Camgirl confessions
February 15, 2018Today we’ve launch our first erotic SEX AND GLORY game with MATCH3 elements – Camgirl Confessions.
Claire has big problems. She used to work as an accountant in a big company, but something went wrong and a large sum of money disappeared. Accused of being responsible for it, she was fired and given an ultimatum from the company to pay back every cent or go to jail. She didn’t expect her boyfriend, Thomas, to really help her all that much. He was an unemployed hacker, spending his days watching porn and nights asking her to bang.
Surprisingly, Thomas came up with an idea—have Claire work as a webcam model. With her looks and natural talent, he was sure that she’d make enough to pay off the missing money in time. With no other choice, she agreed and started her career as a webcam model.
Camgirl confessions is a game where the player, in the role of Claire, has a limited amount of time to earn back all the money that was taken or she’ll be sent to jail on false accusations. To do so she must engage in a series of sensual webcam sessions to earn money. Over the course of the game, certain days will introduce events or characters that play a part in the overarching story and through these she can find out who it was that framed her.
- Play an engaging MATCH3 game with stunning visuals while directing your webcam show
- Build up your character’s stats by investing your resources, in the truest RPG fashion
- Unlock all 4 available endings through your choices and completed sessions
- Explore her sexual fetishes – from sensual masturbation to hardcore BDSM orgies
Take control over Claire life here: Camgirl confessions – sexandglory.com
Pretty buggy…. Chat text overlaps so it is unreadable, when I exit full screen the game stays the same size, and can start to slow down a lot when not in full screen.
We’ve noted this report and we’re implementing fix to this situation.
Updated! Please clear your cache.
Thanks for alert! 🙂
You know what… I don’t understand the interesting in heavily random elements in S&G games, adding a time limit to the game just makes this far worse, seems I need many playthroughs to figure out how to do better but before then it gets really boring and repetitive.
The next game will be without any random stuff.
The next game ? Like Arkham part 2 ? 😉
Nope, something completely different 🙂
Based on a classic literature (sic)
War and Peace? Guess it’s gonna be a looong game then but shouldn’t be a problem with Unity now.
Nope, English comedy this time
“Nope, English comedy this time”
My guess is “Oedipus Rex”, though I think some people are lost on it and won’t like the subject matter.
Daman – but it’s neither English nor comedy 😛
“Daman – but it’s neither English nor comedy ”
It’s all about perspective. 😉
Life is full of random stuff. Also time limited
Preach on, good sir.
Life is not a game.
i have no clue how to progress the story to get the other two threesome scenes
Both require Thomas to confess his crime. Talk to Cherry afterwards and take gym classes.
How do you do that?
I’ve unlocked almost everything but how do I get Thomas to confess?
I hate to spoil it so I’ll stay quiet until IL says so.
Sorry 🙁
Ok, spoiler: refuse to go to park in collar, talk to Thomas afterwards with relations high enough.
great,looks really interesting,but unfortunately for me i won’t be home for next two weeks to try it out,gonna have to wait a little bit
Safe travels than good sir. We’ll be here when you get back! 😉
thanks man!
How do you get more action points?
Buy BED and increase STAMINA
Thank you
How can I play this game?
Click on the link above to be taken to the game page, scroll down and click on the “Join Now” or “Members” icon to either log in or join and then enjoy! 🙂
and how to register?members
Simply click on register if you are a new player and select which payment plan best suits you. After completing it, you will be good to go!
there is a free version
No, this is a premium title.
what’s the best way to start the game?
Pressing the START button? Hehehe!
I suggest buying the bed and then focus on raising your stamina to get more actions per day and more moves during the shows
Anyone have any hints as to the top middle scene in the gallery?
Never mind, I figured it out.
Anybody else getting log in to play instead of new game on the start page this won’t allow me to play the game and just sends me back to the game selection page even though the other games work fine.
Turn the CHROME INCOGNITO mode off and everything should be fine.
I just can’t figure out how to get the last threesome scene. I’ve gotten the other two. Any hints??
One involves the two with relationship points the other is related to the cheerleader scene.
Any advice on how to get the endings beside Ending 1?
does anyone know how to get the cheerleader scene?
Adding a time limit to this kind of game is a joke, replayability becomes frustrating …at least post walkthrough.
Even days ago I wanted to write that I appreciate the fact that you only create games from scratch and their quality is constantly increasing :)).
I appreciate your work but I do not like this game and I’m waiting the walkthrough.
I actually liked this game way more than I thought I would. My only gripe is that is just seems a bit too small. Kind of disappointing because the candy crush style scene advancement mini game gives it a big edge in replayability. I just wish there was more to it than a lightning fast 30 day play style, especially the first 6-7 days.
