Do you want to see futanari in our games?
October 17, 2016We want to ask you a question today:
Do you want to see futanari in our games?
By futanari we mean girls having both female and male genitalia – girls with dicks. We know that futanari is very popular and we want to know if you’re ready to give us a green light to test such characters in one of our games.
To be perfectly clear – we’re not developing any game like that now. But we got an idea for such and we’re ready to give it a try if you’ll like it.
Another note – this girl with dick will be potentially penetrating other girls only!
So please give us your opinion in comments.
not interested
The idea is OK. Considering that you are making very good games with willing to play, the idea is very interesting.
Hell naw!
Yes absolutely, i would love this
I’m sorry, but no thank you! Leave that fetish on other sites.
No thanks !
Way too many sites do this already and I’ve never understood the appeal. No from me.
Not interested, no Thanks.
Yes, but without hypertrophied dick. More likes to normal sizes.
Absolutely not.
While most of your games are only somewhat grounded in reality (and some… not at all) this pushes my suspension of disbelief too far… I’ve never understood the appeal of dickgirls anyway.
It’s gonna be a big NO from me.
please no
i love you games since they have realistic touch and because they are believable,this kind of freak games just don’t fit in your description
I’d have to say no thank you, it’s not my thing at all
Depict actual trangender people. I think you games could gain from being more inclusive in this aspect. Futanari, escpecially with extreme endowments are silly.
Absolutely no!, what I would like to see will be agent 069 in a new game and roommates expansion!
My vote 100% NO. Hate the idea. Hate it on other sites.
no please
Agreed with almost everyone. Please no.
It’s not widely popular, it’s a fetish. In the same sense there is alot of stuff ‘popular’ like skat or bondage/rape porn.
Keep it normal, keep it classy. Even the gangbang scenes with Tracy are ‘realistic’ and kinda romantic. I think that’s the strong appeal of LOP.
And although I believe you should do what you feel like and maybe this will cater to a certain audience who will love it, it’s taking away precious development time from other projects, and God knows time is usually the one thing LOP lacks.
tnx but no tnx, no way i wanna see this in lop games
Hell no. The moment such a game would be published my sub is off.
I wana know what is your “idea for such”, so I say yes.
HELL YEAH, 100% interested!
You already have a lot of great games with same setup (normal woman and man) so one futa game wouldn’t hurt.
Thought there would have been a more positive response to this, as for me, i would be happy to see it in the odd game.
sorry but it’s a big NO from me ….
that sort of thing does not interest me what so ever
Personally, I’ve never seen the attraction. I wouldn’t enjoy a full game with a focus on futanari however…
Everyone has a fetish, and there is no reason that I see that you couldn’t fit futa into a bigger game, like an Eleanor or a LWT game as a senario that plays out like some of the other ones you added. (E.g the nightmare returns, which is arguably a rape fantasy)
You’ve appealed to foot fetishists and rape fantasy fetishists before and just about every major release has a gangbang in there somewhere, I see no reason not to have futa included somewhere down the line.
I think the LOP, LOP gold and SaG games are so good because they give the player lots of options but don’t force them to take any one option, letting people get the experience they want (not to mention the high quality production), for this reason I don’t think a game focusing on any one fetish would do particularly well.
And hell, if people are opposed to it because of “realism” then I don’t see why you couldn’t fit it into a Sci-Fi game. I mean the people in Dignity One looked unrealistic as it was, so some futa wouldn’t look out of place.
Long story short, everyone has a fetish or two, fetishes are great, but it probably wouldn’t be the best move to make a game that focused on one specific fetish.
Keep up the good work LOP team, I’m looking forward to Living with Lana, and whatever else is down the pipeline.
NO. I hope ‘NO’ wins.
Absolutely yes. I want to see futunari in your games.
please dont do that.
no dick girls ever please.
you guys already have a lot of games to get your antention.
and please give news about blind date 3d exp?
Yes, please, I would like this soo much!
Everyone have some personal fetishes and it’s not a big problem, if it’s not always match with yours.
I think, you must give it try, even if we see, that it’s enough of “no” opinions. You simply can make some small free game and see how it’ll go. It wouldn’t be premium game, so people, who don’t like futunari wouldn’t pay for it and it ok. If rating of futunari games will rise, you can make game even bigger.
A million times no.
Yes, give it a try
Sure! 🙂 but would be nice if the futa girls wouldn’t have too much muscle as the girl from this post. And of course, futa needs to fuck only women. To the the guys which are insecure with their sexualities, judging from your point, watching futanari fucking women would be less gay than watching a 100% male shaking his butt in your face while he fucks a woman only for you to masturbate.
There’s a futanari rule too that is that futanari porn MUST BE even more hardcore than common porn. So, make sure it’s present in your possible future game release.
Oh yeah, remember that futanaris have both penis and pussy, so don’t forget the pussy otherwise they’ll be shemales, not futa(hermaphrodites). The girl from the sample picture in this post doesn’t seems to have a pussy. So, shemales must have more delicate body and pussy(with balls or not).
