Bloodlines of Shadow Springs
October 28, 2021You were a normal man, barely more than a boy, living in uneasy truce with your father and his new girlfriend. Were.
Now? Now you are a vampire, because you had the blood of monsters running through your veins, because your recently met benefactor, Vittoria Bosco, needs to raise an army. Because, just after achieving immortality, you are about to die.
Vittoria and her son, Lucca, are on the run from one of the big ones, one of the monsters who are no longer whispered about in the dark, because all that ever knew to fear him are dead or in his thrall. They stole an artifact from him, the Vial of the First Blood, and want to establish a clan, a powerbase that will allow them to challenge him.
Him, and the werewolf he has sent after them. Because one nightmarish monster wasn’t enough for you.
Meanwhile, it turns out normal vampires can’t turn any regular human into one of them, no, they need to have vampiric blood on their ancestry. That’s where you, and your mysterious ancestor, come in. Likewise, it appears they cannot breed like regular humans… Except for Lucca. Because he’s special.
Their plan? Their brilliant idea upon which your survival and that of your family rest? Vittoria will turn any human with vampiric blood into a Sanguinar, Lucca will fuck any vampire with a womb till he has bred his mother an army, and their possession of one of the most coveted artifacts of monsterkind will stay back the hand of any allies this “Julian Soreanu” has under his sway long enough that Vittoria will manage to ascend and become a Noble Vampire.
You don’t like their plan.
In this game, you will play as Bryan, a half-blooded vampire who had no idea about his vampiric lineage before Vittoria turned him. Now that his life has changed, Bryan must find his own way through the coming war. Will he try to save his friends? Or will the lure of using his newfound powers on them be too tempting?
- enjoy a Dating Sim with a vampiric twist
- explore a town full of secrets
- meet hot girls and drink their blood
- unlock 12 vampiric abilities and evolve from a Newborn to Nosferatu!
- discover the mystery of your lineage
- experience 100% UNCENSORED and animated sex scenes
We’re deeply sorry to inform you that STEAM has banned BSS and it won’t be released on STEAM in any form. So the only way to get access to our game is by sexandglory.com MEMBERSHIP.
Not on Halloween?
Can you tell me what day? I’m waiting to buy on steam
Steam version still requires some work (steam integration, achievements, translation, etc). So far planing date is mid-November
how do u decrease suspiscion in the game Bloodlines of shadow springs?
Oblivion or False Memories on Anita
Or abilities you can use after biting victim during the hunt
As a person who just created an account to SAG, just to play the game, It doesn’t live upto its hype. It either needs a cheat option like LOPGOLD after reaching few endings or needs the total number of days to be increased as the grind is literally unbearable.
You are so caught up in the grinding of abilities and skills that you cannot achieve most of the content anyway.
Also, I thought reaching Nosferatu had atleast 2-3 steps in between but that rise to power was quick.
The idea was really intriguing, but if it had a LOPGOLD or Old School Sensual Haunting touch to it, it would have been better.
Please bring back the Hours based gameplay instead of Morning – Noon – Evening – Night which limits the ability to access most of the stuff. I believe, Hours based games were the gold standard of LOP as a whole.
Are there more people who think it’s too grindy? Any game will become grindy if you play it a “grind” way. Maybe you can try just to play and do not grind stats (that just makes some things easier)?
Please more feedback so we can consider rebalancing this game.
Great game overall! but I agree with the comment.
Too grindy to get after 2+ endings.
New Game+ will certainly be appreciated.
Could be just me but after 2 playthroughs appreciating the story, I just want to feel OP and own the world 😀
I agree as well, a game+ possibility would be great to reduce the grind after 1-2 playthroughs.
Personally, I don’t think it’s that grindy if you rush nosferatu. However, I do think the game desperately needs some quality of life improvements: auto-forwarding text and skipping cutscenes. This game has probably my favorite premise and story, but there’s just way too much text to have to manually slog through on additional playthroughs.
I too bought a membership just to play this game and I think the criticism is totally wide of the mark.
I play on PC via the SAG website and apart from the odd bits of lag the game was/is worth every penny I spent on it.
I found the best way to decrease the scratchy music and reduce lag is simply to turn off the music.
I think the best way to play this game is to just go with the flow and make mistakes, but save often !!! That´s the key.
The sex scenes, are absolutely top notch, even better than STT4M and that´s saying something.
Don´t limit yourself to having sex just once with a girl, Monica for example, Wow just wow !!! Explore every avenue (pun intended).
Even without the “Game+” option there is more than enough to keep me coming back for more.
