Questions about girls
June 19, 2020Once again I would like to thank you for your feedback to our latest post about what kind of fetishes / situations turns you on. Your responses are a huge doze of inspiration for our future games.
So today I would like to ask you what kind of girls you would like to see in our games. By that I mean not only their physical features but also personality, social background, goals in her life, dreams and elements she dislikes.
And some additional questions:
- Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
- Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
- Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
- Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
- What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
Development is going well – I’m building connections between scenes and starts first tests. So far so good.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? No
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? I’m more interested in model girls.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? I don’t like big tattoos.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? I want to see police girls, military girls, girls from the navy, stewardesses and other girls in uniform.
I’d love more girls who have a bad first impression of the player, or even ones that the player has a bad history with. Bonus points if she’s not the ex-girlfriend, but something else. I’d also love to see more girls with clearly defined stories that don’t rely on the player, like wanting to succeed in work, leave her town, explore the world, become famous, etc. Social background doesn’t really matter to me that much. I’d like a girl who actually has boundaries (like refusing anal or threesomes) and specific fetish dislikes.
I would love to see more non-white characters (especially ones that aren’t stereotypes). It’s more fun when the girls are unique, whether by personality or race.
I like the current body types in your games, but in the future it’d be nice if you didn’t have characters with weird proportions (like Samantha’s boobs) unless it was specified that she had implants (like Rebecca).
I don’t really like tattoos on the girls; the only piercings I would like to see are earrings. Nose piercings and navel piercings are fine by me too, but far from necessary and wouldn’t work on every girl.
I don’t really have any ideas for professions, but it’s cooler when they have more unique jobs (but not ones that are too weird). For example, Aurora has a job that’s not cliche in your games but still not out of the ordinary.
This one is more of a suggestion, but it’d be interesting to have a game involving a Victorian mystery that the player could solve. The main character could be a Sherlock type, with other girls ranging from an Irene Adler type, an aristocrat, a suffragette, the mayor’s daughter, etc.
I love the idea of a Victorian Sherlock type game. Sounds like something S&G would be perfect for.
I’d be happy to see more diverse girls. White, Black, Indian, Asian, as long as they are good looking I’d be interested in them. Body type variety I’m also down for, depending on how you handle it. A girl with a pear shape or hourglass figure, both I’m perfectly happy with. Tattoos and piercings can be hot, that’s why I really liked Girl with Tattoos, but it all depends on the amount used and how good they look on the character. Full body modification I’m not a fan of, like fake breasts in the most common way and cybernetic stuff in your sci-fi games. The fake breast stuff doesn’t matter as much since the animations don’t really look any different and I’m a big fan of Kim, even though I think she’s supposed to have fake breasts.
Professions can make any character super hot. Nurse, you’ve done before and I liked. A police officer is top for me along with politicians. Women with power make finally sleeping with them in-game so much more satisfying. Police officer, Mayor, Boss, Principle, Celebrity, Commander, Queen, Princess, Businesswoman, Real Estate Agent, Spy, any profession where they have sway is perfect. Professions that are equal to you can be great too, like a Co-worker, Waitress, Business partner, Colleague etc. Then for people that work for you or require you like Employees, Guests at your Hotel, Gardeners, Maids.
The evil boss stuff I like, male or female. If it was male it could be along the lines of your personal life and work-life are too interconnected, you invite your boss for dinner and he starts flirting with your wife. You go to work, he’s sleeping with your friends and colleagues, and if you don’t do anything he can end up taking your wife for himself. But you can obviously stop him from doing that stuff and knock him down, take all that he owns, take his wife and become the boss of all. For the female boss, you’ve done it wonderfully already with Working for Evil. That game is one of the best free games you’ve done and it handled the boss and colleague stuff so well. Another great game you’ve done in a workplace setting is The Agency. Even though it’s one of your older games, I loved the character interactions between the people working there.
