LOP GOLD in 2016
January 7, 2016Welcome 2016 – the best year for LOP GOLD players ever!
I promised LWS EXP to be released soon but we got some issues with getting texts for this game on time. So we got a delay with that project. But don’t worry – we haven’t wasted this time. I started to develop ELE2 (despite the fact that we’re still missing many renders for it) and development is going very well. With Insiders group we’ve tested new sex mechanics and it seems that insiders like it a lot.
I want to release LWS EXP first cause I’m still waiting for more renders for ELE 2 (the biggest amount of renders ever). Agrippa promised me to deliver all texts to Serena by the end of this week so I’ll be able to start working over this project from next Monday.
So what can you guys except from LOPGOLD this year?
You know that I don’t like to give any dates but I can tell you what we plan to launch this year for our premium site.
Short game and super hot game for BONUS GAMES section
New project rendered by ITMAKESMEBLUSH.
And probably something more.
So what do you think about 2016 line-up?
This is awesome! First picture from LIVING WITH TEMPTATION 2 so hot.
Absolutely incredible. I’am dying for the launching of LWT2 and LWS-EXP…!!!
Thanks for the update.
Can’t wait for LWT2, Ele2 and LWS ! These seem to be absolutely stunning !
And I’m more and more in love with ItMakesMeBlush’s work.
2016 is an extremely promising year.
This is gonna be fantastic year judging from this update
With all respect to everyone else on the team,im most looking forward to lwt2,Lisa is so hot,justin is one lucky bastard
Thanks to all team for amazing work
I think that ALL of us are looking forward to LWT2 ! This game should be the priority over the priorities.
However Ele2 and LWS seem very tempting, too. I’m very enthousiastic.
hey leo a quick doubt .. a silly one. You said you guys worked on E2 not wasting time in between cant it b possible to complete lwt2 first n then go on to E2 this will keep the releasing schedule on time… just a suggestion . 😛
No cause renders for LWT2 are so far from complete right now.
So LWT2 will be released after LWS and E2 ?
yuup means lwt2 will take 4-5 months i think.
Probably much much longer than that.
If i may, i’ve got new idea for another ending LWT2, that Derek get married with Lisa & Tracy (polygamy) (state of marriage to many spouses).
I know for many country polygamy is ilegal. But this is just game not reality. LOL.
I’m very anxious for these games . I know they are going to rock, take the time you need. Are Erotic Date: Tracy and Lisa still planned?
Last word was yes they still planned.
and now I want to replay LWT for like the 15th time heh Great line up, going to be an amazing year.
Can’t wait for the next game. All of them look promising.
But LWT 2 looks by far the best game. I always loved it the most. I’ll be really happy if it’s out. 😀
the LU is pretty strong can’t wait for more games 😉
Graphics are going awesome, still hope the same for animation !
Nice work
The only disappointing news is that LWT2 seems to be still far away from us 🙁 .
The wait is extremely long.
Hi Chris.
Just my opinion on LwT2: it might be the last game of the year, I just don’t care. I just want it to be awesome.
I agree, I want it to be perfect, too. I have waited for it for a whole year, I can wait some months more. I just hope it will be the most fantastic-awesome-marvellous-unforgettable game the world has ever seen ;-). However if it’s possible to have it sooner than end of the year, I won’t be against it 🙂 .
And LWS and Ele2 seem very intriguing. I’m hyped.
i agree with you,i just hope that in lwt2 we will be given longer scenes and even more possibilities and chances for action with lisa and tracy,that is the only if i can call it “objection” i had for first game,i still think that they can keep ugrading first game because it is real gem
but as i said,it is going to be fantastic year seeing all the projects lopteam is preparing,no doubt
It’s the major problem I see with LWT2. With a so long development, we all expect it to be much longer, much hotter, much better than the first one. And the more the waiting time increases, the more the risk of disappointment increases. I fear that even a meaningless bug will produce merciless comments…
But I keep faith in the team.
One thing to remember is at least some of the delay is our fault, remember the whole fuss when the original V6 models were shown and the fans begged them to go back to V4 for Tracey and Lisa? Who knows how much work had to be re-done, might of been only a bit or loads, something to bear in mind.
Yes you’re right. But according to Leo, a big amount of renders still needs to be done : I think they underestimated the time of development last year.
The team made some mistakes in 2015, but maybe it’s a good thing, I’m sure they learned a lot. And I have the feeling that 2016 will be their best year.
– Absolutely outstanding.
– Updating the bonus game gold section it’s much appreciated. Enjoyed Sylvia and Nick.
– Can’t wait for LwS Exp and Club Velvet Rose because of ItMakesMeBlush.
It’s gonna be awesome and it’s getting better and better.
And Oh, once and forever: Team Tracy!
Yeah, Team Tracy, too.
Yeah, LWT2…Hello Lisa my darling :D.
Everything looks so perfect..
Just one question we won’t get anything this month?
Leo said they plan on releasing LWS expansion this month. If all goes to plan he can begin developing that on Monday so tentatively I’d think a mid/late release this month.
I think you’re a bit optimistic. After the programing, beta testing needs to be done… But nobody knows.
I dunno, 3 weeks in which to programme and beta test seems reasonable, though granted I know nothing about programming so I could be way off the mark.
From what I notice, they seem to want to release first week of the month. If nothing is released on the first week of the month don’t expect anything to be released during that month.
LWS most likely will be released in February.
My guesses are..
LWS Expansion – February
Margaret and Walther – April
Eleanor 2 – June, or July
Club Velvet Rose – September
LWT2 – November
Hadn’t really noticed that but looking back over the blog your right, almost all releases happened during first week of a month. Dunno if that’s intentional or just the way things worked out.
So LWT2 will be a 2nd half 2016 release for sure, right?
According to the fact that they are still at the step of rendering, there is no chance the game can be released in the next months.
And unfortunately, I think the guess of FelicitySkye is pertinent : not before last tier of 2016…
Leo, you have just made my day! 😀
Also, I owe you my apologize, I was too harsh with my last post.. we expected something to be writen from you these days, and now you’ve came with a whole year program. Thank you!
I belive these upcoming games will bring you more ”fame”, pics are fantastic, models are hot – amazing, you have the best job ever 😉
Now I will think twice before I write something bad (blame my patience). LOP team – do what you do the best, make you’re stunning games!
Thanks Leo, this images are awesome :).
I would’ve loved to see more of our godess Lisa and Blind Date 3D expansion. But we’re satisfied with this :D.
I like it a lot, since there are two expansions for two of my favoutire games (Ele and LwT). What I would like to see other than that? My first two choices would be an expansion to living with Britney and a full game of your SPY: Agent 069.
i also want a full game for SPY: Agente 069, i think it will be cool cuz she is hot as fuk
I would also like a game with the model from spy agent 069. she is super hot and i wish you guys could make another game with her
Am i the only one who is most excited about ele2? I just loved the first one but then I am a sucker for the hotwife thing. Also Margaret and Walther looks nice. That ass gets me going.
no you are not the only one. im pretty excited with ele2 cant wait to play it
I am 2sided now, on one end i want it to be 2017 already. So i know i can play all these gems, cause the been released. On the other end if they are done, what would we then whine about ^^ =P?
Forgot to mention those pics are looking amazing.
Im pretty excited with those renders but at the same time i little bit sad cuz for getting eleanor2ready we will have to wait like 5 months 🙁
Wow, Eleanor looks great. Where did you get the information that Eleanor will be up for five months? Eleanor first appeared in February two years ago, so why should not happen so? Of course, if she’s ready. Maybe it goes there in January LWS, and then comes the best day and Eleanor arrives. Of course I want to be prepared as best as possible. Therefore, I very much like to wait.
leo said ” we´re still missing many renders for eleanor2″ that will take a lot of time also texts then testing,Anyhow im just guessing time. And lws luckly we will get it this month i hope so!
Leo said last month they were adding more content to ELE2, that’s why he swapped it with the LWS-expansion in the release schedule. Will take time to produce that extra content.
Yes, that Leo said. But that does not mean that it will be completed in 5 months. It seems to me a long time. I think that after LWS it would be this month, maximum two, and then Eleanor.
Wow, it sure does look like this is going to be the biggest year ever for the premium site!
I do have a possible game idea, however it may be a very large game to take on. I was thinking about a possible neighborhood, or group of friends within a condo building with separate apartments. Family 1 could be a more reserved married couple and a baby, Family 2 could be a younger newlywed couple and family 3 could be older (maybe mid to late 30’s but still in good shape). Then add one single girl to the mix. Here’s the part where the game could have massive replay-ability, but would probably take a very long time to make…. you have the choice to play any one of the three males at the beginning of the game. You could stick with your wife, wreck another’s home, or simply cheat on your wife with the single girl. It seems like the infidelity/taboo aspects are the most popular games so why not just make a huge one? In fact, this may be a great opportunity to bring characters from other LOP games together.
I have some more ideas on the characters, so if you want, let me know and I can email you those ideas for it.
It’s interesting, but in my opinion the multiple points of view will be way too difficult to implement.
I had myself the same sort of idea with in background the mysterious disappearance of one of your friend and you have to investigate the neighborhood… Something close to “Desperate Housewives”.
I think you should write your story and send it to Leo.
Thanks for game. But please discount for some country ı living in Turkey and euro so valuable here .
lol 5 games this year? riiiiight
Yeah five games in one year is quite a lot. I think they should hire more stuff to work. Sign me up please, LOL.
Well Serena is just an expansion, so it won’t take as much time as the Eleanor and Temptation sequels. Also Margaret and Walther is a smaller game for the bonus section.
Depending on how much is planned for Sex & Glory and the free site, 5 games is entirely possible.
All look amazing to me! Can’t wait!
Impressive lineup and I can certainly say I am looking forward to it keep up the amazing work
Well can’t believe everyone here who claims to be LWT fans have missed out one major expected part which was hinted in the first LWT by Lisa.
You keep talking to Lisa and once she likes you above a certain level, you get to ask her about a gangbang where she gets filled with cum and she says it’s gross and her opinion of you reduces. But if you say that you’re gonna call your friends and cancel the gangbang. then she says “no not today, may be in the sequel”!
Well you know what, the sequel is almost here and we need to watch Lisa getting filled up with cum in this gangbang!! 😀
I think your reading way to much into it. It was flirtatious banter, at the time it was written LOP didn’t even know there would be a LWT2. Also she doesn’t say “in the sequel” just checked (I had a save handy from replaying yesterday) she says “not necessarily, that sounds like fun. But no married men…”
LWT2 seems to have two male protagonist – Justin and his cousin who owns the mansion. Doubt there will be any gang bang, Justin will have to prevent his cousin to seduce both Lisa and Tracy. Trying to keep all 4 women for himself. But maybe there will be some surprises including gang bangs.
Looks like Eleanor is getting Old..! She was like 30 in the first version.. Now she looks like 40…
idk if she is getting older but she looks hotter
Yeah.. I guess ELEANOR2’s story start at 2-5 year after first version.
Maybe that’s become consideration (eleanor looks little bit older).
Hiya Leo and co. The line up for this year looks incredible, and I’m really looking forward to seeing everything under development. I would urge you to take your time, we’d rather have a good expansion/game later, than a buggy one now, but you guys know that.
I like the emphasis you guys have on new IP however I would urge you this year to think more about sequels. Given as how Ele 2 and LWT 2 are coming you may be thinking that way but I’m sure everyone would appreciate sequels to your other popular games, a LWS or COL sequel for example.
While I do like the stat grinding formula of your games I am of the opinion that it may have already had its fair share of examples and now it may be an idea to approach a couple of games from a more story driven direction, something along the lines of a “chose your own adventure” book with an emphasis on choices you had made earlier in the story having an effect on who you get to bone and what direction the story goes rather than the stats you have dictating what you can and cannot do. As much as your formula works (Eleanor being a fantastic example of where you got that system just right) it does seem tired, with games like Sexual Haunting which is one of my personal favorites being held back by the fact that the first 15-30 minuets are taken up by grinding stats. The parts of the games that you guys are really good at are the characters, LWT remains my favorite game not because of its game play (which I personally find boring) but because I really enjoy all of the main characters in both their personality and aesthetic. I have the same feeling towards almost all your other games, the games are made by memorable and sexy characters like Lisa, Tracy, Eleanor, Serana and Marin but are let down by boring and repetitive gameplay that takes up half the time playing that could be devoted to deeper stories and character building. While finding a new gameplay system that offers satisfying gameplay may be difficult a simple tempory improvement may be to enable anyone who has already completed a game to play through a second time with boosted of filled stats so they can enjoy the sexy stuff without the grinding. But that’s just my two cents, I’m not making a demand or expecting any sudden change in the direction of your games or insulting your brilliantly crafted artworks (which is what your games are). I’m merely offering some constructive criticism.
