Lily awaits you!
March 23, 2017Yes! Lily is waiting for you in Hawaii – we’ve just released the game.
Lily in Hawaii is a choose your own adventure style game where you follow Lily as she makes her way through the beautiful landscapes and scenery of the island. Take in the sights of blue oceans and sandy beaches or look out from the cliffs and mountain tops or take in the local scenes with shopping and local bars: the whole island is open for you to explore.
Every choice has an outcome and all of them lead up to a stunning, authentic, Hawaiian-themed luau. Who will Lily choose to go to after that? Well, that’s all up to you!
A well-received chef, she married her long-time boyfriend, Geoff, after finishing culinary school. Their wedding was the best day of her life and, sadly, the last time she was truly happy. She hopes to find that happiness on their anniversary – although it just might be time to put an end to their marriage.
A computer programmer who often finds himself locked away in his own office, up to his eyeballs in deadlines. And on his few free nights, his wife, Lily, is busy at the restaurant till midnight. He wants to bring them back together and doesn’t want their marriage to break – he hopes that this trip to Hawaii will do the trick.
A local Hawaiian girl who’s never left her home island. She makes her money dancing and serving tourists as this is the only way to make good money these days. However, her personal life is lonely, boring and lackluster. She wants someone, anyone, to come into her life and bring some excitement to it… maybe even something more.
A local ladies’ man who also doubles as a fire dancer for a luau. He has many notches on his bed post from the young tourists who come over to the island looking for an “island lover”. He finds himself living as an all-around playboy, and is always looking for another victim for the Wolf Man to sink his teeth into.
So enjoy the views, experience unforgettable romance and praise Daman.
Join Lily and her friends here: Lily in Hawaii – lopgold.com
Good Job!!!
Cheers man!
look nice!
Thank you guys, you’re man’s best friends 🙂
And girls best friend! We do have a few lady gamers with us as well!
I dare you (and them) to prove if with photos!
Dude, ItMakesMeBlush is a girl I think.
No wonder why she is creating the best and sexiest characters and the most amazing LOP sex scenes.
Nice ! Unfortunately I am at work right now.
Well then just work hard, travel home safely and enjoy it all when you clock out!
All right. Review time:
– Renders and animations: Is there really anything left to say for this element at this point? The renders look stunning. ItMakesMeBlush is definitely my favourite artist on your site. She really brings the characters to life in every image. The animations are fluid and well done. You keep improving in this field and it’s really the game’s strongest side.
– Music/sounds: Eeeh… I found the music distracting and downright obnoxious at some points. I get that it’s a hawaiian themed game, but adding corny hulu-tunes to sex scenes really take away from the mood… There was nothing hot about Geoff and Lily’s final sex scene due to the cheesy hawaiian music. It really killed a lot of the sex scenes. Also, I find it weird that Lily is able to moan like a porn star despite having her mouth completely filled with dick. I feel like the music and sounds missed the mark on this one.
– Writing: The premise for this story is pretty intriguing and sets the stage for some great potential adventures. But from then on, the story seems really rushed. I had no sense of time during this game. Are they there for just one day (because that’s sort of what it felt like)? Are they there for more than just a day, but we simply play only one day of their vacation? If it’s only one day then why does it look like the scene at the hotel restaurant takes place during an evening even though it supposedly take place during lunch hours since it’s then bright sunlight during the next event (bar/garden/terasse)? That’s a lot of things during just one day, maybe spread it out over a couple of days. If it was meant to indicate several days, then spell it out more clearly, because that’s not the impression I got.
I have no feel for the characters either. So Lily goes to Hawaii in the hopes of saving her marriage…. but she’s ready to jump on a strangers dick at the first possibility…? Is this in line with her character? I don’t know, because her personality is not defined… Is she more like Eleanor or more like LwT1 Tracy? I have no clue. I assume because the time constraint doesn’t really allow the player to get to know her, or any of the other characters. While I can still enjoy the sex scenes, the absence of characterization means that I don’t care about any of the characters and I might just as well watch a video on pornhub. Also, the hawaiian girl (forgot her name) is ready to say “I love you” to Lily after one day and a couple of encounters? WTF? That stretches my suspension of disbelief beyond its bursting point. Also, I’ve been advocating for more coloured characters in your games (both player characters and supporting cast), but I hoped you wouldn’t fall into the tired cliche of the big, black bull (which has now appeared in all of the gold games Daman has been writing)… the concept is already getting tired. I have neither love nor hate for any of the characters… I just don’t care…. make me care, dude!
It all just seems very rushed. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes, you just want games with fast action and things going “straight down to business”… Club Velvet Rose is a great example of a “quick jerk” that works perfectly… and that’s largely due to the story premise and setting (swinger club, a desperate couple ready for, pretty much anything). I feel like this game would have been better as a slow burn with more time to rebuild the relationship with your husband, cultivate an infidelity (with either man or woman, really nice touch, by the way), or hell, end up alone. If it had been a slower-paced game, I think I would have felt more value in the sex scenes. But because it was so fast, it just felt boring, since it didn’t really offer anything extreme. Club Velvet Rose did this very well. It was a quick jerk and because of that, the sex scenes needed to be a little more out there. The sex scenes in this game were very vanilla and, for me, that only works if there’s a sufficient build-up and tension.
The dialogue is servicable, though it doesn’t really add anything to the characterization… the dialogue for the sex scenes are pretty good.
I am not a fan of games where the PC is a girl. I prefer playing as a guy. If the game is sufficiently good(such as Eleanor or Roommates), I can ignore it. Still, I recognise that there are female customers and male customers who enjoy playing as a female, so good on LOP for giving us some variety.
– Gameplay: I’m not a fan of visual novels… I just waltz along on the story and don’t really feel involved… there’s no sense of control of your character… I feel like I am just WATCHING the character, not BEING the character. There’s no sense of control (even if it’s just the illusion of control) and I might as well have been watching a movie.
It also makes the game really easy and there’s no challenge whatsoever. During my first playthrough I just chose options without reading any of the options, narration and dialogues, and I still ended up getting the threesome ending. Within 1 hour and 10 minutes, I had gotten all endings, scenes and achievements. The gameplay is boring with no sense of value or reward.
I doubt I’ll ever play this game again. It’s not often that LOP falls short of my expectations (so far, only Dignity One, LwT2, Eleanor 2 and this game have managed to do so)… But in this case, Lily in Hawaii was neither worth my time nor my money.