Wife, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, best friends, fiancee are all great. The wife stuff you’ve done well. Exes can involve you cheating on your current partner with an ex or you taking your ex back by breaking up her current relationship. The ex-wife (I think she’s your ex-wife) in Ryan Blender was damn good, more stuff like that. Fiancee, you’ve done before flawlessly too. A scenario where your fiance goes out for her bachelorette party would be great, with her friends trying to get her to do stuff, like blow the stripper, fuck a stranger, have an orgy with a group of guys and her friends, without her partner knowing about it. Your best friend for life finally sleeps with you, maybe because they always wanted to or maybe you both haven’t gotten laid for a while. This can stop, become fuck buddies or develop into something deeper. Enemies will be a good one, a woman that you hate, and she hates you, but you both hate fuck each other. Being a teacher, done before and loved it. Your instructor like Lexi in Divided Hearts, another hot interaction. Your landlady, you rent an apartment and can visit different women in your tower block and can eventually fuck the one you rent the place from. Your bullies families – a great one for a school/university setting. You have a group of bullies going after you and you humiliate each one of them by pulling pranks and seducing their moms, sisters, cousins, aunts etc.
Another game like Spy and The Heist – be seduced by international thieves, seduce the wives of the deadliest men in the world as an agent or even sleep with the most deadly women in the world. Then the opposite, be a kingpin of a city, running your drug empire. Bribe the hot mayor, run and manage your night club to deal your product, make deals with the hot triad or the voodoo girls.
The setting is good for diversifying the look:
Be one of the first colonizers of Mars. 30 years into the future, you and a small group are sent on a one way trip to Mars, setting up a base for travel. 2 years in and things are getting tense. You are one of 4 guys, trying to sleep with the women at the base. There are more women than men and one of them is married to a guy there. You can try to take the place over, make all the women love you, try and keep the peace, or let the other guys do what they want and let anarchy reign.
You are a detective in the 1940s, solving mysteries that are interconnected in a greater conspiracy. You have the classic American housewife, the victims of racial segregation, the rich elite, the seductive jazz lounge singer. Makes for an interesting look and fun gameplay.
You are an explorer like Marco Polo, sleeping with women from places no westerner have been, or William Adams, advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu, exploring Japan. Obviously, you don’t need historical accuracy when it comes to the games but you get the idea, different time periods or genres like sci-fi, fantasy and supernatural can add a lot to the aesthetics.
Your team have been around for years and there’s still so much you can do. I’m looking forward to seeing what themes and girls you’ll be releasing in the future. On a final note, all of the girls shown in the pictures look great, if this is what you mean by diversified characters then sign me up!
A bachelorette party would indeed be interesting.
Definitely! Very good idea with lots of crazy potential.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?Don’t be too strange.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? I’m more interested in model girls,but see more variety of body types is ok.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? I don’t like tattoos.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
of course, girls in uniform is good.
Thanks again for asking for our feedback. I think it’s really important to show women as realistic as possible, and that of course includes diverse women, with different ethnicities and backgrounds. And personally I think nothing is sexier than a strong confident woman.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? Of course.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? I think this is the key to your new characters.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? Personally I don’t think I fancy this too much, but I guess a little variety is good for everyone.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? I think regular professions are the best because you can relate to that and feel aroused by situations that can be real. But I also like a little power fantasy with strong, powerful women in great multinational companies maybe.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? I think the work relationships can be a big turn on. With a twist obviously, with ups and downs, power play, maybe a little humilliation. Really different characters that you wouldn’t think at first they could have sex together, but end up somehow.
I have to add that you guys are doing a GREAT work playing with our expectations for the future games. I’m so excited for the future.
more ethnically diversified characters? = no
more variety of body types? = no
more tattoos, piercing = I really hate tattoos, more of them can only be a joke, you already implented way way too much for my taste.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? = don´ care
kind of relationship ?
evil boss or dominant boss would be great
more ethnically diversified characters? = I like some diversity in the game, but I think you already do a pretty good job in that regard.
more variety of body types? = yes. Big butts, small boobs, huge boobs that kind of thing could be good. Maybe even a slightly overweight girl. A feature at the beginning to customize the appearance of the girl characters would be great. I know some games have implemented this
more tattoos, piercing = not really you guys do enough already
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? Not especially. I think you guys have hit most of the marks. I am not a big fan of cuckolding stuff so even though a dominate boss could be fun, it would depend on where it goes
I like girls with strong personality. They’re the best kind of characters to be corrupted.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
– Yes.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
– No.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
– No.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
– Man-wife, best friends fiancee.