I have a suggestion, why don’t you make a blog post or video for us about the development process behind your games, I’m sure many would love to know more. you tend to throw out words like “getting texts” and “renders” but I get the feeling a lot of your fan base doesn’t know what these cycles of development are or how time consuming they are. I’m sure that a little understanding of the process would quell the constant questions about resemble date as people will understand how long it takes you.
Anyway, well done guys, keep going and I hope you really do make 2016 the best year for your players yet! Much love and respect to the team and I wish you all well.
Ps. I would be interested in helping you with you’re insiders project, I’m a long time player of both your games and video games in general and I would love to help you guys in any way I can. I’m actually willing to write in depth reviews of your games if that would be of any help.
PPs. Ta guys, keep up the good work!
I have to agree with Fabulous’s constructive criticism. Even though I’m a really big fan of Eleanor (and to a lesser extent LwT, LwS, CoL and StT), I find their gameplay boring. What makes me like them so much are the characters, not the gameplay. Trip to Paradise still is my favorite game. I think it could have some kind of sequel.
About the upcoming games: all of their images are beautiful. All female characters look gorgeous and hot. The one I’m looking forward the most is Ele 2.
I’m curious to see if Serena will cheat on the expansion and if Tracy will do the same in LwT 2 (I’m a big fan of cheating wifes as I said in numerous comments here).
Margaret and Walther seems interesting. Some interracial sex is good.
Club Velvet Rose looks to be a swing kind of game. Even though I said I like cheating wifes, I don’t find exciting when the husband knows about it and is ok about it. I prefer when the wifes cheat behind their husband’s back. But that’s just my impression from the few images here. I might be wrong about the game.
I guess I’ll be the one who speaks in favor of stat-building mechanics and the x-number of days gameplay, then 🙂
I prefer this type of gameplay over the visuel novel approach for a load of reasons. The primary reasons being immersion and… let’s call it… sense of proper reward. When I play Trip to Paradise (which is a solid game all around) I feel like I’m just along for the ride. Though there are choices to make, I don’t have the freedom to go different places at my leisure and talk to different people for various purposes. Visuel novels follows a set story much more than stat-building and x-number of days and, to me, that is not immersive and, frankly, a little boring. The other is the sense of reward I get when I’ve achieved certain points in stats and is granted access to fx money or a sex scene, makes it feel like I’ve earned it instead of the, rather limited, number of choices I have to make in a game like TTP. Stat building games also have, at least so far, the benefit of being longer and bigger than the games that are not stat-builders.
Of course I play for story and characters rather than gameplay and I will agree that stat building is only fun if done right and balanced properly like in LwT, LwS, STT and Eleanor. CoL and Johnny Bullet are good examples of what happens when focus shifts from story, characters and relationships to stat-building. It becomes tedious and a chore.
While I don’t mind seeing more games in the style of TTP (as far as I understand LwT2 will have the same approach as TTP) I still very much lean towards the stat-builders.
Aaaaaanyways. The pictures look amazing all around. The LwS expansion still has most of my attention and I look forward to it even more than I do LwT2. Eleanor 2 looks more and more interesting and Club Velvet Rose is on my radar because ItMakesMeBlush is rendering it. Good work all around. Hope to see LwS at the end of this month or beginning of Feburary .
I also agree with being in favor of stat building.
Building a game without stat building that is as lenghty and satisfying as the big LOP games. I don’t think LOP can pull that off. You have bad stat building games, but games like Sensual Haunting, Seducing The Throne, Living With Temptation, Didi etc.. offer plenty of sex scenes and story in between the stat building. Having no stat building and just 1 long series of sex scenes makes for a very short game. Look at Erotic Date with … those games have plenty of content, but are super short.
The pictures look great. I’m still hoping for a Lisa only gangbang, like she’s joking in LwT 1, but the pictures so far look amazing.
Hi ! I have things to say 😀
Concerning the stats building scheduling thing against story topic, the things about the games i realize is the difficulty to make a game where topic/story/ plot and gameplay/mechanism work well together.
For this I think LWT is the best one because the scheduling thing and the money could be real problems while cheating on your wife. So yes, you’re griding the game a lot in the beginning, doing the same actions again and again in a way to gain stats or welth. But that’s kinda okay, it’s sometime the how life is going on, it’s in the plot.
I don’t think the grinding stats thing goes well with Ele. The plot about this game is that Eleanor is just the slutiest bitch in town. I don’t expect her to play fair and square with anyone (except if you choose the wifey-lovey-dovey-gardening way of playing the game). I don’t expect her to learn things, she’s already the hotest souless vixen in da place. So building stats feels kinda odd…
The other thing i can say about your games, is the overpower of Money. Well, in SoD, it’s all the game is about, so it’s okay, it goes well with the suggar daddy thing ‘i exploit you for your own good, stfu and suck d*cks’.
It’s terrible with game like CoL, cause it makes the game about grinding your stats to get a job that can pay you the goods to pay for better stats to aim for a better job and so on. That’s weird, Lauren (who is one of my favorite characters !) doesn’t even seem to look for a rich golden boy…
With StT this last point is still strong, cause , it’s making the game about how to earn money, not about being a medieval knight.
So Why do we all love Sensual Haunting ? First, because scheduling and stats building is part of the story. We all have seen those movies and tv shows where a ghost has to develop its power to be able to interact with the living. So the gameplay feels deeply intertwine with the gameplay
Second : No money cheat.
So, what do I found really great you may ask ?
I really loved what you did about StT endings, with big scenes with a lot of story and sex play (Except for those ugly 300-like guards – lol).
I love your graphics that are just getting better and better.
I love your ‘find the spot and clic’ game (“No ! don’t clic that ass ! You know it’s a big No-No !”).
I love the different stories and plot (and universe) and you’re atempt at trying new things each time.
I already love what you’re preparing for us this year.
On game i would like to see : Playing the Queen from StT who heard about a conspiracy against her and have to secure her throne with her hot b***, by any means necessary.
Kind regards, Team !
Agreed. Stat building is more rewarding, more immersing and more engaging. Just try not to leave boredom during stat-building. Throw some rewards while we build stats, and the game will be fine.
I’m in favour of stat building to, done right it gives you a goal to achieve and your rewarded for that. As Nemo said with visual novels it often feels like your along for the ride, and whilst that can definitely work (just look at Telltales games for an example) I often with those get a little annoyed as the choice I’d make in a situation isn’t one of the available options.
Will you make in the future a CrossOver game(All Eleanor and Leaving with Temptetion characters in one game)?
The two games are rendered by two different artists, making a crossover unlikely, if not impossible.
can’t wait for eleanor 2… will there be other female-protagonist game?
Eleanor is the best. But another game where the heroine is a woman, she would have liked to Kim (from COL). Kim would not be a major task to raise money, but to satisfy the appetite. He is also married, sexy. It would have been interesting. It is also very nice, but equally on the first rung was Eleanor. What do you think?
sexual appetite, of course. 😀
yes we need a game with a female- protagonist!
Honestly, I was happy to hear about all of the games you have in your line-up.
But then I saw that first picture for LWT2…
Now that’s the ONLY thing I can think of.
But in seriousness, looks like a fantastic schedule. Can’t wait.
Would love to see this face in one of the upcoming lop gold games, in that exact pose precisely !! 😀
In any of the games coming next year I mean. I know you have this year planned ahead and I wouldn’t wanna intrude with that! 😀
what news you got about sexanglory?
can’t wait for Eleanor 2 Game Best Character Wow Eleanor
Club velvet rose may be interesting. I was hoping for something along the line of Jordan 500 or story of Didi
Even me too is waiting for Jordan 500 or tori 500 kind of a game. Well Jordan was my first game which i played in this sector n loved it. Multiple options ending etc. Love to a game of this type.
Any new porn game with some cock sniffing or cock-face rubbing would be nice, as I didn’t see any of this from the LOP games so far. Also, I would like to see more asian models from LOP too, as I realized that, except for Tracy(the best model so far, IMO), the most beautiful girls from LOP are the asian models you create(ex: Carmen from ‘Trip to Paradise, ‘Erotic Date with Gina’ model…). I also hope you guys to make a GOLD game with some asian as protagonist, as the renders for GOLD games are way better.
Sounds like it is going to be a good year.
Can’t wait for the games to be ready to play, especially LWT2.
Keep up the great work.
May I suggest a developer section for paying customers where they can play the current version of their favorite games and see for themselves how they are progressing?
I would be much more happier playing an unfinished game or a game that is under development than sitting idly by watching the days, weeks and even months go by waiting for an update to one of my favorite games.
I don’t agree. Absolutely. I don’t want to see or play unfinished games. And i dont want any previews because that will take away the fun to play it later.
If you feel that way maybe you should apply for beta-testing or something like that. I am not sure but i think INSIDERS program is only for free games, not gold ones.
My opinion
I agree with Nemo and Das and with those who support stat building games and the ability to perform certain acts only if you have gained/raised enough skills.
More fun to play.
My 2 cents
And yes i know LwT2 will be something like less stat grinding more focus on story.
But as long we get to see Tracy, it’s not a problem.
Team Tracy!
Same for me. And as Nemo has well explained, when stats and story are interdependant, the system is very good (LWT, Eleanor). When it is not the case, stats grinding can really be a pain in the ass (Johnny Bullett, COL, Dignity One). I’m curious (and a little worried, I have to admit) to see how will function LWT2 with a modified gameplay.
My primary concern with LWT2 and the choice to depend less on stats and more on story has to do with length and interactivity. Will we be able to move through locations and interact with people at our whim… or will we be carried through the story and have no influence on location and situation, limited only to choices in dialogue. At this point we can only guess.
I should probably add that I still have the upmost faith in LwT2 and besides the LwS expansion there’s no game I’m looking forward to as much as LwT2.
@ Leo : how long it takes to a designer to make a single image for a gold game ? Just for curiosity, and maybe it will help us to relativize the time needed to make a game.
First of all, thank You for the update. Upcoming projects look amazing and i just can’t wait to play them. Based on the pictures You provided i would like to humbly ask You to add a bit more variety in characters – black girls (like the one from Sisters) or asian ones, smaller boobs (like my all time favourite Fuckerine from STT). And please bring back agent 69…the Scarlett Johansson look alike.
Wishing You all best and thank You for Your hard work,
Yes pls bring back agent 69! she really need a game! with a better quality :/
All these game pictures seems so great and nice quality of characters. Really want to see all this in the game and how is the game mechanic made.
And i really want to see games without like the 30 days quest. Want to see just the story and the lines where you can choose right answers. Last LOP gold games was like the days quest system and now really don’t want to play games with the quests anymore.
Waiting for the game releases to test these amazing visuals.
Looks like a great lineup.
Hope there’s more content for the Real Love 3D side as well. More cheating wives are always welcome.
Hello, entire team/crew and audience.
First of all, I wanna thank you for all the crazy effort that brought u guys here. U are the Top sexy/dating/xxx game/simulation in the World.
There’s no need to be flattered, my words are true. First time I’ve ever searched for sexy games was maybe 6 years ago, and I first found Hungirly games, great dating simulator which probably ran out of charity donations, so the crew lost the inspiration.
The site “adultgamesreview” actually brought me to you, and first game from Lesson of passion I played was “High school romance” then I got hooked. I wanted more and more, it’s magical, like addiction. In real life I’m an writer, I write poetry, so I’m used to woman’s company, y y , believe me young boys, poetry works if u wanna sneak in woman panties. Here s my opinion, u guys are really really good and games were and are so good, I really enjoy. I am not gold member most of the year but I pay you few months in a year. I have only few complains. First is that free games are not so frequent( I understand ur small and and they are pretty short, but damn good.
