What’s coming next?
May 17, 2017LOP GOLD
Right now I’m working hard together with Olivia, Ellie and Paul to finish their story. This game will be classified as a BONUS game and in that category it will be really huge – much much bigger than Sylvia, Margaret and free to play Living with Lana.
As previously mentioned, we’re developing a new game called Bounty Hunter. Some renders below:
I got a question – I saw a lot of you felt in love with dark myths reveled in Arkham – The Dark Legacy. Do you want us to prepare an expansion to this game? Please let us know in the comment below.
Cause we aren’t able to work with Kelly character any more (strong technical reasons) we’ve decided to introduce her friend – Aurora, who will become new playforceone.com avatar. You can expect to meet her later this year.
What kind of game is Bounty Hunter? Is the protagonist male or female? What are you talking about? From the tender looks very interesting …
What about the other expansions for other titles like LWT2 and the long awaited update to Blind Date?
Why is there no expansion for Sensual Haunting or House Party?
Do not get me wrong I love all of your games but some more than others deserve an expansion or sequel.
sorry replied to the wrong place 😛
I agree. Sensual haunting and arkham should get a sequel.
yes yes yes please make an expansion to Arkham – The Dark Legacy that game is one of the best
You definetely should do an expansion for Arkham also one for Roommates would be great too. Aurora looks quite astonishing as a stewardess. Also I would like to share some ideas and suggestions with you :
1 Use some scenes with whipped cream like kissing or giving a blowjob with mouth full.Filling her asshole with cream and then having some anal would be great
2 Making a lesbian scene with 2 girls each using a vibrator on another and at the same time deep throating a double headed dildo (Both having a make-up and some tears pouring down their cheeks would make it even hotter)
3 Make a pregnant girl which can lactate and some wild nights with her
4 Please make a girl in pantyhose (not stockings,yellow or black) and some sex scenes with her wearing them, maybe she could be a secretary
5 Maybe some enema sex scene where you fill her up and then fuck her and if having enough sexperience fuck her in anal (as punishment for a slutty wife)
6 Making a threesome with 2 girls one giving a blowjob (deep throat), while other ass licking the guy
7 A Roommates expansion or sequel would be great too
8 Eleanor 3 would be great with more interaction ,a ton of sex scenes and with full night cycle ( 24h ,something you really should add ,just imagine how many new wild things would be possible to make after midnight)
9 A scene where a girl (not yet a slut) has a crazy dream or in real time is raped by some tentacles :deep throated ,breast sucked , both vaginal and analy fucked all at the same time. (could use it as a prelude to make her realize she needs a gangbang)
10 Removing poker from Strip Texas Hold’em will be great too or another game with those girls
11 An hd remastered of the first Living with Temptation would be great
12 Making a BDSM club with a lot of different fucking machines should be magnificent
( Daman and Leo what do you thing about my suggestions ? Would you please reply, sharing your view about them and say if it’s possible to realize them )
Best regards !
I never comment on this site but I read everything but now I felt I had to. Arkham – The Dark Legacy is one of the best games you have ever done so I would love to play an expansion to it.
I’d like to see an expansion to Arkham. The game was surprisingly good.
Olivia, Ellie and Paul continues to look good and I hope it will be released soon. Don’t really know what to think about Bounty Hunter… the renders look good, but I am afraid it’s not going to be my type of game.
Mostly though, I am looking forward to the expansion for CVR. In my opinion, it’s your best game since Living with Serena (a game I would also like to see an additional expansion to… or maybe a sequel?).
BTW. Any chance you could throw some new pics out on your instagram? It’s been a while.
There are a few now, check ’em out!
Yeah. Saw them the minute I had typed my comment 🙂
I liked Arkham but I also feel that it was a complete game. I’m not sure what an expansion would add.
I feel the same. But also I’m confident that if ever an exp will be released it will be nicely done.
I agree exactly. I think there are other games that would benefit more from an expansion – room mates for example.
A fair sentiment. But you could say the same about LWT1 and Eleanor 1. Those both felt like very complete games and then, when their expansions hit, it made them (especially LWT1) so much better.
I think there’s room for more content in Arkham. Would also like to see an expansion to Roommates. Those two are the best games S&G have to offer.
