Call me desperate
September 7, 2015We’re ready with a new free game.
– Where’s my money boy?! I loaned you 5000 bucks at the poker table, and I want my money back with interest… Let’s say 1000, and I want it today. We had a deal, or do I need to refresh your memory a little more creatively?!
– Uh, no I get it. It’s just, there is a little problem… I still don’t have it, well not all of it… Can we work something out? – Aiden was terrified.
– Gimme your address, boy. I will send one of my “negotiators” over there right now to work it out with you… Tomorrow evening it will be 7000 bucks… And if I don’t have that 7000 tomorrow night, you will see my bad side Aiden. See ya tomorrow, loser!
Grab your photo camera and open your studio here: Call me desperate at pf1
If you cum inside her the game gets stuck. hope this help you fix the bug leo.
ANNA I should of put.
game seems to get stuck on part where she says *but hes an old prick! I could be his daughter! tryied reloading the game nofthing even on replaying
Yeah this is also a bug.
All those issues are fixed with version 0.91
I don’t think there is any other bugs.
none of the endings will load for me
same here…
Same. No endings
The URL for the endings is wrong, it is set for “driving with london”. If you change dwl in the url to cmd you can see the endings.
Thanks for the tip. It’s something the team should have checked before releasing the game…
LOP Team,
Please stop wasting your time on shitty free games. Driving with London was by far the worst free game you ever released but Call me desperate might trump it. Buggy, boring story and poor graphics compared to some of your other games.
Why waste resourced and time on games like that? Both games have rightfully low scores on Play Force One.
I don’t think they should stop free games, and Leo said they will never do that. Personaly I discovered the LOP world a long time ago with the game I Love Laura, still one of my favorites. Free games are a show room for the premium site, and an experience field for the team. It’s useful. Even if I have to admit that the general qualities of the free games have lowered, they are still better than 90% of the other internet games.
The issue is that the free games they released recently are crappy and short.
In the past, they have released good free games like Jordan 500 but Driving with London and Call me Desperate are both shitty. The story is poor and I doubt these low quality games will attract new customers.
Why release a free game which you can get money for. The free games will always be the games not good enough for GOLD.
My Girls Is a Model, Ryan Blender and some more are interesting and cool games with good storyline and scenes,the latest games are poor,sex scenes are so boring and its just bad idea to make them more with this mechanism and gameplay.
I experienced the same bugs than the others… I don’t remember you have released a so buggy game before. I don’t usually complain about free games (it’s always cool to have quality games for free) but I expect them to be at least playable. I don’t understand what happened here, maybe the game has been rushed, maybe a technical problem occurs. I just hope we are not seeing the consequences of the decision taken a few months ago to release more games…
My only advice as a long time fan : take the time you need.
The most buggy game you have ever published, i understand small mistakes (graphik etc.), but when the team finish a game do they even play it themselve, to look if everything is ok? I mean that would take 3-10 minutes . Things like this bring me worries about the bigger projects…
You can do much better, lessonofpassion team.
– troubles with showing the endings
– story to get into photoshooting with Anna makes no sense (why is Aiden creepy when he tells that the price is higher for a discreet shooting? and when he wants the standard price she complains about paying for every breath?
– if you get into the sex scene with Anna you’re not able to get money to pay Princess -> story ends -> you cant blackmail Anna (i dont know if this is scripted but this makes no sense)
Can you blackmail Anna or what?
Its in the ending which currently doesn’t work.
Think it’s a great game, good addition to the collection of free games.
One note there are five endings. The final page (in version 0.92) say you have reached one of four endings.
Got all achievements except “Creepy old farts”.
How to get it?
Can’t blackmail Anna during game it’s in ending 2.
Do everything with Anna and refuse Princess to get it.
There are 5 endings (not 4).
Anna is based on Tracy from LWT.
Ok. Now that the endings are up and running I did a playthrough. My first thought: This game seems very, very rushed. A fair share of initial glitches, a lot of text that doesn’t make sense (fx when choosing what to say or do, the response it evokes doesn’t match up with your choice), and a fairly rushed story.
I realise that this is a free game and in no way am I expecting a premium-quality experience. But this seems to be a step down from previous free products.
The graphics are good, as always (that’s always the case even with free games I don’t particularly enjoy, such as Driving with London or Erotic Date: Gina), the girls, although nothing special or unique, are physically appealing and the animations are smooth. Didn’t really like the male character’s look. If I have to play as a sleazy douchebag, I had hoped it would be an, at least be moderately, attractive douchebag. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess, and it’s not really that important.
The writing in this game is a step down from what I’ve seen so far, even in free games. The dialogue is weird and out of place, the lack of narration inhibits the story, and the characters aren’t very clearly defined.