However, with the Game+ option it takes it to a new level, no more working your socks off just to stay ahead.
Save save save, and keep trying.
By the way, the gallery is spot on and a delight for a bit of fun if you have a limited amount of time.
Just one helpful tip and I wish I had discovered it earlier: when you have achieved Nosferatu status, use empathy ability “False memories” on Ellen to skip classes and get more done without hassle.
Apart from the sometimes terrible translation to English and the poor grammar I would still give the game a 9,9 !!!
A final word, the hints for beginners is very useful, but it´s not set in stone.
A full walkthrough would also ruin the experience of playing the game in my opinion.
I really don’t understand how you are supposed to feed when you hunt, the only way I seem to be able to get blood is by buying it.
You need to obtain 100% CONTROL over your victim
We’ve added a link to the short guide – just below the game window, in the sexandglory.com members area. It should help you understand the game mechanics and chase the goals you find the most desirable.
The short guide is brilliant and after a few plays you get the hang of it and won´t need it.
Saving often is the key to success !!!
Only played it for a short bit so far, couple of hours. And I have to say, I don’t think I like the game part of the game. But it also doesn’t seem that the game part is that important, which works fine. The art is amazing, the story is interesting and well told, there’s a bunch of stuff happening. So yeah, I look forward to exploring more. It looks like the S&G I love. Experimental, well told, great scenes.
Also, I haven’t gotten back to Lilith because it wasn’t that good, but her model is amazing. I would very much like a New Game+ in that game as well, or have her model in every other game.
The game is really grindy… Balancing out all the stats, money, and blood makes it very difficult to experience all the content in one go. Especially when some of the stat is specifically time sensitive – empathy and mind to say a few. NG+ to help with grind would definitely help out a lot.
The game is kinda fun, grindy, but fun. It really needs a skip opening option though, the start is way too long when I often have to start a new game to get all the cutscenes.
I wish there was a cheat that increased the number of days available until the ending, or made it unlimited until you decide when to end it, there’s a few cutscenes that I haven’t been able to figure out, especially all of the threesome ones.
Do the ending scenes not appear for anyone else? Or are there no ending scenes? The game took me straight to the main menu after the ending message appears
Some endings are short, no real ending gallery either.
Well this game is a big disapointment i have played your games for a long time. This is the first time i regret my time spent on one of your games. As others have pointed out, way to grindy.
I’m missing gallery scenes 28 and 39 if anyone has some hints that would be great!
To get 28 choose the ability false memory, then talk to her and mention lesson, you can also get her to allow you to skip lessons with mind control, get her lust up to 100% then talk again and mention lessons.
The sex scenes are one of the best in the game.
Fortunately I did figure that one out before this, but still working on 39. Looks like Viv and Bob, but unsure.
how do i get scence 27 & 29
27: You have to be nosferatu and use your new powers on ellen
29: You have to be nosferatu and put a different memory in your teacher
how do i get scence 10 / 13 /17 /21 /29/ 32
29 i try to get but failed
in the game how do u increase control of a person on the hunt?
in the game how do u get blood ?
in the game where can u find anita ?
There is a huge bug in the game, where at one point when I go and try to hunt, whichever place/person I choose to hunt, it just straightforward gives me the “Oh look at the time, I must get going” screen, and it ends. Without me even being able to do any of the actions.
Thanks, we plan to update the game tomorrow with some gameplay\performance improvements and fixes.
how many endings are there ? i now have 6
I like that you guys added a walkthrough below the game window. Can you do that with all your games?
Good game! One of the best.
I really liked the characters – Angelique and Vivian! I would like to see them again.
So I’ve finished the game. Once you get the hang of it, with the walkthrough, it is indeed not very grindy. Once you are Nosferatu and save the game like 10 days before the end without the big deciding stuff done, you can just reload that save and complete most endings.
I’m missing just a few scenes. Like 4ish.
But I have to say, all the girls look amazing. Like all of them. Really great job with the visuals. And the ending scene reminds me of House Party so props to that. Please remake that one :P. Yeah, just very well done. Engaging story, amazing models. Not one model that didn’t do it for me. Ofc some models are better than other, like I’m not big on Jazz or Monica, but they still worked. And Viviane and Christina are just gorgeous.
I hope you guys will expand on it. The Nosferatu abilities where also very fun to figure out. Great diversity in scenes with changing one or 2 abilities. Yeah, it was good.
This game no longer loads up for me. Playing on Chrome with a Macbook
The game was updated to version 1.1
Please try to clean browser’s cache, maybe it contains some old data.
