Dignity One has landed!
May 20, 2015Today we’re releasing our latest PREMIUM game – epic space western with RPG elements and galaxy to save.
Jack has had better moments in his career. Right now flying on the absolute final fuel reserve, he is trying to find a quiet planet to dock and find an odd job to earn some money to refuel his ship. Dignity One isn’t a shiny new vessel, but she’s never let Jack down. April is a great mechanic and a very enjoyable companion, but after many years of working together she has begun to lose hope and faith that Jack knows what he is doing. And what’s more, both of them have been utterly depressed for many weeks now because…
…because the Swarm is coming to this end of the galaxy. No one knows where it comes from or it’s purpose. This ancient race has never tried to communicate with humanity – the only language they know is one of violence and blood spoken by slaughtering millions of human beings. Human star fleet was devastated by the first strike – since that moment no one has tried to challenge the Swarm mothership in open combat. During that epic strike, hundreds of military ships were destroyed and all hope seemed to die.
Swarm is devouring planet after planet. So far nobody has been able to resist it – the only way to survive is to escape as far as possible and pray to your God for mercy. What happens to devoured planets? It’s hard to say because nobody has ever come back from any research missions. But there’re rumors, death is the penalty for spreading them, that the Swarm is trying to… modify the human race to become hosts for their young ones.
So people are awaiting the inevitable. Some of them run away, some are hoping that the Swarm won’t attack their world and some… don’t give a shit about it, hoping that somebody else will solve the problem for them. And what’s Jack and his crew’s part in this? We’re about to find it out…
During your epic journey you will meet a number of lovely girls. Some of them will spread their legs for you in exchange for a couple of credits… and some will require a more romantic approach. They are counting on your attention, some fancy gifts and a promise, that when the Swarm comes, you will take them somewhere safe.
Space exploration
With your vessel Dignity One, you can visit several planets where you will find interesting quests as well as valuable resources to obtain. But beware – those territories are also full of desperate pirates and other lunatics just waiting to stab you in the back and steal all you’ve got in your cargo bay.
Upgrade your ship
In the space ports you can spend your hard earned credits on ship upgrades that will help you take your mining business to a new level with better droids and more precise scanners. Also, with better sensors you will be able to detect crashed vessels and salvage what’s left from them.
Fight for your life
Sometimes Jack will be forced to face his enemies in combat. If you want to keep him alive, arm him with new devastating weapons and protect him with body armor. If that’s not enough, augment his body with various upgrades and call your crew members for support during vicious fights.
Non-linear story
As always in our games – you shape the story. There are a lot of crucial choices altering the plot and events you can encounter during your journey. You can play as a Jack who is full of compassion or as a Jack who cares only about himself. It’s up to you. Depending on your decisions you can reach one of 6 game endings.
Board Dignity One here: Dignity One at lopgold.com
i just wanna say thank you! I love Sci-Fi themed games, and your spicing up that with awesome girls is much better! I just wished the “mainstream” sci-fi games like mass-effect would be more mature like The Witcher series, but that is just daydreaming.
Anyway, thanks a lot! Please continue to make games for us!
Seems that you cant dock at this plane the moment you leave a plane in navigation
Thats rather serious bug that doesnt allow you to make any progress in the game. I even tried to earn money for leaving sector and when I did, I couldnt dock on any station.
In terms of any technical issues please contact us at: support@lessonofpassion.com
hmm, i could leave the system after doing the quest for Fumi and getting the rewad.
But i encountered another bug: after saving a game and loading it your combat stat says NaN and you cant defeat any opponent in melee combat.
It rolls the dices but, no matter the number you roll, no damage is beeing dealt to anyone.
I’m having the same issue.
That was the NaN combat value problem
Once I’ve left Ocean Prime for the first time, it’s impossible to dock to the station there again (tested on three browsers on two operating systems).
Please fix that bug soon, as it prevents any progress in the game.
I’d also like to suggest testing new games more thoroughly before publishing them.
We’re unable to experience this issue with docking to Ocean Prime. We spend the whole week testing the game and we never encountered this issues – everything works fine for us not matter what we do.
But indeed another player also reported us this situation.
I suspect what could cause a problem and right now I’m uploading modified file.
Thank you for the quick help, it’s working now.
Hello. To be honest I prepared a new build (1.00) but I quickly deleted it from servers cause it contains some errors. Right now we got previous version so basically nothing is changed yet 🙂
the only thing i can see is a white window 🙁
Same here
All the games up to Jordan 500 won’t load…
It’s working now. I’m very sorry about that but today servers are working like mad dealing with all traffic caused by the premiere of D1.
