Tracy and Lisa are almost there
August 27, 2021Together with IKSANABOT we’ve done extraordinary things this week! Right now we’re fully focused on blending the story with the most enjoyable gameplay you can experience in a modern dating sim. We’re implementing dozens of fixes, modifications, alternative conditions, chronology changes, etc. It’s super important but also mundane and time consuming job – huge respect for IKSANABOT who finds time for this next to his regular job and family responsibilities.
My first impressions? In terms of gameplay the game is more focused on pursuing your desires than mundane clicking repetitive actions. Of course the stat building elements are here but the effort is reduced and everything is much more accessible than in the original game.
You gonna love the new scenes! Movie nights, small surprises the girls are going to offer, new daily actions, small events adding a lot of background to the characters you’re going to meet in the game.
As you may notice before, new renders and animations are a outstanding and goes with par with the emotions you’ll feel during your experience with LWT1 RDX.
I believe that we spend the next week with further tests and implementation of minor elements (interface, sounds, GAME+, gallery, etc) and we’ll be ready to release the game before the 10th of September. But that’s not a promise – only a prediction.
Whelp, not August. I don’t know why I constantly beat myself up hoping for the early release estimates.
I make the same mistake but better later than early and full of bugs 🙂
Ya know what, herpeton? I totally agree with you, but to be honest,….and by, ‘to be honest’, I really mean, ‘Care to know how I REALLY feel?!’ Ha! Yes, I am 100% in favor of a developer (…Be it the LOP crew or even *cough* CD Project Red & Cyberpunk 2077…*cough, cough!* pushing a game back (…again!…) to work kinks out and release the best possible product,…. HOWEVER!… When they do, I gotta admit,….and maybe its just me, after a while, the news ‘updates’ that I (we?) look forward to and hopefully containing a release date, tend to feel more like, “Hey! So, guess what? We know its been a while since our last info update, so we thought we’d post this….and you know,….give you some words to read. ….They’re NEW words! Oh,….and also, yah,….the game is being pushed back to ‘hopefully’ (rolls eyes) the end of this month? Or, more realistically,….whenever the damn hell we feel like it. ….But hey, look! Words! …that you can read! Sooo,…..yay!” 😀 Now again, I reiterate, I know that’s not the truth of the matter. The truth is probably more along the lines of wanting to make a re-release of a fan favorite all that it possibly can be and not get any negative feedback because, ‘We smashed it!’. That, as well as other projects being worked on either simultaneously or in the background, but either way, I realize projects take man-power, time, energy, and of course,……patience, from us. It’s just that, sometimes its very taxing on ones patience when each new announcement comes off kinda like, “Yeah!,…..so about that…..yeah, we’re aiming for the end of this month. …Maybe next month…. Whenever, ya know! So,…..kick back, wait, and suck it! Thanks for everything, fans!” 😀 In conclusion,…that last bit, sure,….might be a bit crass, but as I said, when each new info posting is, “Uhhm,…yah,…..not yet!” Its hard to hold back some of the, ‘Grrrrrrrr….!!!!!’ So, as the Reese’s Peanut Butter cup people say, “Sorry, not sorry.”
LOP Crew…. Please know, I have for many years and still do appreciate and enjoy your content. Please know that any criticism, gripe, or what have you, from me should be taken as simply me having been able to vent simple, yet irritating frustrations. Heh! Thank you for your games, take care of yourselves, and please be careful out there.
Darren Pierazek
Long Time Fan……Albuquerque, NM
It looks great! Can’t wait to play it and find the new additions you made.
are there will be more story with lisa? i miss temptation to fuck her behind tracy
I may, or may not have been staring at these pics a bit too much, but Tracy’s left nip is sticking out in pic 2.
LoL!! I reads ur comment, legit found it a bit funny, and…..yes, yes I did scroll back up, look, and check for a-bit-‘o-nip,….and,…lets just say this is the part where after looking over the pic, I may have said aloud (..fyi, its just me kickin’ it on the ‘puter in my room…), “Ah, well son of a bitch….huh!,…..”
I’m really looking forward to when this game gets released in October
I’m loving how you guys have made Tracy look more toned, I feel like it just adds another layer to her character. It makes her come off more as Justin’s equal in terms of being attractive to others and being her own brand of “temptation”. Just my two cents
Best game LOP ever made. Hope they do it justice!