Thank you so much for your time and in depth analysis and review. This is my first concept game and I do love when people give me feedback.
I was inspired by Trip to Paradise and I wanted to make a game take place in a non-fictional location and, as you pointed out, I also wanted to include different racial characters, in this case Pacific Islanders, to help flush the game out. It seems repetitive to have all white girls and once in a while an Asian, so I wanted to flush it out a bit with my games.
As for feeling rushed, I’m sorry you feel that way. The game itself was to be a bit longer in the earlier drafts, but I cut it down as it seemed a bit too repetitive at times (imagine 7 Day Quest and LWT2 and you’ll get an idea of what I was going to do). I wanted players to have the choice of where to go and make the choice of mending a relationship or moving on with something or someone else.
Again, thank you for your feedback. I take every comment, good and bad and between, into consideration and appreciate them with the upmost respect.
Hey Daman
Thanks for taking the time to respond (and in such a professional manner).
In hindsight, my review seems a bit harsh, but I do stand by my initial opinion that the story, characters and gameplay feels rushed and constrained… the style in which the story is told simply doesn’t jive with the premise. You’ve already proved your chops as a writer with Club Velvet Rose (in my opinion, the best game to come out of LOP since the LwS expansion)…. but this one was a misfire for me.
Still looking forward to future projects though.
Thank you very much for your understanding. I promise that my other projects will meet your expectation. A little fact, I wrote this project almost a year and a half back so it was my earliest work. I think we both agree that I have improved my style since then! LOL!
Maybe a little harsh, but most of it is correct, too rash, too short, not really a Lopgold game, more comparable to the normal lession of passion games, though even Living with Lana is far more complex. It is a bit sad, because the graphics are very nice and Lily is hot (reminds me of Alice), lot of potential but it falls too short. Maybe it could become an overhaul.
…get an overhaul.
Lily is hot as hell, but the game is much too short:(….
I’m sorry to hear it’s too short. It was intended to be played for the entire week, but I shortened down as it felt too much like and Eleanor clone/knock off.
And how do I get the “Roomservice” achievement?
Have an affair with the hawaiian girl, have sex with her after the luau and then turn her down, saying you’re married.
I haven’t play this game yet as soon as I’m back at home I’m gonna play it, hopefully this game has sone dp gangbangs etc. I don’t if lop games hasn’t realized that the best games they have created are the ones with double penetration sex with strangers, gangbangs etc. Pretty much all the games that includes some fantasies and not just normal cheating or regular sex. As hope you realized about and I’m pretty sure your games will be even better!
We’ll take note of it. Right now, we have other projects and some scenes where, well…maybe, just maybe you might get your wish. No promises though!
Speak for yourself, I hate gangbangs. To share another woman is just too meh. Mostly if the dude is her boyfriend/husband.
Actually, gangbang is a common theme of LOP I hate the most. Most of times cheating sex scenes are also a turn off to me.
Both, gangbang and cheating are common themes of LOP, actually.
Agree, reverse gangbang (harem) and lesbians are much better scenes!
U r right speak 4 urself(lopgoldrules).If everybody wanted boring normal boring sex .Why wud v play fantasy games.LOP plz add atleast one dp gangbang in ur games 4 those who love it and vanilla icecream for others.
We supply different games with different fetishes and scenarios. So no worries, I’m sure you’ll find something.
(Translating to Millennial Gamer Speech)
we suppli dif games w1th d1f fetiies and scenari0s . S0, n0 w0rri, i sure you find s0mething.
Actually i m dissappointed bcoz this was one scenario were you could have added all fetishes.Eg. 1. she could be a loyal wife. 2 lesbian. 3 cheat with one guy. 4 invited to a local party and get gangbanged 5 her husband could watch or not watch . A bit 4 all.
Unlimited possibilities- vacations r places were peole tend to unwind and experiment,new experience,life changing mistakes r made.You spoiled this oppurtunity.
If you put dp or gangbang in other scenarios it won’t be as good as this could have been.
If you want 2 make good games learn to play with peoples mind.(guilt,feeling of doing something dirty,fear of getting caught,doing a taboo,shame that somebody doing your wife etc).I could help if you need any.
You mean the only way for you to spice things is fucking a woman with other men? It may be your taste but it’s definitely not the only way to do it. I love incest sex, prolapse sex and peeing among other things. Is this boring to you?
I was replying to @Vinu2001
Just taken a look to the visuals and listened to the hawaiian music (love it).
And I just realized I need to take a trip so bad. In the meantime I’ll have a little holiday with Lily.
More to follow
I forgot: it’s great games are released right before the week-end, let’s call it “Lop Thursday”, so we can play the nexts days.
Thursday for you is Friday for others! We let people play our games from here to the international date line so dates change from time to time. But hurry safely home and let me know what you think of the game!
The game looks good, but I won’t be resubbing. I just don’t see the value in it unless I get to keep the game.
Is there any chance that somewhere down the line the LOP team will let us keep the games we buy? I know you guys make your money off subs, but I cant’ say that I’ve ever subbed for more than a month, it’s just not worth it. The games are good but the rate of production is too slow to justify a monthly sub. I do wonder if you guys would make more money by just setting a price based on production costs and letting us buy them.
Is the no download thing because you don’t want people to torrent? There are already a lot of torrents out there so its clearly not working.
I really would like to buy the games too, but then they would need to add a gallery feature to them so every sex scene you unlock in-game can be reviewed any time you want with no need to replay the whole game all over again. But I think they’ll never do it, first because I don’t think it interests them, second just imagine the trouble to rework on these games, unless they just release them as they are but I don’t think I would buy then.
Fake-like tits, again. Though the girls are looking great with more feminine face. Some ass close ups in sex scenes are also great. I’m missing more games with anal, though. There are some more kinky/hardcore stuff I would like to see as well, like pussy/anal gaping, maybe some peeing or even prolapse. Not everyone would like this but you could release a lighter and hardcore version of the game, or maybe putting the hardcorest part as secret scenes(but not exactly being part of an achievement, so people won’t be forced to fight for that scene if they’re not looking into it). Taking into account these are 3D games, they must be explored, not only the fantasy part(like fucking elves or fucking in space) but the fetishist side too.
Oh yeah, and plot fetishes, like (real) incest.
Sensual Hunting harem ending – that’s all you can have for now about it 🙂
There was a voting some time ago about futanary – from the comments it seems that majority of gamers prefers cheating/girl-sharing likes lesbians much less and dislikes futanary. Peeing/prolapse would be to disliked too, i think.
