As we’ve informed before, the release of the new version is SENSUAL HAUNTING is getting closer and closer – probably this SEPTEMBER. This release will improve many aspects of the original game and implement new elements into the gameplay. We’re still balancing the game and adding the final modifications (and some extra animations), but so far, I must say it’s very playable and gives a lot of fun from finding the consequences of your actions. The way you may influence the character’s sexual desires and their decisions… very enjoyable experience.
This game will be released first for sexandglory.com users and then, after a few weeks, for STEAM players.

How to Show Adult Only Games on STEAM? To find this option, login first, then click your name at the top right corner of the Steam client and then select “Store Preferences.” Under Mature Content, check the “Adult Only Sexual Content” box to view these types of games. Your change takes effect immediately
During all those years, we’ve released many games for sexandglory.com.
Please let us know if you would like to see a continuation of one of those titles or maybe another remaster, on the similar basis we’re doing with SENSUAL HAUNTING. Or maybe you want to see something new, not related to the older titles? Just give us a note in the comments.
I would like to see House Party Remake. It’s very old, but very good game for my opinion.
Yes, I think everyone is waiting for a House Party remaster. That game is great. Great models as well.
Alot of the S&G games are special and therefore worth playing. I’d also like Office Romance updated with an accessible gallery, and just overall S&G seems to have the problem of your data disappearing more often than Lopgold.
I wished vampire stories could’ve been a game where every new girl from other games gets implemented as a tease for games to come. It’s perfect for that.
And Lillith is a gorgeous model that’s wasted in her mediocre game in my opinion.
To add to that. Just as Office Romance could use a freshen up, Camgirl Confessions also deserves that. Those 3 games are the ones I regularly play again, more than some older Lopgold games, or even newer ones. It’s jist something about them that hit the right tones. And all those models are just stunning.
Yea House Party was a lot of fun. That and Tori 500 were the first games I played and got hooked. Would definitely love a remake of that. Just like LWT there’s so much potential for it. I just loved the replay value of it and doing new things to hook up with different girls and finding new scenarios.
Girl with Tattoos, absolutely! Charlotte was hot, the story was good and had variety and things to search out.
wait only for LWT wild weekends & wife gone wilder extenstion…
I thought the concept of Vampire Stories was simple cause you could always just add another character. No need for giant updates, except for the larger vampire evolution story. I’d love to see more there.
I always liked Mysterious Island and Medusa’s Curse. Would be neat to see them re-imagined.
What I’ve always enjoyed about S&G is how many of the games have different gameplay. Taking that into account along with the story and characters in each game, the games I’d like to see remade or expanded upon in spin-offs/ sequels and prequels would be the following:
13 Rooms: I enjoyed the puzzle aspect of the game and the characters were hot. The main thing I liked was the setting. Being locked in a villa with strangers trying to escape with people watching you is a fascinating idea. Kind of like Saw but instead of violence all the time, it was more just dirty sex with people you probably wouldn’t have slept with otherwise. A sequel or a prequel that shows what happened before/after would be nice. Maybe one or two of the characters from the previous game return, either as a captive again or maybe even someone in charge of the sick game.
Abyss: When it comes to Sex and Glory, it’s obvious that there is a love for all things Lovecraftian and Abyss is the standout example of this. It’s been a while since I’ve last played it but the eerie feeling of the story is a standout. The gameplay wasn’t anything special but the thing I liked from Abyss was the Lovecraftian themes in a World War II setting. I don’t know if it needs a straight-up remake or even some kind of direct sequel, but a game that deals with the horrors of Lovecraft in a WWII world would be something I’d greatly enjoy.
House Party: Probably the first game on the site I played many years ago and it’s still great. The characters are hot, the setting is simple but perfect for the gameplay, a lot of different paths for each character to take where it might end with different people sleeping with each other and some fun mini-game stuff. This seems like the easiest to expand upon by straight up remaking it or making a sequel. I love how you can get with every character and if you play right it can end in an orgy. A lot of different sex scenes too which makes it fun to replay since you can achieve a different scene depending on the choices. If it is a direct sequel or remake I’m hopeful that the characters will be the same or look extremely similar to the originals.
Mysterious Island: I enjoy this one a lot. The premise is simple, being stuck on an island and discovering secrets. Also, I remember this being the first game I recall where combat was first used. If remade or expanded upon the combat system probably needs more depth but the feeling this game had was fun. It reminds me of Dead Island. It’s set in a place where you don’t normally have zombie settings, trying to survive and find out what’s going on. This being remade or even something new where you are a survivor washed up on a desert island and you go around finding other survivors with the main goal of escaping can also be good. Just the idea of a survival sex game sounds unique to play.
Girl with Tattoos: I remember this release and the standout from this game is the characters. I enjoyed the character interactions and their looks. Charlotte was hot and I was happy she returned in Vampire Stories. I liked that Aria was a famous singer and Sophia is probably one of the most underused characters in S&G overall. A remake of this with new scenes will probably be the easiest thing to do but a direct sequel could work too. Since I believe the characters are strong enough in GwT, a spin-off focused on any of the characters would work. As I said, I think Sophia was underutilized, she needs more scenes and her having her own game would be amazing.
