Work in progress
March 27, 2020SERENA
Developing of LWS_EXP is progressing. Right now I’m building connections between scenes and… that’s a very difficult task. I need to build everything from scratch – not only the content from the latest expansion but also original game and first expansion (with Melissa and Lorena). And that was long time ago.
So I need to travel in time and remind myself all game logic and put everything together once more into a new Excel file. It’s tricky and requires very detailed script studying, digging in the old FLASH file and translating everything into new script language. But hey, there are also good news! It looks like I’m working with 3some scenes (with MEL and LOR) so that mean I’ve almost completed ORIGINAL game and EXPANSION A. In the beginning of next week I plan to complete this part and start working with EXPANSION B.
I was told that we’re almost ready with complete texts. Great work Daman! And I guess it’s time to say “Hi!” to our new strippers. My favorite is the first one from the left.
Recently I’m working from home and I gotta say that I’m much more creative than I expected. I was able to prepare briefs for 2 games and assign them to DAMAN and AGRIPPA. We’ll release more info about those projects soon.
What’s even more important, I’ve initiated several new project:
- 2 remasters of our older free games,
- 2 new large projects. The first one is a sequel and the second one is something brand new. So thrilled!
And that’s not everything 🙂
It looks like you have soooo many projects at the same time. You keep posting pictures from douzen of different games. Is this the way it supposed to be? We as fans would like to play new games now.
It takes too much time until a new game or dlc is finished.
And just my personal oppinion the new character in Serena is compared to Serena itself not good loking. Unnatural face and strange hair colour combined with ugly tatoos.
Yes, that’s right – we got several on-going projects. But at such early stage I only manage the work of others (render artist both for locations and characters and then copywriters) and my input isn’t to much time consuming. As you know developing a game takes a lot of time cause rendering and copywriting process are very time consuming – we need to have projects in line awaiting their time to be released if we want to keep the continuity of our website.
The photo from Eleanor 3, the middle woman is sexy as hell, she almost looks like Amber.
Which gives me an idea, remember Living with Temptation 2 when you get to choose dominant and submissive route.
Implement one here, 3 stripper and Eleanor, Amber and Paige.
The master pay the strippers of course or with a high enough relationship points with the strippers to make different endings.
Dude? I just finished the script…now let me rest! lol
Ok, sorry dude, but something to consider in the future maybe?
Please give feedback, to give me hope.
I will let our next expansion speak for itself. Afterward, we shall see what to do with Eleanor and friends and see if we and/or the fans wish for more content for Eleanor 3 or not.
But I promise that this next expansion will be unlike anything we’ve done before in terms of new kinks and sex styles previously never done before.
With that being said, I will return back to my slumber until I am called upon again…zzzz…lol
Dude, I was surfing through the internet and stumble upon Lesson of passion extended by Leonizer.
I agree the relationship between announcements and real releases is not satisfactory for paying users. You could at least merge lopgold and sexandglory and make both available for the same price.
If you subscribe for one, the other is relatively cheap though.
But yeah, I was also hoping for a release around this period. Especially since the pirate game seemed kind of short. But on the other hand, I imagine them working on different projects at the same time actually does increase the amount of releases. Back in the day you had to wait insanely long and the quality wasn’t near close to what it is now.
As long as the team adresses the bottlenecks in producing the games, I’m glad to keep my subscriptions running.
Looking forward to StT the most, kinda sad it got pushed in favour of LwS, but hey, my penis is patient.
With many of us staying inside and unable to travel to the office, we are relying on good old fashion text, WhatsApp video chats, and email conversations to converse with one another to make the changes and updates we need for our games to get ready.
But with every one of us affected by this global-like quarantine, we are still working hard to get out the best games for you and the rest of the community without sacrificing any quality in the wake of this pandemic. So we are happy you are patient, and I understand that not only us, but many MANY others are relying on internet-based companies more now than ever for both entertainment and living. We plan to keep doing what we do best during this uncertain time and hope that we all can move past this temporary uncertainty.
If Jade’s personality won’t be too evil I think she might become one of my favourites,by the look of previews so far she will give Julian hard time resisting her. I’m really hyped for this expansion,that last preview pic looks super hot.
Glad to hear the news about new projects and remasters,looking forward for more info about that.
Any chance we might get to see Veronica from CVR come back in Ele? Maybe Ele could convince her to try a BBC with Flake?
Not sure about Veronica being in an Eleanor game. But the other way around…? Hmmmmm…. 😉
Hey everyone! News of a new game on our blog featuring the dream team of Lisa, Tracy, and Eleanor is on our Discord! Come check out this long-awaited collaboration!