Music is good and fits the story.
gameplay is pretty much non-existent. It’s hardly a game and more of a visual novel. It didn’t feel very immersive and as if I was just a spectator “along for the ride” rather than playing as the main character.
It’s a short game and that’s been a recent trend with the free games lately. You’ve made longer, free games before (College Romance and Looking 4 Love being two very good examples of good and lenghty free games) and your “short” games usually made up for being short by having plenty of options and paths to take (Stripper Pick-up is a good example of this). But now, your free games are short and very linear.
I agree. I hate to say that, because I am a supporter of free games, but if your recent productions (especially Driving With London and Call Me Desperate) are the shape of things to come, maybe you should think to make less free games in the future.
I prefer to play 6 good free games a year than 10 tasteless ones. My two cents.
Agreed. But we will likely not see 10 free games a year anyway. Call me desperate is the 6th free game of 2015 and another two still in production for this year. But I share your sentiment in that I would rather have 5-6 good free games a year than a truckload of mediocre or bad games. That will of course cause a problem with people who constantly complain about infrequent releases.
I don’t believe in getting rid of free games entirely either. There’s reason behind the concept and free games are a good way to test of ideas, themes, and mechanics that may evolve into premium games. But for people to bite, the bait has to be good and not rotten.
I still have a huge amount of faith in the LOP crew as they are still producing better content than any other competitor out there and nearly all of their premium games have been winners for me. But I do hope that the decline in quality when it comes to free games, is being worked on.
To add to what you said, the free games lately all seem to be written and rendered by “new” people. Not the people who write and render the older free games and premium content.
These free games could also be a proving ground for new artists and writers because all the “veterans” or people who have proven their ability are working on premium projects already.
The author of this game has made several free titles before (can’t remember if he/she has made any premium games, though).
Regardless, you may have a point and there should of course be room for new writers and animators to test their skills.
I have been very disappointed this year by Story Of Didi and Dignity One (I have not played Living With Serena and COL expansion yet). I hope that it’s just a matter of taste and not a decline in quality of the premium site, too. I don’t want to put too much pressure on the team, but the next premium games will be crucial (at least for me…).
I can only speak for myself of course, but I was pretty satisfied with Story of Didi and the expansion to CoL. Living with Serena is my second favourite premium game and I feel like the LOPteam hit a homerun with that one.
But I share your opinion on Dignity One. However, I do feel that it was just one miss-fire, and if I were to judge by the screenshots and info we’ve been given about Romancing the Throne, LwT2 and Eleanor 2, they are all shaping up to be great games. But yeah, tastes vary and one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. I’d urge you to give LwS a chance though.
The quality of all LOP (premium & free) and Sex and Slory games has gone way downhill the last several months. They have all gotten shorter and have terrible storylines or have become about rape and coercion. All the City of Love did was add 2-3 new scens and IMO is not worth renewing your subscription for
It seems that the major bugs have been fixed. Thanks for the effort.
About the game, there are too many inconsistencies in the part with Anna. The entire first dialog in the bar is really illogical. Too bad because she was very well rendered. And the ending with Anna is surprising : you abuse and blackmail but she doesn’t care because you are so a great fuck… It’s really too “hentai” for me, sorry.
How to get “Solid Business Partner” achievement?
Give the ugly blonde the 200
How to get the 2nd ending? I got the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th. How many total endings are there?
For the 2nd ending you have to fuck Anna into blackmail and don’t accept a photo shoot with Princess.
All time that anna said “i think proffesional photo session very diffrent … ” what i must to do ?
when ?? ..
Give her two drinks then fuck her then tell the blonde she is too young.
tell me when 🙁
No real problem here… only:
It speaks of 4 ends when there really are 5.
How do you get the “first time with you” achievement? I’ve gotten all the rest!
cum on the first girl’s face
Can an admin please contact me, you have had a breach of your games.
Hot spots are useless if there’s only 1 per frame. We’re not babies who will go extatic when we find 1 single spot within a screen LOL. Good example of using hot spots is date with Eleanor. You have to think & choose wisely in order to get what you really want.
I agree. This system of hot spots with only 1 possibility is useless and annoying.
And another time, there is no interactivity in the sex scenes. It’s disappointing. I really miss the old system with different positions, different speeds, different point of views (College Romance, Stripper Pick Up, Ryan Blender, LwT, Eleanor,…). I must say that I feel less and less involved in your recent games, and to me it was your strength in the past. If I just want to see an animated sex scene in which I have no control, I watch a porn movie. I hope the return of the old formula in your next games, free and premium ones.
Although I have made a lot of critics, I still have confidence in the team. They have proved their talents in the past and I am sure they will return to their high quality levels.
It seems all games, including premium, are bugged when launched.