I meant FUTANARIS must have more delicate body and pussy.
No! please dont!
No!! Pls don’t!
I registered just to say : no !
And i have to say that that model is absolutely perfect!
Although this model is perfect, without dick is much much better.. No futa thanks…
Not my thing, But i would like to see more games where you play as a female.
Yes,i like it.
Would have to be a no from me, never really understood the appeal of futanari.
as long as it is futaxgirl and NOT futaxfuta and futaxmale.
not sure if you guys remember, but there was a futa scene once before, in sensual haunting even though it’s a dream.
Oh yeah, you’re right, there was a futa scene.
But it was done very delicately and the game didn’t revolve around it. I still don’t know though, futa, pff.
No not for me.
Yes, but make it for a free game since people are threatening to unsub. Can’t unsubscribe for a free game and it will get you a better idea on its popularity rather than on this blog we’re people can log in under a dozen user names and vote a bunch of times.
On a side note, I thought the futa scene in Sensual Haunting was pretty hot.
No. Nope. No thanks. Nein. Abso-fucking-lutely not.
Worst. Fetish. Ever.
Ive been a subscriber for a year now. This is the best site for adult games and to your suggesltion i would say no thanks and as I read in one of the comments what I would like to see is a game with agent 069 and a roommates expansion
Not for me 🙂
No please, i hate that things…
I also vote NO.
No! No fucking way! Absolutely not. Ever!
Please not. I play your games to be turned on, not off.
No thank you.
Hell Yes!
And to those not interested, you dont exactly need to like every part of every game.
“And to those not interested, you dont exactly need to like every part of every game.”
True… But liking every part of every game is still way better than only liking some parts of some games… which is why people who don’t want futa, vote no. Deal with it 🙂
The futanari is what I hate most in the world. To me, a man is a man and a woman is a woman … We can say that a hole is a hole too but that’s something else :p
At most a woman wears a sex toy, why not, but not a cock, mercy!
My answer is NOOOOO!!! Please don’t waste your time with girls with dicks. Thanks in advance!
I would think this would not be an overall good idea. As others have said in the end it is a specific fetish, and while other fetishes such as bondage and cuckolding have been in games previously, they can at least still appeal to people on a visual aspect alone. Futanari on the other hand doesn’t give that option.
NOOO. Oh Gosh No.
Hell no!
I’m actually pretty open to dark and extreme fetishes, but futanari is one of the few that I don’t have any kind of interest in and always avoid them.
So, it’s a big NO from me.
Btw, it’s cool to see you asking this kind of question to us, members.
Technically, you already HAD futanari – it was one scene with Natasha in “Sensual Haunting”.
Yes, I would like to see futanaries in your games, and I don’t vote for futa_on_female _only_. (Actually, in one game (something with couple doing threesome in their anniversary) you had not very straight-guy scene 🙂 )
The only thing that I would like in games – sexual abuse by the main character (that spoiled my playing in “13Rooms” and ??? that game with teacher and his student).
Anyway, I love your games and thank you for making these amazing games.
Just checked other answers and saw a lot of fans and haters – you will have a hard task to decide.
But, you may try to make a short episode in some game with a SWITCH at the start “Turn Futa scene ON/OFF”. Then you’ll learn the exact number of fans and haters “)
I think that’s a good idea, making a short episode.
Sorry guys, but honestly I think you’re better sticking with what you’ve got. It may be popular but a lot of your fanbase doesn’t look to be big on it, myself included. I much prefer what you’ve got going on already.
Not of course!!!!
Hell YES! If you are promesing that FUTANARI only with Girls action.
Do this, as experiment maybe(considering the fact that this could be a second time futa appears in your games). Also would be good to make an option to toggle off futa option (and use strapon instead).
Yes ! Oui !Ja ! Si ! \o/
absolutely not
It would be interesting to have that in maybe one of games lop makes, plus it was in one scene with Natasha in “Sensual Haunting” so ill say give it shot and ill say yes to it.
Why not 😉
100% yes, it’s fantasy game. it should be out of the box ofegular stuff that there are in tons out there. i think you should at least consider the more fetish stuff and futa is one of them
smoking fetish is the other 🙂
Its for sure not for me (Never understood this particular fantasy)
But just because you make it doesn’t mean I have to play it. So I don’t see an issue with experimenting with it for the people who do like it.
Aslong as it doesn’t take to much focus away from other projects.
I’d be fine with this as long as it stays within its own games and it makes sense to have it in the plot of those games. Having futanari just for the sake of having futanari is no good and it certainly doesn’t belong in a game like living with temptation and the like.
Most of haters are taking in consideration the “fetish”. You don’t need to have a fetish for futanaris to enjoy it. Speaking for myself, I don’t feel attracted by the futanari, but what I find hot is women ENJOYING being fucked by another woman, that’s what it’s all about to me. You might think of strapon, but no, it’s not the same level of lewdness. She wants a woman’s cock, it’s unusual, crazy, sexy.
