July 23, 2020Finally! We’re releasing it today!
Fans of magic and mayhem, prepare for a hilarious expansion to Seducing the Throne! More magic sex mushrooms! More ridiculously hot sex scenes! More of the irreverent humor!
There is a new character: a curvy sorceress called Elluna. She is waiting in her pond to be discovered and… to mess with Anthony’s life a little bit. She is not only sexy but also smart, talented, ruthless and knows how to manipulate people. Is Anthony ready to play according to her rules? Or maybe he will try to outsmart her? Expect a brand new plot line with a few twists and turns, some impressive locations, epic quests, and some very sexy rewards.
There are many new, highly original events! They are ludicrously long and unusual with many paths to follow, dozens of animations and full of mushroom-fueled orgies and exhibitionism. Expect gangbangs, blowbangs, public sex and every variation in between. It’s just madness!
What’s more, we’ve put a lot of effort into limiting the grind involved in the stat building. Thanks to this epic effort we’ve changed the experience into a more story-focused game that is more fun and rewarding.
Become a lover
Interact with four beautiful women – heavenly, enchanting, slutty and a little vulnerable. Do everything to steal their hearts (and spread their legs in the process, of course). Conquer them step by step – start with gentle and romantic gestures, offer them gifts and try to learn about their past and their desires. Then, when the time is right, invite them on dates and see what raging infernos of lust they turn out to be.
Become a hero
It’s an RPG game, so you’ll need to build your character’s skills in various areas – fighting, thieving, politics, etc… Impress your gorgeous girlfriends with your progress and help the townsfolk by performing quests (for a price, of course). Upgrade your mansion with new equipment that will help you reach your goals.
Become a king
Your opportunity will come on the night of the summer solstice, 30 days from now. Every ruler is confirmed anew at the summer solstice, receiving the blessing of the Gods from the High Priestess. It is a time for other claims to be heard. You have until then to put yourself in a position to take the throne, or in a position to escape the city when the queen’s men come looking for your head…
It’s a time management game in which you will perform various actions every single day. For instance, you could interact with the girls in order to increase your relationships, or train in the Fighters Guild to better wield your sword, or perform epic (or less spectacular) quests to earn money and spend it on gifts, gear, or mansion upgrades.
Every action takes time, so you’ll need to plan your day wisely. Depending on your playing style and your skills, you can end this game in 11 different ways. So, even if you finish it once, you still have a great many reasons (at least two per girl) to try again, improve your technique and reach another ending.
- new character ELLUNA with her own story, breathtaking quests and wicked sex scenes including a sucubbus and some demons
- 5 new special-event quests with already known characters that include some pretty crazy fetishes. For example, somehow, you can get the high priestess to give you a blowjob in the middle of the town square with an audience!
- remodeled stat building – now much more story oriented
- there are now 11 endings
- visuals have been upgraded to higher resolution and quality
- GAME+ (cheat) mode, sex scenes and endings gallery
Can someone make a walkthrough for the game plz and thnak u.
Where do you get the magic talisman for lola now?
Search the queen’s chambers AFTER the acolyte tells you about it.
This is either buggy or I’m not doing it right.
I am starting with all cheats except rel 200; got a lock pick, date Lola with rel 160, Acolyte tells me about the talisman. Then I “Sneak into Queen’s ballroom” (can’t find “chambers”). But there is no talisman 🙁
Got it. The option to sneak into her chambers appears next day.
So Lola at 160? Which acoylate?
which acolyte, and how does that happen?
Hi which acoylate tells you about it? I can’t seem to find it
I’ve got all endings except 9 and 11.
Any ideas ?
I will give my opinion of the game in the box beneath the game. As to not spoil too much.
It’s good though.
The only scene Im missing is the Public Bath interruption. I think I have an idea how to try it, that I first need to have completely romanced Lola before triggering the interruption in the Flick scene. But if I’m wrong please let me know.
Also, if you use NG+ and add 200 to all relationships, it almost blocks you out of getting the Amulet for Lola, or am I missing something?
The demon scene is crazy hidden if you don’t stumble upon it.
Hi there, thanks for playing.