They would be my top picks. 7 Day Quest and Jade Dildo are probably my least favourite games. I like the detective idea and I do wish you return to something that’s similar in style in the future but I feel like a detective game made now would be way better than these. Arkham is a game I enjoyed and I wouldn’t mind an expansion but out of all the games that deal with Lovecraft, I’d prefer something in a different setting like Abyss. Bounty Hunter is great in certain aspects and weak in others. The setting of the 80s and being a bounty hunter is great. The characters are hot and I liked that it shows both sides of the law. It’s something I’d like you to revisit but the main problem I had was the gameplay, it never felt fun to play. Going back to something like this with a different take on the gameplay would put it up higher for me.
I like Camgirl Confessions but I don’t think you can do much with it going forward apart from bringing the odd character back now and again since they looked nice. I like Cherubim but it needed something more story-wise for me to want a sequel. Lilith and Roommates are games that never clicked with me. I just never found them that interesting apart from once again the characters looking nice. Much Ado About Nothing is a bit of a shame. I like the writing and the characters’ appearance but I found it so slow to play that it can be a chore. Medusa’s Curse as potential. A remake to make it look nicer would be perfect or turning it into S&G’s version of God of War, where the gameplay is similar between titles but it’s a different take on other mythologies. Office Romance is another game with great potential. The main appeal of that game is the corruption aspect. Corrupting a girl to cheat on her fiance is what makes that game for me.
Sensual Alchemist is a bit underrated. I love the college setting and the use of magic but I feel like it needed more storylines. Strip Texas Hold’em and Vampire Stories are interesting. I like the gameplay on both but I didn’t like that as the main focus. It’s fun to play but not being able to do much else outside of that is what harmed the titles for me. That and the lack of a story that ties everything together to make it worth investing the time to play. I’d like to see these mechanics return in the future but as something extra in a different game, not the focus. My favourite game on S&G has always been Sensual Haunting so I’m interested in the remake.
What I would like to see from S&G is more of what you’ve been doing. I feel like S&G shines when it comes to less vanilla content. Sure the sex might be vanilla at times but the worlds and scenarios are very different compared to LoP. You’ll find darker themes like corruption, horror, paranormal etc. That combined with unique gameplay tied with those themes makes for great games. Some themes I’d like to see explored more story and gameplay-wise are Detective, Survival and Management.
A completely new style of Detective Game where you are hired to do small things at first like taking pictures of a cheating wife that then leads to finding someone’s missing daughter before ending with the big case of finding a murderer would be something I’d like. Each of the characters you meet from the smaller cases all then appears in the final case.
As I mentioned above, a desert island survival game sounds fun or combine the survival aspect with Lovecraft and make a game set on some planet colony. People are sent to a planet and after being there for a few months, a crew member goes insane and kills the leader. It is then up to you to survive in the base set on an alien world, trying to get people to work together to blast off the planet or maybe you like that you gained control of the base and you use that for your amusement. You need to make sure you fight off any alien wildlife and gather enough resources like water and food to keep the people alive whilst having an eerie feeling that something on this planet is corrupting you and the people, some kind of unknown all-powerful being.
A management game where you run a business or even an apartment complex where you use your power to corrupt the people around you. In the Apartment Complex example, you can choose to follow single characters and end up being in a relationship with them or you can spy on them, gather information and manipulate them into wanting to have sex with you. Perhaps you gain the interest of some MILF and while you are dating her, you can manipulate her teenage daughter to also be with you without her mother knowing. The gameplay is a management system where you have to earn enough money to pay your bills and maintenance but you can control the prices and such. Doesn’t have to be super complex but a game where you can manage assets and allow for business growth could be a nice spin on gameplay. Maybe expand and open new rooms which allow new characters to romance as you progress.
I’d love to see a remaster of Girl with Tattoos. That’s probably the game I enjoyed the most because it had the best cheating scenes among all your games, in which it was better explored and mentioned during sex. And the models are gorgeous.
A re-make of 7 Day Quest and Girl With Tattoos would be nice to see.
I know it was on LOPGOLD, but i would like to see a remaster of Didi: Camera Business
I 2nd that! 😀
Camgirl Confessions! Please~~~Good story & Orgy, Gangbang scenes make heroines alive
Also 2nd this… 😀 Yay!
13 rooms/camgirl/office romance can be better with a remaster
Roommates! And House Party
i hope the game got multi endings.the original got like 3 and super lames.
I’d love to see more Vampire Stories. I like the puzzle game and the characters. Perhaps it could have a mix in style? Part puzzle and part point and click?
I think Girl with Tattoos was a great game with beautiful models and much more potential to develop upon. And I think the next game to remake should be Girl with Tatoos.
As majority i’d love to see House party remaster,still one of my favoirte SG games,it would be cool to see another take on it. Also,Medusas curse,it’s among first games i’ve stumbled upon when finding out about LOP/SG, i’d love to see it get a remaster,especially because that merchant is like Tracy’s lost sister 😀
I want a remasterz of Mysterious Island,Medusa’s Curse and Sensual Alchemist,Jade Dildo,Abyss, and Cherubim!…..
i want a continuation with more scenes and things to to on MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING