Driving with London is here!
July 17, 2015Today we’ve launched a new short free game.
Damn, Kayla overslept again. What’s wrong with this girl! I know she takes extra shifts and works late but… Sigh, she starts her job at the grocery in 30 minutes – there’s no way she’s gonna make it on time.
I guess it’s probably my fault that she needs to work so hard, I was unemployed for 6 months and just recently found a job… A high paying job to be honest.
I’m the personal driver for a rich connected guy named Jerry. He needed someone who he can trust and… that’s me.
Play as Ted and… follow one of two girls… Find new love or reveal the dirty secret.
London is waiting for your ride here: Driving with London at PF1
Don’t usually comment here, but man that game was so depressing. It reached ntr territory
I Agree, very disappointing.
Great game, but how do you reach love birds archievment?
Love Birds is when you go shopping with London and answer your phone. Leave London alone for a minute and kiss Kayla.
Not a bad little game. Short but Leo said “short free game”!
I thought the girls were hot. I think of this game as more of a test of an idea. I can see this being expanded to get further into Kayla and her “evening activities”, and, maybe turn the London angle into more of her convincing you to help and then actually planning and carrying out the murder/getaway….but let’s be real, we all just want to see more of Kayla being a whore! lol
Thanks again for the good work.
Yeah but the game is “Driving With London”, not “Driving With Kayla”.
Or they must make a game where we play Kayla to see the ins and outs of her job.
You get the love birds achievement if you don’t take the money and then meet kayla in the mall and kiss her.
How do I get Mr. polite?
I know leo said it will be a short game and these game are just for fun while we are waiting for bigger projects, But I think we deserve more complex and longer games while u guys work on LWT2 and other stuff
( This doenst mean that I dont like the game , I loved it but ı think it could be better )
“and these game are just for fun while we are waiting for bigger projects,”
Not really. I mean I played it a couple of times but after 5 tries I had already all achievements and saw everything.
No idea why I should replay it any time soon.
This must be the dumbest LOP game ever. Poor graphics, very poor story, extremly short. The worst LOP game ever. Such a shame that you released this piece of crap after Living with Serena.
Because the free players whine they want games. I say end the free games and make everything pay to play.
That has been suggested before and Leo said they will never get rid of free games. It’s a good platform for testing new game concepts.
Free games will always be lacking because they’re free.
Your opinion… And, you can actually stuff it and quit trolling.
Couldn’t agree more. The score on Play Force One for this game reflectsms opinon that it is pure crap.
I used to have a subscription with lop gold until LWS…
Even I expect bigger free games than this…
LWS was like a free game to me…
OK, you’ve tickled my curiousity… What exactly about LwS made it feel like a free game? The length (because premium games like Hank Moody and Trip to Paradise are shorter)? the graphics (because an LoP game has never looked better)? The amount of sex scenes (because LwS contains more sex scenes with more options than any free game)?
I am actually curious as to why some people think this should have been a free game.
I liked the story, specially with Kayla. Sadly, we couldn’t see more of it.
I hope you explore this “cheated” path in other games.
How do you get the Mr. Polite achievement?
Not the greatest game but also not the worst.
Can be used as foundation for something else.
Also the title is not the best. Maybe better if game was titles
Driver Ted or something.
Mr. Polite achievement – think it was to take the envelope with money, ask Jerry about it and not going into details but stop asking.
I liked it. I got what I expected and it’s FREE so shut the f%ck up with your whining…you didn’t pay for it and all your bitching is only making you look like the stupid tool you really are.
If there’s a way to block access/ban these kind of ungrateful trolls, that would be nice.
Back to the game. As I said, I for one liked it. Short, simple and with a decent amount of options/sex scenes and the girls were also very sexy. There’s something for everyone so no one’s forcing you to choose one path or the other, play it to your own liking.
If there’s anything to mention about it, I’d say that an option for full-screen while playing would be nice as I liked that with LwS.
1 disadventage id point out: if u go with london to the villa after shopping, there is no way not to have sex . u say u wont do it and yet still end up fcking her.
What i like about the game: the idea of romance between boss’s wife and his employee. A bit like in Eleanor and her romance with kevin. Would really look forward to see a longer, premium game with similar background. If im correct weekend with bradleys is gonna relate to this kind of stuff 😉
What’s with the aggression?
Chill out, everyone is entitled to their own opinion even on the internet…
I like the game. The sex scenes are boring but generally the story has a lot of potential. I believe it can easily turn around as a serious premium game. There is no problem about negative comments about free games. I believe the main purpose is to promote the premium games while testing the customer reaction. Therefore, negative comments should be welcomed. Some ideas for an expansion: London masturbating while Ted is driving, Jerry having sex with Kayla at the club while Ted is peeking, London having sex with Kayla while Ted is peeking, Ted is having sex with London at the club while Kayla and Jerry is peeking, etc.
It’s not just negative comments, people are complaining about it like the LoP team is owning them something and everything must be perfect so it can please all the trolls who get a free game.
They made it pretty clear that it’s a short game and only because they say so do you get to experience free games without some bs pay wall at some point.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is what they are looking for, not whining and bitching, and people need to stop comparing it to games that took months and months to make because ofc the quality of those games will be a lot higher…
If you don’t like it, pack your bags and gtfo, it’s that simple.