Second one, maybe u forgot the main part of these games are lessons and passion, so there should be more sex options during the scenes, like in Seducing throne game. And final one, listen up, all this crazy fetishes and stuff, people do that, its real…all that lesbian, sex party’s at colleges, wife threesomes with another guys and husband for marriage refreshment. Husband cheating, wife cheating… But problem in this game is that in them it’s not so real cuz u need to meet that fire in your life partner, u can’t go and say to ur wife: ” I gonna call my friend and we gonna fuck u ” , she might get mad and ask for divorce or call u sick pervert, so I asking u guys to make slower intro in each sex sections.
Btw. It’s bad expl. For younger audience, cheaters never use condoms, don’t get STD boys, that’s nasty, u don’t need even fungus.
I think I wrote a good critic, don’t get too mad, I love u guys, u makeup possible, all my dreams, and u wake great sensual memories. Tax again
Keep with good work, can’t wait LWT2 and all those wife games, make some mmf scenes, they are great.
Yeah i’m agree with the main part of Lesson and Passion.
And for @leo, we need exactly difference pattern between L&P and Sex&Glory, Which is i didn’t see any difference on them.
But most of all, i love all your games dude.
I’ll wait till end of the month for Living with Serena Expansion 🙂
Really we have been waiting for this games for nearly 2 years… Still same screenshot and there is much work to be done. I m stopping the follow lop section.
Good luck mates.
You’re complaining that they aren’t spoiling the game by posting more screenshots from it?
Which doesn’t really makes much sense since the screenshots in this post haven’t been shown before (with the exception of the main picture… still, some 14 screenshots in here that we haven’t seen before).
I, for one, kind of wish they would stop showing so much. With LwT2 probably coming out at the end of the year, they’ll show every single screenshot at this rate
i don’t mind the screenshots as long as they don’t reveal too much of a story (iykwim) but i can agree with you,for example i liked the update where lopteam announced that they will use v4 models for lwt and ele2,we got to see new renders of characters but they were not from the game itself
Yeah, that was a great introduction to the older models (and, if customer comments were anything to go by, the smartest decision for the characters).
And you’re right, so far we have only seen hints of certain events in the game rather than having anything outright spoiled. At least in regards to LwT2 and Eleanor 2… I feel like some of the images presented have spoiled LwS a little too much 🙂
I think he says that it looks like the games are constantly postponed. Maybe the team should give themselves at least an approximate date of release and try to work for it.
According to Iksanabot, Rahvin and Leo himself it took more than a year to produce games like LWT and Eleanor. Today, with all the technical improvements the team wants to implement, it’s reasonable to think that the games will require even more time to be finished (LWT2, Ele2 and future productions).
We just have the feeling that the time is very long because LWT2 and Ele2 have been announced very early (before their scenarios were written !), and they encountered issues during the development : v4/v6 for LWT2, difficulties for Rahvin writing Ele2.
Let’s be patient, and when the games will be out, we will judge if they were worth the wait.
Any word on expected lead times for these projects?
Sorry if I missed it, but I haven’t seen an official confirmation from the development team. Since there are going to be more than twice as many static images as well as additional animations, would it be safe to assume LWS will be upgraded to a 30 day game rather than the current 15 day format?
I’d think so, struggling to think how the new content could fit into the games original 14 day time limit.
Isn’t there an expansion in the works for seducing the throne to or am I just dreaming about that?
yes the expansion is in plans,all other information is yet to be announced
Yeah there will be, iksanabot mentioned in a comment on a previous post that the script for a Seducing the Throne expansion is on his to do list. Other than that it’ll be happening eventually no other info.
Can we play Lwt 2 in 2016 ?
Can we have a game with Agent 069 she looks like scarlett johansson i just beg you and i know that is not just me i have read a lot of people that want Agent 069
Yea me too
LWT2 looks amazing! Can’t wait!
Hoping for some kind of Outcast Academy return, even just as a mini game. We need more emo girl games.
Can we play LWS – Exp in 2016?
Y, starting to be annoying.
Why can’t u load a free game so people can have fun week or two before u launch premium game. And this is too long pause from December to start of February I think.
Because 2015 has proven that releasing good quality free games every month is not possible for the team (remember Driving With London and Call Me Desperate were very vey weak).
Agent 069 …. everybody of lop fans want another part from this game .. i hope to hear a good news about that so soon .
You probably shouldn’t presume to speak for everybody. But I agree that I would like to see the character model make another appearance… just not as a secret agent…
exactly. Do not talk at all. Model ok, but different story, a different focus.
when i said everybody i didn’t mean it literally .. i meant most of the fans love this game depending on the positive comments i saw about this game several times .. so i apologize for using the wrong words .. i am sorry
and i totally agree about the idea of using the character model on another new story without being a secret agent .
No worries 🙂 I’m also a big fan of the agent 69 model. So I’m on board with getting her in another game 🙂
Yeah. Almost everybody, at least, to put haters aside. Agent 069 and Kayla the whore (from DwL) were such good character models (and they had hot stories too), I don’t just get why people don’t value these short games, LOPteam did amazing work just as usual. Definitely hope to see these characters again soon somewhere. 😛
Has nothing to do with being a hater (the terms “hater” and “fanboy” tends just to be something some people throw out into any forum that contains others who don’t agree with them). People have different tastes and outlooks on what is attractive and what is not. Some like the way Agent 69 looks, others don’t.
I think most people value the short games (especially considering that they are free) and it’s evident how much the LOPteam has evovled when you look at the first games and up till now. Farm Stories got pretty much nothing but praise.
But a lot of people, me included, were very vocal about how DwL and Call Me Desperate were a step down in pretty much every department (graphics, animation, gameplay, script, characters, length) as opposed to other recent releases such as Divided Heart and MSD: Eleanor. I also liked Kayla’s design. But I thought the story was bland and her characterization weak (or at least, very vague). Having another game with her where her personality is more fleshed out would be nice.
I agree with Nemo, I just hope they expand their team so that they can bring out more content.
Any new updates for the LwS expansion? I read the post from 2 weeks ago but just asking if we’re close to seeing it make it front page debut.
As I understand it, assuming all went to plan Leo got the last of the text and started coding on Monday this week. So I imagine he needs to finish that, then the beta testing to find any bugs.
I’m afraid that not everything goes according to the plan. I still didn’t receive 100% of texts for LWS expansion. I got around 60% – already coded. Still waiting for the missing part.
Leo, those are really bad news. If there’s anything I can help, I would be glad to be of usefull.
Sad news Leo.
I just hope it doesn’t mean that if LWS is delayed, all the other games planned to come out after will be delayed too…
Anyway, don’t rush, these games need to be perfect.
Sad news.. Had hoped to see the LwS expansion this month.
But it’s not like you can finish the expansion without those texts so there isn’t really all that much to do other than wait, I suppose.
As Chris said, I hope this will not cause a chain-reaction with other releases, causing all of them to be pushed back.
I don’t think it will cause a chain reaction because each game is rendered by different people. LWS exp was rendered by itmakesmeblush and she has nothing to do with LWT2 por ELE2.
@sentenza : renders are not in cause here, it’s the responsible of the texts (Agrippa I believe) who is late. It’s reasonable to think that if he’s late for LwS, his next production can be affected, and another game can be delayed…
And I have another worry : the time between 2 releases. If the release of a delayed game is too close to the next one, they can be tempted to push back the release of this one too…
My mistake, thanks for the correction.
I think that the delay of the other games depend on their current state.
But we must wait and hope for the best.
It’s also worth to take into consideration that, while there are several artists rendering images and several authors writing scripts, only Leonizer does the coding and the programming. Which, I guess, could create a bottle-neck situation in development when only one person has to tie every release together.
And Chrispool is right. Even if Eleanor 2 is finished upon the release of the LwS expansion, there’s no way they’ll release two games in one month (at least, not two as big and popular as those examples). It simply wouldn’t be profitable. So they would hold the release for at least a month, thus creating a chain reaction of (intentional) delays.
I have to say that the ETA’s as of late has baffled me a bit. I know Leonizer isn’t keen on ETA’s and I still am of the opinion that he isn’t obligated to give us any. But when and if we are given ETA’s they should be somewhat correct.
First it was stated that LwT2 and Eleanor might hit us late summer/autumn of 2015 (big if). Now it looks like LwT2 will come summer 2016, at the absolute very earliest. One year is a pretty big margin for missing an ETA, even if the product is huge and immensely complex (which I believe it is).
Then RTT was pushed back because they, apparently in the last minute, decided to throw in some additional scenes. While I won’t object to more content in a game, I was confused as to why they did not simply release the game as it was and then added the additional scenes a month or so later, as a “2.0 update”, not even an expansion. That would sate customer demand and increase longevity of the game.
Then we we’re told Eleanor would, with “90% certainty” come out before the end of 2015. Now it looks like it has been pushed back till march or april. And again, they suddenly decided to add additional content (which, once again, is nice, but why not release it and then do a 2.0 update with additional content a month or so later).
Then we are told that the LwS expansion will probably be released december 2015/january 2016. Then, halfway through january we are told that there is still text missing but it should arrive the coming weekend and work should continue beginning next week. Now, basically at the end of january, we are told that coding/programming for the expansion is only roughly halfway through completion. That is a very unfortunate track record of misinformation and, quite frankly, abysmal prediction of ETA’s in a relatively short amount of time.
I still believe in LOP’s business and I think their games are definitely the best on the market. Their products keep improving and they are creating something truly unique. But I have to say that I am disappointed with the recent unfolding of events.
Sorry for the long wall of text. End of rant.
Unless I’m mistaken the Lopteam has never released 2 premium games in back to back months regardless if they are rendered and written by different people and regardless of which premium site, LOPGOLD or S&G. Whenever a premium game is released, its at least 2 months at minimum till the next premium game is released.
Worst comes to worst lets say LwS gets pushed to March, that means the earliest the next premium game would be in May, then July, then September, then November. That would make 5 releases this year. That would seem enough for the listed LOPGOLD games, but what about S&G? S&G’s Roommates is expected to come out this year too.
Once again if I’m not mistaken, they have never released 2 premium games in back to back months.
Unless they change the model of when they release games, everything will get pushed back.
In light of Leo’s latest comment, I’m beginning to think that it may be a good idea for me to just let my subscription run out at the end of this month and stop following this blog until the fall. I understand that delays happen, but when (if) we get the LwS expansion at the tail end of a two month window, it kind of irks me because people undoubtedly picked subscriptions up for these two months based off of that claim and the essentially paid for replaying all the older games. Not only that, if LwS does come out in January, it’s going to be at or near the very end of the month so most people will have no choice but to pay for February as well to actually have time to enjoy it. Yes, I understand the holidays were a factor, which means the possibility of a December release should never have been communicated to us. The cynical part of me even considered thinking for a second that they said that to keep subscriptions coming in when they knew damn well nothing was coming out over the holidays. Like I said… Just for a second, so don’t think that’s how I really feel.
Think of it this way, in practically every business where something is being fixed or made its the business owner’s job to provide an accurate estimate. Say I need to get my car fixed and they tell me a couple of days….that later turns into 2 weeks, but that’s after they started working on it (I.e. after we paid for the December and/or January subscriptions). Wouldn’t you be a bit pissed too? And yes, I understand that this is a side job for basically everyone on the development team.
My point is that I agree with a lot of people on here with the fact that I do want them to take their time and release the best possible games for us, which they do. I’m a huge fan of the games and how they’ve evolved over the past couple of years I’ve played them. I just reached the point where I can’t keep checking the blog posts to see delays. Also, despite me being excited for news on upcoming games, I’m kinda getting tired of seeing in-game screenshots. Part of the excitement to playing these games is the story and a handful of the previews spoil that aspect to a certain degree. That and the fact that we haven’t heard anything about the S&G site only reinforces my position.
Long story short, I’m still a fan, but I just don’t think I can sit around and wait for these games to come out. I also think it would be better to have a couple of options in games to play once I do come back. I just wish the estimates would get a bit more accurate.
Very well written post and I have to agree with all of your points.
About S&G, an update has been made in December.
However I entirely share your point of view.
This last news reinforce my feeling that they have bitten more than they can chew… And the digestion seems difficult.
The team has lost passion for games long time ago, they live from memories
based of what?
based on the number and quality of the free games…if you have the curiosity you’ll see in 2013 the release 12 games, 2014- 9 games, 2015- 7 games and this year probably 4 or 5
I have mentioned it before.
The updates are too few and far between to warrant a monthly subscription. It is best to cancel your subscription the moment you make it and only renew it once a new game is released that catches your eye.
