 100 Drake) +2 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +2 Sex Vibe, +5 Drake
-Ask him to finger your pussy +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +10 Drake
-Ask him to lick you +1 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +2 Sex
-Masturbate in front of him (1 Stamina, 4 Sex Vibe) +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, -1 Stamina, +20 Drake (REPEAT)
–Cum for him (Stamina 2) +3 Morale, +7 Sex, -All Sex Vibe, +15 Drake
–Try and Hold Back (END)
Give Him a Gift (See Items Section for details)
Massage His Back (1 Hour, 10 Drake) +1 Morale, -1 Stamina, +1 Fidelity, +1 Drake
-Kiss His Neck (1 Hour, 15 Drake) +1 Morale, +1 sex Vibe, +1 Fidelity, +2 Drake
–Touch His Crotch (1 Hour, 50 Drake) +1 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +1 Fidelity, +1 Drake
Lay Your Head on his Knees (2 Hours, 5 Drake) +1 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +3 Drake
Lap Dance for Him (1 Hour, Stamina 1, Sex Vibe 3, 60 Drake) +1 Morale,  +2 Sex Vibe, -1 Stamina, +1 Fidelity, +10 Drake
-Let Him Go (END)
-Make Him Cum in His Pants (Sex Vibe 3) +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +2 Sex, +10 Drake
–Take his cock out and make him cum over your face (Sex Vibe 4) +2 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +10 Drake
–Continue +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +5 Drake
Invite Him to Strip Club (3 Hours, Striptease 40, Sex Vibe 4, 200 Drake) +2 Drake (If under 300 Drake, scene will end) +5 Sex, +50 Drake

Don Mario
Talk to Him (1 Hour)
-About his wife +10 Mario
-About his business  +5 Mario
-About your role -2 Mario
-About your Drake -3 Morale
Sit on the Sofa and Spread your legs for him (1 Hour, Fidelity <40) -2 Fidelity, +5 Mario
-Masturbate for him (2 Stamina, 3 Sex Vibe) -2 Stamina, +1 Sex, +2 Sex Vibe, -1 Fidelity, +5 Mario
–Cum for him (2 Stamina) +2 Sex, -All Sex Vibe, +10 Mario
–Stop it (END)
-Invite him inside (Sex Vibe 2, Fidelity < 30) +1 Sex, +2 Sex Vibe, -2 Fidelity, +10 Mario
–Suck his cock (2 Stamina, 3 Sex Vibe) +1 Sex Vibe, -2 Stamina
–Let him ride you doggy style (3 Stamina, Sex Vibe 2) -3 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe
—Let him cum inside you (Sex Vibe 3) +3 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +7 Sex, -5 Fidelity, +30 Mario
—Let him cum over your face +2 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +2 Sex, -2 Fidelity, +10 Mario
–Sit on him and invite him inside your ass (Stamina 3, Sex Vibe 5, Sex 60) -3 Stamina
—Let him cum inside you (Sex Vibe 3) +2 Morale, +10 Sex, -5 Fidelity, +30 Mario
—Let him cum over your face  +2 Sex, -2 Fidelity, +10 Mario
-Play a good girl +1 Morale, +2 Fidelity, -5 Mario
Give him a gift (See Items section for details)
Talk again about his offer (2 hours, Sex Vibe 3, >50 Fidelity) -5 Fidelity, +50 Mario
Kiss him (1 Hour) -1 Fidelity, -1 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe, +2 Mario
Caress Him (1 Hour) -1 Fidelity, -2 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe, +3 Mario
Caress His Crotch with Your Ass (Sex Vibe 2, >50 Fidelity) +5 Mario

Talk with her (1 Hour)
-About her husband +1 Morale, +10 Celeste
-About her work +1 Morale, +10 Celeste
-About her plans for the future +1 Morale, +10 Celeste
-About her naughty nature +1 Morale, +10 Celeste
Flirt with Her (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +3 Celeste
Kiss Her (1 Hour, 30 Celeste) +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, -1 Fidelity, +5 Celeste
Caress Her Pussy (1 Hour, 80 Celeste) +1 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, -2 Fidelity, +10 Celeste
Give her a Gift (see Items section for details)

