UPDATE: Last week of October
October 24, 2016Right now I’m working on a free game Living with Lana (LWL) and LOP GOLD title – Jacob’s rebound (JR).
Information about planned release date soon.
What’s more, together with Daman, responsible for our walkthough section on our blog, we are working on several new games including Club Velvet Rose and more (top secret project’s right now but you may find some clues about them on our instagram page: #lessonofpassion on instagram).
LWL is almost ready (waiting for awesome cumshot visuals) and will be released next week.
Hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it! Now let’s do this:
Which game are you guys looking forward to,
#Jacob’s Rebound
Both 😉
I’m waiting for more of your guides specially the LWT2 walkthrough.
Well with expansions slated for the game, you’ll have to wait a bit for it. I will only make guides for the complete version of a game. I made that mistake before with City of Love before the Ghosts of the Past expansion.
So stay diligent and once the final expansion is out the guide will soon follow!
Maybe this could help you. Made by me:)
Probably you will find some mistakes cause i didn’t checked it after i wrote
if something is wrong tell me and i fix it as soon as i can.
Antoniette/ Lisa/ Tracy/ Gabrielle/ Richard
Day 1
Stable: N
Hot Tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: Gablriele (bad rep)
Living room: Antoniette
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard (bad rep)
Lisa’s Room: Lisa
Richard and An’ Room: N
Your room: Tracy
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: N
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: Gabrielle and Lisa
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard (bad rep)
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: Antoinnete (bad rep)
Your room: Tracy
(If take Tracy at cathedral she blows you at hot tub)
(If you select Not shared wife / Cheated with Lisa NOTHING happens at church)
Day 2
Stable: N
Hot tub: Tracy
Kitchen: N
Pool: Gabrielle and Lisa
Living room: Antoinette (can leave)
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard (bad rep)
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: N
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: Nothing but…
Living room: Lisa and Gabrielle
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: Richard and Ann
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: Tracy
Day 3
(Morning event)
Stable: Antoinette
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: Tracy and Lisa (Can Leave)
Pool: N
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: Gabrielle
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: N
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: Tracy
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: Antoinette
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: Gabrielle and Lisa (can leave)
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: N (Bug dinner time) loop bug
Day 4
(At dinner time u can listen music at living room All time as you want, so u can win easy)
(Morning event)
Stable: Lisa and Gabrielle
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: N
Living room: Dance
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: Antoinette (busy)
Your room: Tracy
Stable: N
Hot tub: Lisa and Gabrielle
Kitchen: N
Pool: Tracy and Antoinnete
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: N
Day 5
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: Leave or…
Pool: Tracy and Lisa
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: Gabrielle (can leave)
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: N
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: Antoinette
Your room: N
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: Leave or… eat something healthy
Pool: N
Living room: Antoinette, Lisa and Gabrielle
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room:
Your room: Tracy
Day 6
Last Day
(Morming Event)
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: Antoinette, Garbrielle and Lisa
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: N
Richard’s Office: N
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N
Your room: N
Stable: N
Hot tub: N
Kitchen: N
Pool: N
Living room: N
Gabriele’s Room: N
Sauna: Antoinette and Garbrielle (Bug)
Richard’s Office: Richard
Lisa’s Room: N
Richard and Ann’ Room: N ( bug bed time)
Your room: Tracy and Lisa (End)
I love all your games. But for now, the most one I’m looking forward is LWT2 expasion.
Congrats man, I think I remember when you first started writing the guides and now you’re writing a game. Good job can’t wait.
I’ve come a long way it seems! But I enjoy working with some very talented and gifted people. I only hope that my work can live up to theirs! *Fingers crossed*
I think it’s JR for me but both games look great!
The most recent picture on instagram looks very promising as well 😉
It’s all hush-hush, but I promise you: that game will be amazing!
I vote for JR because it looks great and free games can wait.
Absolutely looking forward to Club Velvet Rose.
LOP Top secret projects looks awesome.
Big Up For Daman and the visual artist. Who is he/she?
living with lana looks absolutely great for a free game and i’m looking forward to it a bit more,it could have the potential to become premium game
keep up with fantastic work
Looking forward Jacob’s Rebound.
I’m not eager to play another “Living with…” kind of game.
Guys im sorry that i asked , are u thinking about a roommates expansion?, if you do please add more girl/man, and hopefuly some nerdy/hotgirl , btw guys u should include one college game for lop i think will be cool.
Any news on my sex date: Tracy?
I think both games look brilliant. Sorry to keep bugging you guys about this but is there any more news about blind date 3D because i’d love to play the revamped version of that, the first version was fantastic
YamYoda is working over this update for last couple of months – very mundane and time consuming task. But we’re slowly progressing.
After Eleanor and LW2 i’m curious on whats the next big game.
I always thought that the” next big game” is always the game you, the players, enjoy the most. I mean did we think that Eleanor or Living with Temptation would be a hit? No. Did you guys love the holy hell out of them? Yep! So I think every game has that potential.
