Eleanor and Tracy
July 12, 2024BITCH IN MIAMI
The development continues. Presently, I’ve started implementing the first events in the game and converting the sets of static images into animations. Everything looks great, and I’m thrilled to test everything in motion. Now I need to ask my 2d artist for cumshots visuals to add the final touch to the sex scenes.
Daman is doing a great job writing texts—I’m sure you’ll love the way he tells the story. It’s very Eleanor-ish, presenting the action from her twisted point of view, and perfectly suits the visuals.
Chestnut is continuing the rendering process – we still plan to prepare more renders, but I’m not sure if going to include everything in the base version of the game. We’ll probably add some new scenes just after the game’s release.
YamYoda has just completed one of the hot scenes with Amanda and Blake, which takes place in Malibu. Imagine those black scarves on boys’ eyes, aroused girls and a beautiful sunset in a small beach house. This significant scene is one of two erotic situations that Justin and Tracy are going to experience before the visit to the Swinger’s Club.
I take it in American Sunset this is where the beach house location comes into play ? Looks awesome also are we still getting that Tracy with the stranger encounter that was teased in March aswell everything is looking amazing. I can’t wait for both games.
I keep coming back to an idea I have already proposed a couple times, adding Tracy’s childhood friend, Breanne Lawson, as a new character. At first I pushed this as part of a stand-alone game, then as the basis for a large expansion to Luscious Secrets. I still believe in the idea, but realize it needed scaled back and several elements removed to work in the current game.
Here’s my newest revised pitch-
Breanne is introduced when she stops by one evening appearing distraught and looking for Tracy. She needs advice and to vent after catching her husband cheating with his secretary in their bed. Justin tries to be helpful but Breanne is not having it and accuses Justin of probably cheating with Lisa. The two ladies go upstairs and lock themselves in the bedroom for the night (to talk not sex). Following that first interaction, she goes to Tracy’s work once a week to get legal advice about her divorce. Afterwards she and Tracy hang out at the house or, with prompting, the bar, where Justin can interact with them. Like the other side characters, Justin can also interact with Breanne daily at certain times and locations.
The part that makes Breanne special is she adds opportunities to make Tracy question Justin’s relationships with other women, yet at the same time Breanne herself desires Justin. As she and Justin reach a new relationship levels more backstory is revealed in which Breanne has always pined for Justin. She didn’t act because her trusted friend Tracy got him first, but it turns out Tracy and Justin’s relationship started from a deceitful act. This all culminates with a scene where she begs Justin to have dirty, degrading sex with her in front of her estranged husband and Tracy… and Tracy encourages Justin to go for it! After that Justin has new options to pursue Breanne with or without Tracy.
I have a lot more of the backstory and progression planned, but it would be too much to list here.
Eleonor and the LwT addon both look great. Hopefully the development runs smoothly so we don’t have to wait that long.
Does this blog have any game forum? (Discord?)
I want to get the walkthrough to another games.
yeah, if you google it the blog post is the first result.