Right, but prior to this point I kept my subscription running as a show of support for their work. The reasons why I decided to stop that constant support are mentioned above. I don’t agree with the way things are run at this point and I’m responding the only way any other paying customer should… with my wallet.
It is the best way.
I have never been happy enough to keep my subscription running for any length of time after purchase and I have been a on and off support since the beginning.
I do enjoy their games and they are constantly improving but at the end of the day, they’re only play and forget kind of games so you’re back to waiting for the next game after you’ve played the last once or twice which is the main reason why I cancel my subscription upon making it until the next game is released.
“they did not simply release the game as it was and then added the additional scenes a month or so later, as a “2.0 update”, not even an expansion. That would sate customer demand and increase longevity of the game.”
I’ve been wondering about this as well. Even from a business standpoint it makes alot of sense. Game comes out, people play it, 2 weeks later they add 5 more scenes, people play it again. 2 months of subscription.
Today I was thinking about how neat it would be if in the meantime of waiting on Living With Temptation 2, they would tweak LwT a little bit, just so people would play it again and discover something new right before the second part comes out. And that tweaking doesn’t have to be extra scenarios, but maybe just making the existing ones a bit longer. Like for example adding some cumshots to the gangbang scene of Tracy, like in the circle jerk. Or make the scenes in the pool with Tracy at night a few frames longer. Or making some things clickable in some scenes to add a few more frames. I know typing this makes it sound easy, which it probably isn’t. But it would definitely take way less time than making new game, it doesn’t require any writing and probably not so much coding. Just rendering images. And I for one would definitely replay a game to check those out.
I would love to see such additions to old releases (especially LwT, still think it holds a lot of potential for additional content). Just a new scene here or there. Not everybody would want to go through the entire game to find another 5-6 images.. But I bet some people would… I’d be one of them.
But as you say, I have no idea how simple, or complicated such a procedure would be… and right now, I don’t think they need more on their plate than what already is.
Still, love that suggestion though 🙂
i really like your idea,that would be great additions to original game
i’m also glad that we are thinking similar,lwt1 still has so much potential for extra content
I like your idea, too.
But before considering that, the team must concentrate on their current projects. And it seems they have still a LOT of work behind them.
We paid a 230$ for annual membership. What we got? 5 games (2 of them expantion 1 small game 2 games). 46$ per a game price this to expensive…. For example battlefield 4 is mmfrp and its price is 60$… We want more u cant do it as we can see. At least do it for free…
Not really two comparable situations. When subscribing to LOP, you don’t just pay to play newly released games, you also pay to play older games (whether you actually play them or not), like Hank Moody and Jordan 500.
So it’s actually 230$ annual membership to play 17 games (+ Sylvia and Nick in the bonus section, which is a downloadable offer) so it’s actually more like 13$ per game. Credit where credit is due.
Lol dear Nemo! Besides u, i dont like to play old games. I didnt give this money for the games. i gave because i want to support leo but this days i see leo is suffering lack of determination and passion for his job. If u give a promise u want keep it. Because of that -i know i said that before- like a farseeing and intellegent people -i know a lot of supporter thinks like me- i m stopping the supporting. Now from this leo do a lot of things regain his old rep.
With my respects nemo…
well i don’t think like you even though i can understand your point of view,i won’t stop supporting lopteam because i appreciate all their work they’ve done so far
and to say that there is lack of determination with the game lineup for this year,both free and gold,is nonsense
I don’t think there is a lack of determination, but clearly there seems to be a lack of means. I have the feeling that they are dealing with too ambitious projects, or maybe too many ambitious projects at the same time. To take an example, I don’t understand why we are still so far from LWT2. I think I can say that it’s the most anticipated lopgame of all time. I know they have encountered problems, but learning that there were still lots of renders to make was a shock for me. I thought it would be the top priority of the team… and apparently it is not the case (or maybe not enough).
And now these news about a delay (again…). Of course there is nothing we can do, just be patient (still and again…).I have to say that I am really disappointed.
May also be jumping to conclusions about the actual work arrangements, having no insight into the full financials of LOP we can’t just assume everyone involved is doing it as a full time job. Take iksanabot for example, we know he has a full time job, and is a freelance writer for lop. Obviously the full time job takes precedent there’s also the family and social aspects to consider.
It’s entirely possible that the only full time person is Leo and the rest all have full time job’s and are doing this on a freelance basis. Looking at all the loading screens for premium games I counted at least 14 different people involved in them, its doubtful that they’re all doing this full time.
I agree with what chrispool said, the lop team may have been abit to ambitious.
i really liked the idea of adding content for old games each 2 weeks! . I honestly pretty dissapointed with lop staff i know it gotta be hard to make those kind of games but basically we´ve been getting delays for all the games and i guess that everyone is this blog is just tired and pissed off with those delays… but at the end what can we do? just wait………………….
Tired of waiting for updates, for news…
Tired of scrolling all the replies just to find out smth new about games.
Gonna leave for few months, and come back when I’ll have time for. The ” December-January memb.” guy was right, money is not given for the games, it’s given to encourage and motivate producers, and they got lost in foggy new 2016.
Hope they come out again, with pride, Lopteam needs to convince me into their reputation again.
Sry, guys
Sad to leave
I understand the frustration. But Leo just wrote how the game is. It’s not easy to keep doing something new. especially when you’re all here refused V6 model. So he did not mind the V6 model. Perhaps V6 technology is faster, I do not know, just suppose. I understand that you pay every month and not have a new game, so it annoys you. But you can play the old game, or pay a monthly subscription. So the choice is there. Leo wrote how he is and he’s sorry and can not help it. I think that would be even more encouraging.
I was for using the V6 models over the V4 models in LwT2 (well… Tracy’s model… not Lisa’s).
But the report that LwT2 might arrive autumn 2015 came after the decision to go back to the old models. And the change in models doesn’t account for the delays to Eleanor 2 and the LwS expansion.
I still believe in LOP and their products. It’s not the fact that games take a long time to release, I’m fine with that. But it’s the fact that deadlines communicated to us are constantly being crossed and pushed back. The string of delays is starting to wear on me.
I agree entirely.
I know that games can’t be done in 1 day. I’m conscient that problems can happen. I’m aware that they’re trying to do their best to give us the games we expect.
But I’m tired of the constant delays since several weeks. I’m not convinced by the “adding more content” explanations. And I can’t understand what the problem is with LWT2. The game has already missed 2 ETA ! I thought, naively maybe, that they would do all possible to release it asap. I was wrong apparently, and it disappoints me deeply.
So you’re right, that those terms are bad. But Leo writes always says he does not like the terms. Of course, this is a paid service. Deadlines should be respected. But I’m trying to say that Leo’s fault alone, he wrote at least here, it is a problem. And the V6 model, I think that should be applied to Eleanor, but was rejected by LWT and not even on the menu. I do not know exactly how. Anyway, I am tolerant.
I like the idea of getting the original game out and adding additional content a month later. I mean the development team is always looking to get the most out of their games which has been a problem since day 1. I’ve seen the comments shortly after every game is released with people saying they got every ending and achievement. I’m afraid that with all the anticipation for Eleanor and Temptation that people are gonna binge play it and be done very quickly, no matter how big also and team made it. Personally, I think slowly implementing scenes over time is a much better plan than an expansion 6+ months later.
It’s most likely too late in the development timeframe for the games above, but why not steal a page from the release schedules I’ve seen on the Paetron site and design a massive, monthly updated game with the ability to save. This would be the perfect opportunity to do an all encompassing “LOP City” game where characters from the gold games appear in the story. Given the binge playing I’ve seen (and personally guilty of)I think focusing on replay-ability in games is an exercise in futility. Instead of looking into replay-ability, consider focusing on a constantly evolving story.
The fact that different artists do their respective characters is a plus because it spreads out the development for monthly “chapters”. Yes, that would mean different artist’s work would be in the same screen shot from time to time, but who cares? Based on the previews from LwT2, they’ve shown that merging V4 and V6 models is possible , why not take it a step further and merge different artist’s renderings?
This doesn’t mean they quit working on all other games for the gold glory and pf1 sites, but I’d much rather take small updates to the evolving game during the slow months while waiting for a larger stand-alone game. It would certainly make waiting for the larger ones more bearable, but only IF they release an update on a consistent monthly basis.
What do you guys think?
The problem with lwt2 now is because it’s taken so long people are going to be expecting so much for it. After all the first release date was last summer and now it seems as if it’s going to be at least a year away from the original release date.
So this delay mean that eleanor 2 and lwt2 will get delay aswell…. holy probably we will have lwt2 until next year .. sad but true
Not so sure about that, Leos waiting for the text for LWS to finish coding it then beta test it, as I understand it that means all of the renders are done.
LWS, LWT and Eleanor all have different script writers and artists doing the renders. Since Leo can’t code until all the text and renders are ready this delay shouldn’t in theory effect either of the other two.
True. But in the end, only one person does the coding. And if LwS exp gets pushed back so far that Eleanor 2 is done, there’s no way they’ll release two games that close to each other. They’d withhold one game for at least a month, for maximum profit. So it is entirely possible, though not certain, that delays on one game will cause delays with other games.
But it can delay( maybe ) LOP free games and S&G. However he can use the people from Insiders to test the Gold games as well and find bugs and errors a little faster.
No ETA have been announced this year for Ele2 and LWT2, so they can’t really be delayed (yes, I’m playing with words:-)). But should we expect them later than we thought they would be released ? I would say yes.
Mate I’m expecting ELE2 would be released like in june-july and LWT2 in winter .
I feel I’m getting older. No offence ı respect your labor but lop team was say us december or first weeks of January but there is still nothing. Im sad
so how time you need for start any game on LOP Gold?
-sigh- still no release of LWT2… I’m getting bored… still waiting , but bored.
probably just lws expansion is ready but they will wait until february for release it for get more money with suscriptions
Cant wait for all the games to come out, do ur best job, can u tell me if u know the release date of Ele2 and Lws?
I would bet an Eleanor 2 release around April/May this year, I think the virtual date game MARGARET AND WALTHER is going to be released AFTER Living With Serena.
Living With Temptation most likely towards the end of this year.
I really think the team need to get another programmer on board.
I do not believe it. I think it will be faster. That would be really late and lost the sense of an annual subscription. I think it will be sooner. I believe the team.
I have the same predictions than yours.
I hope that they consider Margaret and Walther as it is : just a bonus game, and not a “big” release… Because with all my respect, I will certainly not buy a membership just for this game.
l agree that they should add at least another programmer to the team.
And maybe a reorganization of the work may be necessary, too. I don’t think they can continue like that. The games are more and more ambitious, the amounts of images, texts to produce seem to be too huge to be make by just one person each.
This is not a release order list. I personaly think that Club Velvet Rose is going to be released last because Itmakesmeblush finished LWS exp a short time ago and she’s also working in Roommates for S&G.
First time poster, long time reader…
I too a disappointed that the release of the games takes time. It is frustrating and I suspect whatever we don’t know about with the work of the LOP staff must be challenging as well. With that said, I guess we wait. I personally pay one month at a time as I do not have the time always to invest in playing the games.
I agree that the old games could use some fun upgrades. I’ve always had an imagination and many of friends thought I should I have become a writer instead of my current career choice, but I digress. Here are some ideas that I hope are looked and at least given a “hmm?” from the staff and my fellow pervs (sorry, we are all pervs right?)
-The park scene where you go to the park with Lisa and the baby… Perhaps a tease scene in the park. Maybe sitting on the bench Lisa gives you a handjob or plays on top of your pants/shorts. Or maybe you get a full blowjob and she swallows or gets caught by the police doing so…
-The weekend getaway with Tracy at the cottage. Could there be some sex there during the weekend? Surely you don’t just go there and do nothing. Maybe take a walk in the woods and get a blowjob from Tracy or have sex with her. Maybe there is a pond and you and Tracy go skinny dipping? Some possibilities exist here.
-The pool scene at the end with Justin, Lisa, Tracy, and whoever is Lisa’s boyfriend… I don’t recall or remember if he had a name, but could there be something there if you play the game just down the middle enough? I mean down the middle by making sure Tracy is your number 1 concern, but flirting heavily with Lisa and maybe just close enough to stepping over the line, but not… Maybe with the drinking, the girls go topless? A game of strip poker in which you and the Lisa’s boyfriend cheat thus getting the girls naked and something more happens either in a group setting or after. If after with Tracy, I mean something more wild than you’ve previously done?