Which girl I’d like ? Strong characters, who know what they want, who don’t like to be manipulated by tricky guys. A girl who is discovering free sex but want to be respected by her partners ; or another one who help the player discovering her free sex life.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters ? Why not, if they are not too stereotyped.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models ? It would be good, but sexy bodies seems to be the standard in these kind of games (for men and women)…
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications ? tattoos & piercings : already done, no more, no less ; body modifications : not my stuff.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game ? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc ? Maybe ordinary people who earns less money, with ordinary lives. It’s not very sexy, of course, but maybe more realistic… Like in Stephen King’s novels, if you see what I mean.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often ? Man-wife, ex-girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates ? Maybe something different ? Man-wife, of course (because of my fantasy about swinging), but also co-workers, friends and neighborhood. Turning all his relationship into the lifestyle, for example.
However, I trust you : your choices never disappoint me.
when a French translation?
I think you have very few Arabic and Hispanic girls and more there a few iconic beauty amongs them. I’m pretty sure Im mentioned also you pretty much luck of braided girls.
Tattoos and piercings. I’m not fun of them but I have to admit it, when its kinda a reflective changes of the character’s corruption, so you can have different game play with different paths some has on some has not and it has different images, that kinda care for details I really appreciate. (Good examples: Robozu, Good Girl Gone Bad.)
And less footjob scenes thats not sexy or hot to me at all.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
Yes, it adds spice
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
More body types, absolutely- but model body types! Tall, short, slim, a little thicker, big boobs, small boobs, big ass. But I don’t think I’d like to see larger unhealthy looking bodies.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
Some, just don’t make too much of the the stereotypical “tattoo girl with attitude” archetype.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
I think the profession is irrelevant, besides how it creates tension with other characters in the stories.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friend’s fiancee, sister-in-law, girlfriend’s niece, stuff like that- anything that connects the relationships to other characters in the game. Any freestanding character feels like a waste of time… for example if it is a coworker, have other characters (friend or something) know the coworker, and have some risk of them finding out with some implications. But a coworker who nobody knows adds no tension and isn’t very sexy to me.
On Question 1: ethnically diversified characters – Yes, I would love to see hispanic, european, filipino, etc. It would be nice that there is a mixture that even the player doesn’t know fully. Some one with bilingual.
On Question 2: What kind of figures? Figures that look good in what they are were. They don’t have to be fully models, but one with a curvy figure not someone that is just flat. With that, I like to see those lovely ladies that you have and continue to create with clothing that is basic from basic clothing wearing in the house (more choices) to basic jeans and t-shirt, to even more revealing. There has been many dresses that are like Southern bell clothing that you would see on a Sunday dress for those in church. They are often with a flower design or a light, but with the right fit and figure makes those lovely ladies like even more revealing or attractive. (It would be nice that we had a choice to what we would like to see them in like a type of clothing that often comes with their ethnicity. Like the special robes that Japanese men and ladies use to other special robes. It would be nice to see them on special clothes on their birthday or a birthday going on in the story which would be a good story to put in the plot. It would be nice to see them in a special clothing on holidays in the game that you have really explored, but made great progress with pictures of them outside of the game that you have shared.
On Question 3. When it comes to tattoos and piercing? I don’t want to see tattoos so full that you lose the beauty of the lovely lady. It is my experience in life through observation that women don’t exactly need large or medium tattoos, but little small ones on the achillies, on the wrist, on the arm or on the side of the middle of their body or on their neck. Small to a little bigger would be ok, but then again I would like to see in the game a few that have one and one that doesn’t a mixture. When it comes to piercing, not a fan of the nose rings or eyebrow or mouth, but wouldn’t mind seeing it on the ears, the chest, the belly, and lower as well.
On Question 4. As for professions, yes – from school teachers like for Kindergarten / Elementary as they are the most young and attractive. They are either hard to ever want a relationship or they are more wild then they look. Also would be nice to see more nurses, doctors, athletics like volleyball or softball player likes with of course a good curve figure or model like. Also one like to see professions like fast food, a taxi driver where you use his car with to go more with, wrestler, security guard, may be a water customer service deliverier, hotel employees – maid or manager or receptionist, may be a chef, may be a body guard for the president’s daughter / wife of a country, a prison guard, or may be some one in the military like an air force pilot in their “nice or even their pilot clothing”, a life guard, mail woman with a reveal clothes that attracts their figure, a waitress, a guide or tourist guide, may be a lady in a special costume for work like a character clothing from disney to other characters like a fast food attraction only more hot looking on them. It would be nice to have sex situations in those work place locations or just dressed still up in their work clothes.