Talk with Her (1 Hour)
-About her boyfriends +1 Morale, +10 Amelia
-About her work +1 Morale, +10 Amelia
-About her private life +1 Morale, +10 Amelia
-About her being bitchy -2 Morale, -20 Amelia
Be Mean to Her +1 Morale, -5 Amelia
Ask her how is it doing -1 Morale, +1 Amelia
Compliment Her -2 Morale, +1 Amelia
Give her a Gift (see Items section for details)
Invite her to Celeste’s Spa (100 Amelia) +2 Morale, +20 Amelia
Take her to the Strip Club (150 Amelia, Sex Vibe 4) +2 Morale, +30 Amelia

Places (PLC)
NOTE: Any actions with a “*” are hotspot actions that require players to click on a character.

Make Up (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +2 Look
Brush Teeth (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +2 Look
Take a Bath (2 Hours) +1 Morale, +4 Look,
-Shave Your Legs (1 Hour) +2 Look
-Masturbate In Bath (1 Hour, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 2) -2 Stamina, -2 Sex Vibe, +3 Sex
*Kiss Him From Behind (1 Hour, Only at 8:00)  +1 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +2 Drake
*Take a Bath In Front of Him (1 Hour, 1 Sex Vibe, 50 Drake, Only at 8:00) +2 Sex Vibe, +2 Fidelity, +8 Drake

Sleep (Advance to next day)
Examine Your Wardrobe (1 Hour)
Play With Your Pussy (1 Hour, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 2) +2 Morale, -2 Stamina, -2 Sex vibe, +3 Sex
Read Erotic Book (2:00) +1 Moral, +2 Sex Vibe
Take a Relaxing Nap (4:00) +1 Morale, +2 Stamina, -1 Sex Vibe
*Put sexy lingerie on (Sexy Lingerie) +2 Sex Vibe, +10 Drake
–Wish him pleasant dreams +1 Morale, +2 Fidelity, +2 Drake
–Share some juicy gossip +3 Morale, +3 Fidelity, +3 Drake
–Kiss him good night +1 Morale, +3 Fidelity, +5 Drake
–Ask him to kiss your tits (Sex Vibe 1, Drake 50) +2 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +2 Fidelity, +8 Drake
–Sleep (Advance to next day)
–Suck his cock (Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 3, 200 Drake) +1 Morale, -2 Stamina, – All Sex Vibe, +5 Fidelity, +35 Drake
–Have Sex with him (Stamina 3, Sex Vibe 2, 150 Drake) -3 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe, +5 Fidelity, +20 Drake
—Over him your ass (Stamina 3, Sex Vibe 5, Sex 50, Drake 400) +1 Morale, -3 Stamina, +2 Fidelity, +8 Sex, – All Sex Vibe, +33 Drake
—Make him cum
—-Let him cum inside your mouth +5 Sex, -All Sex Vibe, +20 Drake
—-Let him cum inside you +2 Sex, – All Sex Vibe, +20 Drake
*Present him your elegant dress (Drake 150, Elegant Dress) +2 Morale, +1 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe, +20 Drake
–Spread your legs (Stamina 3, Sex Vibe 2) +2 Morale, +7 Sex, +5 Fidelity, -All Sex Vibe, +60 Drake
–Let him cum in your mouth +2 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, +7 Sex, +5 Fidelity, +10 Drake

Eat Something (1 Hour) +1 Morale
Drink Coffee (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +1 Stamina
Do Some Pushups (1 Hour, Stamina 1) +2 Fit, -1 Stamina, -1 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe
Turn the Washer On (2 Hour) -1 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +3 Housekeeping
*Kiss Him (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +1 Sex Vibe, -1 Stamina, +1 Fidelity, +3 Drake
-Ask Him to Lick Your Pussy (1 Hour, 3 Sex Vibe, 150 Relationship) +1 Morale, +2 Sex Vibe, +2 Sex, +1 Fidelity, +15 Drake
*Prepare Him Something to Eat (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +2 Fidelity, +3 Drake

Living Room
Clean Windows (3 Hours) -2 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +5 Housekeeping
Watch Neighbors (1 Hour) +1 Morale
Read Fashion Magazines (1 Hour) +1 Morale