Nooooo! It looks like alien.. 😛
As most people here… No! Please don’t waste time on something that doesn’t appeal to the majority. Your quality is neede in other projects…
no please. But I want more black chicks…
YES! more black chicks
I would not mind once, but do not make it a common thing.
Generaly no. Its a bit weird perv thing. This site I like for it’s realistic graphics-story line. Those are more sutiable for Hentai style graphics like good old slave-maker.
However I wouldn’t mind if you releasing like 6-8-10 bigger games a year. It would be perfect appearing in some expansion/remastered gold edition of Seducing the Throne. But with you current production rate its too much of a risk to allianate many fans if thats the only new big content for several months and they have no aptite for it. Right now most viable solution is like a small game preferably free or postpone. Rgds Lebig.
Although there are many who most likely appreciate this fetish I have to give this one a no, it just doesn’t seem like it would fit with the style and theme of your games so far, in addition the content release schedule would not allow for recovery easily if this game flopped, perhaps a smaller game first to test the waters but even then it is a risk
No, simply because I am not your target group.
I do like and appreciate the fact that you guys are trying to find out what the majority of your audience wants though. Maybe you guys should setup polls every now and then when you get new ideas for something.
Yes, Please.
I would like to see Shemales and Femboys (no tits) show up in your games. Shemales and Femboys are real occurrences that you could fit into your games without breaking the ‘reality’ that most of your games try to maintain. Futas however would break the ‘reality’ of most of your games.
So Shemales and Femboy’s, Yes.
Futa’s (both genitals). No… Unless its a game clearly not set in our reality. heh heh. Cause I like’s futa’s…
If your planned was to make people create accounts just to say no… Well then NO!
Heck, make them use a strap-On…. But not an actual dick
Well, one more no to the count!
Hmmm. It seems that there are people who are OK with:
– non-consent sex;
– guy licking other guy’s sperm (some game with couple annoversary);
– sharing beloved wife with other guy or gang of strangers,
BUT, these people are against when woman makes love to another woman with not strap-on but real penis made of flesh.
Wow its almost if people have different tastes.
Yes,create numerous possibilities scenes
Nope. Those images have scarred me.
no ty
I’m behave of most of the fan say: Oh god please don’t, I personally vote no.
and yes I see the attraction, it’shot and all,but I still vote “No”
I was having a dilemma with yes and no by the way, “I might’ve voted yes but to think again I still don’t like it. played so many futanari games, i’ve familiar with the game type. so yeah, “No”
Цhether still ask whether we want to see in the Gay Games?
Hell sure. if people dont want it, then maybe it could be a hidden path or something, doesn’t necessarily have to be the entire game
WELL here’s the fact including futanari on a LOP games depends ALOT on the story .
A little diversity in the game does help little .
If its like Rape , force-sex or just only sex like all other futanari games or comics out there . Then its obviously a NO-NO for LOP . Rather this would be A very NEGATIVE SIDE .
But if the story plays out well and if it has accept or neglect a futanari scene , then it might play out better . And obviously it should be a non-player character .
Well if your asking What type of story ? Well i forgot the name of the movie but it kinda had a story like this that a married couple in order to improve their sexual life they their some kinkish experiments to spice up their life . That included another guy , another woman , another a couple(dating) and a futanari or she-male . And all of the scenes were kinda short , not long term . The ending was kinda different too .
So yeah it depends on the Story . Which i doubt LOP would be able to find better story to cope up a futanari character in a LOP type game .
First and only time I have played a game with a futanari scene was in sensual haunting and I actually really enjoyed it. It caught me by complete surprise so I think I would really like to see it again, if not as a main feature in a game then something similar to SH. If people don’t want to see it in Lop games maybe you can try it again at a sexandglory game, I think it might be a better fit there. It seems to me that S&G games seem to have a darker tone overall -more of a forbidden fruit kind of pleasures if you will-.
No, and I’d cancel my account over it.
I like how your games are real looking, futa is the only thing I’d call unnatural.
Don’t like shemales either, even if they’re more real.
Quick answer NO , if you don’t take advice for a NO , that seems be the majority off all replys start a new site were you can explore this and other gay related subject
Girl/girl using strapon could be hot. But not this kind of thing.
My first initial expression was no, but I changed my mind it would be pretty hot if that futanari character would get the receiving end by a hot dominatrix! So my answer is yeah go for it.
Or you can make routes like living with temptation 2 where you can choose did you cheat on tracy or did you share tracy.
Also if you make a lot of BDSM on this futanari it would get a much better reception. Some people just have that kind of fetishes.
Don’t get this at all. Absolutely not interested.
PS, as a subscriber I would not want to be contributing to development of such games.
I have to say, reading the incoming comments is very entertaining 🙂 I love how the yay-sayers try to put a spin on the overwhelming flood of no-voters. Calling into question nay-sayers sexuality, claiming that such a game should be made even if the majority votes no, and such.
“I think, you must give it try, even if we see, that it’s enough of “no” opinions. You simply can make some small free game and see how it’ll go.”