It would depend on how the expansion was done, but I think it could work and work well. In expanding the existing story line–well the possibilities are wide open. To quote SK from IT…”A town’s (Arkham in this case) history is like a rambling old mansion filled with rooms and cubbyholes and laundry-chutes and garrets and all sorts of eccentric little hiding places…not to mention an occasional secret passage or two.” Have we truly learned the last of Arkahm’s worst secrets? Have we plumbed the depths of mystical depravity here?
Expanding the existing story…that’s one way to go. A squeal? Maybe? For that to work, however, the story line would need to be just as if not more intense than this one, and the stakes would need to be just as high if not higher.
dont know ehat to think about paul and olivia.i hope it lasts a bit longer than lily in hawaii.as for sex and glory they have really steppped up their game.aurora looks good
I prmoise you, it will be longer than LiH. How much longer, you ask? you’ll have to wait to find out. Hehehehe!
Hi Daman
First off, appealing renditions of Olivia, Ellie and Paul and Aurora. But more importantly I’m curious abou CVR expansion and its release. SO fingers crossed in there.
Also, as an earnest request to you I’d like to ask you a question…so you have any plans of using Lily in future games? (I love her!!)
“Can you keep a secret? So can I.”
-Tim Curry, “Clue”
I’d rather see an expansion for roommates that for arkham, arkham was good but I didn’t like that muche.
Personally, I’d like to see an expansion for Arkham, but woulf rather have ones for Seducing the Throne and LWT2 first.
Damn, Arkham – The Dark Legacy was one of the games I was looking forward to the most from you guys, mostly because of the Lovecraft theme, which is why I liked Abyss. Sadly I haven’t played it yet but if you guys are actually considering doing an expansion for the game then that gets me even more excited to play it. If you do it then I hope you will consider doing expansions or sequels to other Sex and Glory games. I’d love more Sensual Haunting.
Hey Daman, you may consider correcting this mistake. One of the recent uploaded images on Instagram has a spelling mistake (Tonuge). That’s all.
BTW Great Renders, both here and on Insta… cant wait to play them. Cheers.
Don;t worry, I’m certain it won;t make it into the game…hehehe…he….
*frantically searching for more typos*
What about the other expansions for other titles like LWT2 and the long awaited update to Blind Date?
Why is there no expansion for Sensual Haunting or House Party?
Do not get me wrong I love all of your games but some more than others deserve an expansion or sequel.
Last I heard, Iksanabot wasn’t even done writing the LWT2 expansion… so it’ll probably be a good while before that one arrives.
And Arkham certainly deserves an expansion, in my opinion far more than either Sensual Haunting or House Party (and I actually like House Party quite a bit).
Had the chance to play Roomates. And that’s a great game as well
I would say definitely do an expansion to the Dark Legacy, it’s been one of the best in ages.
Maybe one of the ‘old ones’ could take the form of a girl? Would make an interesting alternative.
Maybe there could be some involvement of ry’leh? Or a tie in to Abyss?
I already said in the past that updating from time to time LOP Gold Bonus section would be great.
Olivia/Ellie and Bounty Hunters look really awesome.
I got a SG sub just for Arkham so talking about an exp I’m all for it BUT I have to say that the game looks quite complete. Anyway if you guys want to exploit more and reveal other Arkham’s secrets or adding new materials/scenes I think it would be a great idea.
Also I have to say that 2017 its been the best LOP year ever.
Keep it up
Burning the midnight oil, daylight oil and the extra virgin olive oil to make sure this year makes up for last year.
Please put the game LwT2expansion in first place. And the third game about Eleanor. The birth of a baby will not prevent her from new adventures.
Though it’s not my place to say, as it’s not my creation, I like to think that our games do fall in line with the same thing that the DC Comics universe dose with the Multiverse. With multiple endings and different scenarios that happen at the end, there is different outcomes and possibilities for sequels based upon that.
For example, the Eleanor that appears in Story of Didi is when Eleanor becomes a pornstar (Ending 7). While the Eleanor from Eleanor 2 is from her being true and untrue to her husband (Ending 6). Same could be for LwT as well.
Just some food for thought.