Lola interrupts Flick and Hailing in the bath if you choose to go to the baths on mushrooms at a particular time. Kiki interrupts lola and you in the bath if both lola and kiki are falling in love with you (rel over 200)
You are right that lola has to have lower than 200 rel with you to get the acolyte scene, because otherwise she gives you release herself.
When Lola interrupts in bath no one answer lead to scene. Lola and Flick completely romanced. Maybe, there’s another variables that affects?
how did you get the demon scene?
Im having trouble triggering Elluna’s demon/succubus scene. Has anyone found it and any hints?
Thanks for playing. The succubus quest is either the 2nd or third fighter quest (from Elluna, not the quest board). I think the 3rd, but I dont have it in front of me right now.
hmmm none of the quest seems to hint on demons or succubus… BTW love the easter egg you placed iksanabot
nevermind it requires me to fully finish with elluna to trigger it. How difficult!
Can you give me some hint with Elluna? i try a lot of option wit dialogue but i don’t find this scene
if its the succubus/demon scenes: do the quests by elluna. 3rd fighter is succubus; 3rd thief (have to climb in without waiting/lockpick) is demon
Thanks man 🙂
do u have any hint for the ending 11
how to get malisman in priest sexscense
The game is awesome. I would also love to see women like elluna getting more gameplay as others. Also, i would like to join your team to share my ideas. If any place to apply please suggest.
Also one more point the beginning voice and music is so soothing…you guys have worked on music part well. Loved it.
Having problems with the game on Firefox.
Date scenes beyond the first are failing to load and locking up the interface so that you cannot go back to the main menu without reloading the page. Happened with Lola and Kionavaar.
Also getting the following error (usually shortly after the game has loaded)
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.
Please contact me by our contact form.
I’m having the same problem. Is there a way to fix it?
If this problem appears, please switch to CHROME – we’re analyzing this issue – it’s a FIREFOX browser and INDEX.DB problem on some configurations.
how can i get ending 11 and Elluna doing a naughty thing with demon scence
Has anyone found ending 11 yet?
Awesome game! I loved the original but the expansion makes it even better!!!
Is it possible to get the Queen to catch you when you sneak into her chamber?
I thought I remembered that scene in the original game…
For the demon sex scene, I don’t remember which quest it is. I think the second thief quest. But you have to try and climb the balcony instead of using the lock pick or following the guy. You will fail at the mission and get turned into a lizard. When you return to Elluna, she’ll be fucking the demons
Can someone help me? I can’t get flick fucking by two guards? Can you give me some tips?
Day 20, (maybe need high flick relationship). agree to eat mushrooms inside
I’ve tried it with high Flick/high Lola, High Flick/Low Lola, High Flick/High KiKi and all the optional dialog choices each time. No dice for me.
Oddly enough the dialog choices after going to the queen don’t always pop up (“Silence, whore!” Or Defending her honor) but if I go to jail she ALWAYS says “Thanks for defending my honor”.
Same here @MisterMan. Every time Flick ends up slapping Anthony. Don’t know what I am missing.
Has anyone figured out the Flick fucking two guards scene (the animation in the preview pics above)?
Like freakyfunk said, I always end up getting slapped when confronted by the guards in the garden.
@MisterMan, I don’t get any dialog choices in the scene when Anthony and Flick are brought in before the queen.
I never have a choice, I always try to escape and use the Queen as a hostage (I succeed and end the game if I have fighting over 50, or I die otherwise)
How did you get those dialog options?
Thanks for the help! =)
Hi guys, thanks for playing. There are 2 scenes with flick and the guards. One is if she gives the guards handjobs in the garden in return for the guards letting them go. The other is if the guards bring her and Hailing to Kiki, and Kiki realizes they are on Mushrooms, AND Kiki has high REL for Hailing. Then Kiki makes the orgy happen in the dungeon.
It aint working.
I have high relationship with every girl but it just isn’t triggering.
Do I need fighting below 50? Or do I need to not have the girls be in love with me yet? (not had anal with Kiki) or how what are the variables?
Doesnt work for me either, had the Kiki mushroom scene, REL with her over 500 (using all the game+ thingies), etc. Maybe its bugged?
Ya no luck with me either… I had over 1000 REL with Kiki and it still went directly to the taking queen hostage ending (whether I went directly to the Queen, tried to get Flick to fuck the guards and get slapped, or tried to bribe them with less than 200 gold)
Granted: I had such a high REL using the Cheats… maybe this only works if you have no cheats?