-Maybe when you can go to Lisa’s room to see her try on clothes which leads to other things eventually, she might have a school girl outfit or lingerie? And when you are having sex with Lisa, maybe she could look at you and say, “I said to fuck me!!! I’m not your wife!”
-I thought maybe Lisa would take the baby out for the day at the park or zoo and Tracy comes home to surprise Justin. Maybe she has on some slutty clothes or lingerie…
-Date night for Justin and Tracy during the week? Lots of opportunities! Bowling, a Dave and Buster’s arcade, or romantic dinner. Tracy drinks too much booze and does something wild? Maybe you see another couple and make a friendly bet during bowling that gets out of hand? Or at the arcade you challenge Tracy to a game of air hockey and the winner gets a sexual favor?
-You can order a pizza to increase energy, but what if there pizza delivery person gets to know you from ordering so often and that Lisa thinks the guy is “hot”. Could there be a three-way with the pizza guy? A MMF?
-Could you incorporate a small weekend trip instead of the cottage to go to a baseball game? Since it is summer it seems appropriate. Have Justin and Tracy go to a game and maybe something happens after the game or you bump into someone? Might be a great cross over with Eleanor 2. I think they are done by different artists, but… I’m sure it could be done. Or maybe Tracy has to work or is sick and Lisa has to go to the game with you. Maybe Lisa shows you how far she can take that footlong hot dog at the game? Or perhaps a bad storm after the game causes you to have to take a hotel room with her… LOTS of possibilities.
-Lastly and I have many more ideas… What about taking Tracy to the mall to buy her clothes and she tries on some sexy outfits and before you know it you are doing something with her in the changing room? Do you get caught? Do you have sex? Does she get a facial? Does she have to walk out of the stall with cum on her face?
I stated a lot of ideas with just LWT and have many others about some of the other titles… I won’t share it all now as I don’t know how the LOP staff or my fellow perverts who buy the game subscriptions feel about my ideas. But, I’d gladly share if you wanted.
I know we are waiting, but I figured I’d throw some interesting ideas out there and see what people think. Not all my ideas are great, but surely some of them are interesting. Thanks for reading.
Excellent ideas mate. Very well done.
I like a lot of these ideas. Many of them I’ve had on my mind as well. Especially having some actual events happening at the cottage during the weekend trips. Maybe also being able to visit Tracy at work during lunch break. I would like to see some of these ideas implemented, although not all of them… too many events would make the game seem bloated and too crowded.
The only idea of yours that I don’t really see happening is the threesome with the pizza guy. Waaaaay too random and out of character for both Lisa and Justin and it would make the game seem like a cliche porn movie (“oh, you brought us pizza? Let’s fuck!”….).
I didn’t mean after just one meeting. I meant after a few and maybe Lisa got to know the guy… I certainly didn’t see the pool scene with Lisa’s friend from the club coming and BOOM that was a huge success. Perhaps I didn’t explain myself too well, and who knows… the pizza ‘dude’ showing up with pizza might make Lisa wet and ready to go! HAHA!!!
-I also thought that it might be interesting to come home from date with Tracy and catch Lisa in the pool with her boyfriend having sex or doing it on the couch and have Tracy get turned on watching and give Justin a BJ or maybe have sex while they watched…
-I also like the idea of going to see Tracy at work. They show it in the beginning intro. Same with some other scenes. Maybe… revisit them?
-And lest I forget the gym… Ah… hello… Missed opportunity for perhaps Tracy or Lisa to meet Justin at the gym and have sex in their somehow. Before you say it isn’t possible. I did it with a girl in the shower at a gym.
I too don’t expect every single idea to be crammed in the game. Just suggestions. If I am thinking like this and others are too… perhaps you need to revisit the game and put some in. I also like making the summer be 2 months or 60 days long so that it is realistic. Some college kids have to go back in mid August! Might be fun to see if she’d come back the following summer too…. same interests? Moved on? Playing tough to get now? So if you complete the 60 days and Tracy doesn’t find out, then your family invites her back the following summer.
i also agree that those are some great ideas,i have plenty of them myself(one of them is to play as lisa),iksanabot really created fantastic story for lwt,there is definitely space for more content,maybe one day we will get remastered lwt
This game has still a so big potential ! I think all of us have at least a dozen of ideas for expansion. And the funny thing is that the majority of these ideas are the same for everybody.
The biggest strength of this story (God bless Iksanabot !) is that there is a little of everything for everybody to enjoy.
I miss Tracy and Lisa. And we’re still long months far from LWT2. Damn !
Write some ideas for eleanor. you got some nice about lwt i would like to see your ideas for eleanor!
This is an interesting topic. So for me: It would be interesting if Eleanor stepped on in the relationship with his friend Drake, getting together watching a football game. Further, for example, would have come to visit Drake’s son from his first marriage (if Drake had a son), or a brother Drake. Or some old president of the company, where Eleanor promotion. Also could be inserted memory as Eleanor college professor with something. As was the father of her ex-boyfriend with whom Eleanor could have sex in the laundry room. The possibilities are many. Rahvin knows best what is best.
I think it would be interesting to bring back flake and scenes crossing over with didi and eleanor. Maybe they could get together with their husbands/boyfriends and have a party. in that party they could trade partners and have sex with the other guys wife. There should also be options that show elanor working for the porn industry and what goes inside where she may meet other characters that LOP has created and develop relationships with them as well. I would also like to see a dress up option so we can see her in different clothes such as is Tori 500 and Jordan 500. The dress up concept was great and hope that could be integrated inside.
I would like to see more bondage/S&M content as well. I agree with tommason26 that there should be further promotions in the company where eleanor has to do sexual favors where her husband is close by. It makes it feel more exciting when there is a chance to get caught.
Just some thoughts, Angel
hi everyone.
looks like we have too wait a bit more,its life so we wait.
they make great games and are the only ones and the bests in their tipe off game.i will wait the time nessesary because the games are verry god and fun too play.
great idieas you have for the games where in the coments.
the games i am waiting are rooms and blind date 3d exp.and lwt2 off corse.
keep up the good work team lop.
Good day, dear bloggers and players sexandglory and lessonofpassion. I am a regular subscriber to these both sites are already not one or two years, buy their new games in 3D, I read every comment on this blog. And I have never had any issue, what I pay every month. Just reading some of the comments I become sad and hurt for the team of creators of these wonderful games. Guys I understand everything, waiting for the next game is a pair of very long, but let’s just show a little patience and respect. the creators of the games working on other works and what he’s doing and it’s their hobby. Hobby which never ceases to delight us and surprise. I love their every game, their games are masterpieces. suppose now that every game can be time consuming, but they’re getting better and better.
the only thing that could be added to the staff lessonofpassion sexandglory and is not much interactivity in your blog.lessonofpassion’t have to be new screenshots from the games, it is possible to just take 30 minutes and write a new posting in your blog about what was done for the week. Just wait for new posts from you to come in 2-3 weeks.
and then you come every day, and new that there is another comment about “how long someone is waiting and already tired of waiting”!
with high regards Hair86
People are unhappy not because they need to wait a long time, they are unhappy because the team do complete their games within the time frame they themselves set.
If this happens once or twice I would agree with you but it happens a lot…
I still however continue to support them by not cancelling my subscription but I totally understand why some others are unhappy.
They should do what ‘vdategames’ have done and release some kind of tutorial so that the community can attempt at making their own games.
If not then perhaps upload some hot renders of some of the LOP girls .
Wish the LOPteam all the best.
I agree with you when you say that their games are by far the best in the market. Some of them are masterpieces, it’s true, definitely.
I have to disagree when you say that it’s a hobby for them. I’m sure they like a lot making games, but if you ask people to pay for these, it’s no more a hobby, it’s becoming a business. We are not only fans, we are also customers. And as customers, we are more demanding.
I am not complaining because it takes time to make games, I’m complaining because the deadlines are never respected since several months, and because the infos we are given are, let’s say, very approximative.
The recent sequence of events has been very disturbing, and I wanted, with others, to voice that.
That said, I still have confidence in Leo and the team to give us the wonderful games we love and expect.
This delay is understandable, the plan was to release ele2 first, probably they worked a lot on ele2 and they had to postpone.
Personally I prefer delays than mini games like LWS or expansion to City of Love.
When it was released LWS I told LEO ….is a free game for premium section, he replied that it is a huge and extraordinary game but
what to see “Original game had around 142 static images – expansion itself got 300 images. The same with animations – expansion will have also twice as much animations as the original game.”
So after a 2015 with a single good game Seducing the Throne, i believe team decided to respect customers only with good games.
Personally I enjoyed a lot LWS. It was the best surprise of 2015 in my opinion.
Maybe the game was a little short, but it was very intense. And because of the little amount of days, we had to choose a path, it wasn’t possible to see all the scenes in one playthrough, and that was good for replayability.
If LWT2 and Ele2 are the games I’m waiting for the most, I’m really looking forward to see LWS’s expansion (despite the fact that I think we have been spoiled a little too much).
“So after a 2015 with a single good game Seducing the Throne, i believe team decided to respect customers only with good games.”
That’s a very subjective matter. Personally, I found LwS leagues better than STT. Bigger does not always equal better and, as evident by the blog, a lot of people are looking forward to the LwS expansion. Can’t fault you for your opinion that Eleanor is a better game (though I do disagree). But arguing that LwS should have been a free game is just asinine.
For me LwS is living with sasha with small improvements and better graphics, but like you say maybe i am subjective. i also believe with the expansion LwS will be a much better game. You have right bigger does not always equal better Dignity One it is an example. LwS better than STT :)))))))))….i am happy for you
As a long time subscriber to both LOPGold and S&G, I have some comments as well.
First of all, as a fellow developer, something is fundamentally flawed with your development process. I’m going to go ahead and assume that LOP is not the team’s day job, that they just do this in their spare time, in which case I can understand. Otherwise there is no excuse for these long development times and failures to meet deadlines.
Second, as a loyal customer, I am deeply disappointed with how we, the customers, are treated. If I give my customers a certain delivery time, and miss that by 2 days, I immediately feel horrible, and try my best to make it up to them. Delivery times here have been missed by months. One should not wonder if clients start going away.
At this moment, there is nothing keeping me even remotely interested in these websites and their games. Every time I’ve come here recently, I was met with promises that led to disappointment. Which is a pity. This team really has potential, and has delivered some great games in the past. I truly hope that you can win me back over. Someday.
Sorry for the long rant. Best of wishes!
i don’t understand people like you, you have the possibility TO PAY when a game is released.. what is deadline, delivery times…they don’t make pencils
If you think their post was about a subscription, then you’ve completely missed their point.
am i the only one that like more eleanor than lwt? i know eleanor gameplay is not that good as lwt but honestly the sex scenes in eleanor are pretty hot and i think eleanor is just too hot, cant wait to play eleanor 2 but im getting bored waiting that much 🙁
You’re not the only one that prefers Eleanor over LwT. To be honest, I don’t like the gameplay in any of those 2 games, but I find Eleanor a much better, beautiful and hot character. Her sex scenes are my favorites in almost all LOP games (granted that I love cheating wifes).
Honestly i don’t mind the wait as long as the end product will be mind blowing ……….
Well, pretty, already 200 comments. I think it’s still a record. This blog is not more of them. So at least we have shortened the waiting great conversations. A fan on the old site was sometimes more?
I have not read all the previous messages, maybe someone has already touched this theme, sorry for my english by the way, but in my subjective opinion it’s just not professional to force your customers to wait so long. As far as I remember it’s almoust two months without a new game and comparing with the last year it’s a new waiting record. Too bad…
Leo any coments about sexandglory future releases?
3 weeks without any posts or news!? Seriously!? Not at least something like “Some of our members are having difficulties so this or that project is being postponed for two/three/x/y number of weeks”, or even “We currently rest so don’t expect anything on this blog in next 20 days!”!? Seems to me that this will be the worst year for lop, or maybe not for lop team but certainly for people who enjoy their games and follow this blog. I mean what’s the point of this blog if you don’t use it to communicate with your fans!? Sole purpose of blog is to announce something, tell others what’s the current progress in some projects and maybe to ask fans what do they think about something, for publishing and selling of your games you have different site and no one is asking you to do that here.
i agree,it would be nice if they post wallpapers or something like that,it would keep the blog more alive between the news
It’s a shame that this site doesn’t have any direct competition. If there was any other website that was even half as good as LOP then I guarantee games would be released more frequently, but considering this is the only site like this, then the devs have the royalty to just not care if they have to delay a game. I understand it may be a small team of devs and what not, but just take a look at games such as Dota 2 and League Of Legends for example, these two games go neck in neck with each-other for competition and player count because they’re the same type of game, and are therefore updated regularly.