On Question 5 what type of relationships to see – Things you would see as fetishes on famous porn sites videos like a sister’s best friend, a neighbor or next door neighbor, may a childhood bully that you are trying to get even with that is no so attractive looking, a roommate in a owner’s house that you the player owns, your secretary or your bosses secretary or co-worker’s secretary, may be someone you open the door to that was someone you knew from childhood or school before / a history with, may be someone you get lucky to seat next to on a bus or plane or taxi or something, the security guard, your former ex girlfriend that you are really close to (they can even be friends now or girlfriend of your best friend), your best friend’s wife or girlfriend, may your dad’s girlfriend or your mom’s girlfriend or boyfriend depending on the story with that may be your dad’s girlfriend’s daughter or mom’s boyfriend daughter that the goal would be to go all the way with before your dad or mom gets remarried to their girlfriend or boyfriend or even after try to get with. Is it wrong for a step daughter or step sister relationship which some porn companies have some good scenarios too. May be a man that is now all natural girl or may be an under cover situation which it is revealed that you are a lovely lady or they are in the special. It would be nice to see those things on special holidays or occasions that our dreams come true that we go all the way with reaching the goal in having with whatever else comes.
Question 6: What kind of girls I would like to see? I would to see a game that starts with Lisa or a game that starts with a younger Tracy (18) a what if they choose a different path. May be even be them in the start. I would to see a cross between Lilly and Lisa as good friends as they look like they would get along or have a relationship with. I would like to see more girl stories with not just the pirates under the black banner, but also more with snake valley or something from a past era like the renaissance or in the revolutionary or civil war time or in the roman age or greek age or even a time that you go back in the past and change a national event significant. As for background or goals stories, may they want to get pregnant, may be they want to be president or president of something, may be they want to be famous or be an olympic hero or a hero of a war. May be they want to be a super hero or they are a super hero or a boss with a weakness that they can’t resist with their relationships they go for eventually loses their other goals – however with a good end anyway of something, may be they want to go to jail or flee the country because of the bounty, may be a weakness is the job that have to do to get to the better job that if they chose to go on a date weakens the changes for more. May there is a goal that one you are trying to get is getting closer to their goal versus having you more in their life which you have to fight like they want to move to another town or country that the goal is to get them to stay ( a side goal with things you have to do to prevent it to happen). May be there is a social problem that they haven’t dated anyone one before so you have to block diasters that would end the relationship from growing. May be you have to fight getting their friend which they are always with so that they can’t have alone time that you have to find a way to stop.
Anyway those are some thoughts on many areas, please try to consider them. Thank you for doing such a great job in all of your games. You are doing an awesome job.
P.S. On a side note – I haven’t seen an update on Living With Temptation 2 more add ons to the story that Eleanor is on another package with getting. When do we see more with that series with that game you created? Also will there be an option more with Living with Serena the Evil Sister which I would like would have equal amount sex scenes with Jade as Serena as it is about both of them. Will be an add on sex scene in the kitchen or in the shower that Serena has? Will there be on in the walking scene with Jade or at her work place? Will there be a shower scene more with the secretary that drops over unexpectedly that instead of seeing what is a matter she just drops in the bathroom while you are in the shower? Thank you again for reading this.
A Tracy prequel would be interesting. I did feel that there should’ve been more sex scenes with Jade too, I know LOP team that renders do take some time to process. Add on expansions to LWT2 and LWS is a great idea.
What kind of girls you would like to see in our games: Geek
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? No, you already have enough diversity in your games, don’t think you need more or less
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? I like almost every body type, as long as you don’t do BBW or too athletic it’s good for me. Model, bimbo, thin etc… are all good for me if it fits the character.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? Tattoos are most of the time a turn off so the less the better. Piercing are usually a turn on but not sure you should add more, maybe a little more?