Quick bug report, I’m not sure what triggers it but when I’m doing my connect 3 games, I’ve had it happen 3 times where my stats at the top disappear and I have to completely reload the page and start the day over to see them again. If I finish off the sequence they don’t reappear and I don’t see my stamina either. I’m not sure if this relates to when I touch the full screen when I’m doing the game or what. I know it has happened on the coach and cheeerleader scene although I can’t remember what the other one was (played it yesterday too).
Please make each game in future where you can skip early grinding part once you complete it well. I find all your games top notch but the grinding is old after about 4 tries.
Also quick idea. For those complaining about the whole repetition process, would it be possible to have a “Skip to day 10” option or something similar to what you had done in living with temptation? Just have a basic stat build at a reasonable level along with relationship growth with both?
Thought this game was fun, but wish you could replay all of the cam shows in the gallery.
So guys, to sum this up – do you like this MATCH3 approach? Do you want to see this gameplay in SAG another game?
I do not like it, clearly i will not play again.
I enjoyed the game and the match3 approach. So far I have found it very replayable as I like experimenting with different strategies in the early stages. If anything, I find the later stages to be less interesting.
I am quite familiar with the Match 3 portion since it is the same as the game Bejewelled which I used to play quite often, but it is not a feature I like in a porn game. It makes it difficult to see the cam show because the cam show has to be small to allow room for Match3. If I wanted to play a Match3 game I would play Bejewelled. Other than that I like the game. I also have a question. I have achieved all the endings and gallery scenes, but I am wondering if there is a way to get more scenes between Claire and her personal trainer? Her boyfriend is a jerk.
“way to get more scenes between Claire and her personal trainer?”
There are two scenes with him and Claire.
Thanks for the quick response. I should have said sex scenes. What I have seen thus far between those two are the partner and threesome web cam shows, the day he offers his services and shows her his cock, the brief exchange after the first cam show where she starts to agree to sex with him and quickly changes her mind and says they should keep the sex on a professional basis, and after a cam show when she says he is a natural and should do this professionally. I was hoping she might have sex on the side with him. It seems a logical path if she agrees to the dog collar and goes all out sex addict which was an ending I got yesterday.
For me the Match3-thing is an quite nice idea…. Would love to see more games like this..
how do i get thomas to confess? i have tried everything also what IL said above but nothing works for me. Any idea’s
1. Decline to go to Park in collar.
2. Talk to Thomas afterwards with relations 15 or more
Thank you
IL can you help me out, one last time? i dont know this Decline to go to Park in collar. How do you decline to go to park and in a collar?
You should have enough shows’ count (13) and day’s count (20), talk to Thomas, next day he should come with collar.
Things I like:
The art is great
Stat building is good
Match 3 is an interesting mechanic. Im not 100% sold on it but I find it strangely addictive.
Things I don’t:
Non interactive conversations
Non interactive sex scenes.
It feel more like a visual novel, less like a game. Needs more interactivity and choice and consequence.
Overall its a interesting game I don’t love it. I don’t hate it either.
Finaly I had time for quick play. So first review. Match3 mini game I like, it makes the game a bit more engaging. However it realy should have some significant audio/ visual effect when you gain level and the animation change, because several times i didn’t noticed i was so much focused on finding pairs. 😀
Also would be nice if there was some visual effects for new menus approaching like beachfront button have some sparks when novel or bicycle sub-buttons appear.
M3 however makes replayability and exploring endings potential boring unnecessary long repetitive so that might need solving. //Quick start like Sensual Haunting could be good idea//.
Game is way to short, limited in actions and possibilities what you can do. Missing more characters, conversations, interactions, objects… It would be great if buying cloths doing plastic surgery would have some obvious visibilty. not every animation because that’s infinite amount of work. Just like a main picure at home in living room daytime in a few position like a preparing for show pic with most possible combo… Similar like it had in Didi. Or few extra option what only available with certain surgery or surgery-uni combo. and more hidden options (for sex), what is only appears as new idea after some certain story path unlock. I’m not talking the triple question marks I’m talking like radio-bicycle new button. For example after breast implant you can have couple’s action titifuck.
One more thing. I play on Firefox, music regularly lags at loading screen, sometimes in m3 (I believe if I play to long..) like in those old days when casette player eating the tape.
HELP!! I seriously can’t get anything other than ending 1 everytime. What is the best way to play though this? Love the game
Buy the bed at the beginning and swim at the beach to get more actions per day
You need to have 30k+ $ on the end of day 30. For ending 3 and 4. Which one you get depends on you went to the park in collar&leash or not.
I couldn’t figure out ending 2 yet.
You get ending 2 by reaching 30k+ on day 30, without getting Thomas to confess or the threesome with the gym guy. So just get 30k and you’re good
How do you get that collar thing?
