About LWT 1 & 2

July 6, 2023 24 By leonizer

Everything is going great with this project – I expect to receive the final version of the texts and probably the complete set of renders next month. And what’s more, I want to share something with you. Iksanabot was almost done with the script – all left was the scene between Justin and Sandy. It was meant to be simple, but he added something unexpected. A plot twist we all hadn’t anticipated. What could it be?
Below are images from previous scenes.


Szuga is remodeling and rendering new locations to the redux version of the game. When YamYoda finishes rendering Sandy’s event, he will start working on that project. At first, he will present us with characters in new shaders and do some test renders of how everything looks with the new settings. I’m very excited about coming back to this title.