Eleanor 2 – additional content
April 11, 2016We’re planning to add more events to ELEANOR 2 and we don’t want to keep you waiting months for it. So prepare yourself for updates containing new scenes and other elements added to the main game from time to time.
You were saying that Eleanor isn’t slutty enough?
So what would you say about those first 3 new events that we plan to add.
Bikini conspiracy
Night out with Samantha
The Nightmare returns
Love it, keep it coming guys
Great news that we don’t have to wait more months for this! Good work with that.
The scenes look awesome; fans definately want Eleanor acting more slutty – hopefully these scenes can satisfy that. Perhaps, if you haven’t already, add more “random” scenes occurring. What I mean is like, when Drake’s friend comes to visit to watch the game and running into that kid that’s going off to college. Stuff like that could make the playthrough more unique and less mundane.
Also, something to add: a feeling like eleanor is actually cheating under Drake’s nose, could be interesting.
I knew those variables in the save files meant something. Hope to see them asap!
Thank you Leo. That’s what I wanted to hear !
Don’t forget to tell us when an update is ready.
I know this has been suggested by several people in the past few months.
To bring out a game, and to keep people buying subscriptions and to keep people interested, add on to that game every now and then.
This is absolutely great news. This will keep people hooked, trying to figure out where the new scene is, how to get it.
I know it’s wishful thinking, but if this could also be done for some older game, that would be awesome. Seducing The Throne for example or Didi. Also, Didi and Eleanor have met. Just saying 😛 Get those together.
No, good news, expected, but great nonetheless. Hats off.
i agree,seducing the throne will get an expansion so there will be new content,but i also want to see this idea implemented in older games like didi and especially lwt
wow this post was kinda unexpected 0_0
i think it’s really fantastic idea to bring new content from time to time,this will definitely extend the replay value,keep up with great work
This is a really, really good idea. Continuous updates on a game over a duration of time will give a huge boost to the games replay value and longevity. I’m not one to toot my own horn (at least, not too often), but I was one of the people mentioning this very notion. The scenes look stunning. I guess you won’t be considering giving the gameplay an overhaul (I imagine it would simply be too huge a task), but oh well, we can’t have everything 🙂 This looks really, really good.
Good job Leo and the rest of the team.
PS: It’s really good to see the blog getting frequent updates.
And it’s a very fair way to make people keep their subscription monthly. It totally makes sense.
Congrats Nemo for your idea 🙂
Well, I’d like to take all the credit for it. But I was only one of several people voicing this idea and Leonizer took it way further than my initial suggestion (which only involving adding 2-3 renders to older games every once in a while).
But yes, this is a very fair way of keeping people on an ongoing subscription. I know I’m keen on restarting my ongoing subscription. But it’s more than just a smart business move. It shows a willingness to keep older games alive and that counts for a lot in my book.
great works leo. how to downloads this events ?
Good news! Will we see it before the end of the month or at the start of the next month?
Or hopefully even earlier? 😉
This sounds great! Your set-up indicates it was already in the works, but its still nice that you listen to your fans.
Great news. Please add more positions and viewpoints as well. The sluttier Eleanor is the better we like to play. I would venture in saying that 90% of play is for Eleanor to be a whore and the 10% is just to achieve Drake related achievements. Keep up the good work.
Speak for yourself… Frankly the slutty part I usually do for the achievements and that’s it, same for any degrading things. Once and done. Zero appeal.
Well this pretty much solved the main issue I had with the game where we don’t get enough scenes with certain characters and by the sounds of things the updates will arrive at a nice pace and fix all of that.
Does this mean that you will deliver other games more content like this moving forward or is it just for Eleanor 2 and other games will still have the big release expansions?
Either way more content is a good thing 🙂
Great news!
More dirty cheating wife Eleanor! Yes!
More Samantha! Yes! Yes!
More downfall sex with Kevin! Yes! Yes! YES!
Btw, I don’t remember if it was stated if Samantha is a single mother or if she’s married. Well, two cheating wifes together would be fantastic. But anyway, it’s really good news.
for Samantha was she in a sexandglory game or lop game? still that is really sexy though i have to agree on that with you
Neither. She is the mother of James who was mentioned but never seen in Eleanor 1
Well this is new. That’s what I thought. super report. how I imagined it. And more more more more slutty Eleanor. 😀
nice 🙂 But when LWT 2 !?
i cant wait for that !:(
Nice, not really an expansion but more content is always welcomed
I don’t care about it ! What about LWT2 work progress ? This game is more important for me…
I would like to advise you something Leo! Make those new scenes playable every day, like you can have sex with Drake every night in your bedroom. And few more smaller advices – more gangbangs, more dps and more interracials! People adore those things, me to of course!!!! 🙂
Yep that will make me get a subscription 🙂
Eleanor is my favourite character, then Didi, then LWT and finally LWS 🙂
DLC is a great idea. Can’t wait
That’s awesome… with enough DLC-type additional content, this game could be absolutely huge
Also it is cool to get small amounts of new content, because it makes it fun to revisit a game you’ve played before in a different way
Great news!
Wow amazed nice move, adding content and not waiting that much is really smart. I still having some ideas for eleanor not sure if you will ever use it but I like writing them. You can add a new place highschool(james) of curse not just for James, remember all those stories that eleanor had in eleanor 1 with old boyfriends and teachers on the highschool, eleanor works on the school as a economy teacher, of curse I have some scenes on mind as a teacher but only if you think it’s a good idea a will write them.
Nice to hear from that. Hope you will add some other small things. For example maybe topless window cleaning while having low fidelity and/or high sexual vibe. Other customers in the spa, even if they are just in the background.
Your work is much appreciated.
I gotta say, i was happy when Kevin got punched out. Hated his character, though i understand why some people like his role in the previous games. I like that Eleanor gives in to her slutty side in her encounters, like with the Don, she mentions in her internal monologue that she wants his cock in her and things like that. When it comes to Kevin its just rape and i personally hate it. If i recall correctly he even makes her cry in the first game and says he enjoys it. Man that just ruined my mood. Its not a sorta ‘play’ where both parties like it, its just rape. I guess Kevin’s going to be back, she looks like shes suffering in the picture, makes me kinda sick. If its consensual in some way like Eleanor surprises herself by desiring the degradation then i guess thts different. Basically i like Eleanor ENJOY being slutty and promiscuous. That’s a big draw for me. Well that’s just what i think, just my opinion on the character.
Well i get that some people like it and you guys wanna make a game that satisfies as many as your fans as you can. You guys make great games, and you’ll are pretty much the best at what you do so good luck with it! Give your graphics guy and character designer a raise! lol.
I agree
It may be a little late for this since the base story line is already in game, but one thing I’m missing from the first game is her transitioning from a wife to a total whore. I realize this is a sequal and the intro mentions her infidelity, but it leaves the door open for her to make a real decision to either stay with her husband, or to accept her other life as a slut. In short, this game misses an internal conflict.
PLEASE fix that scenes are out of frames/window and you can’t see their faces or bodies, or sometimes stat’s words are too big and hide the scenes!! PLEASEE!! i want to see girl’s faces while they are been fucked!!
I support this 100%. Seriously, the scene with the politician at the strip club looks like a pair of tits with no head is fucking him.
Totally agree. These images cut off are really annoying and often spoil the entire scene. And it’s recurring in your recent games.
Amaizing game i hope for repaire glitch. I have idea Eleanor could work in the Spa and meet some important people, politic or actor act. It could be interesting story development.
So is there a general timeframe for these 3 events?
I bet you get the Kevin scene AFTER you kick him, leading him to exact revenge in the only way he does.
Can’t wait because it always felt incomplete he didn’t come back after you humiliate him. This should be great.
At some point after you flash your pussy at the pub, a man buys you a drink.
Does this have any impact on the game ?
Sadly, no… at least as far as I know. Then again, I wouldn’t mind it being in an expansion where she has to have a pretty low whore score (like maybe 10 or less).
I may be wrong, but I think this will be the trigger for the Bikini Conspiracy… I remember the man saying that he worked on the boat of a rich douchbag…
Is there any way to STOP the screen from shifting as you move your mouse around in the window?
Using Firefox, and even at mas size and “full screen” if I move my mouse from upper right to lower left, part of the actual rendered screen is cut off in the upper right side.
Since ALL the control/commands for the interactive scenes are in the left bottom you can see where this could be a problem. Same goes with the menu/interface items covering up some of the gorgeously rendered scenes.
Regarding the game itself, I would love for some of the more interactive scenes/positions like LWT had be included here. Why even have them do anything at all if you cover it all up other than random arms and legs? LWT was great because of the positions and angles.
Wow, looks great. I am very interested by the “Bikini Conspiracy” story-line. It reminds me of 1 of my favorite stories from literotica, any connections?
Keep up the good work, really looking forward to LWT, my all-time favorite LOP game 🙂
No connection. Just spawned from my mind one day.
It’s a great idea. Plus I’ll probably pay regular membership when I know that almost every month will be added need only one additional scene. Where is the logic, her! its great.
I don’t know how much content they already have, and how much content they have already thought of, but it could be interesting to create a sort of “players requests”. For example they could pick 4-5 player’s ideas, then create a poll to let us choose what we want to be implemented in the game : new events in the strip club, new carrier in the spa, more possibilities with Drake, a whole new location (college dormitory), … Or maybe, if they have scenes in mind, let us decide what we want first (authors like Wolfshadow and Tlaero/Mortze do this often). Only my two cents of course.
Hey Leo, could we get an update on the other games coming out soon, the free ones. Been a while since we heard about Lana in particular. Thanks.
Very few sex scenes, need more. You ask what makes Eleanor sluttier whore? Add scenes in best traditions of legalporno – triple penetration (DAP+pussy or DPP+anal) with blowjob in VIP shows.
omg!!!! what a awesome bit of news.
i also like to add will this be a monthly thing as in a new scene in the game added every month.
I can understand people dont liking Kevin related scenes because its not their thing, but I cant understand they dont liking it because is rape and rape is bad.
Obviously rape is bad, but its like saying that you dont play shooters because thats murder and murder is bad.
Its a videogame, thats it, nothing more, a videogame doesnt make you a rapist or a murderer or a superhero.
Personally i would like for the Eleanor – Kevin relationship to start rough and unwillingly and gradually end rough and very willingly for Eleanor, even a possible ending for her being Kevin´s happy pet or something like that.
Keep up the great work LOP team!
I agree with the above. Either way I don’t really mind Kevin. But instead of just adding more Kevin to a Kevin scenario how about adding a Kevin and friends scenario!!! 😉 😉
It’s cool that we have the nice girl and the bad girl route. Right now the guys who want to see more bad Eleanor aren’t getting their money’s worth but it’s clear that you guys are aware of that from the title and description of this post. It seems that if you guys can cater to both sides of the audience you will have a success formula in your hands. As for me, more simultaneous hole filling please! 😉
Well said, man. It’s just a game, a fantasy. There’re those that will like it and those that won’t. No one should criticize the other for liking or not something on a game.
As for Kevin, I really hope they’ll make Eleanor enjoy it in the end. Perhaps even an ending where she glady becomes Kevin’s fuckslut. In that Eleanor date game they did in the past, her partner was Kevin and she enjoyed it in some ending. They could make her like it in this game too.
Like i said above, i get that they wana cater to their fans that like rape fantasies and i aint hating on them for doing it. Just expressed my opinion that i dont like it. Rape sickens alot of people mate. In adult games where you can see their expressions get twisted from the act and the rapey dialog it kills the mood for alot of people. Its just different from shooters u kn? cause we see them talk through it and the expressions. Personally i also have trauma with rapey senario’s in games caused i worked in an ngo as a journalist and talked to alot of women that have experienced bad situations. The act just sickens me thats it.
I say again, i get that some people like the fantasy, and they can aptly separate that from reality without getting bothered by it. Not judging anyone here at an adult game site lol. But for some due to their own experiences and thoughts are just weak to things like this even if it is fantasy (like me, im weak to it!).
Anyway im sure they’ll create the scenario in a way to allow those that dont like it to skip it. Like if u dont kick him when he’s down you can skip the rape scene. I would appreciate that and everyone would be happy. Those that like it and those that dont! peace!
Yeah I feel ya bro. I say put that stuff in there and put a way to skip it for those who can’t stand it. Win-win.
I understand well that Eleanor 2 will be updated continuously. As more times instead of just once. as always a couple of scenes. Possible?
i´d love to have more scenes at the office, the outfit is just amazing, she looks damn hot on it, have an idea again about the conference room, A top company is trying to do deal with drake´s company and eleanor after studying marketing, and working on drake´s company you guys can eleanor to do a presentation in front of the 4 mans or more in charge of the top company she is going to convice them to accept the deal. you kow how she will convince them.
Heeey! I like the sound of that 😉 😉 😉
Mr. Leonizer, good job in creating this Eleanor 2 game, Eleanor really is very sexy, she has a great pair of E cup breast which means the biggest, rounded, and the most perfect rounded pair of tits and jugs that I have ever seen in any adult games, and also she has a pair of big and rounded ass too. Very sexy girl and makes me want to get laid with such a hottie babe so far, it makes my cock erect every time I play this eleanor 1 expansion and eleanor 2 game.
For this coming Eleanor 2 expansion game that would be created by you Sir Leonizer soon, I just hope that you could kindly have some additional scene on the Kevin site, Please provide such scenes where, when Eleanor mouth was hand gagged by Kevin behind the pub in the back lane, Eleanor puts up a fight with Kevin before Mario arrives with his bodyguard to help her, please provide two fight meters for Eleanor, if she successfully wins the fight with Kevin, she would leave with Mario the triad boss which is the first successful fight meter, if Eleanor loses the fight with Kevin in the 2nd fail attempt fight meter which would result in Eleanor being duct taped on her mouth helplessly like a damsel in distress by Kevin and being kidnapped and brought to the van by Kevin. Inside the van, Eleanor tits would be fondled and grab by Kevin, her pussy being fingered, gets raped and fucked by Kevin and her raped scenes photos inside the van being taken and captured on the mobile phone by Kevin. Kevin would threaten,blackmail Eleanor with all the raped photos taken before inside the van to make Eleanor Kevin’s sex slave, if Eleanor refuses to be Kevin sex slave, Kevin would circulate her raped photos online to everyone and also to her husband Drake especially. To force Eleanor to become Kevin sex slave, if Eleanor agree to become Kevin’s sex slave, then please create an ending for Eleanor whereby she would not be able to become a perfect wife anymore to Drake and she would be sold by Kevin as a sex slave to the dark slave market in Thailand, Japan, Asian countries or to any available strip club.
That is all I would ask for Mr. Leonizer, you have so far did an outstanding job for Eleanor 2, the graphics were great, and Samantha had perfect tits and breast too.
Keep up the good work Mr. Leonizer. I am looking forward to be of your games in future, cannot wait to play LWT 2. Please provide more sex scenes and raped scenes and more number of days to play in every of your LOP and Sex & Glory games.
In future, put more asian babes in your games too, Japanese, Korean, or chinese babes would make your game more excellent.
Thank you.
David Ong.
I would also hope that you could have Eleanor mouth being taped gagged by Kevin inside the van, her hands and legs being tied up, getting stripped step by step helplessly by Kevin inside the van.
After that gets raped and force sex by Kevin and her photos being taken by Kevin via a mobile phone.
Please provide such scenes Mr. Leonizer.
Thank you.
David Ong.
Great news on the updates, any particular timescale in mind?
Personally I want to see things like more interaction at the pub and back alleyway. If Eleanor’s relation to Drake is low then he won’t go out in the alleyway with her. Let the guy she gives the hand job to take her up on her offer. Maybe even let other potential lovers try to pick her up in the pub at various times and she[you] can choose whether to go out back with them for fun; she is supposed to be a cheating housewife after all. Yes to a Blake suspicion meter, but no to any suggestion of him being a playable character, it’s Eleanor’s game. Also I’d welcome more naughty going on in the office maybe with the young intern or new characters such as potential clients or even other so far unseen workers at the office. Some action at the park and the sauna would also be appreciated.
Great start to the game Leo and crew, thanks for listening.
Hi Leo & Team,
Thank you and your team for making these awesome games. Some observations and suggestions on Eleanor 2 and its additional content.
Observations & suggestions:
1. The rendering is definitely right up there – so great job on that.
2. I found the sex scenes rather tedious and frustrating. The option to hold down the mouse button caused the pleasure meter to move waaayyyy too fast ending the sex act very quickly, whereas it was painfully slow to go down to try other sex options. The flow just wasn’t there. In fact, it should have been the other way round, with the pleasure meter increasing real slow and dropping down fast to normal when not clicking!!! This would add to the feeling of really enjoying the act.
3. Too much clutter on top with all the stats!! Some sex acts get hidden because the stat screen on top overlaps it.. Please have an option to auto hide the menu during sex acts.
4. I am personally of the opinion that having sex scenes which show penetration is way more arousing and captivating than sex acts which simply show the man behind the women just moving around, sex acts involving oral sex is spot on, only recommendation is to add saliva secretion on the dick as the oral sex gets more intense like in your games “Spy Agent 069” or “Ryan Blender Detective Agency”. I really loved the free game “My sex date with Eleanor”, especially the penetration involving the vagina and the anus was bloody thrilling !! The realism of brilliant.
5. This is a big request, please see if there is a way if you could make the cumming part more fluid and not static!!! It really is a downer that after showing all the sex movements all we get is a static cum shot still!!! This includes even the lesbian kissing scene in the Spa between Eleanor and the other girl, yet again static!! Your games are awesome and I mean my suggestions in good intent. ………….. I happened to play a few games called “Beach Party 1”, “Mummy Love” and “Cheerleader Party” on a site called Pusooy. While the rendering isn’t the best, yet, the physics movement when it comes to sex in those games are god like!! It was just brilliant, the amount of attention to detail in giving the player complete control over every small aspect of the sex act was so immersive. Right from controlling the speed of thrusting during penetration, to the natural movement of the breasts, to the right time of zooming in on critical actions like cum shots, and boy the fluidity of the cum shots is just brilliant!!!. I highly suggest if these aspects be brought into your games. It really made me feel like I was into the character having sex. Although your rendering blows those games apart, but introducing this mechanism in your games, I feel would really go a long way..
6. Some of the sex sounds seemed repetitive (Especially the women moaning), a small tweak in this to sound more natural even as its repetitive would do good.
All in all, great effort to all of you in making these awesome games!! If you do require any assistance in testing your new game, I am more than happy to help!! :))).
Just played ELE exp, LwT exp and CoL Exp back to back. Great games but noted how many misleading paths make the game frustrating. In LwT for example, the dialogue most appropriate for the bukkake in Vegas scene does not lead to the scene!!!! Please keep note for ELE2 exp and LwT2 PLEASE!
The thing that bugged me most is that in the Eleanor 1 game, when you go on the beachtrip with Drake and you make a mistake in the dialogue leading up to the treesome, you don’t get to restart the game and retry. If you restart the game, you just begin your Saturday without the trip. It’s so annoying. Because it takes a while to play up to that point.
Nothing new here…
Just the same old Eleanor, you should have changed the protagonist instead of keeping the same one.
The only good thing were the game mechanics which were outstanding.
Of course changing the Character and back-story would actually take some time and effort to do… Might as-well keep doing the same old 5hit then…
Actually a good idea.
Why not play as some dude or girl who happens to meet Eleanor (work, whatever) and from then on you do some stuff together.
I had many good and exciting scene to give Drake a gift and go to the pub. There can this guy do well. Although see it as a minor role, but it is a scene that I like such and they should with this more.
Otherwise Leo wrote to the-new-lagoon:
Unread postby leonizer »Fri, 13:40 16Apr15
Releasing new content more even, and smaller.These in chunks, is an added value for Loyal Customers Their subscription keeping active all the time.
I agree with that. An excellent idea.
This is a really great news. 🙂
I like your games particularly LwT, Eleanor, Didi. Pretty much inmediate sex with strangers its a bit unrealistic for me from man point of view. Hot woman of course can have sex easily thats why I like more the games with woman pov. I just played 2 times Eleanor 2. So my review and suggestions. Graphics is awesome as usualy. Plenty of location, plenty of options but most of them quite meaningless. Game have lots of potential but not even half ready.
-1)Pub: Open only from 18- and not much to do there. //First options, locations have limited opening time or availability shoud be on button so you not gonna keep cliking and wasting time. Like in Didi was put on sunbathe option available between 10.00-16.00//
– Put a back/side room whit pool table. With mini game you could win money or loose money/pussy. Behind pub not much there apart from the cat (only achievment i missed)
-Backstreet, put some university student selling drug there.
Example selling coccain, but warns you not common staff this is pure shit. (restores moral, stamina, sexvibe to max like power drink). X $ first time you can pay with sex because you look hotter than a hooker he could get for X$. 2nd-3rd time only accept cash as he not into run down addicts and junkies. 4th time you buy/use inmediate bad ending as you realy turning into addict, who got kiked out by husband and sell her body for 20$… Extension if you jogging late in park (20.00+) you can meet with him and his friend drunk. They whistle after you. If you bough drug from him he recognises and hits on you. Leeds BJ 2 guys, or refuse go home. If you bought drug from him than hit on you hard as remembers you “cheap drugie slut” yes leads sex, spitroast. No as they being drunk wont accept they rape you. With DP scene. As lots of member here has aversion against rape i put lots of ways out. (Its kind of moral punishment for drug use). On the other hand can continue with moral punishment for rape, as you cant go to police you dont wannt your husband know about it. You can report it to Mario, who would laugh at you being raped but get them tortured &/or killed as selling coccain on his teritory.
-Than some better opening from 16- would be nice, or a table with youngsters parting (you can join and as not being young anymore ends with drinking, blackout, waking up in some college faternity house covered all over older sticky cum, and with several/lots of names writen on your ass with some thick black permanent marker….)
-Oh flashing your pussy doesnt lose fidelity. :O
2)Marina: Even at midnight is brigh sunshine, please make a night version. A few location is very not matching (living room study too). Very few thing to do here, i think bikini conspiracy will be good.
-You also could ad toppless/naked sunbathing for girls with low fidelity.
3)Stip club: Please put a few people there its so ghosty, the pub looks full with one man. 2-3 guest would do the trick.
-Politician scene, the dance only has one pose after change to sex was dissapointing. I expected some hot dance moves.
I felt its a big step back from Eleanor 1 where you had the amazing strip club promotion event what you also could see once.
-Normal pole dance works fine but lapdance and vip room wont deduct fidelity.
-You could extend dance a bit (if you need hint check a Virtual date with ariane, free game and you can download it and all images are in jpg in library so you can browse through them without spending time on the game)
4) Spa: Why you can go it when closed, i think should work as pub.
-Sex massage you get +5!!! fidelity at begininng -5 at end when you got fingered, so for cheating on your housband balance is 0. :O
5) Mario office: You can go into mob boss office when he is not there???
-Rubing ass require low fidelity ok, but wont reduce any when kissing him reduce 2.
-Teasing him have continue function. Not leading anywhere.
6) Sex scene with James, Intern guy, wont cost fidelity. The client and our secretary also but im not sure about this.
7) The main stat (fit, loo, sxp) changes for actions should be separated from moral, stamina with some bigger letter type or at least different colour as they more important.
8) Loo seriously you cound come up with HOT for hottness, if you must have 3 letter. (And Adv instead of Mar)
9) Shop is very disorganised should items separated and categorised. I can explain this much better if you interested but this post getting too long.
10) Bath not enough option if you buth in front of husband you should add a shaving pussy option if you can shave leg when you alone. Or some musturbate with shower head.
11) Thresome with secretary and husband. Two woman looks too similar naked. Amanda/Ameli whatever shoud be more recognisabel a dye a smal part/lock of hair to blue/purpel, give some big shiny earring on her or a smal color tatoo on her lower neck so the three naked people look more alive.
12) Scene with interim is total shit. The wording was very bad. Eleanor was a easy immoral nympho at her worse. Who was open for anything and evry one. Pretty much cant say no for a cock. Nympho or submissive whatever. But oppoite of this its absolut wont fit her a strong willed blackmailig personality. Why would push a looser when she can have hot guys, seduce most people easly and even they pay for her pussy big money.
About this much now. I can write much more and i am happy to help out with scenes and conversation panels if you interested. I have many great idea, but i dont wanna put it here becuase it would ruin the game if people would know whats going to happen. I just put down two brief scratch so you can see what i think.
Rgds Lebig
wow..what an essay !
I’ve actually been mulling over this drop by drop expansion idea to fidelize subscriptions whilst playing Eleanor :Asking for more. That is a fantastic game because it is so full of activity and events and lots of different sex situations, outfits, partners…….. I would rather pay the equivalent of 3 or more months’ subs but get a complete game with as much if not more activity as the Eleanor1exp. Having to play the same stuff again and again just to add one or two scenes or achievements to my game will put me off rather quickly. At the moment I have a month on, month off sub and it works very well given the number of playable games and frequency of updates. Think about it.
Hi, I think we should have the option to wear outfits outside or to the pub. I would love it if there were more scenes having to with the outfit you are wearing.
More outfits the better !
leo is it okay if you could make a walk through for Eleanor 2?
Yeah, I need walk through for Eleanor 2.
I working in guide. All location person action included but not the events-endings achievments. I dont wanna spoil the fun just help to plan how you wanna play. 🙂