Under the black banner
February 6, 2020 52 By leonizerGovernor! Protect your daugther! Pirates are here!
We’re ready with our latest creation – UNDER THE BLACK BANNER. Daman did a really great job with the whole concept and texts itself – game is not only challenging in terms of gameplay but also intriguing and funny. I have to admit that I got awesome moments developing and testing it. So here it is – ENJOY!
To get between the thighs of the strict Renee, lusty Emma, or exotic Alma, you will need to slowly build your relationship with them – from innocent compliments and witty conversations, to hungry kisses and proper gifts, to finally inviting them to your private quarters. But the action doesn’t have to end there: make more than one girl fall for you and lure the both of them to a spicy threesome.
You have 30 days to save Captain Perry from jail and sail once again under her banner. Alternatively… you have 30 days to fall in love with the beautiful Renee, one of the Red Coats, and settle down and forget about pirate life. Oh, wait! Maybe it would be best to take the ship and… You know what? I don’t even know how this story is supposed to go anymore, why don’t you try your hand at giving it a worthwhile ending?
Balance your time and energy between keeping your crew happy, your pirate stats high enough, and your heart filled with the love of the most fetching ladies in the Seven Seas. Shawn will not only need to be a handy fighter, navigator and thief, but also impress the (almost surely not) maidens with suave and fancy accessories.than one girl fall for you and lure the both of them to a spicy threesome.
Questions that this game will help you answer:
- Is the Governor’s daughter as slutty as the townsfolk say?
- Can Emma’s expert lips pay 200 gold worth of debt?
- Is Renee’s brother able to satisfy a tavern’s wench?
- This “Yellow Book…” is it really as kinky as they say?
- Is it true that pirate ladies don’t mind swallowing salty things?
- Do girls really enjoy rum, sodomy and the lash, or is it just traditional?
About the new save system
We’ve implemented the first part of our upgrade – moved saves from indexDB to LOCAL STORAGE. That should prevent deleting your saves during game / browser crash (very rare cases but sometimes happen).
REMEMBER: All saves are stored within your browser cache so if you decide to clear it – you’ll lose them.
We’re almost ready with the STAGE 2 – SAVE SLOTS. We just need to test it a little more before we start using this. Our plan – update UTBB and ELE3 with that feature this month.
With STAGE 3 we’ll add a feature allowing you to grab / download your saved games and store them on your PC. Then you can load such file into a game on whatever PC you like and continue your gameplay.
Grab a rapier and enter Captain’s quarters here – adventure with a lot of rum and salty girls awaits you.
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How to find the govenors daughter… I found all the sex scenes… But this one I am still looking for….
Nice! If you want to get her – try to kidnap her first. And then again… and again. You’ll get her attention with that.
And i discoverd a little problem… The game crashes always during the sex scene with Renee in her bedroom…
Hi, I’ve sent you 2 e-mails concerning this issue – please take a look at them.
I didn’t get the mail but I have send you a message with a picture of the problem on Instagram…
I hope you all enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave your feedback both here as well as on our DISCORD.
can someone make walkthrough for the game plz and thank u.
Is there any other Ending with Perry involved? I’ve gotten the second ending but is there another scene with her?
Or rather how do I get the 8th ending?
just sleep all the times
@Deter I have all of the endings and there isn’t one where you directly have any sort of interaction with her in a sexual nature, she is the captain so you free her and make a choice from there. Perhaps that is something the developers will look at for the future.
Played the game, got all but ending 7, liked it, some notes and questions below.
I don’t see the blowjob from Rose in the sex scene replay list.
There are some areas where scenes could be added for expansion:
1. A threesome with Ben and Victoria instead of 1 or the other
2. Victoria is a whore, so if you spend enough in a day just on individual drinks it sparks a scene with her, maybe a thank you blowjob
3. Victoria is a whore, if you spend enough on crew drinks she services them
4. After kidnapping the governess enough times you get quick images of her with emma/alma, opportunity to have a full fledged threesome with them
5. After kidnapping governess you let Bill have a turn with her if you don’t have relationship with Alma/Emma
6. If both Bill and Rose are alive, perhaps catch them together, maybe
7. Renee only has 2 solo scenes, much less than Emma/Alma, perhaps she thanks you for getting good news from brother
8. When you give the crew rum, Emma only strips down, potential there for a few options – A: she services the crew, B: because she’s drunk you take her to your cabin, C: again if bill/rose/both are alive opens a group scene
I have a question about the threesome scenes. In the 2 scenes with Renee, you only have sex with her, and not actually group sex with both women at the time, wondering if there is a reason for that?
Just thought of another potential scene, when you have high relationship with Emma and you pay her debt, and you forgiver her instead of just wandering off and getting higher relationship, she chooses to give you a reward, more than blowjob, not sure but she could pay/convince Victoria to have threesome.