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? Journalist
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? Ex girlfriend’s best friend or daughter or sister or mom, the indiscreet neighbour, any employee.
when a chinese translation?
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? Absolutely yes! I wanna see some Turkish ladies anymore.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? Yes. more tattoos more hot girls.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? Yes.
A woman protagonist story based on corruption would be good or rise of a whore?
Ethnically diverse characters would be welcomed. I feel like various body types are already covered as long as it’s not too overly big and disproportional with the rest of the body. Not a big fan of piercings/tattoos but I don’t mind a few ones. Professions different from other games would be nice, just something new or something that wasn’t used as much. Cheating is a theme of past games so the man-wife/man-girlfriend relationship with variety of options to cheat on your partner. Ex. In LWS, cheating on Serena with her sister Jade was hot so was with her friend Nicole, and her employee Melissa. LWT/LWT2, cheating on Tracy with your nanny Lisa, and your cousin’s wife. Some relationships scenarios off the top of my head: swim/gym/yoga instructor, co-worker/co-worker’s partner, teacher or your kid’s teacher (LWT3? maybe lol jk), boss/boss’ partner, mistress, longtime friend, friend’s sister/mom/wife, coach-player
PS: Girl #2 is hot!
i like sexy uniform maybe they are no very reality but they made grinding less tedious. is import to have something to look at while you grind
– Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
– I wouldn’t mind. Ethnicity doesn’t matter to me as much as body type.
– Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
– I prefer models, slender, or fit body types. One of the reasons why I love Serena is her visible, toned abs. Seeing some fitter
girls would be great.
– Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
– Generally prefer to see unblemished skin, but a good tattoo here and there isn’t bad. I don’t enjoy facial piercings very much.
– Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
– No preference but it would be interesting to see some less common porn-game professions.
– What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates?
– I enjoy the stories where there is cheating. One of the reasons why I enjoy living with temptation 2 is because you can lose your wife by being not good enough. Other than that though I still enjoy other relationships.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? – yes absolutely, I have been a big fan of almost every girl in the games put out so far, however I would love to see more ethnically diverse characters, I think going forward it would add so much to see different games with different types of girls. So yes definitely more ethnically diverse characters.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? – Yes, model types are awesome but id love to see other body types as well, maybe even an Ashley Graham body type I would find super appealing, some of the games kinda get jumbled together when the characters are MILF super sluts that are down for any sexual act and are all skinny with a big ass and big tits. I think there can be a lot to gain from adding more body types.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? – Yes, don’t have to go overboard, I think some girls having a few tattoos where other girls have many more would add something to the game for me, im indifferent on the other two.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? – as far as profession goes I really don’t mind, anything that empowers the girls is good for me, like how Serena runs her own business.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? – Id love to see some more ex-girlfriend stuff as well as maybe the option for a few one night stands that don’t end up with it being a set-up by your gf/wife would be interesting. Anything involving cheating is always interesting of course.
Outside of those questions, I think you are all doing an excellent job and I hope some of these things actually get changed ginghams forward because it would really add a ton of value for me personally.
Yes! There are tons of beautiful curvy models who could be awesome to see represented here.
Completely agree
An Ashley Graham body type would be amazing to have in a LOP game. I’d love a few free games with curvy girls as the main love attraction.
Pls create something out of the box, social, housewife and slutty..search for Savita bhabhi Episode 21-32, you will be surprised to see her aura
I have given your questions lengthy and careful consideration and these are my objective scientific findings:
1 curvy is good, skinny is bad
2 boobs are good, but you can have too much of a good thing (looking at Samantha here …)
3. Curvy with small boobs is sexier than skinny with big boobs, but hourglass is always best
4. When it comes to tattoos and piercings, less is more.
4 Slutty is good and slutty without shame is better
5 Shy and innocent is OK so long as there is slutty to be discovered
6. Dominant bitches are tolerable only if they take it up the ass
7 Spoilt rich girls who know what they want are best of all
9 Trophy wives whose husbands can’t meet their needs are also good
8 Naughty schoolgirls are excellent, so long as they are not underage (and don’t look underage)
10 Career girls are OK so long as they intend to sleep their way to the top rather than take the boring route.
But I’m sure you guys already know all this
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
– you have more then enough variation in your lineup in my opinion.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
– Would love to see some girls with bigger breast.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
-If its not overdone I am more than okay with some tattoos or piercing.