In regards to the delay situation, not giving any updates is only harming this site further, people above me have already said they’re cancelling their subscriptions and at this point who can blame them? We get blog posts once in a blue moon; one game a month (if we’re lucky), yet we’re supposed to be the ones who are grateful for all of their hard work? Please…
Most of the problems are just the consequence of having small team spread across too many projects. I think that having a subscription based payment model is good only if you can deliver regularly, otherwise it’s better to sell games with a price tag per copy. Subscription pays off with regular content, but delays and problems just drive people away eventually and instead of growing fan base, earnings and games catalogue there is just that more or less stable number of people still paying and no progress and growth for the team. But of course, if this is more of a hobby (though charging money for it makes it a job, IMO) than I guess there is no point in any such analysis.
P.S. I think Blind Date 3D had it right – you pay, download, play. No strings attached and no hard feelings about delays or other problems.
i am a big fan of LOP but this is just not cool, i am done paying for LOP Gold
You should buy the membership only when your game is released… nonsense pay every month and wait for delays.
It’s the fact that you shouldn’t have to do that. If the game is said to come out December /January then you would expect it to be done before February but no. It’s not just one time, it happens with pretty much every game. Is it just a coincidence that there’s always a delay that the game is supposed to come out middle-end of a month but there’s always a small delay making it come out in the next month. They should do what most companies do when they fail to deliver there paid for service and extend it for free, look at psn they did that when there service was down for 9 hours.
Yes but where is written that they must (or promise to) release a game per month? You pay to have access to the premium games, that’s all. For this reason I say that you should buy single month membership when they release what you want.
Leo i think all the people in this blog beg to you make this blog more active! the reason of this blog is interact with us your client s and fans ! pls 30 min per weak or each 3 days you can post something or answer our comments because this blog literally is dead.
Guys, this was a very challenging month for me so I wasn’t able to post as much information on our blog as you all want.
We got problems with receiving LWS EXP texts on time – that’s why we got a delay with a release of this title.
But right now it’s getting better – the texts are here and around 60-70% of game is coded. Next week I’ll be spending with my family and after that I’ll complete the game.
And about not keeping deadlines – as you guys see we got issues with that. It’s not always entirely our fault but cause it’s our show of course we’re the only one to blame. Believe me – it’s our priority and goal to release new games as soon as possible – to please you guys and to keep the business running. But there are situations when we need to say “hold on”! Cause for instance we’re missing texts for a game or we just get a feeling that we could make this game much better by adding new scenes or balancing the difficulty level even more. All those actions takes time and directly influence the promised deadline.
As you know we’re not a huge company – we’re an independent game developing studio. We don’t have budgets to hire a group of copywriters working over one title simultaneously – if one of them is getting burned out with the project, there are still five of them to complete his work. It doesn’t work like that in our case.
The same situation is with visual artist – there is always one person responsible for 3d characters rendering, one for copywrtiting, one for backgrounds and me who manage the whole process, create the game concept, code everything and then balance the game.
Usually this structure works fine for us – everyone is responsible for his own part and that guarantee us that he (or she) will put all his heart into that work. As you see – results are awesome.
Can we start co-operation with more people to increase the speed of developing new games? We’re constantly trying to. But results are not always satisfactory (for instance Call me Desperate) and couple of other started and not finished projects. So after those experiments I prefer to work in a smaller but highly specialized team. Still looking for new talents thou.
You’re are saying that we work on to many projects in one time and cause of that our games are getting delayed. That’s not true. As I told you before, every game is made by dedicated artists – for instance LWT 2 by iksanabot and YamYoda, ELE2 by chestnut and rahvin, LWS EXP by itmakesmeblush and agrippa. So those teams work independently not crossing their paths. And when one project is delayed, I got 2 other in the line.
You’re saying – but how does the delay is possible in that case? Cause it took as up to two months to render our first lopgold games and now we need to multiply it by 3 or 4. Then add a longer time for development cause the games are more and more complicated.
Okay, that was my longest reply ever, I guess.
So guys – thank you for your patience. Awesome games are coming.
ok when you are ready for released some “awesome game” i will ready for pay you
thank you for clearing things up,i understand that it must take time to make such great games and that you are not huge company so i don’t mind waiting for release,the only thing i think it could be improved is blog while we are waiting for games,maybe some polls or wallpapers or something that would keep blog more live between the releases
also is there news about free games,specifically sex date with tracy and lisa?
keep up with great work
ok thx for the Info 🙂
If I understand you correctly, you have started to make games without the script finished?.
Hello leonizer and the rest of your crew. I hope you guys see this post ( sorry for my english ) i was a developer for indie games last year and i know the troublesome work you have for this kind of games. I am posting this because many people here doesn’t know the difficulty of the task you have for this quality games. People doesn’t understand the delays for projects like this ones, that i truly believe, this games are the top of western modern erotic games.
My department worked in coding this games in unity/c# and i got so many delays for the rendering team as the history department ( let’s call it that ) , that postponed so many release games.
As a gamer i feel the same and many of the users here, however, as i said before, this kind of work is a blessing and instead of making coments like ( i won’t pay for this and that, childish stuff) you “community” should focus on supporting those developers. This guys made and incredible job , and an word of advice for leonizer, having a shorter team is always better then a huge department team of coding/rendering etc. As a fellow engineer and a developer, don’t listen to this bullshit comments, continue strong and don’t release a game just because the community ask for it.
Keep it strong.
You hand out a lot of advice. Thank you. Let me give you one in return: insulting the community by calling them childish, saying that they don’t understand the proces, and saying their comments is bullshit, doesn’t make you come off as very mature, in fact, quite the opposite.
I’ll admit that I have no knowledge of making games so I have no idea about the process. But if you took care to read the comments, you’d see that most people don’t complain about the length between games, but rather the recent string of delays. I feel that those complaints are justified as communication from the LOPteam following these delays have been sparse. The communication could have been handled better and better explanation could have been given in effort to make us understand.
The whole “won’t pay for that bull-shit”, as you call it, have simply been people who have been dissatisfied with delays and now invoke the only vote they have: the vote of their wallet. Nothing childish about that, that is a personal decision and, in any case, completely justifiable. Many of the people here have been supporting the LOPteam fully with ongoing, monthly subscriptions (as you claim they “should”). But some of them feel like they’ve had enough. And that’s okay.
As for “bullshit comments”, as you so eloquently put it: Not listening to negative feedback is a big mistake. Sure, the criticism need to be constructive and polite rather than rude and in the likes of “This blows! You suck!”. But disregarding constructive criticism or dissatisfied customers is not a good way to do business if you want to improve your product or attract new supporters. I feel that most comments here (not all, but most) have been very well-mannered and full of constructive criticism rather than “booooh, you suck!” comments (especially compared to the old blog… yucks…). And the community deserves credit for that.
I enjoy the products that the LOPteam have been producing. Their games are pretty much unrivalled and they should be commended for their efforts.
However, Leo’s latest entry confirms some of my doubts. I’ll be taking a break from the blog and the games for a year, maybe more. If I had put a deadline on a product at my job and had crossed that deadline AND then chose to take a holiday, my butt would have been fired. So I vote with my wallet
Thanks to everyone on the blog, good and bad, for keeping the community alive, especially during the last couple of days.
Good luck to the LOPteam. I wish you the best.
I can really understand your frustration, and don’t get me wrong when i say that the comments are childish. Most of them in different posts are really childish, other ones are the same thing that i feel as a gamer. Believe me that i can totally understand both sides, and in fact i’m paying the same as you. Listening to negative comments are not equal as listen to some criticism.
The delays and false information about release dates are something that i did before and even in the future i will do the same. It is very difficult for a small “party” to create a decent game like the premium ones, in time and schedule. I can understand your point of view that other jobs have a strict date, not as much compared to a developing games or applications.
Developers have feelings too, family , friends and probably an outside full time job. Don’t get me wrong, You and others here have all the right arguments to disagree and criticism about the delays ( like i do ). As i said earlier i know the field of developing, and trust me when i am saying that it is really difficult to make such wonderful games ( talking about the premium ones, sorry leo).
Have a little more patient and i will assure you and others, that great games will be released and we all be pleased by them. That’s what i am expecting of LOP team.
2 months!? May I ask if you have a render farm? Or do each of the artists have their own individual machines which they render from?
good day too all
take your time leo and time,and keep doing the best you can.
you guys are the best in making games.
ps:dont forget blind date 3d exp,it is great.
Well, what to say after Leo’s last comment ? I am really, deeply disappointed.
We have been given no answer to our concerns. The big problem is not the development time, it’s the delays, it’s the vague informations. And we learn that, well, delays happen, and delays will happen… and there’s nothing they can do. Very encouraging.
About the delays for “adding more content”, I will say that Nemo’s suggestion is the best : realease the game as it is, then add additional content later.
LWS is very late, but no problem, the game will be finished in no time, but after well earned holidays ? The product is late, the blog is full of unhappy customers, and the only person able to solve that (and who is also the business’ owner) will be on holidays ? Not very respectful for the customers ! While I will never deny to anyone the right to take holidays, I wonder about the pertinence to announce that to disappointed customers…
Well I will stop here. I still think that your games are by far the best around here, but as another poster said, the absence of any competition seems to be harmful. I am not in phase anymore with how the things are done, and will stop following LOP for a while. Shmerlin33 was right, I will probably come back in several months, when more games will be available.
Sad to leave, but I wish you all the best possible.
Good continuation to all.
Same :/ Will be leaving for a while and only pay after a few months when people are done with holidays and the games are released. Till then, I wish you guys all the best 🙂 Peace.
You guys do great work. I have been learning DAZ3D and to be honest I never really knew how long it took to render an image. I now see why people don’t usually do an entire story and they just dabble with images. I have been working on a story to see if I could do it and it is very tough. I started just after Christmas and I have roughly 30 images. I then see what you guys do with 600-1000 images and just think how long it took to get all of those done. I work on this in my spare time and i’m sure you guys to something very similar. Keep up the good work. I am sure my post won’t matter to anyone so at the end of the day it’s more to let you guys know that not all followers expect something every 15 days. I will say this. That last long comment should have been a blog post. I told another blogger the same thing. If you keep people in the loop and consistently post on your blog, people will understand more and be more compassionate. I think the frustration is that they log in and see the last post being Jan 7th and think that nothing is happening. My friend changed to posting every Sunday with an image or two, no matter what, and he has seen a lot happier patrons and less moaning and groaning. Keep up the good work.
To the lop team : brother , we all know any project takes time to create . But the fact problem which you guys had is you guys got the members to hope too high . Dont mind my english , im italian .
Lemme make it clear what was the problem . You guys need to remember that you have members for both free games & pay games . Thats a lot of members combined . If you see blog comments from previous posts , you can clearly see many ups & downs . Many were unsatisfied about the free games & some were for gold games . Last year wasnt that great rather it was more like “so-so ” . Thats why most members were expecting a good change .
As i can remember the post about ELE 2 & LWT 2 wasnt new . You guys even posted that LWT2 may released soon cause you guus were working on that . Then you guys again posted LWT 2 needs more ” WORK ” . So ELE 2 will be released soon . Then again another post about ELE2 needs “Work ” , so LWS expansion will be released . And now we hear its gunna be ” delayed ” .
Mate there might be some problem & there might be delays but thats not the real problem & just posting images of a unrealeased game are aint gunna help much cauae those are like ” spoilers ” which arent liked by many . You Guys made many members deparate by posting assumption release dates for LWT 2 & ELE 2 cause these are the flagships & people really expecting alot from these .
The real problem is The lack of real information about which game thats legitly being worked on , not partially worked & about a legit release time ( it may have a slight delay ) but it should be about that game only & also putting another game instead of the current game which was supposed be released is another problamatic issues . When you talk about 1 game , members expect from that particular game , not any other games .
My english is kinda bad but mayne reading it you’ll understand what im saying .
more delay for serena! truly sad, i agree with nemo´s suggestion if you want to add more content just release the game and then add the content.