@LOP_Daman at least i can play this until MEA i got to waste 3.5K $ on my new computer hell i hate working for peanuts & crackers
but i like this game
That’s why I go with console versions! LOL
Thanks for the feedback!
I think it’s always nice to review, so here I go.
1- Quality of Visuals: Amazing as always! I really like both girls, they’re both stunning and even the guys are not bad themselves. I think there was just two games that I didn’t like the visuals, so all I can say is keep up the good work.
2-Story: I liked the story, very promissing, but since the game is kinda short I felt like it wasn’t well developed, kinda rushed with many loose ends (maybe you’re planing an update later, idk) . I didn’t really feel the characters on this one (like in LwT 1 I always felt bad if I had a bad ending XD) but they were all hot and I enjoyed the sex scenes. I really liked the dialogue between the characters, it all felt natural and smooth, I cold totally imagine it happening.
PS: I don’t know why but I thought that it would have a cuckold scene, the husband is kinda submissive and Lily seems like the type of girl who would do it.
3- Music: Didn’t really enjoy it, but I don’t really comment on that because I hardly ever play with the music on.
4- Gameplay: Nothing new, just the good old clicking options. Not that it’s a bad thing, sometimes, if you try to innovate too much, you end up screwing the game with an annoying gameplay. It’s nice to keep it simple.
5- Bugs: Didn’t find any so far.
Feedback: Overall, it’s a good game. It’s quick, you can have fun in a short time, but if the person is looking for something more intense they should look for another game. A MFM threesome was totally possible, as well as some exibicionism or even some cuckolding,. the sex scenes were very good, but I personally think you played safe and didn’t try anything new/different(but maybe that was what you were aiming for?). Anyway, it was fun, totally worth it. Keep up the good work =)
Thank you for your feedback, I really enjoy understanding people’s opinions and ideas. As for the game being a little small and maybe some updates to be added to them, well….TO BE CONTINUED… Muahahaha!
Hello , i dont have money how can i play this awesome game ?
Save up enough money to play it. It’s all about priorities.
Mom’s purse? Hahahah! Just kidding!
When we go to the restaurant at the hotel, after going to the beach or shopping, we can see Geoff, searching for someone, so I supposed trying to cheat on Lily, but I can’t find the steps to find this situation, he’s cheating on her and can we find out ? Or I’m searching something that doesn’t exist?
Otherwise, the game is great the only default that I find is that (don’t really know how to say that in english) the game is too script, like if we want to have sex with Uffe, we just have to talk with uffe, same with Layla, there is not any surprised event, but with a short play like that it may difficult I assumed, I never be surprised like in some other games. And if u choose to have sex with your husband then you have to follow that way or with Layla to get the threesome, but once u have sex with him it seems that it is useless to go see Uffe.
Hey guys! First of all, great job overall with the game! The visuals and mechanics keep getting better with every game. However, I have to agree with most people that it is much too short. I miss the old gold games like Ele1/LWT1, which were much longer but much more immersive. I feel like with those games, there is a sense of excitement because we are really placed within the environment. I agree that this game is short fun, which is good in cases like CVR, but I hope you guys won’t go completely in this direction. The premise of this game is great, either rebuilding her marriage or having affairs with people on the island. However, I feel like the game was cut too short and has much more potential. Why not have a whole week, where we can develop the relationship with Uffe and the island girl with more sexual events? An island getaway is the perfect location for intimate rendezvous’ with her lovers under her husbands nose. You could throw another guy into the mix, maybe another married tourist at the island who is unfulfilled with his marriage as well?
Another un-related thing, and this may be just me, but I am more of a fan of having actual time and each event taking a certain amount of time. I remember you had just events in LWT2, and now this. I just feel that only doing 3 things in an entire day feels too short.
I feel that the game itself is great, but could be so much more, but this is just my opinion. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for your input. as for what you were saying about short games, well we are not going to do ALL of them short. Simply put, we have stories that can develope into long narratives and some, such as this one, where there is no need to drag things on for such a along time. With LWT and Elanor that was more SIM style gaming mixed with adventure themes, while this one is more story based and CYOA.
There is more to the story of this game as I wrote many pieces to including backstory and even epilogues pertaining to each ending. It was shorter because it made more sense than making it too long and felt like a washed down version of Eleanor (no disrespect intended).
Thanks again for your time, support and feedback!
Okay I just find out Geoff cheating on us, is the roomservice achievement
First, a big thank you to the LOP Gold team, Leo, Daman, ItMakesMeBlush, and whomever else. I always look forward to your new games and wanted to thank you for your hard work.
I had a chance to play early this morning and wanted to share my thought and maybe some comments:
As it stands now, I think the game is good – not great, but not bad either.
Personally, I think I’m starting to come around to the shorter games. While I enjoy the stat builders, they can get tedious for the first half of the game. That being said, I would have liked a bit more time for Lily to get to know the other characters, teasing, flirting, etc. – before she’s ready to jump into bed with them. The locations were so beautifully rendered that I would have like the opportunity to visit them a few times throughout the story.
There are some inconsistencies throughout the game – night when you visit the hotel restaurant, then day again if you do to the local bar – but they don’t distract from the game play or story too much.
I think that having a few more chances to interact with the characters would have really made this game go from good to great. The hints and premise is there already.
For me, the progression from: introduction (between characters), to flirting, to dating to sex is what makes the characters more appealing and the story line that much stronger. lily hops into bed the minute she meets anyone new.
Overall, I enjoyed the game. While I think relationship builder type games are great for this site, Lily would have benefited from a slightly longer game to get a change to explore more. I wish you luck with your next project.
Hi you posted this game on LOP GOLD instead of the free site.
The game is short and not much fun. The other porn game makers are way way way ahead of LOP now.
Hey, dumb question but would you guys ever consider releasing one of the oldest games on the pay site to the free site while y’all are working on newer games? It’d appease fans who can’t pay and let you focus all your attention on LOP Gold and S&G.