Lack of testing ?
However, a simple solution could be to ask a pool of premium players ( for pay-per-play games ) or members of the Lagoon (for free games ) to test games a week BEFORE releasing them.
So the LOP team would have a great fedback to correct bugs and avoid player desillusions.
What is the name of the song used? I really liked it might use it when I go out for my jog
Anybody got threesome scene?…Please help
Dear LoP Team,
when you talk with Anna and choose the options:
1 [x] [Show her your official catalogue]
2 [x] [Assure her that she can stop at anytime if she feels uncomfortable, without paying for anything]
then the third choice
[Tell her that the price is higher for a discreet naked session] makes no sense, because she answers with “Ok, it’s a fair proposition” and then tells Aiden that he’s a creep and is searching for another photograph.
I would change the answer “Quote her the standard price” to “Tell her the the price for a discreet naked session is low” or “Tell her she dont have to pay for anything if you can sell the photos” so this would be the wrong answer and [Tell her that the price is higher for a discreet naked session] is the right answer.
If you dont know what i’m talking about choose the options:
1 [x] [Show her your official catalogue]
2 [x] [Assure her that she can stop at anytime if she feels uncomfortable, without paying for anything]
3 [x][Tell her that the price is higher for a discreet naked session]
in the game and read the text, it really makes no sense
So I guess we are not going to see lwt2 or ele2 for a long time since your releasing the some dating sim and deducing the throne before. So I’m guessing the dating sim being released at the end of the month and seducing the throne the following month or the month after. And then we probably won’t see either till December or next year and then there will be a gap for the next one to be released. To be honest I would rather you focused on your main projects rather than pissing around with half arsed work which isn’t done to good standard or feels half finished.
It’s been the consensus for quite a while that LwT 2 and Eleanor 2 won’t be released till the end of this year/beginning of next year. I’ll agree that the last 2 free releases have been sub-par and felt rushed. But their premium releases have been solid (except for dignity one), even expansions and “short” (as some would call it) games like LwS. I don’t think the lopteam is pissing away their time, despite a few misfires on the free products
It has been suggested in several posts that Lwt 2 and Eleanor 2 won’t be released before end 2015/beginning 2016.
Leo will give us a release date for these games as soon as the team will be certain the games will be finished in time. We are all looking forward for these games, but I’m sure we all want them to be perfect. So only one thing to do : be patient.
Lopguides has been eliminated, do you guys have a backup or somthing?, are you gonna uploaded again?
You find the guides on this page. On the top left of the page right above “Categories”.
I can’t get scen with anne,he always refuse and said i’m fake photograph . what i must to do ?
leo I wanna know when are u going to release ele2 and lwt2 at least any approx date
Try actually reading the blog. He has given an approximate release date. Around Christmas/after new year’s.
As long as you replay to most things ..they wont be reading it
“Release date – it’s still hard to predict cause those projects are huge. Number of required renders and the complexity of scenes is really excessive. I can tell you that we’ll try to release both of this projects this year. Probably ELE2 will go first but I can’t guarantee that at this stage” – LEO
You can check it out from “About LWT2 and ELE2”
Seriously, these last few free games seemed like total waste of YOUR time (as in, the time you spent developing. it seems that you put in alot of time, yet, we got very little fun). Maybe it’s the lack of grinding (which i didn’t mind too much) and instead this binary short thing that makes it awful. First of all, make the games a bit harder. “find a hotspot” and only 1 option?! what’s the point? Give us a 2 or 3 options and make one wrong. It’s better not to get games like these. Compared to some of your previous ones, quality has gone way down. Not just the gameplay, the animations are bad aswell (on the free games. gold is still great)
I have an idea for you, you can use it or ignore it, it’s up to you.
You’re starting the game as student named Isaac, who’s studying gynecology .
He’s a young nerd and wants to fuck his hot teachers, his friends girlfriend and his hot step-mother(she’s at same age as him).
His dad is a famous gynecologist and the one who forced him to choose that profession, but Isaac never wanted to become an doctor.
It’s up to you to choose the profession of your dad and be a good son, or to do what you want and fuck his wife.
‘Erotic Date with Gina’ is great, though. She’s so beautiful. Image models looks great, if the devs didn’t reduced the quality too much to input inside the game(looks like a 50% reduced JPEG quality). They should release a HD version for LOPGold as bonus/downloadable game.
Hmmmm, that might be fun.
please, Tori 500 Dirty Business bonus pictures.
pictures won’t display. I’m requesting a fix for almost a month now.
please, fix Tori 500 Dirty Business bonus pictures page*
I meant.
I’m requesting for a fix for almost a month now.
I know it and even I read it but since some time no big game is released everyone is tired at least release a good free game .
Need another game with Anna.