About LWT2 and ELE2
June 30, 2015Today I’ll tell something about our 2 the most anticipated projects – Living with Temptation 2 and Eleanor 2.
1. We’re almost ready with all locations. Both iksanabot for LWT2 and rahvin for ELE2 surprised us with their imagination in terms of number and variety of locations used in those games. Almost every single location is unique – it had to be modeled and rendered from a scratch and this process is very time consuming.
Airplane, fabulous mansion with dozens of rooms, ledge in the mountain, offices, strip club, Saint Tropes style marina, spa, photo studio – a lot of stuff and a lot of work. But we almost made it – and the effect… you can see it below.
Living with temptation 2 locations
Eleanor 2 locations
2. Our visual artist are still busy with different projects – YamYoda with our first 3d game and Chestnut with a sexandglory.com game. Those projects are almost complete and starting from the end of July both of them will work over LWT2 and ELE2 only – I promise to update you with their progress.
3. Release date – it’s still hard to predict cause those projects are huge. Number of required renders and the complexity of scenes is really excessive. I can tell you that we’ll try to release both of this projects this year. Probably ELE2 will go first but I can’t guarantee that at this stage.
4. Before you’ll receive LWT2 and ELE2 we will update lopgold.com with previously mentioned games: Living with Serena (working like a madman to launch it this week), then COL expansion and Seducing the Throne.
So please arm yourself with patience and await further news.
Wow. The new visuals are stunning, and that’s an understatement. Can’t wait to play LWT 2…
Work you’ve done is just f***in amazing, it will be very, very hard to wait for those games ! Nice job guys ! I’m still waiting for news
These pics look amazing and they almost seem like actual photos. Kudos to the animators. I can feel the hype for both games getting higher and higher. The estimation on release date doesn’t really surprise me and it sounds like there will be plenty of games, both free and premium to fill the gap, so no worries there.
One word sums up those visuals, wow.
Great work guys, if the rest of ELE and LWT 2 are like those visuals, then take all the time you guys need.
The hype is real!!
Well if you ask me, the graphic previously was already perfect. I think that all we need is bigger games (LWT x3 for example in term of size and actions) as the graphic already had its own style.
I hope you guys won’t pull yourself into a graphic race which wasnt most important imho.
i agree with you,i have nothing against improving the graphics,this screenshots look incredible,but i loved the look of original lwt and eleanor,they were more artistic instead of realistic
still can’t wait for these two games,keep up with great work guys
nice job .keep going and give us some pictures of charecters ele2….
when release freegame this month? you promise release one free game end of june…
No. I said I would probably release it at the end of June / beginning of July. And right now I’m sure it will be delayed a little – around 17-20th of July.
thanks for answering.i check everyday your blog 🙂 and wait for new games…take sponser for your site and we support you.you can work with brazzers.com or realitykings.com and another best porn sites….just show them these game ,and they sure like that and i think they give you many idea for game and many support too….and you can render with real women like that 3d game and take too much money for that and help that sites for show some new girls…
Amazing graphics… what is this “patience” you were talking about? GIVE ME A THOUSAND GAMES! 😀
Seriously though, when can we expect Living with Serena? Is it a matter of days or more?
Leo is prioritizing this release, and as a result DWL has been put on hiatus UNTIL LWS is released. (the freegame is absolutely not “cancelled” – just delayed in favor of PremiumLWS.)
To answer your question, at this moment, it looks as if it will be completed by the end of this week, and hopefully released then aswell;)
Personally really, REALLY looking forward to CMD.
Keep up the good work!
I’m going to go ahead and say it, even though these pictures are amazing and I appreciate all the hard work that went into them, I’m disappointed we didn’t get any pictures of the girls. Right now I want to find a DeLorean and go back to the future so I can play these games already! On a similar note, have you guys ever considered selling custom artwork of the characters? Like a fan could request a still shot of scene that they wished had been in the game similar to the bonus galleries? For example in LWT-Justin and Lisa having sex in Justin’s bedroom or Justin having sex with just Sandy at the club.
i agree with you,it would be great to have more artwork since the artwork in bonus galleries always looks fantastic
All really beautiful guys 😉
I’m sure you are pretty much covered with quality graphics, I hope the story and gameplay will receive the same love 🙂
Keep up with the good work.
A word of warning from me: graphics are not everything.
Totally true man lop games’ graphics may have been getting better but the story line and game experience is also decreasing
Location graphic is amazing.
But location for LWT2 look very over the top rich royalty like.
So either Tracy and Justin got very rich or they ‘re moving into high society circles, ha ha.
Locations for ELE2 look more normal.
Waiting for characters images.
