What turns you on?

June 5, 2020 87 By leonizer

Today I want to ask you a question:

What kind of new themes / fetishes you would like to find in our games?

Our games are oriented mostly around hot wives and cheating. Our top examples of that is “Living with…” series, including Living with Temptation, Serena, Eleanor, etc.

With JORDAN 500, TORI 500 and Call girl Denise we’ve been focused on sex for money and position.

In ELEANOR 3 we’ve implemented control – the MASTER character who was giving our main characters tasks and orders she needs to follow. When she wasn’t co-operating with him, the punishment was awaiting her.

CLUB VELVET ROSE – that was interesting experiment for us cause for the first time we’ve focused our game mainly on swinging and all topics related to that.

And many many more.

What other kind of stories you would like to experience?

With new titles we’ll implement some new kinks but we want to hear what are you dreaming about to witness in our games. Only legal stuff please 🙂

Let’s start the discussion in comments section below.