LWS expansion is coming
February 8, 2016Right now I’m spending all my time with Serena – we’re getting together very well and I’m really impressed with the visuals and copywriters ideas.
For this moment I got only 3some scenes to put together – after that making necessary links between all interactions and then testing process.
I would like to thank you for your patience – this girl is worth it.
BTW – In a couple of days I’ll publish information about planned free games coming this year.
Looks good.
After 1 month without any word/info from you guys to us, we got an LWS update.
It’s about time…
Nice! Take your time Leo !
Great! Keep the updates coming.
looks gerat but im also tihniking you should take more care about us! we pay every month so pleas speak more often to us!
Greets from germany 🙂
so hot
Ask your beta-testers if you need some help ironing out the kinks. Hang in there!
Finally they a showed up with something !
it looks good,can’t wait,looking for future updates
Good news. I can’t wait to play the expansion and for the new LOP free games.
To prove my point from your last post im seeing that at least half of these comments after only a couple of hours are simply relieved to hear a progress report on what you guys are doing. most of us dont mean to be mean its more just passionate about your high quality work and we want to see you guys succeed. keep the updates coming
Hey Leo and LOP Team member;
I’m angry because,you would please open date.!!
Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday ???
I’m tired of waiting, over my membership pffff:(:(
Welcome back man 😉
Well as I accidentally said in the other thread: “I agree, she is totally worth it. I just hope the early idea/images showing her with what appears to be her boss was scrapped… That has been my only concern for this game throughout it’s development.”
*browser still f*ing up, ignore any double posts*
hi leo, two questions how much time does it take the testing procces? and how long are we from get eleanor
Yeah only question is the testing process very lengthy? Anyways, thx for an update and looking to this year.
i would assume the testing process to be around two weeks.
welcome back leo….. keep up the good work…. we ae also bz but loved you that much so visit ur blog daily….. get 1h per week for chat or update will help us to hang around calmly ………………….hope u’ll think about it…..
Good Job Guys, Keep it Up..!!
Been waiting for LWS EXP (my second dream virtual reality after LWT & Eleanor) for ages. Just be kind enough to update us of the news of release (reckoning will be very soon) of LWS EXP from time to time to alleviate our stress.
Hope you’ll present us with a stunning game very soon..!!
I hope we can play this game for next week
Well I made this user just to be able to post my opinion. Seems like a ton of people are angry and frustrated with the delays as so am I. LwT and LwS surely my top 2 favorite LOP games. I was looking forward to the expansion for LWS at the end of January but sadly it was not meant to be, regardless of the reason. I’m still optimistic and waiting after all me love me some LOP in general and I can deal with some delays. The only real issues I have with the blog is the lack of updates, which trust me matters alot. If someone from Lop had said ”well there’s gonna be delays and LWS expansion will be up on 1st of March” nobody would have complained because we would have a exact date…but being vague about delays and release date is frustrating. That’s just my opinion. Anyway mad love for LOP team and waiting forward to LwS exp, LWT this year hopefully. Have a good week.
Anyone noticed the girl in the picture above is not Serena? I didn’t … until I loaded the image on a new tab. Anyway, that’s not why I’m writing this post.
I just want to reinforce the idea that’s been said already a thousand times and that the LOP team should take into consideration.
When you’re paying for a service month-to-month and it’s not creating any new content (for a while), communication is crucial. You need to keep your customers engaged.
Now, when updates do come they usually get everyone crazy happy and people stay like that for (let’s face it) … a day. And the reason this doesn’t last is because they have no idea when the next update is coming.
I would suggest the LOP team to write something once a week and make it consistent, say every Sunday for example. People would look forward to it all week, and they’d be happy when it comes no matter what it is (sort of). I mean, it can be a new picture, some news with an ETA, or if you’re reluctant to give ETAs, then leave it at pictures and high level plans for the “month” (not year). And I assure you that they wouldn’t be asking for updates during the week, ’cause they would know the rules.
But communication needs to keep flowing or people get frustrated and (sometimes) insolent.
Let’s face it, the only reason people remain faithful to LOP is because right now there’s nothing like it out there (not with that quality). And that’s great. Kudos to the LOP team for all they’ve done and what they’re still doing. But they could do much better if they only improved communication.
This blog is cool, by the way, it makes communication possible, but only if you decide to use it.
I totally agree with user “someone”…
Both for criticism about comunication and for praising your really amazing work.
There are some free games announced in 2015 without any other update, some of them were looking really hot, so I can’t wait to know something about them soon…
Given that a couple of days already passed.
Hold on, I konw time is a strong enemy 🙂
So a couple of days, huh? Seems like nothing is going to change even after reading client opinions… At least try to fulfil your words. Please.
Go more cry kid. If you can not wait then it’s your problem .
Actually, its your problem if you dont agree. I just shared an opinion in a respected way, using good language, “kid”.
There is nothing more to write about.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Faster output this game :):):)
I would just like to remind Leo et al that “a couple of days” to a lot of people literally means 2 days. I vaguely remember having this discussion before and, surprisingly, finding this out as to me it’s always been a vague 2-5 days, while a few being anywhere from 3-7.
I had a similar discussion with some friends of mine too… Basically you should consider the context you’re speaking about: if you’re requested to do a work and your answer is “a couple of days” your boss/customer expects it within two days.
If your girlfriend asks you to fix somethnig that couple of days can turn into weeks.
Btw… Our languages have plenty of quantity expressions allowing us to be as sharp as possible.
And speaking about time “around a week” could fit better the 2-5 days you refer to “a couple of days”.
I think when you’re speaking to people really caring for what you’re saying you should try to be precise, or at least to prevent.
This is just pub philosophy, just “pour parler”!
I think the blog crashed.very too late.I do not understand.
love your games guys . but this game took a really really long time . since STT was initially meant to be released in october
. and there was two free games ( sometimes three ) in between the gold games . …. anyway keep up the good work
Hey, I know how to wait. I do not mind waiting, but therefore it’s probably too long for me. Well, nothing can be done. What I regret most that Eleanor due to delays LWS will also delay 🙁 I’m not angry, but I’m sorry. So I believe the team and thanks for the work.
Proud to announce that the game is almost complete.
Just 1-2 more days and we’re ready.
i think it is two days already??