Read Marketing Books (2:00) -1 Morale, +2 Marketing
Watch a Movie (3:00) +3 Morale
Watch Porn Channels (2:00, Sex Vibe 1, Porn Channels Subscription) +2 Morale, +3 Sex Vibe
-Masturbate While Watching Porn (1 Hour, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 2) -2 Stamina, -2 Sex Vibe, +3 Sex
Masturbate On a Chair (1:00, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 2, Pink Dildo) -2 Stamina, +3 Sex, -3 Sex Vibe
Read Gossips Magazine (1:00) +1 Morale

Main Street
Distribute Leaflets (3 Hours) -2 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe, +Random Money

Start to Jog (2 Hours, 2 Stamina) +1 Morale, +5 Fitness, -2 Stamina, -2 Sex Vibe
Sit Under the Tree and Relax (4 Hours) +3 Morale, +2 Stamina

Pub (Opens at 18:00)
Order a Shot (1 Hour, $10) +2 Sex Vibe
-Flash Your Naked Pussy (1 Hour, 3 Sex Vibe) +1 Sex Vibe

Alley (Requires >70 Fidelity for the cat to appear)
Feed the Cat (1 Hour, Cat Food) +2 Morale
Take a Look at the Cat (1 Hour) +1 Morale

Conference Room
Study Marketing Materials (4 Hours) -3 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe, +5 Marketing
Watch the Panorama (1 Hour) +1 Morale

Drakes Office
Water the Plants (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +1 Fidelity
*Ask him if he’s feeling okay (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +2 Drake
*Bring him some coffee (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +1 Fidelity, +3 Drake
*Have Sex with Him (2 Hours, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 3, 150 Drake) +3 Sex Vibe, +3 Fidelity
-Let him cum inside your mouth (Sex Vibe 3) +2 Morale, +3 Sex, +2 Sex Vibe, +5 Fidelity, +30 Drake
-Ask him to cum on your stockings +2 Morale, +2 Sex, +1 Sex Vibe, +5 Fidelity, +10 Drake
*Kiss him and tell him that you desire him (1 Hour) +1 Fidelity, +1 Sex Vibe, +1 Morale, +5 Drake

Open Space
Answer E-Mails (2 Hours) -1 Morale, +1 Marketing
Relax a Little (1 Hour) +1 Morale
Work Over Company Website (6 Hours) -3 Morale,  -1 Sex Vibe, +2 Marketing
Prepare weekly report (5 Hours) -3 Morale, -1 Sex Vibe
Send offer to big companies (4 Hours) +3 Marketing

Spa (Unlocks after Possible Business Partner event)
Ask for a Massage (2 Hours, $20) +3 Morale, +3 Stamina, +2 Sex Vibe, +3 Celeste
Ask for an Erotic Massage (2 hours, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 3, 50 Celeste) -2 Stamina, +3 Sex, +10 Celeste
-Ask to Go Lower (1 Hour, Sex Vibe 3, 100 Celeste) +3 Morale, -5 Fidelity, +10 Celeste, +7 Sex, -All Sex Vibe
Relax (3:00) +3 Morale, +2 Stamina

See Items section for details

Put On Your Bikini and Sunbath (2 Hours, Bikini) +4 Look, +2 Morale, +1 Stamina
Sell Ice Cream (5 Hours) –3 Morale, -2 Sex Vibe, +Random Money

Strip Club
Dance on the Pole (3 Hours, 2 Stamina, Sex Vibe 3, Slut Outfit) -2 Stamina,
-Lean on Pole
-Present your boobs
-Sensually suck your finger
-Caress your pussy through the outfit (Sex Vibe 4)
-Spread your legs upside down (Stamina 1, Striptease 30) -1 Stamina
-Hang on the pole with one leg (Stamina 3, Striptease 50) -3 Stamina
-Finish the show (END) +5 Striptease, -2 Fidelity, +Random $
Practice some moves (1 Hour, Stamina 1) +2 Fitness, -1 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe, +3 Striptease
Order a shot (1 Hour, $20) +3 Morale, +1 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe
Ask for ecstasy (1 Hour, $50) +5 Morale, +3 Stamina, +3 Sex Vibe
Offer private dances (2 Hours, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 4, 30 Striptease, 40 Mario, Slut Outfit) -2 Stamina, +1 Sex, +2 Sex Vibe, +5 Striptease, -3 Fidelity, +Random $

