Watch out for vampires!
January 23, 2020 3 By leonizerYes! Next THURSDAY we’re releasing BONUS game for sexandglory.com. What can you expect?
– MATCH3 game with VAMPIRE and mind control theme
– appearance of favorite characters from sexandglory.com games
– updates with new content
Then we plan to add more girls into the game, starting with LINA and BEATRICE.
So protect your neck! You might be bite and hypnotized next THURSDAY!
Working super fast to deliver awesome pirate adventure for you! Right now I’ve started to beta test the game and balance it. Meanwhile I’ve decided to add some extra events to the original game to fill it even with more content – we’re moving with the speed of lightning with that, guided by a jolly rum hidden in chests burried deep down in the cellar under the tavern.
Together with Daman we’ve planned content for the 3rd expansion and it looks super exciting. More info about this soon.
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Awesome. I’ve long been an advocate of having a game with the possibility to add any character from any series. In the end it’s the Super Smash Bros recipe for success. With a bigger emphasis on Smash. Yes please. Looking very much forward to everything in this post. Hopefully it’s done right, but S&G for me almost never missed the mark.
Unrelated topic but need help in S&G Office Romance game. Only missing gallery for me seems to be the bdsm scene. Any help?
When are the expansions for Eleanor 3 coming to steam? I am looking forward to buying those. Hopefully the second one goes up soon. I have not been up to date for this so forgive me if i am making assumptions. Just feels weird that i bought the base game and am unable to buy the expansion which has been out for a while now.