LWT2 expansion please, waiting for Lisa and Tracy lesbian scene
Hmmm. I’m split on this one. I must say I enjoyed it somewhat. Sex scenes with Layla at her place and Geoff in the room with anal felt complete scenes. Not the ones with the wolf man and the other short scenes. IMO CVR takes the trophy for the most complete sex scenes in Lop history. I think the characters were well explained , especially if you take the time to read the dialogues, and each path with the related decisions make sense. Ending with wolfman crazy, with Layla hasty and with Geoff family. Other endings good. Vanilla sex , but with the genre you need to build up over time, not enough here. Still, the small teasers are sufficient in a small and concise way.Renders amazing, dialogues I thought better than CVR but in another setting. I have had scenes I wanted to repeat in all LOP/S&G games so replays. None with Lily. Once I got all the endings and achievements, it was game over for me and don’t see myself playing again. Not a bad effort but your competition is churning out some really good stuff for same price. From market leader you are now playing catchup.
Thanks for the feedback Mark!
This project could have used a gaming mechanic to lengthen it out.
The game opens up stating a 7 day vacation, but the player only feels like they are experiencing 1-3 days.
The visuals are insanely good, probably the best so far.
The music was good, but sometimes felt too playful for what was going on in game.
The game has alot of replay-ability, but I would have liked 1-2 more characters to interact with.
It was a real surprise that the main character was the girl. It made the game feel less generic
Lastly the lesbian scenes felt really light. Good game overall, with flaws, but its appreciated and worth it!
Cheers mate!
Hey Daman
Nice job on the game, both Lilly and Layla look amazing, gameplay is a bit short but plenty of room for expansion maybe in the future? I know how hard you worked on the game so i’m not going to trash the gameplay or anything else, its a good title added to an already stacked choice of games already there, a good addition.
Have you ever considered scripting a game based around a superhero/superheroine theme? Personally id love to see a game where the player controls the Villain and your mission is to capture the superheroine’s (yes you could have a few different ones here), and the aim is to get these heroines to submit to you by having stats like intelligence, cunning, mind control (psyonic ability), and you could throw in so many traps and bdsm machines, bondage play with ropes made of the heroines weakness, give it a whole 30-45 days as you need to build stats to be cunning enough to capture your heroine, the number of days will give you enough time to capture all the heroines in the game, build stats and grab heroines attention by robbing banks, jewel stores, researching new technologies, weapons and contraptions to capture them and study your enemies to discover their weaknesses, even go as far as to befriend the heroines by using your non-villain identity to become their friends. Any if this sound like a premise for a game?
What do you guys think?
With Leo over my shoulder with a fry pan, I can’t go too far into details. But ideas have been talked about and the concepts have been discussed before and…well, that’s all I can say about that.
Also, thanks for your feedback on Lily. As you might have read earlier, the game was stripped down a bit as I thought it would be too long of a game. We’ll see what happens later.
Can you ask Leo to write some long story about your work – not about project you’re working on but some general stuff, ideas?
Maybe something about plots/books/games you like?
We would like to know you better, guys
How do you mean?
You (I mean the whole team) sometime post about your current work and plans. You (I mean Daman) sometime mention that you have a discussion about different ideas. I think a lot of people here would like to know about your ideas even if they are not a part of your plans for near future.
And I think people here will be happy if you post something different than the work you’re doing – “Hey guys, I just finished – it’s …. I just loved the … moment!” or “I love cousine, I’m going for a gastronomy trip there on “.
I might be wrong but now almost all information you give is “we’re working on # games, here are some visuals, we have # nice plots as well” – it’s like you are game-making (good games, thank you for that) robots 🙂
I absolutely agree with you and I know keeping regular updates and tabs on concepts and new games to be released is a good idea. But we have some small issues when it comes to releasing too information about our games. The biggest one is simply players feedback to them early on.
When we show off early game ideas with images and small plots, we get a lot of feedback from you and the community. So much in fact, that we sometimes have to pull the game and delay it to make last minute changes, alterations and on some rare occasions we would even shelve the project all together until later.
We want to give everyone a stellar game and a wonderful experience while playing it. If we tell everyone about the game ahead of release besides getting the usual “When is ____ coming out?”, we get things likes “Hope there is ____”, and “They should {INSERT IDEA HERE} for this game” and it makes us step back and think, “Hmmm, maybe we should…” and then it gets delayed and then you guys get angry and yada-yada-yada drama ensues.
So we keep things pretty close to the chest not just for the “wow factor” when we release it, but also so we can deliver games on time and so we can make them enjoyable for everyone! Thanks again for your patronage!
I am not sure if it is a bug but I completed 8 of the 10 goals but when I came back in they were wiped out. Also I am wondering if there is a way to have all four character in one scene? I have gotten I thing all of the chances I think
@Daman: Don’t get me wrong: The story line and the visuals are much better than in earlier work of lopgold but: Where is the actual game in the last few games? It is simply a story with nice images. You can’t make real decisions, you can’t earn points for your character, you in principle can’t do anything than just to go exactly the linear way that is offered to the players. Please, please, PLEASE: Put more “gaming” into the the coming lopgold games and less “reading”. This would be a real advantage. This way it’s at least to me kind of a bummer. Sorry to say it that harsh 🙁
I understand, no worries. But if we all focused on large scale games, then nothing would come out for long periods of time. Think if we only made games like Eleanor or LWT or JR. We would be updating maybe once or twice a year!
Nevertheless, I would like to make you stop worrying and tell you, we have somethings in the works that might tickle your fancy!
@LOP_Daman [Just saw that your username is different from what I used above, mea culpa ;)]
Alright, I absolutely understand what you say and I am very interested in seeing what will be presented to us in the next games 🙂
Aside from my comment on more possibilities to make actual decisions that determine the character you play and the possibilities and scenes you will be able to see: I really like the way the story is going (i.e. your part of work) and the depth you give to the individual characters. If this will be maintained that way in the future, the fantastic visuals from ItMakesMeBlush will be used and more of the old gaming techniques will come in, you will be unbeatable as team of adult content producers. 🙂
1. Don’t touch that dial: Stay in your hotel room, cuddle with Geoff, move his hand over your breast, rub his dick, blow him and make him cum in your mouth.
2. With a view: After blowing him, go to the restaurant then stay on the balcony. Kiss Geoff and ask for more.
3. Secret Waterfall: Leave that lazy ass of your husband in the room watching tv and go to the beach. Sunbath, flirt with Uffe, let him put some lotion on you. Then go hiking and explore. Let yourself go and thank him for the massage.
4. Drop the beat: Go hiking with Uffe, when you fall let him cath you and compliment his grip. Then go to the bar. Dance, grind, grab him and go to the bathroom.
5. Break a leg: During the show volounteer. When you are changing outfit invite Layla close and let her help you. Thank her with a kiss.