Yes it would be very nice to have an expansion for Arkham it deservs it. (Make Lavinia conquerable please, pertty please.) So does Sensual Haunting or Room Mates. But pretty much every second comment of my is something like this “make your games bigger and keep update and realase new content for them…” blah-blah.
One of my favourite is the dating ArianeB. Even if its only one girl in it and time limited to one date and very limited actions in it. It got huge during the years, so many options, paths…. blah-blah.
Like the dude above who said will be nice more often pictures/Wallpapers on instagram even from older games. I never realised what’s was kelly point except like tour or guidance on the website, what’s the point of playing very short game with one or two scenes, never finished story or earning points if theres no benefit from it you never released updates for kelly also liked kelly more then aurora no offense i am not saying aurora its not cool. For Arkham personally i liked the game even after being sceptic cause i am not in the occult stuff was cool insightful deep long with options and character like old games i played 1-2 endings kinda think no need for expansion though. But I personally and others i think will be more happy with expansion from “Seducing The Throne” then Arkham. Also i am happy to see OEP coming soon and one of the chicks looks like Sylvia and will be nice to hear its free and Daman mate can you elaborate why u cant use kelly little confused about that? Would love to see update of Sylvia & Nick no need Nick to be involved she can be in High School or in college before meet him. Also prefer updates from Best Games” expansions from LWT, Eleanor, CVR, STT, Blind date 3D, not like make me pregnant or Kim, Kim its hot but the story have potential but not much work you did on that one and positions and penetrations were bad like Ele 2 can you also give us info about “Blind 3D”. Sry for long analysis but more info to be processed and i write usually in one text till the next time fellas Greetings!
brunette kinda reminds my of sylvia from first bonus game,i don’t know is that olivia or ellie but she looks amazing
They do look kind of similar. That worries me a bit. If you look at Sylvia from the first bonus game, she also looks pretty much identical to the female protagonist of Make Me Pregnant (only difference, as far as I can tell, is the hair color). If the artist is re-using models… I don’t know how I feel about that… seems kind of lazy….
in this case i don’t mind because sylvia looks great in my opinion and as for make me pregnant that was more like a test game so i can understand if they used the same model,but i can always pretend that they are sisters 😀
Fair enough 🙂
Just to say that I like all of your games. Great job and please don’t stop 😉
And maybe you already gave an answers but why you don’t translate it in French, Spanish … ?
Hi all, I will make a quick comment about LWT2 expansion and STT expansion. I am writing both. I am not done either, which means it will still be a long time before either come out. It has been a very busy year from me, but now my regular job has become a little more manageable and I will try to finish the scripts by the end of June. After that, all the renders have to be made, and then they will have to be coded, and play tested. I doubt either game will be done this year – I’m sorry. In the meantime, LOP and S&G are making some fantastic games so I think you’ve got lots to look forward to.
I’m not sure which one (STT or LWT2) Leo will make first, I’m sure it mostly depends on which artist is free to do the renders first.
we haven’t heard from you quite a while,good luck with your work
just one thing,i’d really like to visit that sauna with lisa in expansion 😉
Does anybody know if rhavin (that guy who wrote Eleanor) is working on something? I haven’t seen him in years after Eleanor 2 was release we haven’t read anything from him. I just hope he is working on some secret game eleanor 3 (?) I don’t think so tho. I just wanna see Eleanor again she is my favorite character!.
Yeah I’d very much like to see an ark ham expansion especially if Lavinia was expanded upon into a main character option.
so as a previous paying member on your site (LOPgold) i have a couple of problems. which unfortunatly will not be resolved but i’ll try anyway
1. the stories are mostly the same
2. duration of th game decreased to 1 in few months a
so as a previous paying member on your site (LOPgold) i have a couple of problems. which unfortunatly will not be resolved but i’ll try anyway
1. the stories are mostly the same
2. duration of th game decreased to 1 in few months and when it goes out it’s too short and mostly vanila stroyline with few mainstream fetishes and m/f or f/f sex acts
3. in the past you had some sci-fi cheating D&D related , new things and even short act of shemale now it’s boring.
i myself have am a paying member in several porn and erotic sites, with real actors, even there, it vary more than here in a drawn fantasy sites.
instead of going wild with fantasies you have vanila scripted games
i know i will not see it anytime soon or ever
but please put some spice and extrme in your games
i myslef am a bi, and loves some kind of fetishes such as smoking fetish like you have in the poker game, or shemales or even m/m , or just abit more spice and free thinking
Sorry to hear about that. We have several new concepts and ideas coming down the turnpike soon, including Snake Valley that may interest you with the RPG/D&D elements (minus the dragons of course).