“To the the guys which are insecure with their sexualities, judging from your point, watching futanari fucking women would be less gay than watching a 100% male”
“it will get you a better idea on its popularity rather than on this blog we’re people can log in under a dozen user names and vote a bunch of times.”
Or (my personal favourite) trying to not-so-subtlely sneak in another of your fetishes into the mix by claiming everyone will like it:
“Also if you make a lot of BDSM on this futanari it would get a much better reception”
Sorry if this steps on anybodys toes, but this stuff is comedy gold.
Anyways, my vote is still a resounding (long intake of breath): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
BUT if the LOPteam decides to go ahead with this venture, it’s not like I’d cancel my subscription and quit the site entirely (like others have threatened to do). I’d simply avoid that game completely (even though creating such a game would take resources away from games I’d rather want published… the LOPteams time table is already pretty awful in regards to waits between releases)
However, I’d suggest making it a SexandGlory product. As others before me have mentioned, S&G games delve more into darker, supernatural and alternate games (Cherubim, Abyss, Sensual Haunting), so much that a game “normal” like Roommates feels more like an LOP release. Not that LOP hasn’t had it’s fair share of non-realistic games (Seducing the Throne, Dignity One). A futa game feels more like it belongs with S&G.
It would have to make sense story-wise… I mean having a futa show up in a sci-fi game filled with genetic splicing and robotics… sort of makes sense… kind of…. But having one show up in games like Living with Temptation or City of Love just seems forced and out-of-place.
Oh, did I mention that my vote is still NO? 🙂
A good point well made.
I love seeing the way people have reacted to this. Its funny to me that people seem so personally offended by the idea of futa in a LOP game, as if LOP isn’t already our dirty little secret.
The “To the the guys which are insecure with their sexualities, judging from your point, watching futanari fucking women would be less gay than watching a 100% male” one really cracks me up. “Don’t worry guys, it isn’t GAY its DICKS on GIRLS totes not GAY.” Who gives a damn if it’s gay or not. You wanna jack off to straight porn? Go for it. You wanna jack of to gay porn? Go for it. You wanna jack off to futa porn? Go for it.
This one got me “Hmmm. It seems that there are people who are OK with:
– non-consent sex;
– guy licking other guy’s sperm (some game with couple annoversary);
– sharing beloved wife with other guy or gang of strangers,
BUT, these people are against when woman makes love to another woman with not strap-on but real penis made of flesh.” I gotta ask you guys, do you have a real penis made of flesh? coz I know I don’t. My penis is 100% fake and made of fleach.
Yeah, but this is like business if you get a lot of subscription from this venture you quitting your subscription would be meaningless. I don’t even think you’ll quit entirely, you’ll probably come back as this becomes a thing.
I personally would say no because I enjoy playing as a male character. I don’t mind it if she is one of the side characters or one of the romance options. But I would prefer to have male pov characters.
Well, give it a try.
I´m not into that stuff, like I´m not attracted into lesbian stuff, but I still like great artwork and gameplay.
Let me see what you will bring up and I´ll judge on my own.
Many comments are hilarious btw, entetain me as much as any 9gag, reddit or imgur stuff.
No No NO! If you have to explore kinks try incest(mom/son/daughter/nephew……..etc) where everyone is an adult (it ‘s very popular atm I gather from the number of games I see) or dogging/ BDSM. Frankly the ‘Living with ….” series covers a lot and plays most satisfactorily.
Yes, futanari and incest, please! 😀
I just got a great idea, I think, which would cover everything.
A beautiful young woman (serena, tracy, lisa, eleanor, margaret, silvia) marries a potent,horny and perverse old man to pay off her father’s debts. This old man then subjects her to BDSM, Futanari, NTR/Cuckolding, dogging, Lesbianism, voyeurism, gang bangs with BBCs,and finally sex with her own father, mother, aunts and uncles and himself as a condition to releasing her of her servitude. Twisted. Your reactions please
if thats your great idea , them we’r lost with cusses
ever heard of ‘tongue in cheek’? master fake.
Reads like an average korean webtoon.
i already said that i don’t want this kind of games but if you’re going to start making these games you should separate them from LOPgold like you did with Blind Date 3d
No. Sometimes it’s possible to squeeze in something without looking out of place (ex: Sensual Haunting), but a dedicated game would a bad idea. Since the LOP production rate is already quite low, you’d probably loose subscribers.
I’d suggest that if you can find a few more game designers then your best bet would be to set up a new site for that sort of thing. So you’re not taking any production away from lopgold, and players that are into that kind of fetish get a new site to go to. But at the moment with there only being about 5 of you working there and not all of you full time either, it would take too long for the majority of people to get a game they want to play. I mean if you could do an on/off option like people have suggested then that would be ok, but if not then it just wouldn’t work as there aren’t enough of you working there to satisfy both sides
It’s a big NO for me. Thanks for asking.
Frankly I think LOP should do a game focusing on a gay character, every LOP character seems to be a straight guy or a bi girl. I think there’s been like 2 gay characters ever in LOP.
And while we are at it: How about some female characters who don’t have monster boobs?