6. Black hole invitation: After the show, take Geoff back in your room and try anal.
7. Playing with fire: After flirting on beach and hiking with Uffe, go backstage after the show. Take a walk on the beach and let him cum inside.
8. First timer: Go shopping and let Layla help you. Try the swimsuit. After the show go backstage and find Layla. Follow her to her place. Lay on the bed and try to eat her out.
9. Room service: After sex with Layla break her hearth and say that you are married. Go back to you room and catch Geoff cheating on you.
10. 3 is a crowd: Let Layla help you changing your outfit, tell her your husbund thinks she is sexy. After the show wait for Layla and invite her to your room.
1. Holiday din’t go well, you pack and leave Geoff.
2. Romantic ending. You start a family with Geoff.
3. Drop Geoff and start a new life with Uffe.
4. Drop Geoff and star a new life with Layla.
5. After catching Geoff cheating on you, you fly back home. But wait, you cheated him as well with Layla so it’s time for a marriage conselor.
6. You stay in touch with Layla and enjoy your new friend with benefits.
Great job. Helped me a lot. Sadly my achievs wont save 🙁
– Visuals: I really think ItMakesMeBlush is the best thing that ever could have happened to LOP.
Lily is freaking gorgeous and hot af. Just love your art. Great locations too, as others have pointed out.
– Writing. I like Lily character. I really think Daman is a talented writer. I love reading what you write. Im not trying to please you. I really, truly, enjoy your dialogues because they are both believable and funny, never dull or predictable. I find myself laughing many times (“Believe me honey it’s not what it looks like”, “F*ck the global warming, I’ll enjoy the sun”, “Damn why can’t my husband get a six pack like this”, “Calm down, you are a married woman, but wait he’s ripped, tall, good-looking”). Love your sense of humour. The story is coherent because you immediately get to decide how you want to develop it. If you want to save your marriage you stay with your lazy ass husband in the room. If you don’t, and it was my first decision, you say f*uck that, I’m gonna enjoy myself, have fun and maybe know someone else.
Critics: yeah the gameplay is pretty short. But a week would have been so much boring. Adding just one more day maybe would be cool. Just a week-end in Hawaii not an entire week. And gaining relationship points should be more difficult. After CVR I start getting bored with the meter system during sex scenes hot, but not memorable in my opinion). If you are planning to add more scenes in future, hey, I spotted a sexy blonde I’d love to know better!
I like this story base direction, so I enjoyed Lily more then JR.
Thanks for the review! True, it was short but sweet in my humblest opinion. I wanted to make a game with growth already instilled in the game. Rather than have character growth, corruption and temptation of characters and such, I simply used a plot device: the island.
Hawaii is know for a romantic hot spot for many people and couples so there should be plenty of romance there. So, I thought of 3 different kinds of romance that a person could feel when there. I came up with: couples (Geoff and Lily), passion (Uffe and Lily) and lovers (Lily and Layla) and created a story surrounding these three ideas and *pop* the game became what it is.
Again thank you for your words. Oh, and as for the blonde, well…she’s top secret.
I think you should be proud because you managed to write a game from a female pov and make it believable.
I was stripping in the room for Geoff and when he stopped me because he wanted to watch tv I was like Oh man, you have no idea what is coming for you!
If I were a girl, I would relate much more to Lily rather than Eleanor.
As for the blonde girl im referring to the one laying on the beach flirting with the guys (Lily is totally checking her out, willing to discover the secret under her top, maybe with the help of the guys lol) I think she’s the same girl that appears later during the show.
I was really exited about the game the pictures looked amazing.
But it took me 2-3 hours to get all endings and archievments without any help.
So it´s really hard to answer the question, why I should pay a month subscription for completing it within 3 hours?
For example living with temptation 1 + dlc took me over a week to see everything. I believe that it take quit some time to create a new game but a 3 hour game feels a lot more like a free short game.
I hope that further games will bigger/ better.
I dont know if this is happing to other people but Lily is saving the achievements for me
isnt saving
Actually i m dissappointed bcoz this was one scenario were you could have added all fetishes.Eg. 1. she could be a loyal wife. 2 lesbian. 3 cheat with one guy. 4 invited to a local party and get gangbanged 5 her husband could watch or not watch 6 husband and wife and third person(m/f). A bit 4 all.
Unlimited possibilities- vacations r places were peole tend to unwind and experiment,new experience,life changing mistakes r made.You spoiled this oppurtunity.
If you put dp or gangbang in other scenarios it won’t be as good as this could have been.
If you want 2 make good games learn to play with peoples mind.(guilt,feeling of doing something dirty,fear of getting caught,doing a taboo,shame that somebody doing your wife etc).I could help if you need any.
This game enters my top 5 games that I love. Possibly the top 3 also.
There is everything I love. A female character, a beautiful story, original music, beautiful landscapes, and successful animations. One could criticize the lack of possibilities, but already this current observation satisfies me ample.
The questions that jostle in the head are:
What is the end of the canon? I hope this is not the one that ends with marriage :p
Will there be sequels of the genre: Lily in Ibiza? Lily in Singapore? Lily in Brazil?
My lips are sealed on the details, but I promise this will not be the last time we see Lily.
Won’t sleep well you can’t promise the same for Layla
i played the game and i’ll say my thougths
i’m kinda undecided about this game and have mixed feelings,i’ll start with positives
-visuals are absolutely fantastic,both the characters (lily looks wonderful) and the environment,hats off to artists once again,there are other creators in this genre with great visuals but lop games remain on top of my list
-story is good too,nothing too complicated and easy to get into it but with enough options to discover,i also liked the dialogues and narration,especially occasional easter egg about other lop games and characters,i think you are very talented writer daman
-game is packed and has high replay value which is also a plus
-i liked the music too,it’s something different and obviously it fits the game
-since this is not a stat builder the gameplay is very fluid,not that i’m bored with stat builders but in these games every new playthrough is different
now couple of things i’m not so glad with
-the game is short,i know that there’s been a lot of work to make this game and it shows but it feels rushed,i do not enjoy when i finish the game in couple of minutes,i want you to understand that i know that every playtrough is different but it still feels kinda short,the story would benefit if there was more days to play,or even a full week
-no interactions – i was hoping that moving away from stat building will give us more opportunities to explore and interact with environment and characters,unfortunately in the last couple of games that is not the case,i was ok with no interactions in CVR since the story was uniquely told from the memory,but in this game or in lwt2 interactions are needed to make the game feel more complete
-game concept – this is my main gripe with lop games,maybe i could include things above under this,i like these story and choice driven games,there are very good writers in the lopteam and unfortunately i think you can’t put all your ideas into game due to limitations of this game concepts
there’s been a lot of creators on patreon lately who are making their games in a way where they gradually build their story and game in an episodes or monthly updates,in that way they can basically put all their ideas and wishes into the games because the game is in the making all the time
now i don’t know if this is possible with lop games but personally i would like this approach a lot more,lily in hawaii could also be released in couple of episodes,instead of expanding,for example you could release it where we would play only one day,or two – the day of the trip and arrival on hawaii,we could get to know characters way better and have the whole day for the story to start unveiling
i know that this approach would be hard to start implementing and it’s only my wish,but other games would benefit greatly from it aswell,mostly lwt1 and lwt2 and eleanor
wow this is a wall of text
to conclude this,i do like the game,it could have been even better for the reasons i said above,i hope we’ll see more of lily again,she is really really beautiful
once again hats off for your work,looking forward to next projects,keep it up
Thanks again for your analysis of the game. I know it was a bit on the short side and I did want it to be a bit longer, but in the end I chose this size to keep people invested in the story and characters. I do have plans for these characters and the story, so who knows what can happen.