As for the concept of bi-males and heavier fetishes…well, I can not comment on them as of now. But you can be rest assured when I say this: we hear you and others loud and clear.
Thank you for your continued loyalty and constant dedication to the LoP brand. We hope that we deliver to you, and the other community members, nothing short but the greatest 2D/3D erotica games the web has to offer.
Just be carefull. M/M action can be repllent for a very big part of your customers.
I was thinking of not posting this but it will be my last one for a long time i think. I too am bored with the LOP games of late. Renders are great but the stories are awful. The only good one in 2017 was CVR and even then it was too short. S&G Arkham, great game but it doesn’t need an expansion. Do you realise that your most successful games are when the player associates with the MC or controls the MC personally. We feel like Justin in LWT and we control Eleanor to satisfy our whims. Same for LWS and a few others. I think you should concentrate on what works rather than shooting off in multiple directions, give the customer what he wants. OK so no extreme content, I agree, but spicy is nice. Why not produce LWT, ELE or LWS with monthly episodes covering a few days or a week of activity? Patreon style devs. I’m not going to play the western or the Olivia…..etc. My sub is ending soon and will only resub when CVR Exp is out. I won’t even look up hacked downloads for BH or OEP because I am just not interested anymore. LOP take note. I won’t even ask you if your revenues are up this year.
About the dude above a little to radical which i can be to honest sometimes i’ve always liked LOP Games but kinda agree about new stories i rather play and wait for long story of LWT or Eleanor with hidden events that needs to find, long game with a lot of days and choices honestly disappointed a little about Eleanor 2, and yeah that’s your most played, commented, wanted, desired, expected, and most popular games and i can only suggest can’t tell you ofc to dedicate your time on them or projects like them but not weekly or montly updates like patreon those are different style games altough you can take idea or two from them and new games happens kinda fast and they are going in different direction from classic LOP games like said before i rather see older characters which they were more sexy spicy and with better backround story even being made with older graphic apps sensual hunting girls were not so hot in Jacob Rebound i liked only the blonde rich one, Ele 2 secretary not so hot if you ask me, in Lily in hawai Lily was hot the other girl either way, I like girls like Divided Heart on “Play Force One” Table from LOP games the best rated is Jordan 500. Lana was really cute but there can be better i think the audience wants spicy slutty like Eleanor, Tracy, Alice from LWT or Alice from City of love or Cindy from LWT or CVR girls characters competitive who are ready to take what they want. In some new games you cant see penetrations in some sex scenes or bad angle or like in Kim or ELE 2 the expression on the face and 1 question for Iksanabot LWT will be 3 or continued story of the 2 where the event will take place in their home maybe hes cousin will pay him visit also, extension of 2nd sequel or continued of 1 maybe will be nice to see Eleanor since they mentioned her in the plane that will be awesome can we also expect Cindy Alice friend from the club she is great unused enough character i will love to see her.
I personally find interesting games of lo gold and with great potential. I think the addition of a bit of bondage, non-consensual sex and blackmail are elements to be developed. In this sense CVR is the best title so far. What I mean: imagine, for example, a blackmailed woman forced to execute the will of her blackmailer … for example, a woman blackmailed by a secret lover known by mistake; Or a woman blackmailed by a friend of her son who made the mistake of having sex. For now I find that the blackmail in Cvr and the aphrodisiac made to drink in Veronica are great things!
In my opinion, i guess S&G’s game have more difficulties (a bit hard) than LOPGold’s game. Games like haunting house, party house (CMIW) is more fun to played.
And look, almost everytime Lopgold games was releashed, it almost have critised (ELE2, LWT2,etc)
What’s going on, daman/leonizer?