Thanks for your ideas! I’m glad that you like it 😉
In terms of those sex scenes with RENEE – I don’t want to spoil here to much but you can also have her in configuration with EMMA and ALMA. So we’re talking about additional 2 long scenes.
I think I know which scenes you’re talking about as I have uncovered them all, my point is that when you look t the individual ladies scenes Renee only has 2 while Alma has 4 and Emma has 5. I realize that 2 for Alma and 3 for Emma are different outcomes of the same scene, but it means that Renee is missing something.
There is a bug with Rose and the mission to get explosives. For me, even before she is available you can see the mission for the explosives. And it stays around, it just doesn’t have any text, there is just a button with the stat requirements above the mission to recruit more. Also, you can still do the mission even if Rose is dead. Then when you go back to the ship she is waiting in the ship for you as if she were alive and everything was normal.
Still a bit buggy. I noticed a couple with Alma. First, during her sex scene in your cabin, whenever you try to cum inside her it starts the sex scene over, at least for me. Second, on the beach when you try to pin her, nothing seems to happen. IDK if there is a stat requirement for it, but nothing is indicated, and no stats are gained or lost.
I’ve modified a game a little – so far PIN HER DOWN was very interesting option, if you perform it couple of times. But you’re right – there should be some stat changes. I’ve implemented this.
In terms of ALMA cum scene. Damn, that was so hard to replicate for me! Error only happened when your REL was between certain values. Now it’s fixed as well.
Great job on this… it is one of your best games yet!
Excellent balance between adventure, stat building, and girl chasing. The activities felt like they reinforced each other rather than feeling like annoying obstacles like they often do in games like this. There’s a clear enough direction to take if you want to make something happen in the game without it being too simple to be fun.
This style of game isn’t my favorite by default (I prefer LwT, LwS, Velvet Rose), and I wasn’t really looking forward to it, but this game is done so well that I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done!
Keep up the good work.
Awesome to hear that! Thanks
Hello, i think this is a bug. I have found 2 endings, but in the cheat menu, it says i have found 3 endings
not a bug, just me that cant read.
I need a walkthrough for the game plz and thank u.
Have you played yet? This game isn’t very complex.
No thank you, but thanks for asking nicely
how do u buy a a nice dress in the game.
With gold
Great game worth waiting for! Congratulations and please release more of this quality.
One remark though: I think the cheat menu should be based on different endings reached, not games finished (which is way too easy doing nothing but sleeping).
Keep up the good work!
Small bug: If I buy more than 1 yellow book, I cannot use the 2nd one after using the 1st (and the counter stays at 2)
I love this game. However, there are a few bugs that may need investigating. Firstlt, during the introduction sequence when Shawn is joining Captain Perry, it appears that it is actually Rose that is paying him all the attention. not Captain Perry.
In the scene where Shawn rescues Alma from the two soldiers, the relationship points are given to Emma, not Alma.
Also there appears to be no clear way of obtaining the ropes and bindings require by Alma for the bondage scene with Renee. She says that they can be purchased from Don, but no actual on screen link comes up to actaully locate him and make the purchase. A set of manacle restraints can be purchased in the restaurant but they appear to have no effect, and certainly aren.t rope and certainly not sold by Don. I play ed this scenarion twice. first time I couldn’t obtain the “stuff” Alama wanted, the second time it suddenly appeared to be in Shawn’s possession without any contact or purchase with Don and several days after purchasing the restaints in the fish restaurant. Who has the restarints and how do you find them?
The Yellow Book is curious in that it comes into play occasionally but not consistently. If the player hasn’t purchased it, the book still appears in the scene with Renee in a very sudden jump from being in the middle of fucking her to suddenly sitting on the bed reading a yellow book together. The purchase of a second book has no effect. Likewise I can see no obvious advantage in having the whale oil. It don’t ever seem to get any use beyond when Emma applies it from her own supply in the early scenes.
Finally, there are numerous errors in the text that need to be more carefully proof read and corrected.
Thanks for the love and the eye to detail. As you may know, we are not the most astute or keen to detail a group of testers when it comes to finding bugs in our games, but we do try the best and we do fix them (please click on the finding bugs button under the game window to submit your findings).
As far as the scene with Rose in the intro. Yes, Rose is looking at Shawn because of reasons I will dive into just yet (massive spoilers and future updates that may come) but it was intended that way.
Agains thanks for your patrianage as well as your loyalty as a fan!
how do u do the the rose and the golden compass sex scene in the game plz and thnk u.
Rose needs to be alive and you have to have the compass, not to mention probably do the mission for her and make sure your navigation is high.
can someone tell me how do u get endings 7and 8 in the game plz and thank u.
I don’t remember how I got ending 8 to be honest, but for ending 7 you have to go to the end, but fail. Simplest way to do that is to kill rose and bill and make sure your stealth and strength are low.