no problems,i may sound like i don’t appreciate the work you and the team put into making this game but that isn’t the case,i’m glad that you have plans for more,looking forward to it
First off, thanks Daman for this wonderful and refreshing game in terms of visuals, characters, sex scenes and overall layout. You really showed the the game its worth and I congratulate you.
However, I personally felt that the game is wayyy too short and surely could have used some more gameplay duration in terms of dialogues, twists in the story as has been pointed out by several other fellow users before. Don’t get me wrong, while i really like the idea of this game, I would certainly like to explore more of Lily into future sequels (if there be any, I hope!!)…Just wish you will oblige us with more Lily in the future. Keep it up..
Thanks for your honesty. I have no intentions of letting Lily or even Layla to fade to black after this.
Just repeating everyone else 🙂
But it’s such a shame this game is so short. Lily and Layla are absolutely gorgous and should get more screen time. This is ok for a free game, it’s just so short and very vanilla. I like the fact LOP keeps everything pretty clean and pretty realistic, but this is very vanilla for a LOPGold game.
Aside from that, the setting is great, the characters look amazing etc.. so yeah, it’s a shame. I hoped for more and it looks stunning. Give me more please 😛
Maybe drop Layla in the strip poker game.
what can i say , i don’t share the reaction of some of you
very short and very regular game just mahh ok as a preview but not for paid game especially after so long waiting for a new game
sex scenes was so vanila it’s not different from any other game out there by 3D
in the past you tried some fatishes different storylines but now it looks like you don’t want to make somthing good just average
i would love to see more fetish like smoking, a bit of BDSM, orgies amd such
@LOP_Daman how about a guide for this game and “fade to black” is one of my favourite songs from Metallica (rock on) wich gives me an ideea how about a game with some punk rock babes or biker babes trip to desert valley with some monster trucks 😀
I could make a guide, but at the moment I think the game is a bit new at the moment. I normally wait a good while before making and releasing one. I’m sure someone, might make a guide here, some already posted the endings and achievements so who knows.
As for the punk rock girls and biker chicks, I’m actually-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
I do like the game play but when ever i get the achievement i close my window or I refresh it, my achievements not there anymore like i have to start all over to get them. I don’t know if it only me but I do like the game a lot.
Hi Guys….I need a bit of assistance.
Completed all the achievements, save one, that is…
Three’s A Crowd
How to get that? So far I’ve tried taking the following path…
Go Shopping>Take Layla’s help>bikini>goto garden>chat with Layla>goto dance and volunteer>ask layla’s help to dress up…
But after that I can only get the lesbian scene…
Could anyone tell me how to reach the 3some ending?
…And also is there any scene with Uffe and Layla together? Or is it just the illicit sex romp between Uffe and Lily on the beach and at the bar bathroom?
I would tell you, but then it would spoil it. But I will say that up to that point, you have about 80% of what is needed to get the scene. Keep tinkering and keep trying, I know you can do it!
Thanks, but I already achieved the 3some scene within 10 mins of posting my queries on LOP blog. And the scenes are great and titillating. 🙂
I would only request you to include more sex scenes like this that feel realistic, dynamic, more visual and engaging with a touch of sensuous appealing along with arousing dialogues.
Oh, and Daman, I still would like to play with Lily more, if you know what I mean 🙂
Also, is there any scene with Uffe, Lily and Layla together? Or is it just the illicit sex romp between Uffe and Lily on the beach and at the bar bathroom?
Hi. Can you tell me how do you make the Three’s a crowd achievement?
Thanks, but I already achieved the 3some scene within 10 mins of posting my queries on LOP blog. And the scenes are great and titillating. 🙂
I would only request you to include more sex scenes like this that feel realistic, dynamic, more visual and engaging with a touch of sensuous appealing along with arousing dialogues.
Oh, and Daman, I still would like to play with Lily more, if you know what I mean 🙂
Also, is there any scene with Uffe, Lily and Layla together? Or is it just the illicit sex romp between Uffe and Lily on the beach and at the bar bathroom?
Hey dolls and gents, I have a question for y’all.
I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen somewhere that guy in shirt with shades.
Anybody knows or am I mistaken?
You mean the guy on the beach, right?
No. The guy sitting at the local bar who also appears later during the show on the dancing floor. Maybe I’m just wrong.
that guy in shirt with shades is LOP_Daman and im behind him with a baseball bat Bang !
Oh really, enjoying the sun, picking up girls at the beach.
Ahhh living life you Daman. Lol
@Passion4LessonOfPassion , @LOP_Daman he is in japan living it up with sake and japanese girls or women poor guy ( cleaning the frying pan ) hahaha
if i could i would move to japan right now unfortunately i got spider webs in my wallet
Are we really that surprised? I mean come on, almost all the games I write about have at least one Asian ethnic person in it! I’m practically swimming in Asians here! LOL
Finally had a time to explore game better – Damn! some scenes/ending so sweet and romantic – it makes me feel myself even happier than I normally am 🙂
Geof behaves like an loser sometimes – when he stays in hotel, pretending to be tired or when he lets his hot wife to go for a night (assuming that she won’t return soon) and be OK with that.
Nevertheless, I love the Geof, Layla or threesome endings so much!