I had fun going to see something on the site “LOP”, not the “LOPGOLD” but the free site. And I clicked on “Best Game”, which are the most played games in order from most to play at least play.
It’s very interesting, we realize that the most played free games are not necessarily the latest. The top 5 are:
1) Jordan 500
2) Jordan 500 Stories
3) Claire: The Exchange Student
4) Lake Placid
5) Spy Agent 069
A recent games, “Divided Heart” ranks only second to last in the second page.
“Farm Stories” which is very recent, and which normally should be played very, only ranks last in the third page.
Finally, the other newer games “Get me Pregnant” and “Real Estate Agent” only come in fifth page.
Yes, that’s right about the scoring – older games have better ranks than many new ones. But situation with it is much more complex than you think.
It’s worth noting that those games on the top were released while there wasn’t a gold site. So, people used to go after LOP looking for free games.
Nowadays, you see a lot of people complaining about the team losing their time with free games, instead of focusing on the paid games.
I don’t agree with it, since everything started with the free games and I still play a lot of them. Hell, I’ve been a fan of LOP since I Love Laura. Games like Jordan 500, Dirty Pictures, Zoe and Vince, Kitsumi: the cheating wife, The Agency, Passion One, Business Trip, Casino of Passion, Hot Wife Story, and Lake Party, are still my favorite games. Those games I believe have a lot of replayability value to them.
If a game is already in the top list, they will obviously be played more and more, which is not really an indication of quality.
Some free games have been absolutely huge. Other small and not so good.
Farm Stories and Divided Heart were great imho. But I also have been going less and less to playforceone
I would agree with you, SeanCages, if the order of games when we get on the site is this one. But this is not the case. When we get on the site, the games are classified differently, in order of output, and click on “Best Games” to see the list of the most played games (thus going from more to less played played). So if a player wants to play the latest free games out, it does not need to change the page. He just needs to click on the first play of the list: “Real Estate Agent”.
“Best games” mean games with the highest rating – not games with biggest number of views.
Yes but in general, we vote a game we played (so we “saw” unless there are players who play with closed eyes …) Finally, I see it as well lol
We do not know how many people have voted and what they gave as a point, yes. But I think you have an idea on statistics ^^
Thanks for the info about blind date leo, also i don’t know if you’ve finished doing updates for eleanor 2 but it would be cool if you could add more sex scenes with the guy who owns the store and more sex scenes with the photographer. If you could also do more threesome scenes with eleanor, amelia and drake, including some amelia anal scenes then i’d worship you guys forever. Just a thought that’s all
Sadly I think that was all they had planned for ELE2. But who knows…ELE3?
A thought about Living with Lana instead of making Lana the main heroine why not make her the protagonist in my opinion it’ll be better that way.
Honestly, Living with Lana should be in GOLD instead. The graphics and models looks so much better. Jacob’s will have more botox square-faced ugly female models, again. Sad.
ENOUGH!!! witth the bloody interracial stuff like your futa/dick girl vote put it up to vote it’s a MASSIVE turn down
shut up, racist.
Comparing interracial sex with futa just made me nauseous. Most people in here from what I ‘ve read -including myself- like the diversity so keep your racist hatred to yourself please.
I’m not high on interracial either. In fact, I also think it’s a massive turnoff. But that’s not about racisme, just personal preference. Interracial is a niche I can understand and get behind. And I will play a game even if it has interracial in it. Which I can’t say about futa or whatever weird shit people have been suggesting (triple anal penetration for example)
This goes beyond “not liking interracial”. This is only LOP’s second game with a black dude as the main character and already people are flipping their shit. Funny that there was no complaints when it was a white dude fucking a black girl (City of Love). Shouldn’t be surprised… I would have figured that some people on the site would have a problem with seeing something other than snow. It’s hilarious how some people have no problem playing a main character who is far more fit than them, has a different hair color or height than them… but as soon as that main character has a different skin color, they go ape-shit.
Not liking interracial is fair enough. It’s not like it’s a kink I seek out either (some of it, like the art of ThePit, just goes waaaaaay too overboard and dig into unhealthy stereotypes on both sides). But a little diversity is a good thing.
LWL is almost ready (waiting for awesome cumshot visuals) and will be released next week.
Great news.
Nice one Leo
I’m looking forward to both of these games, though mostly LwL. Overall the graphics look amazing and pretty much every single game in the Living With… series has been a hit for me.
JR looks good too, though I can’t say any of the girls wow me as much as Tracy or Serena does in terms of look, I’ll hold off judgement till I experience the story, gameplay and sex scenes.
I’m glad to see some diversity in your games in terms of skin color. Not every game needs to feature a caucasian protagonist.
Looking forward to playing LwL next week.
Looking forward to Jacob’s Rebound. Good sex games with a non-white protagonist are hard to come by, so every one is appreciated. The ‘rebound’ part implies that it’ll be a good ol’ sex romp, so that should be fun.
Oh if you only knew “how” good the romp would be. Or should I say…romps? Hehehe!