Do you remember Jordan or Tori 500?
April 6, 2018I would like to invite you on a small journey into our past.
One of our first large time management games was a story about Jordan 500. I’m not sure if we’ve started a new genre with this title but for sure it was very original in that moment – this game was developed around 2010 so it was a very long time ago.
So getting back to this girl – Jordan was a small town girl who wanted to live in a big city and become a model but… instead of that she ended up as an exclusive (more or less) call girl. You can play the game for free here: Jordan 500 – PF1 and if you got LOPGOLD.COM account you may play expanded version here: Jordan 500 RELOADED – lopgold.com.
J500 was a huge success – soon after that we’ve decided to create another game basing on that idea – Tori 500. Different girl, different story but the same profession – pleasuring rich customers for money. And yes – it was a huge success again. If I remember this right we’ve implemented several expansions adding new customers, new clothes and a lot of other cool stuff (TORI 500: Dirty business – lopgold.com).
After that we’ve decided that for now we got enough of this type of game and we wanted to come up with something new – and that how Living with Britney game was developed starting the whole series of “Living with…” games.
Attention! Now we got a bomb!
So… 8 years after the original release of J500 we want to introduce Denise. Another adorable young girl who will try to earn for a living sucking cocks and accepting creampies inside her wet but very ambicious pussy. Copywriting by Daman, rendered by Stopper (Erotic date: Gina and Living with Lana).
Denise will do everything so you could put your hands over her curvy body around this summer (Pledge first, Denise second).
Very nice. I have said before in comments I love the long time management games so can’t wait to (get my hands on) Denise. Thanks.
Glad to see another project with Stopper onboard,loved his work on erotic dates,it will be nice to see it on Gold title.
I loved both Jordan and Tori so i’m excited to see you going back to your roots with this game. Even though i wanted to see Jordan as the main character again i think it’s better to play with new girl. But i’d still want to see her again,maybe as a side character.
ps: calendar pic is amazing,keep it up that way!
Using Jordan again would be problematic cause she is very old character with the super basic model – modern clothes and other stuff won’t fit this character any more.
Thanks, we got a lot more hot calendar pages waiting for you.
But can you remake Jordan using the newest models?
Yeah i understand that using original older models is impossible now. We are lucky that you managed to work out how to use V4 models with newer stuff,so i won’t complain.
Maybe you do what BigArgieCock says,if you find some time.
Since Stopper is working on this title,it would be great to see cameos of Sylvia or Olivia,love those models.
Yes i remember some of us still try it out sometimes and i was the one who said those games should be remade with better graphics you can mix them with City Of Love and other games you already made if you add new characters and two different mini games the battles in Dignity One are cool and even the ones in Snake Valley an RPG style for making money you should add as a bonus a girl from any old game and as usual there is never enough sex scenes. 😀
Wow, big bomb indeed. Seriously looking forward to read and play this.
Good luck, seems you got an awesome team together with Damans writings and Stopper’s graphics.
But indeed, Pledge, updates Eleanor and and LwN… Looks like you guys are planning for a sunburning summer!
Awesome news!
Surprisingly, I’m a big fan of Jordan and Tori 500. I prefer this style of game over the “Living with…” kind of games. CYOA are still my favorite, though. But it is nice to deliver games with different styles instead of focusing only on one.
I remember that Tori 500, like Outcast Academy, had its own gold site before being absorbed in LOPGold. I was a subscriber of Tori 500 and loved all its expansions.
The funny thing in Jordan 500 is that it, like your other free games from the beggining, almost didn’t show the sexual members during penetrations or even blowjobs. Tori 500 was a nice upgrade on your sex scenes.
I’m looking forward to Denise 500 (is it the name of the new one?). Add the the Stoper’s renders (that I’m a huge fan of) and this game is a MUST in my list.
I think this game would be the perfect opportunity to have cameos from other characters (Kim and Eleanor, for example).
Hey guys,
I hope you like this game. I was suppose to finish all the texts months ago and you all should have gotten news about it sooner. But a game of this size and of this importance, I took my time and made a game that not only complimented Stoper’s work, but I flushed out as much story as I could. In short; this is, hands down, the most intricate and complex writing for ANY project I have every worked on and I know you guys will enjoy it!
*accepting creampies inside her wet but very ambicious pussy* – This is what caught my attention… So is she gonna be turned into a cum slut who gets gangbanged hard and filled up with cum one after the other?? That is something we are yet to see in an lop game. We have had similar scenes in LWT and LWT2 but with less frames. I wanna see some sophisticated creampie gangbang scenes with more frames and animations of pussy dripping the cum…That would be soo hott!!
We need Lisa taking a 10 guy blowbang. She kinda promised it would be in a sequel 😛
Finally, going back to the roots. I think that were your best games, and I hope that you’ll make nice role-playing model for this girl corruption, with some body customisation options, piercing and tattoo including. ^^
And remodelling Jordan and Tori would be nice one day.
I played Jordan 500 quite a bit at the time, but didn’t think Tori added anything extra. I went back and played Tori again today just to check and I was right, that game was a waste of time. But I will be interested to see what you can do with the concept now. Call me skeptical, but willing to be convinced.
Hopefully @Daman Eleanor gets same love lmao. New games are always great though what can I say i’m still a loser excited for what you’ll do with her character and LWT. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE UPDATES TO LWN AT END OF MONTH . BUT EXCITED ABOUT NEW STUFF TO KEEP THEM COMING
I wish there are more games where you play as a female character with girl-girl scenes.
Fear not and do not worry my friend. Good things are coming soon! 😉
the new calendar entry was pretty great. cant wait to see more of lily as well
I’m looking forward to this. While Jordan’s story didn’t have a lot of jeopardy and a lot of meat to it, Tori’s definitely did which makes her more sympathetic, making her story line, or something like it, have much more potential. Don’t get me wrong, the dating games are fine and fun, but the jeopardy isn’t nearly as high as it is in Tori. You have a few games where it is. Eleanor 2 comes close when you consider the Don Mario ending. Arkahm is probably where the stakes are even higher when you think that our protag’s soul and sanity is at stake. So I’m definitely looking forward to what you are concocting.
I hope to deliver the “sympathetic” factor in this one. I did everything I could and with three different parts of it, no joke, I had to stop writing and take a break just from the emotion I put into it to recollect my thoughts!
A little early to know about the game yet, but sounds promising. Denise, on the other hand, is hotter than Tori and Jordan combined, so it’s already starting off on the right foot.