Hmm, maybe there is a bug. I can’t fix it myself. Might have to wait until Monday for it to get checked and fixed. Sorry about that!
You need a high REL with Kiki and do the mushroom scene in the garden while on a date with Kiki and her suitor before taking the mushrooms with Flick.
There is no option to talk about mushrooms for me unlie the old version
Finally figured it out. The below stats and events triggered the orgy:
Kiki – 240 (reqd. 200)
1. Didn’t beat Vasquious in the duel
2. Did the mushroom scene with Kiki while on date with her
Not beating Vasquious seems to be the key since that event seems to affect Kiki’s affection for Anthony.
I got most of the endings and scenes.
The ones I’m missing are Ending 11, Kiki mushroom scene, and Guards fucking Flick.
Can I get some hints for the above 3?
Kiki mushroom – date her , talk about mushroom ( right down place on monitor is window with this option)
you must go with her suitor
For Flick and the guards, see my reply directly above.
Hi, I’m in the same situation with @freakyfunk I’ve got all scenes and endings except ending 11, kiki mushroom scene and kiki and flick in the dungeon. I’ve tried your solution to get the scene “Guards have sex with Flick” but don’t work.
I think the kiki mushroom scene is bugged because when I date her, there is no option about mushrooms.(I tried to use/disable cheats) but the same problem.
I also would like to know if I can get any help to have the scene when Lola interrupts bath with Flick.
I’ve completed Eleanor 3 and LwT 2 TWICE now and AGAIN the save file gets deleted. Whats going on. Where on my computer are the save fiels and why do they keep resetting?!?!??!?!
Make sure you’re not doing it in Incognito mode
Is there a group sex scene with Kiki, Flick and the guards?
On the Home Page of the game (the page with “Members” and “Join Now”) right at the top, there is a picture of Kiki, Flick and a guard, it looks like in the middle of the city square and Flick is wearing the outfit she wears during her Mushroom trip.
Is this just promotional material or is this actually in the game?
I’ve tried getting “caught” in the town square with Flick the same way you get caught by Lola in the baths but I’ve never been able to trigger this. I’d appreciate any help! =)
See my response a few comments above.
You have to get caught in the garden and have the guards bring you to Kiki when Kiki has high REL for Hailing.
Will using cheats make a difference?
I had over 1000 REL with Kiki (using cheats and grinding) and I still wasn’t able to trigger that sex scene.
It just went to the taking Queen hostage scene
I don’t know. It is not supposed to. Might be that kiki rel has to be under 200 but above some other number, like the Lola acolyte scene. Let me check that is the script, hold on.
You might have to do the mushrooms with kiki first (on the kiki date), or NOT done the mushrooms with kiki first. That variable matters, but I cant look deeply enough right now to find out which way it goes.
Oh I always did the mushrooms with Kiki first… I guess I can try no mushrooms with Kiki until you do them with Flick. Thank you!
I meant to ask it one this one.
Have you tried this?
Not working. If i do mushrooms with kiki first i must run away. If i dont do mushrooms with kiki , she take me to prison for 2 days
A bit of help on how to get the demon scene?
I think it’s the third Thief quest for Elluna. You have a few options to get into the vault… try them all, you’ll find the demon scene there
Have you tried this?
Does anyone know how to get to the Venezia as a reward scene? I haven’t even met her in the game.
Also what’s the deal with Sir Serafin’s journal? I’ve looked for it about a million times and broken in everywhere. I can’t find it.
Venezia is gotten after u do the political quests and you assasinate someone. Pol 70 required.
Sir serafin is in a library. Talk to the librarian and ask about it. Then search for journal (3 hours each time) takes about 4-5 times
After you find the journal, you will have to continue to do more quests for BigToes
Eventually Venezia will show up =)
To find the journal, you have to keep searching the library after talking to the librarian. It usually takes me about 3 or 4 tries until it succeeds
Finally got it. Thanks.
I was able to get the scene with Kiki, Flick and the guards. What combination that worked for me was: Kiki 247 and Flick 254 . So Flick high than Kiki. Getting the mushrooms with Kiki on here date and “Stay silent” on the first question. On the mushroom date with Flick go directly to Kiki after eating the mushrooms.