Hi, enjoyed the game, one or two more scenes to get by choosing different options.
The bonus gallery link isn’t working.
Also a suggestion for replay ability, either starting with some cash or the ability to increase fuel and cargo to make the grind a little easier. Or ship upgrades carry over.
What does the can opener do exactly?
I came here basically to post the same thing as Always86. Finished all the achievements, but bonus gallery link is down. I think the Can Opener might do something when pirates try to board you ship, but I’m not sure cause I never used it either. I would love to see a purchasable cargo space upgrade to 100 or 120 as well. It would cut down on traveling back and forth between shops and the mining planet. Maybe making ship wreck discoveries more rewarding would be nice too since they are usually less profitable than simply mining despite the rarity difference.
I’ve fixed the issue with bonus gallery.
And the “Can opener” – were you able to find ISS Concordia? And board it without this tool? No? So somebody is still trapped there 🙂
Ah fair enough, I bought it before I got there so never got the instruction to buy it.
I see you have reached all the achievements. There is one I have yet to get, Reunion of Lovers. Do I have to have Lusty on Dignity One when I buy Zafira’s freedom to get that one?
If memory serves me right, you do NOT need her. Let me know if my mind is still working.
An incredible game, the story and the characters are very successful. What we want we can do, at the pace we want, especially in the order you want (knowing that sometimes it closes the possibility to do something later if we do not do in a certain order).
For now, I have found for 5 on 6. I have very little idea last. I found three purposes over a planet, and end in a remote station. And a fairly quick one with a certain person.
Oh, I did finish the Concordia line, guess I just didn’t realize the Can Opener did something there. It was equipped on my ship when I arrived.
Very fun game and nice job incorporating gameplay mechanics, such as the fighting system, from previous games into this one.
how do you get to the concordia??
Awesome game with very nice images/animation.
However, I would say that there are some gameplay issues – you have two limitations for harvesting money, cargo size and fuel.
I understand it was done to prevent simple grind a lots of minerals/wreckage on one planet but two variables do too much for it. If remove cargo size player will still be unable harvest more that 8 times (if lucky) due to fuel consumption. And now strict cargo limitations makes upgrades to mining droid worthless – you can fill your cargo full with nice radar and worst droid.
Thus, simple grinding remains but with cargo limitations it takes too much flights to mining/selling without any challenge.
first time poster but I have to say from the free games to the lop gold versions love the detail. Don’t complain about the wait in between great job on them I guess in Dignity one out there in space no one can hear you have sex lol
I noticed a spatio-temporal incoherence: p
On some planet, we can have the following purposes that comes with us.
But at some point, we may have Lusty aboard the Dignity One. But when one goes with her on this planet … Well it’s like she was not there.
Yet it is there … in the spaceship and she can not leave without us. ^^
I have a few problems with this game, possibly easy fixes?
First is a bug, i haven’t been able to give gifts at all since my 1st play through. Also haven’t been able to repeat the Sex with Fumi since my first play through either.
These are just gripes with the gameplay:
The Floating in space towards wreckage scene is way too long. Considering we have to see it over and over its just annoying and makes the grind even worse.
Second is as many people have said is the cargo space. Why not make an upgrade for cargo space. That surely is a given, work hard at first to make the grind easier.
Third is to make items auto equip on collection or at least have the option.
The grind aspect makes sequential play throughs a chore.
Other than that im really enjoying it, i like the story. Most of the girls are hot. Just needs some tweaking.
This game is a hot mess–witgh less of a focus on hot, more of a focus on mess.
First, the good:
– Character designs are par the course for the newer games being released. Hot ladies, decent guys to look at. (Though I’m not a huge fan of the “stripper with huge nails look 90% of the girls in the game have)
– You tried to do something different than usual–this game isn’t a do X in Y days nor a point and click adventure. That’s good, even if I think it hurt the game more than helped.
– The “mystery” of the game leads to replayability. If you don’t explore every option, you will run into an ending you’re not expecting.
The bad:
– Combat is not your bag at this point. I’m sorry, but every system of combat you’ve had thus far has been weak and amounted to little other than “Click attack and hope the enemy dies before you do.” This game could’ve been markedly improved if it focused more either the trading aspect (trading stock between planets, for example) or the space rogue aspect, where you’re a free agent playing every side you meet to either save the galaxy or get out free.