Also not all images are shown. There are total of 13 location images for ELE2 and 15 location images for LWT2.
Unless I’m misreading/mis-understanding what Leo said, those LWT2 visuals are from a vacation, which would explain the luxurious look of them.
So it is nice news. Images look great. And Eleanor will maybe sooner. no really great. Thank you very much.
To be honest I hope the LWT characters all release graphic bumps. I didn’t particularly enjoy LWT because the characters looked too plain and didn’t find the wife attractive at all. I hope they apply these new vividly beautiful graphics to all the characters as well.
What makes the games is if we find the characters attractive, and we need better and more busty versions of the very plain LWT girls.
You must have missed the big fuss over the new improved characters for LWT2. They had tried to improve them but the new versions were generally disliked and they were rolled back to earlier versions. It actually showed a fair bit of responsiveness to their fans and I doubt they will be changed too much now after all of the trouble.
I personally disagree with you. I find both of them very attractive and I’m not a big fan of every girl being “more busty” (some of them, yes) but to each his own. I wasn’t one of the people that would have complained and I will play the game either way.
This is incredible guys use have truly blown my expectations, i almost jizzed in my pants looking at those images and imagining what might happen in them. Also looking forwards to living with serena
Super, super impressed with the new visuals. The hype is real.
Please, take your time with LWT2and ELE2. It be best to get them wheb they are perfect, rather than broken.
These visuals are simply Outstandingg!! I hope the storyline will be as good, too. I really can’t wait for these two games, especially LwT2 😀
Man. Those are some darn good architectural renders
Awesome, really excited and eager to play those two games. Played the first ones and the sequels seem really promising.
Even though I almost can’t hold my breath to get the opportunity to put my hands on them, there’s no need to rush things, so please do it at your own pace and with the time needed to make them the most enjoyable experience ever in LOP games. I have to agree with some opinions when they say that, even though visuals are stunning, graphics are not everything, gameplay and storyline are more important things so I hope that a lot of effort are put on these elements.
Concerning now a more personal aspect of Eleanor 2, I was thinking if James the neighbour’s son would take a role and came from Europe with more experience and get involved with Eleanor in this new game in a more “complex” way. I admit I have a thing for sexual interactions with types of women that we generally fantasize when young , sort of saying, like sexy friend’s mom, hot teacher, well that kind of thing, but with a realistic and genuine approach (not necessarily romantic) instead of that artificial porn-style movies of Brazzers and other games.
Fantastic work. I just wish that you keep this momento and, with your motivation and passion, things will became even better and satisfaction and pleasure will be a logical corollary of events, and fans will feel the same way.
I knew I was not the only one.
Visuals are stunning guys, really looking forward to LWT2.
Keep up the good work, take your time, and enjoy the process!
Can you update the first game of LWT and add a treesome scene with Tracy and Lisa?
I played the game about 100 times and got the all endings, but was sad that there was no treesome with Tracy and Lisa…….
I very much doubt they’ll add more to LWT when the second one is evidently pretty fair along in the development process. However I vaguely recall iksanabot saying there’d be a possible threesome with Tracy and Lisa in LWT2, I’m not 100% on that though so don’t hold me to it.
I take it lwt2 won’t be released in summer like previously stated. Could we have some screenshots with the characters in the location to give a look of what the game will be like
Great work guys but don’t take much time for both these games coz I love bothe the games and I’m losing patience for these games to play.
So you would rather have a rushed, half-finished game, that can’t live up to the original, come out next month than a fully developed, fine-polished game that will actually be a worthy successor to LOP’s two most beloved franchises? Interesting…
Personally, I want them to take as long a time on these two projects as they need, even if that means it won’t come out till next year. The LOPteam has 3 premium games coming out before LWT2 and Eleanor 2, so there will be plenty of games to keep players busy till these two anticipated releases.
I’m really excited for this release and would love to see it tomorrow. But I also think we’ve seen what happens when releases are rushed. So shouldn’t we give them time to make intricate and detailed games with substance that we can enjoy for more than a week?
Actually man half a year is quite an enough time the problem here here is that they are working on too many projects
I find they whole this game is huge line hard to believe because that’s what you said about your last two game and both of them where really small
The amount of time it takes to play it, isn’t a reflection of how much work has to be done to create it. Take tv for example, a notable example is Game of Thrones, takes about 11 or so hours to watch a 10 episode series, which takes months of work from hundreds of people to create.
I know that when I made that comment I was comparing that games to his other games it seems like the graphics got better while the game play got shorter
I’m really excited about these sequels and I completly agree with Nemo.
Can we still expect Living with Serena this week? I know it’s friday…
I appreciate your hard work, guys!