The only ending I am missing is ending 11. Does anyone have any tips?
Were your FIGHT and THIEF stats max?
Kiki 68, Flick 224, FIGHT 35, Lord Vasquious is not defeated in a duel.
Thanks a lot, the last part of your reply helped me get the scene. I was beating Lord Vasquious everytime and apparently that was the reason for Kiki getting hurt when Anthony gets caught with another girl (Flick). Not beating Vasquious is the key to trigger the mushroom orgy.
Can confirm. Do mushrooms on the date, stay silent, but then don’t look into the crystal ball. Then go straight to kiki when the guards catch you with flick on day 18. My Flick stats were higher than Kiki stats and I had defeated Vasquez in the duel. Don’t know if any of that matters. I also did NOT use the boosted stats. I ground it out. Totally worth it tho. Best scene in the game IMO.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I can’t trigger the Flick dungeon orgy scene from the sex scene gallery, so if you want to view it again, make sure you save your progress at the end of Day 17.
How high was your fighting? And did or did you not beat Vasquez?
I’ll try some of the suggestions tonight.
This does also seem the only scene I can’t trigger in the gallery. For the others you just need to do one path to trigger all paths in the gallery. But the gallery sets you on certain values
how do u get the sex scene with the bar maid having sex with guy in the bar also how do u get the sex scene with hailing having sex with the two Acolytes?
For sex scene with the two acolytes, agree to the ritual to test the effects of elixir. After Lola leaves, the sex scene with the acolytes follow.
For the bar maid gangbang scene, when Kiki asks you to bring her the courtesan, pay the 300g, then search the court instead of going straight to Kiki’s room. Then tell the nobles you brought the courtesan for them. Really great long scene. The devs really outdid themselves in this expansion. Very cool.
Any word yet on Ending 11?
It’s the only thing I haven’t triggered. I thought maybe it was enemies +100, but that just triggers the same death ending (7, I think). I’m guessing it’s not a fun ending, bc there doesn’t seem to be a corresponding sex scene, but I’m still curious.
As iksanabot mentioned, there is a bug with this ending. I’ll fix it ASAP which mean tuesday 2020.08.04. Together with that I’ll add bonus image gallery and some other minor tweaks requested here.
Are you going to make so you can access the Flick dungeon orgy from the Sex Scenes Gallery? That would be nice to have if possible.
I’ve implemented promised fixes:
– ENDING 11 should be accessible now
– separate gallery for KIKI and FLICK in the dungeons
– higher REL with LOLA no longer a problem in getting the talisman (when playing with cheat codes)
– new bonus image gallery available with at least 3 different endings
May I ask what browser do you use to play this game?
I tried Firefox, Chrome and this game is crashed at random event.
I’ve got all of the endings, and what I believe is all the sex scenes in the game (although the gallery might be misleading, had some scenes that are not accessible from the menu). Only thing I’m missing is ending 11, and at this point I think there might be a bug in the game that prevents you from getting e11.
I could see a reason for it being at:
– reveal anti-queen conspiracy, finishing alone. At this point you still die there, although I believe people who are killing you are either dead or in prison
– somewhere around the bath scene with Lola and Kiki. There are some weird redirects there, when you accuse Kiki of being jealous, you first get hit, then she tells you that she’s going… and then she hugs you the same way like you’d pick the “concerned” option. Another thing is that when you keep silent once, then try to calm girls down – you’re getting straight to blue ball Tony. It’s funny and would make sense, but can’t help but feel something at least more more picture and some dialogue was supposed to be there.
I’ve found no way to access the “sneak into the temple” option (grayed out), or the purpose of 300 coin crystals you can buy at Flick’s
Also, what’s the deal with the library girl? IMHO the most beautiful model in the game, but she’s there only to start the subquest for Bigtoes? Is she a preview of the next add-on? 🙂
Big props to iksanabot for this one, wonderful writing. I genuinely chuckled many times over the play-though, and sometimes those games can be mundane to click trough and have trouble with keeping your attention. Iksanabot had both my curiosity and attention for the full play-though. Many scenes and subplots were hot, but I need to single out the masturbation scene with Elluna (if you pick the right options and let her talk). Bravo.
