Jacob’s rebound is ready
November 10, 2016Today we’ve released another lopgold.com PREMIUM game.
This time we’re coming back to our roots and we’re delivering classic dating sim experience.
Play as Jacob “Crocodile” Moore – ex basketball player who was once on top but crashed his whole career in a string of poor decisions. Help him start over as a gym manager and fill the emptiness in his heart with a new romance, one he can start with any of the four beautiful ladies he can meet in this game.
Work on you stats to meet the girls’ idea of the perfect man and date them to find out more about their motivations and desires. If you’re smooth enough they will be more than eager to take your hard cock inside their mouths (and a few inches deeper) and bring you to ecstasy.
You’ve got 30 days to find the perfect girl for you. Which one will you choose? Will you be able to satisfy her and make sure she says “yes”? Go ahead – your destiny awaits you.
Open your GYM here: Jacob’s rebound on lopgold.com
Awesome work!
great to see so much activity lately guys,keep it up
jacobs rebound looks really interesting,i’m gonna try it in few days and give my thoughts
Great To See U Guys Are Active Follleeeeeeh
Check you code man:
Second file doesn’t exist and it seems that it’s name was taken from LwT2. I think that there should be “questa_0002.swf” but it’s also missing :D.
Keep calm and mind your own business.
Who are you replying to, Leonizer?
Question, am I missing something with Brandi? When I ask her out, in the hotel room the only thing I can do is caress her calves. Only other option available is suck her nipple but that’s clearly the wrong move as warning mark pops up.
Caress her calves is repeatable forever so i’m guessing its a bug.
No, this scene isn’t bugged. There is a 3rd hot spot – watch flashing stars which appear from time to time on a character, showing available hot spots.
hmm odd, I’ve moused over every inch of her and not got a third option. Though admittedly my eyesight sucks so I may of missed it.
I couldn’t find the 3rd hotspot either.
I can’t find the 3rd hotspot either.
Yo, I got it.
Your relationship needs to be over 500 I think.
Then you can compliment her eyes etc.
Leo, I’ve encountered the same problem in this scene. If you admire her eyes first, then caress her calves option disappears and you can advance with the scene. But if you caress first, the scene never advances.
Brandi and Elenas endings are bugged. I can’t choose them even though I have more than 600 points with them. Isabelle and Asukas endings seem to work fine though. This means that 2 of the games 6 endings are effectively unobtainable at the moment.
Also, the “Wow! Girl!” achievement is bugged. Judging by it’s picture, it has something to do with cumming on Elenas face. I’ve tried every combination of possibilities with Elena when she gives a blowjob and I still can’t unlock the achievements. The rest of the achievements are unlockable, though.
I’ll give a proper review of the game once these bugs are fixed.
I’ve fixed this issues with achievement no. 8. Now it works (I guess you know how to trigger it).
UPDATE: In terms of those Brandi’s and Elena’s endings – fixed as well.
Lots Of Bugs
Disappointed For My New Subscription
Do you mind sending me a list of bugs you’ve found to our support@lessonofpassion.com e-mail? Thanks.
Right now we’re aware only about one.
@Leonizer @IL
Could you tell us if you are going to add more girls to StripPoker in S&G? I am curious to know that
Are you guys interested in that?
Nope i dont like poker game.
Gameplay was good for me and visuals was fantastic! I believe this game has still few fans but you probably has better stats 😀
Absolutely! It would be great if you could take some of the more popular characters and throw them into the game.
Existing characters would be fine, but i would also like to see new characters with visuals similar to these already in the game! 😀
The poker takes too long to load for a start. It needs to be more than one girl in the game of poker.
1v1 is boring poker. You need 5 players total in one game.
Nope. Poker game is a waste of time. I’d rather you focused your time and resources on other games.
Something like Strip Holdem Texas Poker, Yes!
not at all, i don’t even know how to play the game
TBH I dont want any other content for the Poker game but the artist did a great work and I would like to see more of it.
The art quality is a milestone for LOP/SnG visuals.
Great game. Isabelle is the hottest.
Guys, which girl do you like the most?
I’m a fan of Isabelle. She looks stunning
It’s a toss-up between Asuka and Brandi. Elena is good too. I like Isabelles personality, but I am not a fan of her looks.
1-Elena > 2-Asuka > 3-Isabella > 4-Brandi would be my list.
Elena > Isabella > Brandi > Asuka (honestly I don’t like Asuka)
Brandi and Isabella for sure. Not only their looks, but also their personalities/fetishes and what they are willing to try out, are better than the rest for me personally.
1st – Elena
2nd – Brandi
3rd – Isabelle
4th – Asuka
Personally I like Brandi, but then I’m a sucker for a blonde.
Great work again! What a fun game. I can’t decide which girl has been done better.
You guys are making some improvements regarding angles. Definitely one of your better games in terms of quality, but not that much content in this one to explore. Will look forward to see how you guys do in your future games.
Was hoping each girl could try anal, maybe in an expansion?
