August 20, 2019We just want to officially announce that STEAM release of ELEANOR 3 is planned on August 26th.
This STEAM version will have BLUE ORCHID (EXPANSION 1) content included. Probably we’ll offer new expansions as an extra paid DLC’s or something similar but we need to analyze it after the release.
Interesting fact: cause it will be a downloadable game we’ll use almost not compressed visuals: 1.7 GB of data.
STEAM release of ELEANOR 3 is an experiment for us. So far we DON’T PLAN to release other lopgold.com games on STEAM but we’ll think about it in case of:
– 3D titles (like we did with BLIND DATE 3D)
– new games dedicated for that platform
To get updates and release notification click the button below. Also stay focused – on the release day we’ll share 20 FREE STEAM KEYS.
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How to Show Adult Only Games on STEAM?
To find this option, login first, then click your name at the top right corner of the Steam client and then select “Store Preferences.”
Under Mature Content, check the “Adult Only Sexual Content” box to view these types of games. Your change takes effect immediately.
This is music to my ears. I’ll be on holiday during that date, but I’ll purchase it on the first week of September.
Can you please expand on this: “new games dedicated for that platform”?
How is one game dedicated for Steam? Is LWT2 eligible for the Steam platform somewhere in the future?
Thank you!
“new games dedicated for that platform”?
– i think it’s regarding future 3d titles
Can I ask how big is difference between no compressed and compressed visuals?
By “new games dedicated to STEAM” we mean completely new projects, not related to our lopgold.com game line up.
That’s great news I hope you will release more on steam,maybe even a collection or bundle of some of your older/smaller titles.
Hello, LOP. Will there be STEAM-version Eleonor 3 localised other lenguages? Thank you!
Alright, so I got this idea for an extra scene for Eleanor.
It might sounds completely out there, and well. I’m not the expert here.
But how about making like an ultimate scene that requires all perks, all characters, all outfits, all whatever to even progress in it. This huge ass gonzo orgy extravanganza.
It’s great finishing the games a few times and unlocking all these cheats. But they make the game easy and by the time you played so much, your gallery will be pretty much completed. So it would kinda be the ultimate reward. Doesn’t even have to do anything with the story. Just an all out piece of art. The ultimate opus magnus of the artist working on the game. Something to showcase every bit of ability, if he/she feels like it. You can even add to this ultimate scene with every update, so the drive to finish the game 100% will always be there after every single update.
Another idea. Add more outfits. I kinda fancy that you can take time to view her outfits. Have some that don’t even relate to the story but are just hot. Or might relate to it a few updates later. Or add characters to the outfit viewer. Paige, Amber, like with the 3D Date game.
Well, I know this might never make the books because it’s time consuming and doesn’t necesairily require much creative effort in times of storytelling. But it would be sweet.
And have Didi do something.