For your upcoming games I would like to see a comeback of Lily and also an own game of Samantha.
Something like the way she is becoming such a slut.
I think you’re doing fine with the girls you have now. In fact you could probably expand upon them or have them collaborate. Eleanor and Tracy would be a great game. Lisa and Gabrielle game would be great. I think you missed a great opportunity to do a gangbang/orgy scene with those two in the barn for us voyeur fans. Yeah honestly I can say I liked all the girls you introduce and having more content on them instead of hopping to a new game and character is what I would like more.
Not only their physical features but also personality, social background, goals in her life, dreams and elements she dislikes.
Conservative married wives, Athletic body type. Strong personality get corrupted.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
Athletic body type would be the best.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
Yes, tattoos (especially with special meaning) are so sexy and also piercing, anklet and toe ring.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
police officer or teacher
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
Man-wife would be the best.
I agree with the conservative wife type. Imagine one of those with a twist, forced in a wild situation. That’s funny and definitely hot.
The point is progress, not what type girl we like , It’s a black-hole for your team, you can’t satisfied every one.
If your team can keep push out a game in every 2 months , it will be batter for every one, we pay with happy , and you happy.
Check out you most popular old game , refresh it and extent content , it’s a smart move.
If you really wanna know what kind girl we like , made a vote , you publish some girl type , and let player choose.
And scene replay function is really important, most of player won’t spend too much time on game, at least i do.
More ethically diverse for sure. A couple have popped up recently but it should just be the default. Most of the games, especially early ones, are exclusively white.
I just want to ask if the last girl before STT image is on any game? If not please make one ^^
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? ………….I think you have the balance about right to be fair, a majority of caucasian women, with a mixture or other ethnicities to add variety. You just have to look at who the best pornstars are to see what people want generally.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?……….. I think making non model female characters would be a waste of art tbh. An overweight girl even if she’s hot is hotter if she loses a few kilos. A woman with small tits looks better if they’re bigger. Sure there’s variations within the model image but slim/athletic, medium to very large boobs, small butt to large but tight and shapely, girl next door facial features to doll face should cover most if not all female characters in my view. Male characters should be more diverse. This is male fantasy and I want to see the ugly guys get the girl, not just the buff ones 🙂
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?……… Not a huge fan of tattoos or piercings
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?………. I’d like to see more power based play where female characters agree to relationships through ambition, greed, and fear of losing something they hold dear to them. Basically for reasons other than love and desire. Corrupt police officer, corporate boss, politician, lecturer, or army officer commanding an occupying force in a hostile territory would all be enjoyable scenarios.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? ……..Definitely want to see a game wholly based on a new office intern or recruit who has to fuck her way up the promotion ladder. A mixture of desirable and not so desirable propositions for her with relative benefits/consequences. Also a game set in a brothel/strip club/gogo bar where you have compete for cash, popularity/love with rivals. Or to flip the scenario, you are the boss or strip club manager and have to recruit/control the girls and unlock them by various means. Females who are strong characters at first, but gradually through your actions bend/submit to your will.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? Maybe, I am open to all, ethnicity isn’t as important as a good story line and character development
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? Smaller breasts (not tiny, just A or B cup), maybe vary in size but keep healthy (Size 2-6 in the US), shorter ladies although height really doesn’t come into play in lop games (by short I mean 4ft 11in – 5ft 4in
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? i prefer limited tattoos
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? a game on a politician having to make choices to avoid blackmail or one that a sinister person is trying to corrupt for evil ends could be interesting, other options could include a Life Guard at a country club pool (girl main, being seduced by rich guys), teacher at a university, guy staying at home with new child seducing neighbors
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Man/Wife, Ex, best friends fiancee, boss, neighbors wife
Maybe something different? i like to see some consequence at the end or during the game of the girl getting pregnant
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? –> Not really no.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? –> Yes, interesting
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? –> Yes, why not.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? Nurse, nurse and nurse !