I like the graphics in the game, all the girls and the action are terrific. I don’t like the stats grinding though. LwT2 was great if you played it through many times. No stats but lots to discover when I thought I’d done it all. I think even LwT1 without stats would have been a top game. But to come back to Jacob, quite a good game despite the repetitive stats. I also like that characters pop up everywhere and you can have several different scenarios with same girl. Would have liked to be able to repeat limo, cheerleader, concert, go on the boat with elena……..etc.
I’m so happy you guys are enjoying it! I had a time and a half writing this and am just overwhelmed with so much positive feedback! As a writer, there is nothing like hearing fans appreciate and enjoy your creations. I hope to do nothing but impress and wow you guys with future projects down the line!
Oh, and as to MY favorite girls…they are all equal in my eyes!
Are there any lesbian/threesome scenes?
That’s actually an interesting point, where are the threesome scenes?
Pleasant surprise, much better than your previous releases this year in my opinion.
Wow! Girl!” achievement is bugged ….i believe
I quite liked this game but I’m a bit confused on how to get some of the achievements. Not only that, but what are the purchasable tickets in the shop for? Boat, Limo etc because I bought all of them but nothing happens?
Had just one game (stopped it bcs of bug) but judging from the promo screens on LOPGold, You get chances to date the girls on other places.
Maybe those occasional phone calls could lead to other events when answered correctly?
Items are for girl. Phone and SPA are for Asuka etc. They unlock scenes for some achievments.
Great old style game. Still dont know why I cant get “Wow! Girl!” achievment. Bug or what? I tried everything. Sadly its with my fav girl 🙁
I believe you have to surprise her when you blows you (let the time run out) if I remember correctly
Tried that. Not working for me.
I’ve also tried multiple ways to get “wow girl”, including letting time run out, even after her score was over 1200. What am I missing?
So you have 4 good endings, one withe each girl.
One ending where you decide to stay alone.
What is the sixth ending ??
Good question 😀
Hoho! To tell you would spoil it all!
Is it some kind of harem ending or sth? Say yes or no. I doubt it, but thats only possibility I havent checked.
Ok what am I missing? I can’t get “wow girl” to work either.
“Ask to see her work” and get all the hotspots. Then when shes blowin you let the timer run out and you will blow a load in her mouth and get “wow girl” I don’t remember if there were any other requisites that need to be achieved, but that is the basic outline of what you need to do to get “wow girl”
She says “fuck you” everytime. With 300 or 1000 points. Still no achi 🙁
I don’t remember exactly but maybe you need to click 2 of the hotspots when shes blowin you? Or maybe you need over 1k points?
Clicked 2 hotspots and have over 1k points. Still not working though…
What were your stats at? I was able to get it with 32 fitness/78 culture/50 social/239 gym rep. with the luxury bag and gold credit card in inventory and $370 on hand and Elena 1090.
i tried it like 4-5 times, nothing. then, trying to find that last ending, got all the girls over 500. bought the luxury bag, didn’t visit elena on the work until i gave her bag,(in the scene say to her that you would like to cum in her mouth). Then visited her at work next day and i let the timer run out when she gives the head and i’ve got achievement so don’t know exactly what triggers it and what’s wrong.
So you’ve gotten it? Because I’m having the same difficulty as Othun. Shakes head.
typeface is really bad, and my mouse wanders arround like drunken.
Can we see Serena again?
“WOW GIRL!” achievement is not working!!!!. 🙁
No, it is working. I finally got it. Before you try surprising her, you have to give her the bag. In the elevator scene, tell her you want to cum in her mouth. You can’t surprise her beforehand.
Thanks man 😀
I dont know how you did it, but I did exactly what you ve written here and guess what? Still not have achievent. Do I have to have a certaing amounts of points with this girl or is there any other prequisition… Or am I missing something?
Which game version are you playing? You’ll find this info in the bottom right of the title screen.
When are we gonna hear more to Blind date ? the last update we got on it was in March?
but good work on every game so far ^^
This is really a great game. Daman and ItMakesMeBlush make a perfect combo. One of the best 2016 LOPGold game. Absolutely wanna see more from them working together.
Great writing, nice dialogues, great characters with different personalities and awesome visuals by ItMakesMeBlush, even if this was one of her early work.
I’m yet to find out all endings and I now can’t tell which girl is my fav but:
– Cool that you meet girls in differents places (room for expansion, hello).
– Absolutely great the Stat icon where you can see all your stats with the girls – should be implemented in future games.
– Minor disappointement, I really don’t like the font used in the endings.
– Great game, it would be cool to have an expansion if you ask me.
– Nice cameo from Serena, the Lop celebrity you train. Lol.
Great job Daman. Keep it up.
You have truly made my day! Thank you for your words of encouragement!
Can anyone spoil me endings? One is single and 4 with each girl, im missing one. Maybe single has bad and good?
Still trying to get it , huh? If you want a hint, I’ll give you one…just ask nicely…;)
Exactly successful or not as a gym manager.