I’m going to take a wild shot in the dark here, but I’d venture a guess that the LOP customer base is made up mostly of straight males (like 90% or so)… which is why we predominantly see straight guys and bi girls. I could see a lesbian game getting received somewhat well (outcast academy, for example)… But a game featuring guys fucking each other… well, that would probably be received about as well as this futa-thing…
Personally I would not want to see gays in these games…
The Post said
Another note – this girl with dick will be potentially penetrating other girls only!
So please give us your opinion in comments.”
If people dont like it then its okey . LOP team wont go with this .
BUT i dont get where are you getting this “GAY ” IDEAS from ?
Their are lots of sites that have that crap. Please don’t add it to your stuff. NO NO NO NO
How about a big ol’ “NO”!!!!
Hell no but the model looks good you guys should keep her as a normal girl.
I would love to see bigger dicks on guys though! And see them squeeze into tight teen pussies!
I think this type of character would fit perfectly on the sexandglory brand. Doesn’t quite fit on LOP, but hey, that’s why you’ve got two.
Hell, There was even already a futa-style scene in Sensual Haunting.
So yeah, do it up.
No, not interested.
As an option, why not, then, if natively in the games, guess it could well be a nogo option from then on.
The Post Said
Another note – this girl with dick will be potentially penetrating other girls only!
So please give us your opinion in comments.”
If people dont like it then its okey . LOP team wont go with this futa-thing .
BUT Gay means guy on guy . And Clearly the Post says something else . I dont know where Some are getting this Ideas of Including ‘GAYS’ in LOP ?
But one things for sure . The Team really needs to make a Gold game with better story and mechanic and with a bit of a time in it . Well elenor and lwt got their sequels , one was bad and other was so-so , I was KINDA hopeing if LWS can get its sequel . It has a good story but highly-short 0_0 , maybe give it a better sequel .
yup, i’d love to see LWS sequel too, wouldn’t mind another CoL game either 🙂
not interesting
Yes, I would like it a lot!
Hank Moody also had a good story . The Team can also try to give it a sequel for it , like after Divorce or something like that
I think a great idea
no no no !!!!!!
Fck yeah ….we want futas
Yes, this could be relevant to my interests 🙂
i’d also say No. other sites cover this too much, it’s just too unrealistic and very niche. if you want to try a game for those people who like it, that’s ok, but it won’t be for everyone. the idea of some others who commented to try a real trans character could be interesting. that might be too serious a subject for LOP games though.
I think this kind of game has a limited audience fan. I am not interested.
Doesn’t do much for me, so that’s a no. I’m sure you’d do a decent job but there are a few things (like incest, nonconsent, mind control, futa, body swapping, etc) that are a turn off for me, Nd even if I have enjoyed the occasional game that touches on those themes, I’d definitely have enjoyed it a lot more without them.
Oh, bring the incest already 😀
Hell no, and honestly, where did you get that idea from? A vocal minority just brought it up and you decided to follow up?
What next? Incest? Rape? Mind control? Bestiality/cross-species?
Ask them to vote with their wallets. How about those that want futanari simply commission a game or ask you to set up another site for them?
It’s fun spending other people’s money, but you do have to consider that you will lose a lot of LOP gold members if you start introducing borderline fetishes.
While on topic of fetishes, how about hairy pussies? Ask. You’d probably have a lot more positive replies, and fewer negative/disgusted responses.
I’m a paying customer and I say yes.
Who said it was going to be a LOP gold game? Make a free game and see if people like it, there’s a huge community for this kind of stuff.
Fuck yeah, I love incest! Mothers desiring their son’s cock is one of the best. Not step-something, bring real incest! 😀
I’d be interested if I played as a dude and the futanari was the object of desire. It would only work if it tied to the storyline though, something like the main character not sure/ trying to find out whether or not it was a girl. I think something like that could lend itself to a tension filled story, which is the most important thing for LOP games imo.
I woudn’t be into it, to be honest.
It may take longer to make a story That could support both sides but since it seems more are in favor of no, one possibility would be to provide the option at the beginning of the game for if people are ok with that. That being said you’d have to make a game with a similar story with either lesbian or a man as protagonist, not sure if that’d be worth the extra work.
It’s really hot topic here.
What’s about other fetishes, including softcore?
I’m a really big fan of redheads with freckles (and not with big breast, obviously).
Like i said before it’s really not my thing but it seems like your best option is to have it as a choice at the start like ” would you like this character to be a futanari or a normal woman ” that way members and fans that want to play a normal game can, and the ones that want to interact with a futanari can do that too
Absolutely not. The last few games have been rather disappointing (for me) themselves. If you were to even experiment with this I would immediately stop paying for any of your games and hang you up as another failed porn site that tried catering to too many small minority groups of fetishes.
Don’t threat them, that’s childish 🙁
No. You know what’s actually childish? Calling nay-sayers sexuality into question (by hinting that them not liking futa is somehow more gay than wanting to see a man fuck a woman… which makes zero fucking sense… I didn’t know you could quantify sexuality like that… you know, that there are various degrees of homosexuality or hetero sexuality) and accusing them of throwing threats around when the vote isn’t going the way you want it to.
Some people just don’t like this stuff and don’t want to pay for a production that has futa in it. Which is completely fair. After giving it a good bit of thought… I am one of those people. I don’t want to throw my money into a game I will never play. That makes sense.
We get it, you love chicks with dicks, you love incest, you love all that stuff. But the vote is, as of now, a pretty solid “no” (not saying that can’t change)… deal with it maturely…
Owh hell no! Due to that there is one section in sensual haunting that I can’t play. Serious turnoff for me.
Definitely no. Only reason I say this, because honestly (without any intention of offense), most of your members are male, and males who would prefer to see females without male genitalia. Again, I am not trying to offend anyone who has both, I’m just stating that I think the majority wouldn’t enjoy your games. Also… I think whilst bigger breasts are good, please shrink them down a little.
Logged in for the first time to say no to games based around funatari. It’s ok to sneak one in such as in sensual haunting, but this should be a rare and unexpected thing.
Also I really appreciate diversity when it comes to races. Weave in some spanish, black and asian women 🙂
Also since this is my first time, it’d be nice if we could edit posts after placing em 🙂
It’s a good Idea, but With tis more little et a smaler cock
I believe “Sensual Haunting” already has a futanari scene with Natasha and Elizabeth. That’s enough…no more, please
NOOOOOO, C’mon!!!!
For what it’s worth, I only created this account to say hell no on the futa
Please no, the adult game market already has many websites dedicated to futa content and in my opinion is over represented compared to other kinks or fetishes. Many times I have been playing an adult game and my enjoyment has been dampened by a girl with a dick being forced down my throat (pun intended).
personally I don’t like futanari.
on an unrelated note, do you think you could make a gold game in the future about Eleanor going on a business trip? could be a month long project in another city, and the game could be about the relationships and scandals that ensue. I was thinking that maybe Drake could check in a couple days a week, just so we can have that cuckold/cheating aspect (coming in when Eleanor is with someone else, inviting guys over for dinner, etc), but also it could explore all types of relationships (older man in the park, college student at the club, etc.) what do you guys think?
I get the temptation with the amount of this going on around the place. Personally I think this is too niche and could probably do with a site of its own. Seeing this on your site would certainly be enough to put me of going there anymore.
no, no interest at all, do not use
I just thought about this more, and I’m not sure of the time it would take to do, but potentially you could create a game where a futa is only penetrating females and offer the choice at the start. Person says no futa and along comes the strap on, person says yes here’s the weird shit (biased comment but it is to me). Strap on has been done in your work and has been accepted, I think a lot of males are comfortable with this but the idea of futa is just going to far. As has been said, I don’t want to pay for you to develop something that has zero interest to me (hence potential specialised site)
I also feel like bisexual/bicurious content would probably be better accepted. Get your wife, or from female perspective husband, in a MMF threesome and the option becomes available to experiment otherwise just standard threesome scenes. To really push it, as a male character have another male character that can be seduced. Not something I would pursue but I would imagine there are plenty of subscribers who would be at least a little interested.
If it was done right then YES.
This really is a hot topic out here..
I would say if the LOP team is into it enough then why not. Maybe try a free game first to see how people react & take it.
The main thing to remember is that it needs to be different, not the crazy & wacky scenes that Japan does with their futa content.
Basically, portray it realistically with a dab of fun scenes.
LOP guys have a “hentai” way on how doing things, and I love that. The problem is that 95% of worldwide people are so low-minded about sex, and LOP creativeness may suffer by giving ears to them. Bring us futa and incest, and don’t let low-minded people hold your creativity, guys!
I wouldn’t mind seeing incest in a future game.
No way!!!! Girls with dicks? Really? Who wants Ladyboys like Conchita Wurst? Disgusting.
PLEASE release a good school theme game (teacher + hot students + nerds)
Or a young married woman fucks (forced/blackmailed) older mens like her boss or old neighbor. Netorare style
I think incest could work if they made a game where samantha’s son was the main character and the incest could be a bonus path, say if you find a specific item in your parents house like a porn dvd that sam did for her husband, the son could watch it and then get caught by sam then that would open her up as a seduceable character. But if certain players aren’ t into that kind of thing then they don’t have to look for the dvd, they could just go after other women like eleanor, amelia, celeste, some college girls. Things like that.
Not my kind of stuff tbh, but i would find it interesting as long as it doesn’t affect the game storyline too much. You could add a scene like that in a dream sequence, or when the character has the option to watch porn. Small stuff that brings us a smile.
Nope. Not interested in an entirely futa game. Wouldn’t mind Futa in singular scene within a game where it would be appropriate.
There are already plenty of 3d artists and game makers that create art/games such as this specifically for that fanbase.
I don’t think there is need for LoP to join in a already crowded market of Futa content. I mean, even a casual search will give a ton of examples/results.
[WARNING ] Long but Brilliant Suggestion Ahead
My opinion is that it is probably better to promote LoP unique features such as a very diverse cast of characters, long history of making flash games, interesting plot lines with multiple endings for more replay-ability.
The only quip I have with negatives that LoP’s current model of a couple of major game releases per year combined with a few small free games is that the small games tend to take a lot of development time that could be used to properly refine the major releases to have them fine tuned on release.
My suggestion on how LoP can release regular content we’d want and still focus on their core game releases is to cull the smaller game releases out. The smaller releases, even the simple ones always eats up more time then budgeted as many of them feature new characters and never implemented game mechanics in some. All in all, they’re more trouble then they are worth, and only seem to be created for marketing value they provide as free advertisement for the LoP brand.
The key for regular content releases should probably be more towards something like [small image sets] of popular / new characters in scenarios/scenes which may/might not be used in the development of future large release games.
I’m suggesting this because LoP has… a fairly motley, still growing cast of characters that doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon. I have a few favorites over the years that only have 1 LoP or SandG game that seems like I’ll never see her again.
Clever and smart implementation on these [image sets] will determine how successful/useful to LoP to have this as a tool at their disposal. It’ll also probably mean a more stable subscriber base as people will stay subscribed instead of waiting for the next release to sign up again at LoP and SandG.
[How I’d go about the image sets]
LoP is already in touch with a few 3D artists, first step would be to get in touch with them to check:
1. Is the artist still be able to reuse that character model? Some models are years old and might not be usable anymore in a practical sense.
2. Do they want to create more scenes with their character? You can’t really force creativity or the art tends to suffer. Merely paying for art doesn’t always mean you’ll get great art if the artist abhors what they are creating.
[Key to the scenes/scenarios being used in a future game is to make sure they match the values that LoP wants/would like in a game]
2nd part would be to offer various scenes and scenarios that LoP may/may not use in a future game for the viable character for the artist to pick something that they’d want/be able to do create a small scene/image set with the character. The artist only needs to keep in mind that sex scenes for future game development tends to use animation which may expand the scene so they shouldn’t go too wild if the small scene gets used in a Large Release Game and require a lot more work because of poor early planning/design. Goals for the artist are keep the image set small if possible [between 5-15images], plan for animation of sex scenes if the set to be used in a future game and possibly expanding the image set/ creating more images related to the set for usage in a game.
Now that we’ve got a foundation of what LoP can build/get from their artists, time to see where the money is at. Here, you’d be polling your subscribers and fans what you are selling to see where the interest/money is. The subscribers/fans would mainly be deciding only timeline of the order of the image sets to be created. This way LoP gets some info on which characters are their money makers and subscribers/fans get to feel the illusion of control of what gets released.
[If multiple small sets of different characters are all done by the same artist and all heavily requested, it may be prudent to have artists later in the timeline complete their small image sets earlier as backup in case the artist with multiple sets to complete back to back needs additional time.][Always prepare for the unexpected delays and have a backup plan to fill in when you can afford to have one.]
LoP gets regular releases on something that they can build into a full game. Fans get a small, but regular peek at characters they know with a taste of what may appear in a future game. Artists get to create some more of that character and possibly get more work if LoP decides to create a game with the scene or multipe scenes involving the same or related characters.
Only thing that would be a negative in this is that LoP might end up with a scene unusable in a game, but at least the images can be used a regular content release so it isn’t an entire loss. Heck, or even bonus content towards a future game with that character.
[Secondary Usages for Small image sets]
For the characters models that are too old/un-usable in their current form/the artist isn’t interesting in reusing the model, this is where LoP can test the waters on revamping an existing character without having to sink in the time of an entire game. The fans/subscribers get to see what the artist’s reinterpretation of the character looks like in a scene that LoP has framed that may be expanded upon in a full game depending on the reception of the revamped design.
This allows for LoP is test out new artists on a small project with abandoned/orphaned character models. That or existing artists to use current graphics models to update one of their older character models and see if there is interest for a overhauled version old character that LoP is seeking to create another game involving the character model again.
Pretty much the small image sets/scenes will provide a solid litmus test on demand of what is being offered and if you’ll get a return on your investment.
Think of it like Gold mining, you could count on being lucky stumbling about at random, or you could pay to have test holes dug on where you plan on looking for gold. Then dig where you know there is going to be gold and roughly about how much you expect to get from in the area where the test hole found gold at.
This type of small image sets are to avoid what happened with the Living with Temptation Renderings Revamp which greatly changed existing characters to a style that a bit too different from what came before. That and keep such a set back from wasting everyone’s time by having a key game scene done/presented to everyone in a small manner so everyone knows what to expect more of.
LoP has to be a bit more aggressive on getting fans/subscribers hooked on what it is selling/pushing. The indy sex game scene in the last couple of years has exploded with a patreon sex game creator for pretty much every fetish. LoP’s current model of releases has us sporadically coming back months apart. There just needs to be regular small quality chunks of content to keep us coming back for that big hit of a major release game from LoP, you just need to dole it out like heroin or some other game developer of adult games is going to take our money with a lesser quality, but consistently monthly updated game in the future.
