LWT – rendering complete

July 21, 2023 50 By leonizer


Finally! The rendering process is complete! Also, we got all texts, so I’m proud to announce that I’ve started the development process this week.

I plan to release this expansion this September for LOP GOLD members and then a few weeks later for STEAM users.

This is an excellent moment to ask you a question – would you like to see more content for LWT1, or is it time to take a small break from this game and focus on LWT2 now? The possibilities for expanding LWT1 are limitless, and our head is still full of ideas for extra content. On the technical side, this is the last update that is done for the UNITY version of the game. When we want to add more stuff, I must rebuild the whole game in RENPY, and it would be an excellent opportunity to modify some crucial elements of the game, like the idea of daily schedules for characters, repeatable actions, stats and some interface updates. Let us know in the comments what you think about it.