Have you thought about writing something as a purely comedy? Not fantasy comedy, not historical one, but with some simple premise, like high school/college girl MC who has “blue clitoris” and is being constantly “pussy-blocked” for the whole game by various comical, erotic and outrageous events, while everyone is having sex left and right just making her state only worse?
thanks man, glad you like it. The humor in this game is kind of coming from a place of trying not to take myself too seriously. It’s fun to write like that, but it is also just “when the mood takes me”. Whenever I write anything, if I think of something that I think is funny, if it fits, I put it in, if it doesn’t, I just chuckle to myself and move on.
I have lots of ideas for games. But yours is a good one. 🙂
Thank you for your response 🙂 I take that as “yeah, I’ve got ideas in that ballpark, but nothing serious in the works” 🙂
Could you confirm that the ending 11 is attainable in the current version of the game?
I’m sorry, it seems to be broken. It’s not going to be an easy fix. I’m trying to find where it is set. Anyway, it’s kind of a nothing ending where you learn about Bigtoes plot and escape him, but don’t have any of the girls fall in love with you.
I found the problem, but LOP is closed right now, and I can’t ix it from where I am. Will hopefully get fixed tomorrow or soon.
How u get the endings from ending 1 – 11 on the game plz and thnak u?…..
Great Expansion I only miss Elluna mastubartion scene (any tips for this one) and of course ending 11 . My Bet is that in the previous version the last Ending was this one : Ending 9: After completing God Save the Queen achievement and no girl is in LOVE with you, leave the party on day 30. But you can’t obtain it this time.
I think there should be more games with a female protagonist with a focus on lesbian content since there is a demand for that, believe it or not.
how do u get endings 1, 2 3,4,5,6,8,9,10 in the game plz and thnak u.
You try.
Great advice. Turns out if you actually play the game, you might get to view some of the content.
At this point, I don’t even know whether you are trolling or you are actually serious. You ask the same question in literally every game they have released.
Overall this is a really nice update of the prior version. Congrats on a job well done. The music is great and deserves extra mentioning.
A few things in the game logic are a bit odd IMO:
– The talisman for Lola is only achievable with rel below 200 – means it cannot be obtained when playing with all perks. Many (including me) would appreciate if you could change this.
– The guards gangbang scene needs Kiki rel below 200. More logical would be low rel => no sex, high rel => let’s party. Again, not obtainable when playing with all perks.
The gallery is a bit buggy (as in your other games). After many scenes, it returns to the wrong place or even jumps into the game. Most annoying here is that the guards gangbang scene is not accessible at all through the gallery.
But in the end these are minor points of criticism on an otherwise great game.
Hi grmpydad, thanks for playing.
We are working on the bugs.
Regarding the logic of Kiki having to have REL below 200 for the Flick/Kiki guards orgy, that was on purpose, and something I thought through: When Kiki gets REL over 200, she is falling in love with Hailing and gets jealous about him giving time and attention to other women. Below 200 but still high, she is not emotionally invested in Hailing, but finds him attractive, so THAT’s when it is “Let’s party!”
Sorry if this is the wrong thread in advance. My achievement tracker has stopped. Was getting them and now any game I play with achievement, nothing. I know it’s based on cookies. Using Chrome browser. Great games and new member. Eleanor and DiDi rock
This is getting annoying, I’ve just reported the same error for the 3rd time (yes, I’ve checked my spambox – no response). I’m using Firefox.
“An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.”
Error has occured while: date with Flick, after asking her questions; Lola/Kiki bath interrpution scene; and during the scene when Lola is getting attacked
Can somebody give me some hints on how to get ending 4 & 5?
Anyone lol? Struggling to get ending 4 &5. Would appreciate any help.
Have you tried looking at the older walkthrough we have on the site? I mean…it COULD help! LOL
Thank You.That did help.Really enjoyed the game and not getting those endings was driving me crazy.
In the other section of the sex scenes why don’t we see the scene with the courtesan when you ask what she does for 2000?
how do u get the sex scene with Hallion having sex with the two acolytes?
how do u get the sex scene with Hallan having sex with Alluna?
how do u get Endings 10 and 11 in Seducing the Throne More Magic More Mushrooms?