Is there a chance that in future, scenes similar to “black hole invitation” will have a close-up option?
If you can give me an example of any older LoP title that has an image similar to what your looking for. I’m curious by how close of a close up you’re looking for.
Again, thanks for playing!
Well, “Nicole meets Roxy” – the very first scene where Nicole can play with herself in a bed with her husband – something like that close 🙂
I’m pretty sure that there were games with same closeness during penetration – but I couldn’t find it
*logged into LoP website. Played the first scene. Came back to respond*
Okay, I get what you are saying. So close ups during the scenes not just before/after the scene, right? Well, LoP did that as it was the easiest thing to do than render an entire scene. Simply animating a hand or dick or anything in front of a picture was simpler. I think they moved forward with full animations and try not to resort back to, what I call, “cheap camera tricks”.
Still, You never know what we might have down the road and I might just eat those words!
Uhhh lily in hawaii is not saving the acheivements for me. Dont know if anyone else is having this problem.
So thanks.
Hey Daman, the Wikia Page of this game is showing 5 endings when there should be 6, so you may need to take a look at that.
Just changed it, thanks for paying attention!
I’m in the same boat as everyone else in that the game itself was good quality and was obviously made with care but was too short. Most of the reviews I have read in the comments have been spot on.
If I can suggest some things that I personally would like to have seen in this game is that the user interface could be more like 7 day quest, where you have a map screen with all the locations available and you literally have 7 days with three or four selections every day. On the earlier days you could pepper in some more voyeuristic scenes, like if you choose to walk down the mountain hiking path you may run into another couple who slipped off the path thinking they were alone to have sex and she can choose to watch from the bushes. This could remind Lily of how boring her husband is compared to the other couples here and make her feel that she is missing out on something. Then perhaps Uffe could sneak up behind her and catch her watching, and he could watch with her, offering commentary. This could be a good scene for the two to actually meet, and then the next day they could meet in the beach and he could rub suntan oil on her (her letting him rub suntan oil on her the first time they meet seems a bit rushed). Perhaps no matter what the scene with the suntan oil triggers when you go to the beach but unless you met Uffe at the previous scene you automatically refuse (or there could be multiple triggers for allowing him to rub suntan oil on you. You could have had the scene I described while hiking OR there could be a scene where you have an argument with your husband in the hotel room, and if you triggered either of these scenes then the “rub suntan oil” option appears, and if not then you automatically refuse). Also the store could be better utilized. There could only be one day where Layla is there while on others when she is not there you could buy certain items (especially the sexy teddy if you are focusing exclusively on your husband). There could also be more time to convince your husband to get out of the hotel room and spend time with you in the resort this way as well. I don’t like that focusing on your husband means hanging out with his boring ass in the hotel room. You should be able to get him to be more adventurous yourself, and not just in the bedroom.
I like the affection meter for each character. I do like that you can make progress with all three love interests and have the option of which you want at the end of the game, however what I don’t like is that there is just a single cut off, where you just have to get to a certain score and all available sex scenes with that specific character unlock. There could be slight variations in the sex scenes depending on if you just barely make the threshold or if you focus exclusively on that character and get a high score.
In regards to fetishes, I’d like to see teasing, edging, dirty talk and denial be utilized more in games with female lead characters. I like being able to flash Uffe while he’s performing. This could have also been utilized with your husband to “train” him to be more adventurous or more attentive to you. When he wants to watch TV, you could start playing with his cock, and then when he’s close to cumming threaten to stop unless he turns off the TV. Or you could get him to talk about things while he’s in that “susceptible state” You could do the set up for the threesome with Layla earlier in the game by having Geoff and Layla meet earlier in the game than right before the end and during a sex scene with have Geoff admit that she’s hot (and perhaps what he’d like to do with her). Sex scenes with Geoff could be available nightly as the last thing you do in a day, and each one would get a little bit wilder depending on the progress you chose to make during the day (assuming you’re focusing on Geoff on that playthrough). There could also be two paths for your husband depending on your selections. One could be where you encourage him to be more assertive with you (where he’ll initiate sex and fuck you like a porn star by the end of the game) or one where you’re the dominate one where you break his will using the tease and denial methods stated above. Perhaps the argument option combined with the “let Uffe rub suntan oil” on you option is required for your dominant ending, where you can then flirt with Uffe in front of your husband if the pair of you run into him at the bar or something. This could enable a scene with a mfm sex at the end or allow you to cheat on your husband with Uffe but still chose to be with the husband at the end of the game instead of running away to Hawaii.
As it stands the game was good but I barely consider it a LOP Gold game. It seems more like a free game considering the amount of content, especially when you compare it to other free games.
What is missing is a threesome with Uffe and Layla, in the shed where they change with the Hawaiian dance outfit.
It also lacks a threesome with Geoff and the maid of the hotel.
And why not a totally surreal scene where Lily is betrayed by everyone: a threesome between Geoff, Uffe and Layla. Let’s go even more a foursome with the servant in guest star ^^
Well that would work only two problems with that: First off, Layla is a lesbian. Hence the reason why she doesn’t have sex with Geoff and only Lily. Secondly, she and Uffe don’t get along as he and her have a history (they dated years back). So just to give you some background to that and why I didn’t do that idea.
threesome with the maid? Well….no. the problem is that Geoff cheated on his wife. If I wanted one with them, I would have included her early on.
As for a group bang with Lily in the middle? Simply, not going to happen.
Thanks for the enthusiastic ideas, but I think we’re good for now.
I was joking … hence the surreal scene.
I figured, but you were not the only one who was suggesting it. Just wanted to get it out, so no worries.
I’ve played this game a couple of days ago and forgot to drop by to expose my thoughts on this, so I don’t remember all the events involving Geoff and Layla precisely.
When people say that the game was “vanilla” does it mean that the sex scenes were too ordinary, romantic, common? If it does, then I have to agree with them. I prefer the scenes to be more hot, and wasn’t as excited by seeing the sex scenes in this, including the ones with Uffe (which was kind of something disappointing for me, since I’m a big fan of cheating wifes).
The cheating route with Uffe can be viewed under two different point of views, according to your personal taste. I didn’t enjoy it as much as I expected because Uffe was described as a playboy, as someone who was looking for a new “victim”, but his route was really romantic and I think he was portrayed in a way that didn’t show him as a playboy who only wanted to get into a lady’s pants (as I thought would be the case with the phrase “always looking for another victim for the Wolf Man to sink his teeth into”).
