Today I would like to announce a new project for called RoomMates.
It will be unique dating sim / relationship manager with a lot of vivid characters and interesting game play options.
Some test visuals prepared by ItMakesMeBlush below:

Looks interesting, don’t really have a clue what a dating manager game is but sounds interesting.
Girls look great, little vanilla with only white girls, maybe an asian or black girl would spice it up a tad.
Guys look good conceptually, but really not digging the graying haired dude much prefer if ItMakesMeBlush give the white guy some just for men to take care of that.
Stat building.
A kind of.
But we tried to add enough quests to prevent get bored.
Sounds good.
Visuals are super awesome.
ItMakesMeBlush = top notch.
I will need a S&G subscription.
Who wrote the storyline?
Texts are prepared by J. Clark (as usual). Concept & game design by J. Clark & me (as usual). We work this way since “Sensual Alchemist”.
“Girl with Tattoos” and “13 Rooms” were a bit different.
Thanks for your reply IL.
Keep it up
Amazing visuals.
ItMakesMeBlush could set a new standard for upcoming LOP games.
And I put an eye on the first picture. The tanning lines are a nice detail. The shadows are looking better and more realistic ( her left leg example).
But I would like to suggest to rework the first dude. He looks like he´s in his mid 30´s and he could have some wrinkles.
Actually he looks too smooth.
Anyway I´m always addicted to dating sims and I look forward to this new project. Guess, this will take some time ´til we can grab our hand on that game
– Pic N. 4 = amazing
– Dont know if the guy is supposed to be in his mid 30’s, but hey, not every man in his mid 30’s has grey hair and wrinkles. LOL
Just checked Pic N.6 out.
Books, forniture, sheets, shadow, everythings is so perfect.
S&G had a pretty good year with 13 Rooms and especially Sensual Haunting in my opinion, looking forward to the next.
I’ll be honest and say that S&G games haven’t really tickled my fancy. Of all the games they’ve released, House Party is the only one I really like.
But knowing that ItMakesMeBlush is the one rendering the game, I’ll have to check it out. I like dating sims with contemporary settings (not really into mixing horror, sci fi or fantasy with erotic games), so this falls well into the category I want. Good work on the renders. I am officially hyped!
Exactly the same for me.
Not a fan of S&G games (even if I have to say that they have the merit to try different approachs) but these visuals are absolutely stunning ! If story, writing and gameplay are the same quality, it could be a very good game.
Agreed. I can appreciate the fact that LoP and S&G experiment with genres and styles. Sensual Haunting and Seducing the Throne were both excellent games without faults… they just weren’t for me.
I feel that the writing in S&G games are generally good and the visuals are the best I’ve seen so far in their games. It’s the gameplay elements that are usually very hit-or-miss to me. For now, I am very optimistic though.
Thank you very much for your work. whether it is possible to test this game or wait for the complete? Tell us a secret you gift for the New Year ready? Or is it a secret :)? Waiting posters of our beauties in festive costumes and without :)))
Speaking of which, I can’t seem to find the link to the holiday teaser from last year anymore. The one were you got to strip Didi, Eleanor, the blond chick from City Of Love and …
I was looking for that.
Apart from all of this, the pictures look stunning. Absolutely stunning. Sensual Haunting was amazing, so let’s hope S&G can keep that up with this one.
Also about the visuals, I really do like that every game has different kind of visuals, different artists, it’s great.
Looks good , thanks for the update.
Looks great! keep it up.
That silver bikini pic is stunning!
LOP Gold seems to have the classic games, but as stated above, S&G is starting to hit it’s stride with unique playing styles and approaches to stat building. Based on that and the handful of impressive teaser pics alone, I will be very much looking forward to it’s release.
Off topic a bit, but since House Party was mentioned, it rang a bell.. Several months ago an idea was floated on considering doing a stand alone strip poker game featuring LOP stars (and even being considered by Leo, if I remember correctly). Is that game still a possibility, or didn’t it make it into any kind of production?
Not announced yet, so please be patient 🙂
Hi I was wondering if you could add in your future games multiple save slots feature? It takes a lot of time to grind through the games as always want to see all dialog and choices.
And a or scene replay feature would be very much appreciated also 🙂
Yes, I think we implement it in this game.
Sounds great! Keep up the good work! 🙂
Renders look fantastic. Hope its another homerun like Sensual Haunting, which for me was a lot of fun. 🙂
Amazing renders, really looking forward to follow the development.
Amazing pics. Good jog ItMakesMeBlush.
sorry about being this off-topic, but which password do i need to fill for the insider – test 002? thanks.
Visuals look stunning, I just wish the dude wasn’t graying.
Off topic :
I don’t know if something is planned before end of the year, but some infos about LWT2 would be much appreciated. It’s been ages since the last update… and the wait is becoming very long. I don’t want to see visuals but an approximative ETA would be cool. 🙂
Beautiful graphics , I want to see more. What is the password?
i think only those who have been picked up as INSIDERS program members have the pass for that area.
What is the password for insiders002
The visuals are stunning and dating sims with stat building are my favorites. Looking forward to it.
Leo any word on updates this year or next for LWS just wondering?
Hey leo,
Visuals look absolutely stunning, really excited for the blonde girl. Do you think you guys could do another holiday animation with some of the favorite girls (Eleanor, Kim, Didi, Tracy, etc.) . Maybe just a couple naughty Christmas themed pictures. Would certainly be a nice present, especially if LWS will be released next year. Thanks!
Wooow what a stunning perfection! Skin looks almost real..
I wish I could made games like you 🙂
We’re waiting for some NEWS… could you write them more often?
Looks nice… the only problems I have is the grey hair and the glossy models. I dont understand why the models seem to get glossier all the time.
awesome job
Looks fab, would be great if we could have some more variety with, asian, ebony, and even a proper red head, cant wait to play though, keep up the good work guys.
When will we be able to play this?
For when ?