Play Bloodlines of Shadow Springs DEMO
As promised – today we’re delivering DEMO version of our next SEXANDGLORY.COM game. Enjoy!
Click here to play BLOODLINES OF SHADOW SPRINGS DEMO – playforceone.com
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You were a normal man, barely more than a boy, living in uneasy truce with your step-mother and step-sister. Were.
Now? Now you are a vampire, because you had the blood of monsters running through your veins, because your recently met benefactor, Vittoria Bosco, needs to raise an army. Because, just after achieving immortality, you are about to die.
Vittoria and her son, Lucca, are on the run from one of the big ones, one of the monsters who are no longer whispered about in the dark, because all that ever knew to fear him are dead or in his thrall. They stole an artifact from him, the Vial of the First Blood, and want to establish a clan, a powerbase that will allow them to challenge him.
Him, and the werewolf he has sent after them. Because one nightmarish monster wasn’t enough for you.
Meanwhile, it turns out normal vampires can’t turn any regular human into one of them, no, they need to have vampiric blood on their ancestry. That’s where you, and your mysterious ancestor, come in. Likewise, it appears they cannot breed like regular humans… Except for Lucca. Because he’s special.
Their plan? Their brilliant idea upon which your survival and that of your family rest? Vittoria will turn any human with vampiric blood into a Sanguinar, Lucca will fuck any vampire with a womb till he has bred his mother an army, and their possession of one of the most coveted artifacts of monsterkind will stay back the hand of any allies this “Julian Soreanu” has under his sway long enough that Vittoria will manage to ascend and become a Noble Vampire.
You don’t like their plan.

How to Show Adult Only Games on STEAM? To find this option, login first, then click your name at the top right corner of the Steam client and then select “Store Preferences.” Under Mature Content, check the “Adult Only Sexual Content” box to view these types of games. Your change takes effect immediately.
Click here to play BLOODLINES OF SHADOW SPRINGS DEMO – playforceone.com
I’m slowly progressing with the game development. I believe we got all texts and visuals already implemented into the game and now I’ve started mundane and complicated process of creating proper reactions to taken actions and setting links between the scenes.
I’m trying to simplify all stats and I guess I’ve taken some good decisions in that matter – I’ll verify that during the first tests at the end of the next week.
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lwt1 re launch date ?
I can’t wait for the full version of BLOODLINES OF SHADOW SPRINGS
The one I really been looking forward too… BSS… 1 thing though, can you please change the “partner” thing to girlfriend or the like? It keeps reminding me of a businesspartner of some sorts…
The term partner is used to get away from gender definitions. It’s agnostic if you’re straight or gay, kind of like spouse. No reason to get rid of it, at the same time it’s not wrong to introduce your girlfriend whether or not your a guy in a straight relationship or girl in lesbian one.
I do get that part. However in this case they were referring to the “partner'” from the father (female called Ellen) and also to roommate Christina. I think they do it to avoid the big no no when it comes to incest. I do hope later they will fill in with stepmother and stepsister or something. Reads easier.
This one looks promissing. The beggining is interesting, although kind of confusing. A quick explanation in the game on how to build each stats would’ve been helpful.
Looking forward to its release!
I’m ready for both of them to be available. I only have so much free time, but these seem worth some of it.
The demo is amazing !
Leonizer Can you please confirm the expected date of bloodlines of shadow spring full game on sex and glory
We plan to deliver the game around this Halloween.
Will this game be available on Steam in Germany?