Jacob’s rebound: Ménage à trois

November 29, 2017 55 By leonizer

Today we’re giving you a small (but incredibly sexy) expansion to Jacob’s rebound game.

This expansion includes:

– new events that develop your relationship with the girls
– 2 marathon sex scenes that crown your quest for threesome
– 2 new endings, with two girls each

What’s new here?

Up till now, Jacob has been a romantic, or at least supposedly monogamous (as far as the girls knew). With this expansion, the old player can reach for the stars, for the Holy Grail, for the Dream with a capital D: two girls at once.

Will you engage in a risky BDSM threesome, playing the middle man between a wicked dominatrix and her submissive pet-slut? Or would you rather go to a masked party and enjoy an erotic encounter full of seduction and intrigue?

Jacob, once again, it’s time to be a team-player!

Count to three here: JACOB’S REBOUND: MÉNAGE À TROIS – lopgold.com