VIP Room (60 Striptease, 70 Mario)
Offer VIP Services (2 Hours, Stamina 2, Sex Vibe 5, Slut Outfit) -2 Stamina, +3 Sex, -3 Sex Vibe, +5 Striptease, -7 Fidelity, +Random $

Fix your makeup (1 Hour) +3 Look
Drink a coffee (1 Hour) +1 Morale, +2 Stamina

Items (ITM)
Bikini $50
Slut Outfit $280
Sexy Lingerie $420
Elegant Dress $700
Cat Food $15
Sharper Razors $28 (Extra +2 Look when shaving legs)
Romantic Novel $35 (Gift for Amelia, +1 Morale, +20 Amelia)
Electric Toothbrush $38 (Extra +1 Look when brushing teeth)
Hardcore Erotic Book $60  (Extra +1 Sex Vibe, +1 Sexperience when Read Erotic Books)
Strong Brazilian Coffee $70 (Extra +1 Morale, +3 Stamina, +1 Sex Vibe when Drink Coffee)
Prepaid card for PORN CHANNELS $80
Sexy Red Lipstick $120 (Gift for Amelia, +1 Morale, +40 Amelia)
Fancy T-Shirt $180 (Gift for Drake, +5 Fidelity, +10 Drake)
Scent of Desire $210 (Gift fro Celeste, +50 Celeste)
Pink Dildo $300 (Gift fro Celeste, +1 Morale, +2 Morale, +40 Celeste)
Pack of Cuban Cigarettes $350 (Gift for Mario, +2 Morale, +40 Mario)
Silver Watch $430 (Gift for Mario, +1 Morale, +30 Mario)
Voucher for a Ferrari Ride $1200 (Gift for Drake, +2 Morale, +10 Fidelity, +80 Drake)

Event (EVT)
Day 3: Late Night at the Bar
Day 5: Eleanor tells Drake about Don Mario (Requires Late Night at the Bar event)/ Mario’s offer
Day 8: Simon at the Spa/ Celeste’s Offer (Requires 50 Celeste)
Day 10: New Intern Comes to Work
Day 11: Simon’s First Photo Shoot (Requires Simon at the Spa event)
Day 14: Meet Sam on Street
Day 16: Drake’s New Client
Day 18: Mario’s New Client (Requires accepting Mario’s Offer)
Day 19: Daniel Kingston Calls
Day 20: Daniel Kingston’s Party
Day 20: Simon’s Second Photo Shoot (Requires Simon’s First Photo Shoot)
Day 22: Simon’s Proposal (Requires not flirting during Simon’s Second Photo Shoot event)
Day 23: Girls Night Out (Requires Meet Sam on Street)
Day 24: The Nightmare Returns (Requires accepting Mario’s Offer)
Day 25: Drake and Eleanor Get Caught
Day 27: That’s My Son! (Requires Girls Night Out)
Day 28: Celeste’s Proposal (Requires Mario’s New Client)
Day 29: Drake Stays Late at Work
Day 31: Game Over

Extra Scenes (EXS)

Love My Shirt: If Eleanor gives Drake the Fancy Shirt and goes to the bar she can have sex with him in the alley (if his relationship is 200 or higher).

Sam’s Choice: During the scene where Sam and Eleanor are having a girl’s night out, Eleanor can either have sex with Sam by herself OR have group sex with the guys at the club. Later on, Sam will come over to Eleanor’s apartment to confront her about seducing her son. If Eleanor seduces Sam, one of two scenes will play depending on which option you picked when they went out: a lesbian scene or a threesome scene.

Specials (SPC)

Only One: If you buy the pink dildo from the store, be careful how you use it. Because if you give it away as a gift, you will no longer be able to use it for yourself!

Catching Drake: One of the hardest things to do is to catch Drake cheating on Eleanor on Day 29. To do this, you must do everything for him: walk around the intern, go to the clients place of business, etc. During these times, you will get small hints to Drake’s unfaithfulness. If done correctly, on the 29th day, a small prompt will come up saying that Drake is staying at his office. This is where you can catch him or ignore it for the two hardest endings in the game.