How to get the “blowjob after assassination” and “mushroom dungeon scene”?
the second one is the orgy scene which you are talking about?
After years of playing the original STT, I found this “upgrade” a total disappointment.
The original was funny but still intuitive, when you made mistakes it pointed you in the right direction.
You never seemed to have enough time to complete your (personal) tasks and this added to the enjoyment of the gameplay.
More Magic, More Mushrooms however, feels like a step backwards in what should have been an ecellent game: Adding a few new scenes and characters and improving the graphics quality does not really feel worth the money of (re) joining the website.
A little more thought could have gone into the gameplay, and the little bugs are extremely annoying eg: buying books from the queen to improve your skill sets was always a good option for those days when you had a few spare hours, but having them disappear from the inventory the day after buying them is a serious bug that needs sorting immediately.
Take a leaf out of another game and perhaps follow their gameplay path (Snake Valley): excellent gameplay and interaction.
No wonder this game (STT: MM, MM) polled only 8% of the vote for 2020 !!!
I posted a comment earlier based on my initial impression of the game.
my impression was totally skewed by having played the older version and loving it.
To be fair, having played this new version a few times, I now see the subtleties that I missed before.
The game is actually sublime with it´s twists and turns, and the graphics are a vast improvement over the older version.
Admittedly it had a few bugs which probably spoilt i at first but, if people take the time to make the bugs known the developer actually bends over backwards to help, 10/10 for that !!!!
Just a tip for those people who constantly ask for walkthroughs: Being led by the nose to achieve an ending just spoils the experience of playing the game.
Save often when you feel you´re making progress, then when/if you make a mistake, you can always pick up where you left off.
It´s much more fun discovering for yourself.
My final tip: You are gonna lose all your money on day 2 so spend it all on day 1 then you can always sell it back after being tricked by Flickerine.
Right I´m off to get me some horny demon poontang !!!
I have officially played it to death and the twists and turns make the game more fun every time I play it.
Elluna is a brilliant addition, in fact she reminds me so much of an ex with her mannerisms and demands.
Needy much ?
There are still one or two things that bug me though:
The purpose of the potions: Heal me was always that, to restore your strength.
Red Potion was for sexperience, now it´s for added strength limit, not too bad especially as it´s relatively cheap.
Magical scroll is in my opinion too expensive however this is offset by the fact that you gan gather sexp(3pts) by chatting with the courtesan.
Interaction with Elluna: What is the point of having the option of keeping the items you have collected for her when there is obviously no benefit eg: toothpick allegedly aids with your sexual prowess.
The Gods alone know what the other items do.
One bugbear though: The ability to break into the temple comes and goes, with seemingly no pattern.
I´m not even gonna comment on the grammar as that would be petty.
Just to be clear, my comments are not to be taken as complaints.
The game is as close to perfection as it is possible to get, and considering I still play LOP2 with Aria Giovanni for a trip down memory lane, it´s a wonderful tribute to how far Leonizer has progressed.
I will not be cancelling my membership any time soon.
PS: please please please make an expansion to Snake Valley, possibly where jack comes back from his adventures and the town is in rag order from corruption and the dead rising again.
Right, the game has been out for almost a year now.
The graphics and the gameplay areboth funny and innovative, but, and it´s a big but, the glitches are adding up and becoming annoying.
I don´t know how man others have a monthly subscription but it´s getting annoying now.
Saving: The whole point of saving a game is so that when a player comes back online (after work etc) they can pick up where they left off.
I doesn´t work, or rather it works very rarely.
Completing more endings to play game+ mode is pretty defunct if you can´t save.
Helping the Acolyte´s brother should trigger the following rewards: information about the elixer and a few goodies from her.
No goodies.
In the old version, once you had finished the sex dates it triggered their love for you enabling the player to benefit from other sex bonuses, instead now you lose points for them.
It´s now at the stage where all these little oversights detract from the enjoyment of playing the game.
And for all those people who keep harping on about walkthroughs: Play the game and discover it for yourself.
Ask for help by all means but don´t expect to be led by the nose !!!
how the unlock with Kiki scene pull your dick out in front of her
i know it’s been a year but anyone know how to get the kiki/flick dungeon scene?
i’ve tried everything posted here. From high kiki/flick to not trying the mushrooms with kiki first.