– There’s no sense of urgency in this–you’ve got a story that hinges on an entire sector being overrun by a swarm of monsters, but you’re at your leisure to do whatever you want for as long as you want. So?? Where’s the actual difficulty in the gameplay come in? You can’t even die from combat?
– The writing is atrocious. Coming off games like Abyss, Living with Temptation, and Girl with the Tattoos: I expected better than middle-school level dialogue and plot. Did you lose your previous writer, or something? Character motivations were all over the place and everyone spoke like they were reading from a bad Syfy channel script. And spelling mistakes abooooound.
– The sex scenes…Maybe it was just me, but the camera never felt centered on the action. And there was little interactivity or choice involved like in previous games–it just felt like “Oops, there’s your sex. Have fun.” And none of the scenes felt “earned” like in previous games, even the hidden ones.
I really hope your next games are better, to be honest. This level of work going into them makes me not want to subscribe.
You can move the camera during the sex scènes.
* * * * * * * * *
This game is only long because you need to earn a lot of money at the beginnen and then its boring.
too much buggs and still the save funktions is buggy.
sry to say but this game is realy for me a reason to unsubcribe!
the only good thing is that it has no limitied days(like 30days)
not like the others its 15:00 now you have to do this that you can get in 20 days this achivment
my advice – please take a couple of depth breaths before posting a comment, okay?
I’m stuck on one end. I turned the game in long, wide and across, but I can not have the end where you destroyed the mother ship. Someone has an idea to have it without giving too much away?
Do I understand correctly that there is no way to fuck Helen, Pirate Captain or April (without raping her – or getting a blowjob only)?
How having blowjob from April? 😮
I am experiencing this too, the only way I know of is too force her.
Her relationship doesn’t seem to do anything either, I have got to around 400 and nothing new happens. 🙁
I can not find the “depraved collection” “Story”?
I Need some help here… 🙂
u need to have sex with all the whores in the brothel
Stuck on finding the “Sweet Secrets” achievements.
Any hints?
why aren’t my comments appearing here?? :O
Is there a walk-through anywhere?
@Frelzor: Come back to the brothel. Accept mission from creepy guy. Give the girls some privacy.
Hey I had a question, what happens when you have a high enough relationship with April? (The girl on the ship with you).
I can’t seem to figure what this unlocks.
Thanks. 🙂
Anybody got gazebo, are u asleep and rescue team achievements
I’ve played the game a couple of times and here are my two cents:
-The graphics: Good, though the designs less so
-Story and premise: not my cup of tea, but okay I guess
-The writing: a step down from previous releases
-The gameplay: Probably the worst of any of your premium games.
Dignity 1 suffers from the same issues as Johnny Bullet and City of Love. There’s not enough focus on the girls, your interaction with them, and the subsequent sex scenes. There are 4 main girls… after talking to them and giving them gifts you can have 1 sex scene with each… 1 sex scene… I’d hate to draw comparisons to LwT but… the seduction system (done slowly over time) and the sex scenes (many times with each girl, numerous positions, etc.) in that game were done to perfection.. But in this game it feels rushed and forced… And the sex scenes… I’m not a fan of this hotspot gameplay (you had the same in the free game Avery and Peyton) it’s way less interactive and immersive than the sex scenes in Eleanor, LwT, etc. In previous games there were multiple positions and speeds for each time you could have sex… in Dignity 1 you have about 2 scenes for each… the scenes with the prostitutes were down-right lazy…
Instead of focusing on the relationships and the sex (those things become secondary), you put a lot of effort into mechanics that should be secondary like mining, combat, etc. If I wanted to spend time with things like these I would play starcraft, world of warcraft, elder scrolls, etc. which are all games that do these mechanics way better.
And I hate, hate, hate that dice system… once, against a particular strong enemy I rolled lower than him more than 6 times in a row… in another instance I rolled a 1 four times in a row…
I still look forward to future releases, especially the CoL expansion and I will continue to support your site. But this was a serious disappointment.
amen brother
I agree 100%.
I still liked it but it would be great if someone made a walk-through.
Really liked the game. Don’t really understand the comments. It is also compared to other games much less grind and not really long, you get money quickly and can explore.
I hope it gets expanded in the future.
I really appreciate the superb work done by publishing all these games.
Thanks to the authors.
But I have played it now multiple times, but have not found the “Sticky Hands” achievement. Any hint, where it can be found ?
I really like the game but im stuck on getting the Gazebo achievement any hint or ideas on how to get it
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