New to the site, enjoying the game very much even though I can’t seem to get anything other than ending 1. Buy the bed, up my stamina so I have 4 actions per day, but after that either I focus on my stats or on building relations. Can’t seem to do both, never manage to get any decent amount of money. Apart from the scene in the park and the one with guy at the mall I’m not getting anything else. Clearly I’m doing something wrong, but for the life of me don’t understand what…
Hard to say, but my advice for early stages would be to focus on building up stats on one or two variables only and use the appropriate toy to ensure you get the points you need to win the match3. If you find you aren’t winning the match3, skip doing shows for a day or two until you’ve built up your stats. If you find that you haven’t got the $200 for the photographer when he calls you’re probably better to start again. Good luck!
My advice from playing is this: you did good buying the bed and building stamina (suggest swimming and jogging as they build the most and and offer bonus stat too) so you can get some money doing shows. Once you have enough you can do small touch ups and maybe some surgery is needed (change jogging with biking to get more stamina too). Then, talk to Cherry and Thomas at least once a day and do a show and then build any stat you want (so about four or five actions) and you should have enough of everything at about the half way point through the game.
Happy gaming!
Can’t seem to get third threesome. Anyone wanna share….
Ok. now full explored the game. So further comments.
1) I realy like little flavoring things, and details it show care and sing of quality. Like the perv’s comments during show. Especially when i spot known names like Lop_Daman or Lebig. 😀
2) More endings would be nice. Like I figured out who stole but couldnt repay. I should snitch them because I go to prison instead of them is silly.
3) once the two clues about investigation conv with boss and and Thomas comes in wrong order so makes no sense. Aka trigger conditions not fool proof. 🙁
4)It would be nice if 3m would reflect to the scene like during blowjob face tokens worth more….
5) I miss how she get the aphrodisiac. It’s wasted opportunity.. could be use Beck as drug dealer and inculde him in more scene.
6) gym teacher scene should decrease rep with Thomas. (not just 3 some).
7) Should be some dp threesome with tomas/gym or beck/gym.
8) Should be some more revenge sex on cherry. Like some dp with thomas/gym or thomas and pink strapon. With hair pulling, mouth gag, crying, painal….Like using pink strapon on her just use dry with comment how you like your own medicine… Or have the leash-collar+blindfold on her and just lead to the gym daytime with offerin for anybody her 20$…
9) boss and office could be in game.
10) Vagina reconstruction, or nipple-tongue-belly-clit piercing tatoos could be in it (tatoooed girl cameo)
11) she have naked sunbath could be naked/topless swimming-reading.
12) Ending 4 gives out spolier of Cherry even i got it on first playtrough and I shouldnt have known..
Thanks! A lot of great ideas!
For an extension maybe.. 🙂
Got gym teacher now I can’t get anymore…
Look forward to finding out how to get other endings besides 1&4.
Have to refuse wearing the collar for both.
Big announcement coming soon!
Stay tuned…
Look forward to hearing more…. Who is the girl from last calendar?
“Who is the girl from last calendar?”
Sorry, can’t say yet. But I believe we may mention it later this year.
@Lol _Daman you killing me brother leaks build more anticipation as Samsung and Apple lmao. Girls look great though. Any updates on are old friends coming soon. Know you guys showed us stuff with Eleanor, anything on LWS or LWT women?
Sorry to disappoint about not sharing any new info on the new girls, but rest assured they will be mentioned and talked about down the road and I know you will love them.
As for the “old friends” of ours, we are hard a work building the world around them and they are slipping back into the saddle again for another ride in the sunlight. We know you and the whole community are itching for more info, images and game-play info, but we are keeping this really close to our chest at the moment. But we promise you and the rest of the community that they will be worth the wait!
Looking for more endings besides 1 and 4 any help…
I doubt you have any intentions of updating this game, but in case you are considering it I would like to offer a couple of suggestions.
1. When Thomas confesses I would like to see Claire make him turn over evidence to her to prove it was him and Cherry that committed the crime, so she can turn that evidence in at the end of the game rather than pay to avoid jail. I want to see them in jail rather than working for her.
2. Whether Thomas confesses or not I want to see her have sex on the side with the trainer and other men and women.
I really like the way Claire is drawn and would like to see her in some sort of sequel perhaps without the Match 3 element and running a porn site with the trainer. Perhaps they run a gym together and shoot web porn on the side.
I like the game, but I like Claire better than I like the game itself.
Just out of curiosity what is the intended numerical order of the four finishes?
Going to Jail
Refusing to wear the dog collar and making the $30,000.00 in spite of not getting the confession from Thomas. (I just chanced upon this one because I hadn’t tried it before.)
Refusing to wear the dog collar, getting the confession from Thomas, and making the $30,000.00
Agreeing to wear the dog collar and making the $30,000.00