But the way this route was done can also be viewed on a positive note because the cheating wife aspect was approached differently than your other games. In this one, Lily really was looking for someone new to fall in love with and not just someone else to sleep with. I’m not a fan of this way of exploring the cheating wife thing, but it was well written and an interesting change to the way you guys usually do your games (although not something for my personal taste).
As for Layla and Geoff, I’m not into lesbian scenes, so I skipped the former’s route completely. In the latter, I didn’t feel inclined to try to ammend things between the couple to actually care about their route together (an example of a game that I think explored this kind of route better was the first Eleanor). Geoff just failed to make me care about him and Lily’s relationship, so his route isn’t something that I’ll try to go through again in a later date.
As for the gameplay, I really enjoyed it. I prefer this CYOA kind of game and it really reminded me of Trip to Paradise (still my favorite LOP game). It adds a lot to replayability and is a lot easier if I just want to go through a specific scene again.
I like the fact that your choices, and only YOUR choices (not damn build up grindy stats), adds points to a certain character and ONLY those points are what influence the scenes you’ll be able to get.
As for the sex scenes and graphics in general: as I said, they were too light for my tastes, but people who prefer ordinary scenes probably enjoyed them because there was a nice build up that lead to them. The graphics were amazing as usual.
Just one point I’d like to make about the scenes: what I like to see in sex scenes are, besides the position/angle and body parts of the characters, are DIALOGUES between the partners. I find more arousing to see characters interacting during those scenes. Although reading through Lily’s thoughts during the sex was cool, a mix between thoughts and dialogues would be better.
A suggestion for the LOP team: I don’t remember seeing in your games any cheating wife that actually enjoyed the fact that she was cheating on her husband. Even Eleanor didn’t show any signs on this (only in some scenes with the black pimp), since she just enjoyed sex and didn’t care if it was with her husband or not. It would be nice to see in a future game a woman really enjoying the fact that she’s cheating, not just enjoying the act of sex itself.
Now, I’ll go back to Club Velvet Rose. This one was a nice surprise. I’m enjoying it A LOT. I’ll drop by its post to expose my views on it after I’m done exploring all there’s to see there.
Thanks for the feedback. We love to hear back from players about how our games go with them. True, it was a bit vanilla for some players, but I was focusing on a lighter story than that of kinky, fetish-style scenes. Many games we have on the LoP roster features only a handful of games that focus on relationships and not the actual sex itself. It was a change of pace I wanted to write about and it eventually became what you played.
Sure, send in your CVR review, I love to hear it!
Any info when Romance with Kim will be released and when we will see remaining new characters from CVR expansion?
@John Smith
I can speak on the part of CVR but not Kim.
I happy to say that we are doing something special that we did not mention before. And that is-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
So now begins the wait time for a new game. and by the way
Daman is it hard to make a scene to repeat until i want to continue with the game story there is a guy out there making rgp sex games wich i got to admit they are pretty good and have all the repeat scenes after you end the game or pass a scene in the story probably the one you know is with battle cards you dont need to make Fallout 5 now but you can think about a pirates rpg with battles like in Dignity One heck you got tons of females in Lop games and Lop Gold and Sex& Glory
all you need to do is try to inspire your team to make it
Me: Hey team! I have this great idea! *Explain idea* so what do you think?
Everyone: *Throws tomatoes at me*
Me: Okay…I’ll take that as a “maybe”.
I just played the game over and over gotta admitt that lily is really hot, i would like to see her in na new game and hopefully she will go crazier like some gangbangs and dp! We´ll see what happenns with lily. Last 2 characters lily and veronica you guys have done a really good job they are really hot
Thanks, we do what we can (taking no credit for the visuals of course. They belong to the crew).
i reported this through contact form on lop site but i didn’t received the answer so i’ll write it here too
there seems to be bugs with the achievements in this game,i noticed that all the achievements i collected disappeared and now i have to find and unlock them again,same is with the outcast academy,with every new playthrough previous achievements disappear,is there a fix to this because i want to have perfect score with my profile?
Hey st1,
We have received several reports of this issue. The newest version (0.97) should have rectified that problem as we have lots of saved data on the game from other players. If anyone else has this issue, please contact the main site and send in an error report on the Contact US at the bottom of the LoP official site.
how about dark lagcy time relaese ?
so. your game need more animation and more items . for example change the dress or change the make up girls model or chenge sex position more than this
almostly for sex position you can give me choice for grab the girls tits or not or other thing when have a sex…
in fact you can give me extra choice. its make your game better than this
I just noticed that your last scene in January 17 post (SEX AND GLORY: WHAT TO EXPECT IN 2017? JANUARY 17, 2017) is the same as last scene for Lily mentioned in (COMING NEXT: LILY IN HAWAII. FEBRUARY 15, 2017)
I really need help, how do i get the threesome with geoff and layla
Nevermind i’ve found it, it didn’t seem like much of a threesome to me though as geoff doesn’t have sex with layla in it, he only has sex with lily
This game will not save my achievements for some reason if I close the page. Help!
I found this game a bit disappointing on first playing it and didn’t come back for a while. I thought I’d give it another try, but have to say this confirms my first impressions.
I agree with Nemo and others that the game is simply too short to allow you to develop any link with the characters. I understand that long games equal long waits, but I still think it is a margin call whether this qualifies as a premium game.
Given that there isn’t a lot of content, whether you think it is worth the money will depend on whether what is there presses your own buttons. If lesbian scenes don’t interest you, for example, this effectively makes the game even smaller.
Other matters of personal taste include the art work, and with all respect to Itmakesmeblush she (?) isn’t my favourite LOP artist.
There is also a general problem with games that lean more to the visual novel end of the spectrum than the points driven dating simulator. This is that you have to like the story for the game to work. Some of my favourite games are pretty light on story line, leaving me to decide for myself what the back story is and what is going on in the characters’ heads. LOP has good writers, and all respect to them, but I often still feel that I want to replace the dialogue with my own.
To sum up, this game didn’t really hit the mark for me and in many ways I prefer the latest free game with Kim.
These are just my personal views and I understand that people with different tastes will have different reactions, but in a small game there is less scope to provide something for everyone.
Still looking forward to future efforts.
Great game! A little short but well done! I really like lily! Is there a chance to review her in an expansion or another game?
Hell or high water, I will make sure this isn’t the last of Lily or even Layla!
I couldn’t get the Ending 6 . How can I get it ?