I mean, S&G’games almost didn’t have critised. I know S&G and LOP have different genre game. But, what’s make S&G better?
How did you choose? I want more games with female protagonist or futa protagonist so i ask if you do some game with futa girl or with female protagonist? Male protagonist is more than enough.
i think a walk through for the first arkham would be better before doing an expansion
You realy need a walktrough for that? If any of achievments, endings you missing let me know i tell you. I find that game particularly easy and self explanatory.
Go to town good sir. In fact @jlowe92, if you ahve questions, I would highly suggest going over to the “Arkham: The dark legacy is here” post and submit your questions there.
Have fun!
I’m champing at the bit for whatever is released next. Seems like the LOP teams on a role ATM, I didn’t play arkham, but I’m glad is was good, hope you guys can keep it up!
also not related to anything here but will you guys be hosting Pandora episode 2 on playforceone? its a fantastic game, (I know you already host episode 1) and I’m glad you guys have such a large platform to show off decent porn games.
The company behind Pandora, finding Miranda, and a couple of other games are your only real competition for competent games in this market, its good to see you have such a friendly relationship with them.
Thanks for the info. Eleanor 3 is definitely much needed as part 2 was to short. Thought her friends son or the intern could have came back before the end. Look forward to more of her. LWT3 as well can’t wait for it. Hotwife was a good story to wish could see come back. Living weigh Serena and Seducing the throne can’t wait for. Arkyam was really good but wish could have been more scenes with his coworker she was amazing. Definitely want to see Eleanor and Lwt and Serena first though.
Any update on the CVR Expansion? @Daman
As of right now we are-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
Imo the best Sex and Glory game is Sexual Haunting. I would like to see a sequel for that
I concur, good sir!
Yea man, that was the best, really different to all the other games.
I think you should plan/prepare any new expansions and rather focus on the ones that are already in development.
Sorry I meant to say “shouldn’t”
I saw some dude or two maybe paying interest for Shemale or gey actions i disagree with the Shemale or Dude on dude action but if you decide to make some that’s your choice however yeah till arkham some games were short and kinda obvious like Lana or Kim you should pay more attentions also on scenes from which angle or positions to happen the action, more scenes angles the better, not time limited if possible. What i liked in LWT1 was you can have Sex with Lisa well Tracy to in more Rooms outside inside bathroom bedroom office kitchen on table and if you missed one day you can do that in the next one.
I’m so psyched for whatever’s going to come out next, can’t stop refreshing the blog lol.
Absolutely yes to an expansion of TDL. I was hoping for a milf character in the game but unfortunately there were none. I hope you bring in someone in the expansion. Beautiful milf with an intimate building story and pov scenes. That would be something new and exciting to all of us.
Awesome news! Really looking forward to the free game, and Aurora looks amazing! Just adding on to what others have said, please continue to bring back Eleanor and LWT. No rush, but I feel like those two story-lines are so exciting and have a lot of potential.
On another note, bravo for CVR. That was one of the best games you guys have ever made, can’t wait for the expansion. Would love to see more interaction with Che and Veronica. I think it would be very hot to see her detest for Che succumb to pure lust. Maybe we could watch the threesome in the bathroom, or James takes Zara to the bathroom, but finds Veronica with Che in the other stall. In addition to the expansion, maybe you could make a free MSD type game with Veronica and Che in the future?
Anyways, great work, you guys never cease to amaze!
I agree. Sensual haunting and arkham should get a sequel
Loved Arkham. Only thing missing is the option to creampie Elizabeth.
Please make an expansion of Arkham and include more action with Lavinia, more creampie scenes with all the girls, even throw in some 3somes or gangbangs with occult/dark twists.
On a second thought leave us the option on where to climax on all the scenes… that way we can try different actions while repeating the same scenes…which would otherwise be boring…
Please include more choices in all scenes, than the traditional 3 options…on the face, inside, on the boobs…..instead expand the options a bit more like…..
in mouth, on face, on tits, on stomach, in pussy, on pussy, in ass, on ass, on legs….and so on.
Totally i agree with the dude above also hardly or never its implemented FootJob? And also its very rare titsjob, Jerking on pussy lips, buttchicks etc…