I was hoping to see it this week too. Guess I’ll have to wait till I come back from vacation in two weeks. Oh well… 🙂
Normally they release a new game around late morning/early afternoon UK time, given its now 4:30pm its not looking likely.
LWS will be released this Monday (95%).
I just played LWT again and it is realy one of the best games. I just hope, that you Will not change it much (the gameplay). I like, that you can REPEAT the sex scene, it would be grate, if that would be the case in the LWT2. And I realy like the TEASING in this game. I think, that is the key to the grate game and I realy hope, the story in LWT2 Will have that.
Great work Everyone!
Is LWS a new short game or a premium game?
Both really;
It’s a premium game, but it’s smaller than other premium games like LWT or Eleanor because a bunch of impatient people complained that they weren’t getting the games out fast enough so LWS is the first in a bunch of smaller premium games.
Personally I think going this route will come back to bite the lop team since the same people that weren’t happy with the development pace will probably end up complaining that the game is too short; but what’s done is done.
To give you a more direct answer though, the game should be quicker than the date games or Divided Heart or whatever, but it will likely be considerably shorter than Living with Temptation or Eleanor.
What happened to the free dating games with Tracy and Lisa
Leo said in a post (New Lagoon Erotic Date: Gina) that those erotic dates games are still planned and he said that our jaws will fall on the floor.
LWT was really, really fucking good so I hope you’ll follow it up with something great as well.
looking good. the visuals look amazing, im looking forward to eleanor 2 there aint many female protaginst games on here i dont count outcast academy as its all female. that being said cant wait for the releases 🙂
i think most people like the lead character being female and making the choices for them, i hope to see more games like this
great work as usual.
i hope in the future you make game with high school/college theme like one of your earlier games high school romance.
u said that u rush to release Living with Serana this week..
Whats the progress on that?
Leo said there was a 95% chance of LWS being released on Monday. So hold on to your britches till it’s Tuesday in Hawaii
For those who didn’t heard it yet, info on LWT2 from Iksanabot:
“There is almost no stat building (none at all really, but it’s possible to interpret one aspect as stat building). The story takes place on a vacation in France, and the player simply play through a whole series of scenes running from the plane ride to France, through to leaving. There is some exploration, but mostly it is about making choices in each scene that influence what options are available in subsequent scenes. the one stat-building aspect is that you are visiting your super-rich, competitive-asshole cousin who is trying to seduce both Tracy and Lisa, and you have to make choices that keep you looking like the better man, in front of Tracy especially, but also in front of Lisa if you care about that, and in front of his wife, staff, and a sexy young visitor, if you want to reap the rewards of being the most desirable man in the house.”
Leo don’t be mad!
About the visuals obvious they are from vacation place in France but hope there will be other locations too.
ELE1 is the best game you guys created so far imo, i’ll be more than glad to see its sequel with more content than first one. keep it up.
Hey leonizer bro what is the release date of lwt2 and eleanor2 please tell me?
C”mon leonizer brother released these game as soon as possible I can’t wait more…….what about if I give you a idea for your next game after lwt2 and eleanor released I have a idea about girls clothes,style if you intrested reply thanks bro keep it up
I’m not Leonizer (or staff, for that matter), but an educated guess is that you will not see LwT2 or Eleanor 2 until Christmas, maybe not even till after New Year’s. Leo said that he aims to release the games this year, but at this point there’s no garantuee that will happen.
So my advice is to arm yourself with a lot of patience and not expect to see these two games for several months. LoP just released LwS and have another 2 releases planned before we see LwT2 or Eleanor 2.
Ahh nice to see a graduate gentel man thanks brother I also stop watching po*n because its destroying my life if you have any idea how to stop watching po*n please share with me my email id is shameemkhan802@gmail.com thanks a lot big brother….hope you are a indian..
I’ve been pondering this for days; how is part 2 going to work with all the multiple endings in the first game? Is it going to be like “Mass Effect”, where all the things you do carry over to the second game? What is awesome about LWT is that probably many of us played it many different ways. Will it facilitate our choices: Like seducing either girl, or both girls or even neither?
Keep up the good work guys and take your time with this game. Make it perfect.
In regards to Eleanor 2, Rahvin (the author) said that he tried writing a sequel where all the events of every ending was accounted for. But ultimately this ended up as a huge mess and he threw the script out and started fresh on a story that used only 1 of the endings of the first game as canon.
I imagine it will be the same with LwT 2
So will lwt2 have any of the wife gone wilder content like orgies or cuckolding or will it just be a win your wife back or go with a new girl type game?
I have a question for all staff and seniour brothers?
Can sexandglory games work in android mobile phone in swf format can is this possible to download sexandglory games and run in android phone please help me guys?