Thanks for anyone that managed to brave through my post and hopefully, maybe an idea or two get used in the future. Or maybe current model of game creation doesn’t need a change, it just seems awfully expensive when mistakes are made and kinda slow for today dynamic marketplace. I don’t think it would hurt to lose a little fat that is the free release games to get a more regular intake of LoP content.
There are lots of futanari indeed, but not from LOP team, so your point is not valid as every artist has their own style so experiences will differ.
i think incest would be more popular if you look at whats trending on adult websites its mostly incest. i want to see more 18 year old girl screwing old fat man. nerds blackmailing hot girls. young guys with hot milfs
the idea of ladyboys just isn’t my thing its a very small market. If you want to make money make a incest games,
Futanari is not as same as ladyboy or shemale. Futanaris aren’t gay but people bornt with both genitals, penis and pussy(aka hermaphrodite). Do some search on the matter first.
Okay, from reading on some of the comments, I see that most of the users are confusing futanari with ladyboys/shemales, so their comments are useless.
Though that may be because of the model in this post. She looks like a shemale as you can’t see the pussy(too big balls) and she’s all muscly. LOP would need to work better for a more delicate girl body. With balls or not, you need to see the pussy otherwise it won’t look as futanari at all.
The comments aren’t useless. Sure people are getting confused between ladyboys and futanari but in the end, those people don’t care. They just don’t want to see someone that looks like a woman/ is a woman with a penis. Her having both wouldn’t change the majority of opinions so ignoring them for that reason is ridiculous.
I agree with the guys above me, you guys should start making incest, 18 hot girls with fat old guys or young nerdy, milfs with young guys aswell and the rape I wouldn’t mind it since eleanor 1 scenes it was almost rape lol, but I think not all the people agree so you guys should do the same what your doing here, make the blog start deciding whatby they want, because if you guys are going to keep with the same games, bah. Dnot ge me wrong in love your games but I feel you guys need to start doing something different!
Thank you all for your opinion.
The majority of you voted to NOT invite futanari girls to our games and we respect that decission in100%.
Great. Thanks Leo.
It was really annoying to see that some group tried to push their agenda and get others (who haven’t the slightest interest in it) to fund it.
Side note for the future: There’s *popular* and there’s *vocal*. There are people trying to push topics which are not popular by any measure, but they are a very vocal minority. Heck, you can see that here — how many people registered to vote for futa?
I made a tongue-in-cheek comment before suggesting you also try incest. Don’t. At least futa wasn’t going to land you in trouble. Incest is illegal pretty much everywhere and you could get legal notices and site shutdowns.
And you saw what happened when incest was suggested — it got picked up immediately and a lot people tried to piggyback on futa to get you to add incest to your games, too.
Ok, No means no, even it’s a bit sad.
Anyway, thank you for asking.
I just hope to see some freckled redheads in future and not fat old farts, as some guys wished.
Do you have other stuff in mind that you may want to know community opinion about?
its not the fact we like looking at fat guys. It just get boring seeing hot girls screwing good looking successful guys with six packs. I just find it hotter seeing fat nerds screwing hot 18 year olds girls .
If I have to play game with nerd guys I would prefer them to be skinny nerd guys
Yes, LIke it very much. Please add in big cock Futanari and in the future, even try them to fuck men’s ass!!!
not interested
I don’t want to see it.
Keep that stuff away from your games plz and focus on something else.
I don’t want to see shit males in it! Futa is the best replacement of shit males
I would love futanari or shemales in the games. That would be awesome.
I have no problem with it personally, I feel it’s much better than just straight up lesbian content.
No. No shemales plz, i am already getting nightmares
you are dumb futa is no shemale!
futa is a real female born with a cock!
Shemale is transgender born male turn female…
I’m o.k. with it, but it depends on the story. One possibility–Kionavaar from seducing the throne, is obsessed with reclaiming her crown, vowing revenge on Anthony Hailing and seeks out a witch to help her regain her kingdom. Strangeness ensues, and one possible goal could well be Kionavaar returning to normal–who knows? She might learn not to be so selfish along the way–maybe she gives up her dreams of revenge? For those weirded out by futanari–don’t play it. But Leo, let your imagination run wild. Doing the same kind of game over and over probably gets old. If it’s fresh, new and it interests you—go for it! That’s my take.
I wouldn’t mind a shamble side character in a game
How did you choose? I want more games with female protagonist or futa protagonist 🙂 so i ask if you do some game with futa girl?
I see that you have already decided against using Futanari in a future game. I am a LOP Gold member and don’t have access to the game in which she was introduced, but I am curious to try that game. I not only would have enjoyed a game with her as one of the characters but I have a hard time understanding why foursomes in your games usually included some girl on girl action but never any guy on guy action. What I enjoy about these porn games is seeing things that I’m sure I won’t ever see in real life. I have a pretty healthy sex life with my wife, but she isn’t into sharing, so that’s never going to happen. I like seeing the weird and bizarre. Just my two cents worth.
hello, how can i solve this problem with this page showing? eyeg