I tried to do what u said but it got me only ending 8 instead so can u are someone else help me get ending 7 plz and thank u.
I mean it only got me ending 6 when i tried to do what u said so can u are someone else help me get ending 7 plz and thank u.
Nice Game, But i want to know how to get Ending 6 and 7 ,Thank you
Here is how i achieved the Endings 6 and 7:
6: Killed Bill and Rose, did not tell Renee the Plan (Relation high), Killed Perry at the end
7: i killed Bill and Rose and ended with Suave 27, Strength 11, Stealth 15, Navigation 0, low Relations, no extra Morale, Notorious around 50 or so.
Did you change something in your Settings? I tryed to play but get the following error in Chrome (latest Version):
An exception has occured, but exception handling has been disabled in this build. If you are the developer of this content, enable exceptions in your project WebGL player settings to be able to catch the exception or see the stack trace.
This is a really fun game! Probably will end up being one of my favorites. Unfortunately I am having the same problem as Laret. Interestingly, in Firefox it says there is a Javascript error (InvalidStateError: a mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations), but Chrome says it is WebGL. For me it seems to crash only after I do Alma’s quest.
I’m both glad and sorry for both of your playing experiences. Glad that it’s one of your favorites but also sorry for the tech issues you are experiencing. I have to jump from browser to browser and sometimes erase my cash. But fear not, our save system is nearing completion and we may be able to save your data even if you clear your cashe (we hope). We’ll keep you and the community up to date!
This is a fun and good game. I enjoyed it. If LWT and Eleanor series can be rated 9 (not 10 so that you guys can still work hard and keep improving), I will give this game a 7.5. The reason is that I get 70% of gallery unlocked in one play through and 90% of gallery unlocked in two play through, so the replayability is lacking here. But the main reason is just I am not into these fantasy or medieval contents.
But on second thought, this game experience is new compared to all the previous games. And I definitely like this style and encourage you guys to explore this path. Because you get a lot of contents in just two play through. So each play through have a more intense and rich experience compared to previous games. Two points I really like about this game:
1. The stats grinding is a lot easier compared to previous ones. I can never imagine you guys will do this….
2. The game choice during scenes are much easier. You don’t need to worry you select the words and mess up the night with a girl and you might need to start over a game. The only thing you care is to build up the stats, which is not hard. I really like this setting.
In fact, considering the frequency you guys release a game, as the first release of a new game, this style might actually be good. If there are not that much contents anyway, why not maximize the experience in first two play through? You can change when you have more DLC contents.
Again, I want to mention, you guys have developed into a really mature and industry-like game studio. I have followed you guys for 5 years, and I remember there was a time when the game quality fluctuates a lot. Nowadays, I can enjoy every game you guys make and you guys have a reliable quality for every game. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to LWS expansion.
Thanks DonDon, very nice to hear that!
Cheers mate, thanks for sounding out and telling us your feelings about it! I also hope you enjoy the expansion that we are going to release for this game as well!
I continue to love this game and have now found all the sex scenes and all but the last couple of endings. I am however curious about some of the items that can be purchased during the game to add extra options. I can see that the Black Totem adds extra to interactions with Alma. The Yellow Book adds options with Renee but for the life of me I can’t see the Whale oil coming into play with Emma – she always seems to have her own supply. Am I missing something? Also, when getting things from Jeremiah, the handsome Pirate, a fancy (french) dress becomes available for use with Victoria, but then an extra Fancy Dress can be purchased later in the game that seems to have no purpose at all. Who is this intended for? Again, am I missing something? I have mentioned this before, but, the text concerning the acquisition of restraints for Alma to use with Renee is very misleading. It says these can be got from Don, but actually you need to buy these from Jeremiah.. Once purchased, the availability of the restraints in the Alma meu options seems to be completely random. Sometimes they are available a day or two later other times they don’t appear, if at all, until almost the end of the game. Is there a particular status condition attached to these?
There is a method to the madness and why things are the way it they are. I will not delve into it, I’d like for you to think on it and perhaps find the other endings to the game first. Happy hunting! 😉
You probably already know that the whale oil will be for Alma.
Ending 8. Any hints?
Let your notorious level drop down to 0,best way to do it is to sleep until it drops
Loved it! The stats grinding is a lot easier than other games, so it makes for a much “fresher” experience. There isn’t the danger of picking just one wrong choice and messing up the whole sex scene like in other games. One of your best games (if not the best) in terms of gameplay. I can’t wait for the expansion! Hopefully, there’ll be more of Perry and Rose.
Great game. Three ideas for me, considering an expansion 🙂
* Maybe Renee could join the pirates at the end.
* Victoria’s role could be more active.
* Maybe our captain could have more action in prison.
But great game, really loved it.