Dear and very much appreciated LOP team and of course Leonizer:
Do not let some of the comments create a situation in which you want to rush the product.
You are a small studio, and people should just be patient because only then will they get the best game possible.
Games can always be hit or miss and the anticipation of LWT2 2 and ELE 2 are very high because both games are your best.
Of course the wait can be frustating, especially when your pay a monthly fee but let’s face it, sometimes good work TAKES TIME.
Perhaps some people will unsubscribe, which can be dangerous for the company but i hope you understand that most people are willing to wait for the best product possible,
Knock these 2 games out of the park and the comments will be positive again, i can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Thank you for a lot of wonderfull games, hopefully 2016 will bring lots of great games.
Thanks for the clearing things up.
Despite being a small independent development studio, you made awesome games ( LWT, Ele, STT, LWS, Camera Buisness, Farm stories, COL) and I’m sure that all the following games and exp will blow our minds.
I have an idea to keep the blog a little more active:
A couple years ago, you had a site called lop3dgirls.blogspot.com (that was deleated) where you had a lot of pin-up of LOP girls. Maybe you can do something similar again and persuade some of the visual artist to render a few pics of old or new character. And if those new characters recieve a positive feedback, they can be used in future games.
EJ: A cool pic would be a 3some between the girls of Farm Stories.
Oh fk it, @noproblemo, its true that there is no limit time for perfection but thats beyond of what we are asking for, what we are really asking is to be delivered what has been promised, and even if theres nothing ready to the point of been “good enogh for play”, of course we want some thing better, or more extencive, but the fact that is buggin every one is that has been 22 days more or less without a sigles “fk shit has happend there will be a delay”, theres the point to “the bunch of virgins (me included)” who wait eagerly for those games, to keep waiting queitly n faithfully….(sorry for the bad english, i’m little drunk…>.<)….so if the "loved LOP team dont start delivering the same shit that happened to "akabeer" will happened here…(risking the chance of been banned) i will say even more if the plan is to delay to get even more signners the plan can backfire by the fact of the lack of loyalty of the team to its own calendar….so if the "delay for perfection" is the only excuse they have its better be realy perfefct and not some V.Date bullshit…thats all what i got to say….so…fk it if im banned its wordpress anyway…;P
Many good points and critics from chrispool, Nemo, shmerlin33 just to name a few.
I think i’ll be taking a break too.
See you all guys. Hope very soon. I am a bit disappointed too.
I mean i love the games, the are the best, I love all the artists involved, I love LOP team.
I understand delays, the fact this is not the team full time job and everything, we all know that, but I mean you can’t run a business this way. You just can’t. And take no offence. It’s just what i think.
You just can’t set a deadline and then take a holiday. I mean it’s not the best way to run a business.
My opinion.
Again, hope see you soon everybody.
I do not have you all read (233 comments anyway), but I think I understand the outline.
A good game, it takes time to be developed. Any programmer will tell you. I do not think two months is waiting so long as that. I expected more for my part.
Now if you are so hungry to play it, there are other games that exist, certainly not of the same quality as those of LoP, but they exist.
I subscribe to LoPgold and SaG sites, but I do not pay for new games every month. I pay for good games come out when they are finished and have access to all the games panel outputs to date.
Hi Valornim,
I think everybody here understands the time involved, how difficult the whole process is and having to deal with different developing teams.
But that is not the point. Most of the people here complain about delays after delays and the fact that it was very clear since the beginning that the deadline that has been set wouldn’t have met.
And by the way, as I said, you just can’t fail to meet a deadline and then take a holiday. Totally disrespectful. You just can’t run any kind of business, no matter what, if you act this way.
Hope I made my point.
And I dont want to play other games. I want to play a LOP game.
Wow! I can’t believe the shitstorm going on here 😀
I totally respect Leo for the delays, and I don’t understand people complaining about him going on holidays. Give him a break! Personally, I’m gonna unsubscribe them for now, and when the games are out I’m gonna subscribe them back again. This is how the business-word runs. The only concern I got is, I hope that people around here will completely be satisfied when the games are out, if the games don’t meet their expectations there will totally be a bigger shitstorm going on here, people around saying that it wasn’t worth the wait etc.
Anyways, I’ll suggest everyone to be calm and just unsubscribe the site if they aren’t satisfied with the process. I don’t think it’s such a big deal, especially it’s not worth 235 comments 🙂
Good luck LOP Team! I’m always supporting you guys and appreciating your efforts, but for now on I’m not supporting you financial anymore, at least for a while, I’m sorry. And Leo I hope you don’t get demoralized with all these negative comments, you guys have been great in all these years, just do what you always do and I’m sure you’ll show that you guys are the best in this field.
Hi kante,
Quote: ” this is how business word runs”. Really?
I don’t know if you own your own business or in which business you are in, but this is NOT the way business word runs.
And btw you say you don’t understand people complaining but then you decide to not support financially anymore.
Funny, right?
Hey guys see all the negativety here, and i just wanted to say that from the start i followed this page and the lop gold team i have just been impressed with how good this is and how much time you use on this stuff! i support u guys finacally every month so u can keep up the good work ! 😀
only thing i wanted to say was please update the blog here moore if that doesnt take so long time, it doesnt have to be a long one either just a small updates maybe ? 🙂 im on this blog every day just to check for updates so !
Thanks for your good work and keep it up and have a good holiday 😀
seeing how many people decided to left the site i’m kinda glad that i’m not the only one who will keep subscription through this period
I don’t understand people being so offensive and complaining in such an agressive way. I’m just trying to say that if you aren’t happy with the service so don’t pay for it 🙂 And yes this is ‘how the business word runs'(from my aspect, as a customer). For example until last week I was paying to watch the soccer games in my country, but due to the bad service I cancelled my subscription. This is a simple rule in the business world about the customer satisfaction. My point is; if the customer isn’t satisfied enough he/she can just stop paying for it. Nobody force you to pay for a service that you dislike. And I want to make something clear: of course you guys have the right to critic the team, but telling the guy that has provided all these games for so many years that he can’t just spend some time with his family is nothing else then being a jerk.
I don’t want to cause tension, sorry if I have been unkind in my comments tho. Have a nice day!
Hi, just to make it clear i didn’t say that he or LOP team can’t spend time with their families. They can do whatever they want. Don’t get me wrong.
I said that it was clear since the beginning that the deadline couldn’t have been met. So lets take the example one member mentioned above.
I am a mechanic and you bring me you car to fix. I set a deliver date. I delay and delay. Then I tell you that I am waiting for a part that is missing. And you think, well ok, I understand that. But then you call me and I tell you, hey everything is here but I am going on holiday. So how would you feel about that?
At this point being a jerk would be renewing your subscription for the next month. In fact I am not going to do that till more games are out and expecially till LWT2 is ready.
And hey this is my last comment on this topic because too many words have been spent on the subject.
So I’ll be seeing you guys when LWT2 is done. Everybody take care.
When you subscribe a membership you gain access to premium games, I’ve never read that the team has the duty to release a game per month or respect the dead lines. You pay for access and to sustain the team. They can release the games whenever they want and, in my opinion, you should buy membership when they release them.
Hey Guys !
I’ve already told you you make some awesoommmess things 😉
Just keep us update if you can, i start to be worried about you 🙁
may the force be with you !
Just another thought to throw out there.
Apart from maybe thinking about every now and then throw in a few extra scenes in an older game, like when a new game is developed by drawn by let’s say ItMakesMeBlush, ask him/her to throw in an extra scene in a game he did before.
But we already talked about this.
With all the complaining about delays going on, I have to add that when it takes this long for a game to come out, with several delays, why can’t the bonus content be better than it is?
Bonus content has been just a few in game pictures lately, it’s really a bummer. It’s not a new setting, it doesn’t feel rewarding, it does not hint at an alternate universe where things happened differently etc..
Serena is getting delayed because of missing texts right? Can’t you have the artist just make some bonus images that are absolutely stunning whilst those texts are still coming in? That would be so nice.
Apart from that, I don’t really care about the delays. The result matters and mostly it’s been pretty damn good lately.
Any more news updates to post here? Would love to get some more updates on whats happening with existing and new projects on here
Snddsmf the news update is leonizer is on vacation
Looks like we need a forum here. 🙂
Yea definitely
With delays, comes greater games! One of my favorite games, “Bioshock Infinite” was delayed three times before it was released, but was amazing once it was! I have worked on a LoP title and from experience I can say a delay means better quality and not rushed!
Soon all your patience will be rewarded.
Delay usually means that a deadline is not kept…
its your best game i love you and this game it is amazing!!!!
For me, this is Eleanor 2 … but that’s another debate ^^
Congratulations! Three months without the premium section updates!
Dear LOP team,
Not sure if anyone is going to read this buried under 250+ comments but I thought I would say something, having been a fan of LOP games for a few years. I’m not telling you what to do, the following are just comments and suggestions so please take them in that light.
One, I hope leonizer and the LOP team learn the right lessons from the criticisms. I hope they don’t just push it aside as ‘whining’ by a few. Even though LOP has no real competitors, you should not take your customers and fans for granted.
Please DO NOT rush out a game if it is NOT READY. This is the ABSOLUTELY wrong reaction to current criticisms. People are clearly frustrated, and many of them, like Nemo, have been die hard fans. I know you are under pressure but after all the negativity and frustration, if you release a buggy or poor quality (ie game mechanics and/or graphics) game, you will make a bad situation even worse.
Two, LOP needs to be a bit more professional. I know you are a small indie developer, but you need better organization and workflow, so that deadlines are met. You have multiple projects going at once which is good but you should arrange it so that even if one project is delayed, another will take its place so that customers and fans will not be waiting 3 months for a game (last LOP release was 4 Nov, STT). That’s too long a wait. Delays WILL happen and you need to factor that in your timing schedules. Maybe have more than one person doing the rendering or the texts or some other arrangement. I don’t know the ins and outs of your business but clearly something went wrong here and it is not good enough to simply say it won’t happen again, you need to plan for delays and have backup plans in place.
Three, under-promise and over-deliver. If you give us an ETA at end of the month and you release at the beginning of the month no one will be mad. But if you promise early month and deliver late by a few weeks, then there is a good chance some people will be frustrated. And saying things like “If all goes well” doesn’t mean anything because most will ignore that and just remember the date.
Four, be more transparent. So if you have issues with delivering on time, the answer is NOT to say nothing about schedules. You do need to engage with your customers and fans and keep open the lines of communication. You just need to manage expectations better.
Anyway, that’s just a few points I thought I’d make. Don’t ignore the criticisms. You don’t need to listen to everything but some valid points have been made here and often by long time customers and fans so you should be open minded and be prepared to make some changes.
Looking forward to your games in 2016!!
and a 5 that is related with point 2, keep this blog alive, they should give us weekly updates to inform their costumers, i repeat customers not fans, because that is all about in any business small ones big ones doesn´t matter the company needs to find a way to keep their costumers satisfied for them to keep supporting them, but when we don’t get any update or neither a word from them this is absolutely terrible. Choose a day of the week and star give us weekly updates about your work, the progress you did in the past week, ideas for current or in progress or future games, make surveys for us to give our opinion about your work, for what type of games we want for the future or what type of feutures or storylines we would like to see. Remaining in silence for a month is not a good idea particularly when we have to pay to play your games.
“Welcome 2016 – the best year for LOP GOLD players ever!”
Doesn’t look like it so far.
Take your time. You are the best in this segment. I look forward to your creations. Good luck!
Welcome february but there is still no game
When will the next game be ready plz ?
If one game is delayed you should release it as soon as it’s ready… even if it means to release more games (the delayed game and the other in time) in one month.
Why not concentrate solely on Living with Temptation and Eleanor and update them once a month? Rather than taking on these little side projects which are fun to play but lose their charm after a second or third playthrough.
I would quite happily pay monthly for access to two premium games and follow their progression through regular updates that I can play even if the games themselves where in a constant stae of WIP.
WOW a lot of whining and complaining and while i feel dissapointed about the delay i sympathize with the developer and understand that with only one developer per part if anything comes up it can cause a delay what i dont like is that i dont think it leo intention to hide the delay but if there is one it shouldnt be post in a comment but should recieve its own post of the blog this way it will appease most of the customer myself included i dont mind the delay i just dont like it being buried in comments
This will be my one and only comment that I’ll post on here simply being that I’ve turned the page on LOP and I really do have better things to do.