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? “normal” one, like husband/wife, ex girlfriend is fine
I’m really glad you guys take your user’s opinions into consideration and I like how you guys make an effort to make changes along those interests.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
Yes I would love to see more non-white girls in specific, in most if not all of the older games (free and paid) the girls were exclusively white, I like how you guys have made an effort to give the player choices on who they want to pursue. I think as long as you give the players control then most people will be satisfied. I would love a game like Eleanor where we control a nonwhite girl but have the same sort of freedom in who we want her to have sex with.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
I would love to see more variety of body types that aren’t the stereotypical model body type. I like when girls in the same game feel like different girls, different personalities, different body types, not just two or three girls with the same body but a different name and hair color. I wouldn’t want someone extremely over weight or anything just bodies that make more sense, if they have a big ass then they have thick thighs, stuff like that.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
I think tattoos intrigue me more than piercings or body modifications. I really like the girl in Girl with Tattoos and would love to see girls with a variety of tattoos, some girls with one or two and some girls with a bunch that cover a lot of their body.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
as far as professions go I would love to see more women in positions of power, CEO, Business owner, without the intention of using it corruptively. The cliche of the boss taking advantage of their employees is a little over done in my opinion. A nurse or doctor would definitely be something I’d be interested in for sure. Other than that I also like being surprised, so anything that’s out of the box is fine by me as long as the women are confident/successful.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
The first three are all good to me, I really like scenarios where a you to a bar or club with your gf/wife and go behind her back while meeting someone there.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters?
just enough
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models?
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications?
just enough
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc?
Nurse and office girl
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different?
Ex wife, ex girlfriend, fiancee.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? – No, maybe a little in lesbian scenes, but everyhting seems nice now
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? – Only models, I don’t want to see ugly fatties in the game
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? – No, 1 character per game maximum
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? – Queens, princesses, witches, female CEOs, officers, teachers
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? – Man-wife, any kind of evil girls who are hated by the mc, or just random people
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? – A lot of the past characters have been almost all white id love if that trend switched and we started to see more nonwhite characters than white ones. I like how recently you have introduced more black characters, id love if that continued but also add some latino, middle eastern and asian characters as well.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? – Yes one of my top wishes is to see more variety of body types including curvy with thick thighs and body proportions that are more realistic. Not everyone had a model figure and Id love to see more girls that don’t fall into that category. idk if it would be possible to have a game that allows the player to change the physical traits of girls or not but if that is possible that would be a really cool feature.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? Yes! this is another thing that I am hoping gets added into the game, obviously not every girl needs to have a tattoo but having a few that have one or two and maybe a few others that cover much more of their body would be something very interesting to me. Piercings are take it or leave it for me, I don’t really mind either way. I would be okay with adding a few girls with body modifications.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? I really like independent woman with power, im not such a big fan of girls who are forced to sleep their way through life in order to make it. Having a few games like this is fine, like in Eleanor that aspect is done very well but I would also like seeing games with a different storyline as well.
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? – Maybe something that has to do with friendship that turns sexual. I also think the ones you listed here are great too.
more ethnically diversified characters? = no
more variety of body types? = no i like the model types
more tattoos, piercing = I dont like any of that..
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? = Dosent really matter
kind of relationship = Dominant boss is nice, also shady characters that you have to sleep with.
Do you want to see more ethnically diversified characters? -> Yes in my mind the more ethnicities in your games the better, I have been enjoying the recent effort to include more black characters and would love to see more of that.
Fancy for to see more variety of body types, not only models? -> after seeing so many games with strictly model body types, I think it’s time to shift to more accurate and realistic body types, I am not really one for strict fantasy, I would love your games even more if some of the girls had small flaws, or non “perfect” body types, I think bigger girls and skinnier girls would be a great addition.
Do you want to see more tattoos, piercing, other types of artificial body modifications? -> tattoos are all good for me whether it be small tattoos that cover a little skin or larger tattoos that cover up most of their body I think its hot either way.
Are there any professions you would like to meet in a game? For instance nurse, police officer, politician, etc? -> any girl in a uniform is fine by me
What kind of relationship with a girl you want to see more often? Man-wife, ex girlfriend, best friends fiancee, evil boss he hates? Maybe something different? -> don’t have too big of a preference here but just keep it fresh and don’t recycle the same storylines and Ill enjoy any game