She Looks Familiar: If you go for the I’m Watching You achievement and get the scene, you may notice the girl in the window looks familiar. It is, in fact, Kim Peirce from City of Love.

Never Sexual Frustrated: Every time Eleanor goes to sleep, her Morale and her Stamina replenishes 4 spots. However, her Sex Vibe drops by 2 every night. Also, when she sleeps, each one of her base stats drops by one.

Good Wife and Dirty Whore Bonus: If Eleanor has a Fidelity meter of 50 and higher, whenever she has sex with her husband she will get extra stat increases. But if her Fidelity is 49 and lower, whenever she has sex with others she will get a small stat bonus.

Fancy seeing you here: If Eleanor goes running in the Park, visit the pub or visit the store, she can run into several other characters (if their relationship is high enough). Meeting with them will gibe you an automatic +5 relationship with the character.

Achievements (ACI)

Dirty Dancer:
(Requires 6 Stamina, Striptease 50)
Once you gain access to the Strip Club, choose to Dance at the Pole and perform all six actions on the pole. Once you finish the show, it will pop.

Cover Your Eyes:
Go on Simon’s Second Photo Shoot event and complete the photo shoot. POP

I’m Watching You:
Raise your Sex stat to 50 with your Sex Vibe to 5. In the bedroom, choose to Watch Neighbors until a cutscene appears. The higher your Sex stat and the more Sex Vibe you have, the better your chances.

Twisted Dreams:
Raise your Sex stat to 40 and Sex Vibe to 4. Go either to the bedroom and Take Relaxing Nap and/or go to the park and Sit Under the Tree and Relax. If done right, a dream sequence will happen. After completing three sequences, the achievement will pop.

Eternal Love:
(Requires 70 Fidelity)
Go to the Bar and then in the Alley and find the cat. Feed the cat 6 times to pop.

Mario Deep Inside:
(Requires 35 Fidelity, 60 Sex, 5 Sex Vibe, 3 Stamina)
Meet Mario in his office and Sit on the Sofa and Spread Your Legs for Him. Then choose to invite him inside, allow him to give you anal, allow him to cum inside you. POP.

Gift from Maranello:
Purchase the Ferrari Voucher from the store and give it to Drake as a gift. POP.

Welcome to the Club:
(Requires 50 Celeste, 100 Amelia)
During Simon at the Spa event, when Celeste kisses you, encourage it and complete the scene. Once you raise Amelia’s relationship to 150, invite her to the spa (you need to go to the spa after asking her). Stay with her and encourage Celeste to keep going with Amelia. POP.

Generous Offer:
After completing Mario’s New Client event, Celeste will talk to you at the spa with a proposal. Accept it and after a long sex scene, the achievement will pop.

Business Meeting:
(300 Drake, 120 Amelia)
During the Drake and Eleanor Get Caught event, if both relationships are high, a threesome scene will start. At the end, the achievement will pop.

Endings (EDG)

Ending 1: Finish the game with fidelity of 49 or lower.
Ending 2: Finish the game with fidelity of 50 or higher.
Ending 3: On day 29, when Drake is staying late at the office, go to the office.
Ending 4: On Day 29, when Drake is staying late at the office, don’t go to the office and finish the game.
Ending 5: During Celeste’s Proposal, agree to help her.
Ending 6: Complete Simon’s second photo shoot without seducing him. Go back to the Photo Studio and accept his offer.
Ending 7: During Celeste’s Proposal, refuse to help her.


  • Cole says:

    Eleanor is a superstar of LoP Gold. Dear LOP team u made something which I really miss to realize that it is not alive. Want to see more of Eleanor and I request you to pls bless us with more of Eleanor. Thanks !!

  • georgelamont77 says:

    I can’t get the ending for Drake cheating on Day 29. I know I have to do all his tasks but I must be missing something since I can’t get it. Anybody know what I’m doing wrong?

    • LOP_Daman says:


      Be sure that you are not raising your REL with Drake too high. A good way too is to not play around in the office with him and volunteer to walk with the intern and such so that Drake can have the chance to play around behind Eleanor’s back. If you are still having issues, please let me know and I can try and help out where I can.

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