I remember that back when I was a monthly member to the site for over 24 months there was A LOT more action then what we currently are seeing of late. I loved giving these guys money. That the games were free or that they were “paying” games updates felt more persistent. There has been some questionable decisions from LOP decision to create A few average games when all of their fans have been clearly waiting for 2 other games. (Eleanor2 and LWT2) Will the games be monstrous … Guaranteed! Will they be amazing GUANTEED! But why focus on all this other stuff? Dignity One was by far the worst game I’ve ever played from you guys and I want that hour of my life back … Seducing the Throne and City of Love were games that I played twice and flushed! I was in complete shock when I saw that City of Love was getting an expansion. Living with Serena was the only game I can say was a hit in 2015 which deserved an expansion because I felt it was a little short.
Am I saying not to create other projects? Nope … I like new stuff but at the end of the day … Everyone wants 2 things … So deliver them.
I also was reading a few comments and laughing at the people writing “don’t rush it” or “take your time” or “finish your product properly” or “we love your work it doesn’t matter … screw the opinions! Does anyone know the time it takes to create a game”?
I read these comments and I swear I laugh … When in the blue hell did these guys ever rush something? When the hell did they release an “unfinished” product?
If i offended you guys with these opinions I’m sorry. I’m just being as honest as I can be. we are hitting close to 2 years that the peeps are waiting for this. Ohhhhh and by the way … My Sex Date: Tracy … That’s kinda supposed to have happened a long ass time ago!
respect! You’re reading my mind..
Bro , you don’t need to be sorry for those other commenter’s…they just don’t know what they were saying . And yeah what you said is really true . this ain’t the first delay . they need to respect the deadline or at least don’t mention dates if they aren’t sure for themselves .
How long is the delay until or when will they start working on the projects again?
Ive been a fan since 2010 (The Original Tori 500).
Its only now though that honestly Im nearing my limit. Its just not good enough. Serious lack of communication, missed deadlines, increasing times with no new content.
I understand as you said that there is more work involved with the new projects. However more work normally means up sizing your staff then. The fact that your a small indie developer isn’t an excuse really when your getting all this revenue. (which your bound to be losing with the latest trends your setting).
Im very excited for your new projects and i cant wait to see them but i sign in every day to see no new updates. No update since Jan 7th? A comment within your own update isn’t good enough. Most developers have weekly updates at minimum. Especially indie ones who rely on their customers loyalty and good will. I am unsubscribed until we get new content.
Leonizer I hope you sort this all out soon.
For those who can’t wait for something new, I recommend you Tlaero and Mortze game–Redemption for Jessika. Realy nice story, I belive this is their best game so far. You can download it at sharks lagoon forum, it’s free.
Anything new from you guys? Do you have some recommendation, until Serena arrives?
Mortze is creating better games at a faster pace, at this point I am skeptical lwt2 will release this year at all.
Damn this thread has gotten pretty toxic, but Leonizer the anger here should probably be a sign that you might change your business. Paying for a monthly subscription when game releases are now once every six months on lopgold and one a year on sexandglory just doesn’t work anymore.
I think you need to consider moving to a Patreon based model. Let your fans pay what they want each month. Ditch having to waste time making tiny little games like farm stories. Focus on your big games, give backers early access build and regular development updates. Taking years to make a game is much more acceptable on a pay what you want model on Patreon then it is for a subscription site.
sex and glory hasn’t had anything since September. Pay monthly only. I don’t see point of three months when nothing comes for months.
So among the couple hundred others of you that have commented i going to state this just to end the constant complaints and the counter complaints.
I said this on a post back when this site ran off of blogspot. you guys are putting focus on too many projects at once. nothing is getting done at all and on top of that no communication has been made on the progress of any of it. everyone is sick of it. im honestly ok if we dont get a premium title every single month hell im ok if we get one every three months. what i and many other people here are not ok with is the constant lack of communication. unscheduled monthly updates are just not enough. especially with the emphasis on being unscheduled. if you updated us say every other friday with a progress report of the projects youre working on that would be ok with everyone more than likely. all of us here have paid for your content to some extent so the least you can do is acknowledge we exist. again im ok with games not getting released every month. im ok if everyone on the team has creative block for the next month. just tell us that that is what is going on. dont just keep us in the dark about it all and pretend like its ok. if you want anyone to continue to pay for your services you need to actually provide proof of your service. if you dont people will leave myself included. what i recommend is when you finally put out your next paid content you make the whole site free for a week to bring people back in without forcing them to pay. if they like what they see they will pay. if you release any new normally paid content i can guarantee most people wont pay
i think every other friday is a bit much i don’t mind the unschedule updates thats not really the problem since they are so small that they only have maybe two developer working on a game at a time its that important thing like the delay getting buried in a comment and not receiving its own post on the blog that i think gets most people
withs start like this , I am not sure about the best year part
if best year starts like this, it makes me wonder how the bad year would look
Guy’s since new Lop games arent showing up and you guys are looking for better and newer games, I Recommend you guys to Try ICSTOR GAMES – Patreon . His games pretty darn good if you ask me , MILF CONTROL and INCEST STORY are his BEST games . Normally its 8-9 hours game play . the graphics may not be that good but the story and game play is facinating . you guys hopefully would love it ! demo version is free to download and with premier account ( starting from 1$-35$ per month varying on premium power accounts ) you can download the full game or atleast the developing game ( complete part story ) & he even posts fan services or fan arts on weeky basis .
Dont get wrong about me , LOP aint the only good adult game makers , for those die hard lop fans , you can try other games as a substitute to pass your times when there are delays with lop 🙂
thanks for share! it looks better than here 😉
His ( ICSTOR) games are about rape so no. Also his games are RPG maker. RPG maker LOL anyone can make rpg maker games.
if anyone could made them , then there wouldn’t had been this lack of good game producers . obvious .
dont bother about that mastyer110 kid . he doesnt khow what his talking . he’ll just throw what ever trash that comes in his mind to most commenters in this blog . As i said its only to pass time until new update comes and already new update came about LWS
i also suggest pusooy 😉
I think the amount of negativity is a little too much, I think some of it is because we love LOP games and there are not many other options for good games.
I used to be a paying subscriber, but have not renewed for a long time now. I will probably only renew after LWT2 comes out. It would be nice to have it early but I don’t pay them any more and don’t really care as much if there are delays.
The only 2 feeedback I have for the LOP team is
1. They seem to be focused too much on graphics these days. If I want something that looks just like real stuff, I will go watch porn. For me, I love the story & gameplay (with decent graphics), I don’t know if slightly lower quality graphics can help the games release faster
2. It seems pretty clear that LWT & ELE are by far the most popular games. I think the LOP team needs to minimize delays on these 2 games and not worry as much about a free game every month (I would rather re-play old games like LWT, ELE, House Party rather than these low-quality free games
I expect a premium game next week, and at the latest in the next 2 weeks. with all this delays, it seems all the planned games are about to release at the same time. Just my opinion. But any update for february?
Are you guys still active because it’s been ore than a month sice you gave us any update and 3 moths since you updated lop gold
leo are you still on “deserve” holidays?
I agree, she is totally worth it. I just hope the early idea/images showing her with what appears to be her boss was scrapped… That has been my only concern for this game throughout it’s development.
Of course my browser log in and brings me to the wrong thread.
LOP team dont get me wrong but your dummer than I expected…wanna know the reasons why ? lemme tell , you idiot .
You use ” master110″ to bad mouth anyother customers who ever says negative things about Lop ands try you defend yourselves .
Wanna know how i found out ? lemme explain that to you too .
1) master110 in the previous post showed up many times but as soon as you went for vacation there was no word from that account , despite so many negativity , master110 didnt show up BUT as soon as the new post came out about LSW , master110 showed up and commented negatively or trolled other commenter’s .
2) I myself made a ” master11O” account and bad mouthed a commenter to see how he reacts ..but the next thing i know “master11O’ comment 2 was deleted and the NICK NAMe was changed to “master_fake” ..Hey there is no way an account’s name could be changed unless its the user itself or the ADMIN of the blog which is leonizer . and differentiating among the two “master100” accounts aint easy unless one is yours .
Hey LOP TEAM or leonizer…lemme tell you this , your running a BUSINESS…this is a blog …. Many are subscriber here….there wont be always POSITIVE , We all here are customers of your free and paid services . There will be both negative and positive . But never think the customers as DUMB or a bother .
Hey Rather than defending or supporting you selves in the blog with your fake accounts , try using this negatives to improve your work any kind of flaws . Rather than using other fake accounts , try speaking with us with your real leonizer account . you already ruined your image with delays and now about the fake accounts .
if others dont agree with me , check the previous posts…you’ll obviously see many negative comments and arguments are deleted except for ‘master110’ only . normally we dont bother to delete our comments . So obviously its the Admins work .
Anyway , though my post aint gunna do much cause ther admin of this blog will start deleting the previous comments including mine -_-
Your games were good , but you really made delays ( that wasnt much of a deal) but your harassing the commenter’s wasnt the thing i could sit and watch ,
we all got minds , we all got opinions but you just cant simply neglect them with just trash talks .
LOP team dont get me wrong but your dummer than I expected…wanna know the reasons why ? lemme tell , you idiot .
You use ” master110″ to bad mouth anyother customers who ever says negative things about Lop ands try you defend yourselves .
Wanna know how i found out ? lemme explain that to you too .
1) master110 in the previous post showed up many times but as soon as you went for vacation there was no word from that account , despite so many negativity , master110 didnt show up BUT as soon as the new post came out about LSW , master110 showed up and commented negatively or trolled other commenter’s .
2) I myself made a ” master11O” account and bad mouthed a commenter to see how he reacts ..but the next thing i know “master11O’ comment 2 was deleted and the NICK NAMe was changed to “master_fake” ..Hey there is no way an account’s name could be changed unless its the user itself or the ADMIN of the blog which is leonizer . and differentiating among the two “master100” accounts aint easy unless one is yours .
Hey LOP TEAM or leonizer…lemme tell you this , your running a BUSINESS…this is a blog …. Many are subscriber here….there wont be always POSITIVE , We all here are customers of your free and paid services . There will be both negative and positive . But never think the customers as DUMB or a bother .
Hey Rather than defending or supporting you selves in the blog with your fake accounts , try using this negatives to improve your work any kind of flaws . Rather than using other fake accounts , try speaking with us with your real leonizer account . you already ruined your image with delays and now about the fake accounts .
if others dont agree with me , check the previous posts…you’ll obviously see many negative comments and arguments are deleted except for ‘master110’ only . normally we dont bother to delete our comments . So obviously its the Admins work .
Anyway , though my post aint gunna do much cause ther admin of this blog will start deleting the previous comments including mine -_-
Your games were good , but you really made delays ( that wasnt much of a deal) but your harassing the commenter’s wasnt the thing i could sit and watch ,
we all got minds , we all got opinions but you just cant simply neglect them with just trash talks -_- .
I always thought that the best thing to include in LWT1 would have been a daydream scene for Justin, imagining Tracy and Lisa going at it, also maybe if Tracey has an erotic dream about Lisa, this wouldn’t mess with the story in general, and these scenes could easily be put in, what if Lisa and Tracey are trying on clothes together after shopping and Justin peaks in on them touching each other and then they have a kiss and more, both girls would have to have extremely high stats and if Justin interrupts this could prompt the long awaited threesome, another scene for a possible 2nd expansion on LWT1. Add Tracey’s workplace to the locations, Justin could visit and also Lisa could visit and catch Justin and Tracey at it, also a voyeur scene was added with Justin and Tracey, what about a voyeur scene involving Lisa who is the one watching, also expand on the pool location as this was such a disappointment, so much more could have been done. Also what if The weekend cottage was something you could do more with, like video Justin and Lisa going at it and deliberately leave it out for Lisa to watch it, Justin could catch Tracey touching herself watching Lisa sunbathe, also Tracey and Lisa swimming together topless, Tracey brings home a friend from work, another woman maybe, which gives Tracey her first taste as she refers to in the voyeur scene with Lisa. Tracey and Lisa could also use the gym, and the shower together. Justin walks in on Lisa in the shower but what if Lisa walks in on Justin and Tracey going at it. What if one night all three have a drink at home and order take out which turns playful, turning into a food fight which leads to a scene where Justin and the girls remove clothes etc.
3-4 weeks again for ELE2’s launching