@Othun: LIke iulyus said, at the end of the game their are two different options depending on whether you managed your gym successful. “I just wanna be single” (bad single ending)” or “decide to stay alone” (good single ending)
Is LWT2 expansion next on the list? Can’t wait for a pure Tracy-Lisa lesbian scene
Yes, we are planning to add expansion to LWT2 (as well as to Seducing the Throne) but it’s hard to say when.
i hope to see new games next year, i’m bored of expansions
Great to hear that STT is on your list for future titles to receive an expansion. The story was fun, with 3 great girls (the priestess being my favorite). Hopefully you we hear some more concrete news about either expansion in the near future. Keep up the great work guys.
An expension to Seducing the Throne ? Now i’m totally thrilled ! \o/
Another great game, Isabelle my fave.
Good job gals and lads its a nice game.
My favourite is Asuka. Isabelle is the hottest and best piece of art, but Asuka have the best story line/scenes. (so far i not finished with the game yet).
2 things why this is a good game for me not a great or excellent game.
-4 girls should be 4 story line to increase replayability. They little too similar, lack of unique personality and desires (some personal quest i not finished so this oppinion might changes).
More importantly the basic dating mech where you spend a great part of the game is WAY TOO similar. 4 hidden spot-4 menu-2 sub menu for going out. All 10 option even if it completly different like flash beaver or just hug(grope) have at all 4 girls exactly same relat requirement, bonuses or penalties for fail. Consider that all these will be clciked many-many times so the diferent pictures, and text boxes eaily becomes a clikc trough. So it feels to cheap simplified solution, a little tailoring with that could have an impact on their personality.
-You can bump into them many times and many places and have a quick conversation with them. So why cant you have a converstion with them? 🙂 Im mean not just a click trough (this supposed to be a game not an interactive novell), but something with 2-3 options at the end so you feel like actualy playing (with a few +/- 2-3 realtion point based on answers).
Summarised keep up the good work.
Can you have anal sex with any of the girls
Yes, two of the girls can.
Which two can do it
You can have anal with Brandi.
I don’t know who the other one is.
Yo I forgot. When you give her the cheerleader outfit.
My favs are Brandi and Elena.
But if i had to choose based on look AND personality, I’d say Brandi.
Am I missing something? I can only progress one star point per day for 20days? Is there a way to get more that one star point with the girls each time you talk to them until the second step?
I can help out if you like. But do you mean “star point” as in the gym’s reputation or girl’s relationship?
Hi Daman,
I have the same problem. The only way i found to speed up my relationship with the girl is when i met Brandi at the hospital or Isabella at the mall.. but not enough to enjoy the game..
It would be great if you could help me …
Thank you !
So it’s “how to speed up my relationship with the girls”? Well there is a small secret to it that so far I don’t think people have found yet: the girls actually have Hot Spot on their bodies that you can click. I think this might help a bit, right? 😉
Haha.. Yes i found it after i posted my message. But i was sure i did it before.. and why i didn’t think it before. I am a old player.. Anyway i can enjoy the game now.
And even if i don ‘ t play everydays for weeks i ‘m happy to pay my membership forthis kind of fun..
Until the end of the year something new to wait or end up with JR?
I was wondering, if we sign up for the membership, are we allowed to download these games?
No this one. But there is a bonus section that you can download several non Gold games including 2 games exclusive for download that have not been released to the public.
The limo scene after conversation clicking everywhere and nothing is happening.
Can you be a bit more specific? So after the limo ride, the game freezes or the screen goes black?
no during the limo ride with isabelle the dialougue doesn’t continue…
also don’t know how to give brandi the concert tickets?
wow girl acheivement didn’t work either. – i got that dialouge with isabelle not elana
how to move pass these obstacles?
Is it possible for me to download this game after logging in to lopgold.com ?
Unfortunately, not this one.
However, there is a bonus section for LOP Gold memebers that allows you to download several titles that have been publicly released (non Gold titles). This also includes 2 games that are exclusive downloads that are not released to the public (“Erotic Date Margaret and Walter” and “Erotic Date Sylvia and Nick”).
Wow! Due to utterly insane work schedule and several other factors I hadn’t visited the site in a few weeks. Super hyped to see 2 new games and plans for expanding STT. That was a fantastic game with no obvious need for an expansion, but I’ll happily enjoy any additional content. Great to see such positive response to Jacob’s rebound. Can’t wait to dive in. Keep up the great work guys!
when Asuka speak about a girl friend, i’m thinking that a treesome is possible. Does anyone get an idee if it’s possible
“I’m not disclosed to bespeak any such information to you, nor would I, even if I had said information you want, at this juncture be able.”
-Proprietor of Dry Cleaners, “Fight Club”
Could anyone say the sixth ending? 4 of them with girls, one of them is alone and what is the last ending? Please tell me dudes.
There are two “versions” of being alone. One if you worked the gym to a successful standard and the other if you don’t.
Hope that answers your question.
Yes man, thank u very much!
Hey leonizer bro please make more games with roommates lina and mister lightining finger lina is so hot I love to see lina in other games plz bro
too many bug on this game. Many time happened that ‘Chat with her’ & ‘Talk about her life’ button disappear without reason. and when main character dating with girls, I coudlnt click the choice like the other bugs. I thought maybe i choose the wrong way, but even first day happened same bugs.