And you can quit tryin’ to be the boss of everything. People offer up their opinions differently. Some are exactly what the devs are looking for, others are downright abusive. However, in the gaming industry that’s just how it is and you’re not a moderator so get off the dick a while. Cool? Good. Welcome to the world of gaming…since you’re obviously new and can’t seem to see that you too are creating quite the whine fest about other people whining. Ironic, isn’t it? lol
I’m sorry, should I be acting like a self privileged idiot like the rest of the people here so I can “fit in” with all the trolls and 12 year olds ?
I say it how I see it, because that’s exactly how it is.
I did enjoy this phrase quite a bit however “you too are creating quite the whine fest about other people whining. Ironic, isn’t it? lol”
I’m guessing that you’re not the type that thinks before he types huh ? get back to crying about why the game isn’t as good as previous ones and don’t waste my time again.
So when people “whine/complain/don’t think before they type”, they are “crying”, “trolling” and being “self privileged” (is that even a word or a made-up term you just pulled out of your butt?), but when you do it (and you seem to do nothing but), you’re simply “saying it how you see it”? Seems like you should take your own advice and think before you type.
I agree with you that criticism is best when constructive. But until a moderator declares otherwise, they have the right to say whatever they want about the game without being “banned for being trolls”. A game isn’t immune to criticism simply by virtue of being free. I liked the game and don’t understand why a fair share on here seems to dislike it, but different strokes for different folks.
Until you’re given the status of moderator on this blog, why don’t you stop trying to backseat moderate. If you really dislike this the way things are on the blog, with all the “trolls” and “12 year olds”, you could always take your own advice: “pack your bags and gtfo” and “quit wasting our time”. It’s that simple.
It will be more exciting to play as Kayla. Being able to shape her into slut, decent woman, or something in between gives me more excitement
Does anyone know how to get the achievement: ‘Messy Cumshot’?
it’s too easy to figure it out, i’ll give you a hint: sex scene with london
WOW i cant believe some are complaining about this game its was great for a free game, the story is the thing that stands out for me it has so much potential
Dear LOP team,
after the many negative comments here I thought I must state my opinion too. I’m a faithful reader of your blog. Since 2013 I visit your blog regularly. Often I stay in the background and if I have something to say I say my opinion. I’m a big fan of your games (Free & Gold) and I wanna thank you for your work.
But I have to criticize something. Something that I noticed for some time. Since ELEANOR I noticed a quality decline of your games. Maybe I’m too spoiled by “blockbusters” as LWT and ELE. I have no idea. Of course I know that not every of your projects can be large like LWT & ELE. It is certainly a question of money and time. Recently I played the free games LAKE PARTY, STRIPPER PICK-UP & LIVING WITH SASHA. When I compare these games for example with DRIVING WITH LONDON, HOT WIFE TARE or PRIMA BALLERINA then they are significantly better and longer. There were of course exceptions, for example CAMERA BUSINESS.
More serious in this respect are the differences in LOP Gold games.
More about that later …
Last frre games can be defined in one word GARBAGE
LOP Gold…
CITY OF LOVE and JOHNNY BULLET were good games without any doubt. Great graphics, good stories and of course sexy women. But somehow lacked that certain something.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed playing these games and I still play them. CAMERA BUSINESS was then again a little highlight. But somehow I was no longer flashed. I miss the challenges in your current games. After a few days I often lose the interest.
Then DIGNITY ONE came and it was for me the negative peak.
Sorry for saying but I could not see anything good in this game.
I appreciate your work very well here but I want nothing to talk nice.
I think with LIVING WITH SERENA you have made a step in the right direction. The best graphics that I have seen in one of your games so far. And you were right from the start honest to say that this will be a short game. I respect that.
I look confidently ahead to your upcoming projects. Let your time and do not let yourself rush. I remain a fan despite some disappointments.
I like most of their games, but many do seem to be on the light side as far as content goes. Maybe the common practice is to toss games out to see if there’s any interest and then add updates and/or expansions to those that users seem to appreciate most.
I do think that most free games are used as a testing platform to see if there is interest in and potential for a more expansive premium game. There are some big free games in the mix though, College Romance, Living with Sasha, and Looking for Love are all fairly long.
I think the recent trend of shorter free games have to do with the improvement in graphics and framerate as these things probably get progressively more difficult to animate and code, and thus takes longer time.
Game is OK, Like the concept though
Would be good to have a LWT style game acting as a Crime Boss’ muscle and trying to nail his wife and daughter without him catching you
OK. Finally played the game. I got what I expected from a free game. Decent story, decent graphics, interesting girls (hope we get to see more of Kayla at some point). As was mentioned, the game is a bit short…
It doesn’t reach the height of free games like Stripper pick-up, Looking 4 Love, and Working for Evil, but it’s certainly not a bad game either.
I don’t understand the people who say this is a garbage game, but each to their own, I suppose.
I think this was the first fresh air after your declining quality since Eleanor add-on(That doesn’t count for Sexandglory, games from that team is always amazing IMO.). I mean it’s not a masterpiece or maybe even a good game but I think it’s a step to right path. It was daring about fetishes like cuckold and cheating, and it made me feel angry, happy, aroused in some scenes. Plot has some nice twists and text in sex scenes was good, albeit over the top. You know, I think the writing and handling of fetishes make or ruin your games, more than graphics or gameplay(gameplay is much better and in recent SexandGlory games btw). LWT was perfect thanks to the iksanabot’s great script, and LWS wasn’t as good as your older games because it tried handling too many fetishes and character development in such a short game.
Any thing new on call me desperate!?