Whenever I do that it erases my data from the other browser games. Is there a way to do that while not losing my stuff in games?
Sometimes pressing CONTROL + F5 is enough, so clearing cache is really optional.
I have Opera installed just for games like this.
It works fine and has no issues with cookies or saving that my other browsers do !!!
I’ll have to look into that
We’ve just implemented some important fixes – I’m sure you gonna love those changes 🙂
– New Game Plus with boosted stats, blood and money
– faster relation building
– increased blood Bryan gets from biting people
– Sanguinar and Nosferatu rituals provide extra boost to stats
– SKIP SCENE button (not in all scenes yet)
– fixes and optimization
Thanks for the quick turnaround on the updates!
Great game guys
Thank you for the update! That really did it for me, now it’s much more enjoyable to find new scenes.
Great to hear that 🙂
how do i get scene 27&29. the scence monica blowjob like the intro
You need to get the vial in order to become level Nosferatu. Before you steal it, Anita needs to tell you how it works.
Do u know how to give the chocolate to the teacher to fuck her according to the walkthrought. As well as have sex with ellen or anglique without giving vial to her father
STEAM RELEASE UPDATE: We’re deeply sorry to inform you that STEAM has banned BSS and it won’t be released on STEAM in any form. So the only way to get access to our game is by sexandglory.com MEMBERSHIP.
That’s very bad news for me. 🙁
i just want to play BSS.I don’t want to go looking for pirated games to play with.I will wait to pay separately or wait for steam to unlock the ban.SO SAD T_T
Okay, we’ll release this game on Nutaku and other shops but we need some time to complete everything.
Never understood the sex appeal of vampires. To each their own, I guess.
this has been the best game you’ve released since sensual haunting. graphics are great and gameplay was fun. the only thing is that the game could use a bit of fleshing out. i hope there is going to be an expansion. being able to have sex with ellen only one way is not enough. and this game could have used more events. would love to see more with lili, becky, and vittoria as well. the only way we could interact with vittoria is while sleeping or one time events. only getting to christina through anita and the ending scene wasn’t enough either.
I had some of the same thoughs on ellen/christina. You can view them both sleeping, but do nothing, yet you can interact with vittoria while sleeping. Hope they add some options there. Also though that a scene with ellen in the changing room would be good after you are nosferatu.
I also want to see Luca in the park at night. He has to hunt too, and there are 5 options in the park. Why not have it be random where he is already with one of those options, so if you choose it instead of attempting to hunt that one, you see Luca already with them and have the option to either stay and watch(loose turn but gain a new gallery scene), or leave and hunt someone else.
Can u show me how to fuck ellen
While hunting, you need 100% lust though.
You can’t hunt Ellen….
Can anyone help me with 21 and 39 . Only missing this 2
21: Play until the last day, not sure if you needed to have slept with Anita before. Vittoria has the vial. Jean-Bernard is still alive. Choose to fuck Anita when you’re given the option
I’m still trying to figure out 39, but it looks like Viv and Bob in the park when you’re hunting
Love the game so much i and thought i was doing well until i saw the images on the site for game play , is there some type of walkthrough i can use for helo with the game i would love to see what i am missing
Chrome no longer works for me, so I decided to try Firefox, which works for all LOP and SAG games except for this one.
Im playing on a MAC. Any suggestions?
I don’t get this game at all… how do I raise my stats? charm is stuck on 1, can’t bite when hunting impossible to get 100% control. I’m on day 26 now and no progress what so ever. Is there a fucking guide somewhere? fuck this game
Look at the opening screen. Underneath is a link to a guide that is very helpful. I got two endings before I noticed the guide.
I bought the game via affect3d so no link
Shadow Springs Walkthrough
It’s not a step-by-step walkthrough, just a general guide
General advice to achieve more in the game
1. Keep SUSPICION low
2. Evolve to Sanguinar and take care of Monica
3. Find a way to defeat Bloodhound
4. Get Vial and evolve to Nosferatu
Tasks 2 & 3 are time critical, ignoring them will lead to bad endings!
Player gets info about Labelle’s lair by reading Angelique’s mind.
Bryan can get inside the mansion only if he knows about Vial.
Bryan can give Vial to Jean-Bernard only if his Oath is broken.
Evolve to Sanguinar as soon as possible via Ritual Of Becoming (talk to Vittoria about it). To get Vial – tell Luca about Bloodhound (after meeting him at hunt), watch Vittoria giving Vial to Luca next day, ask Christina to date Luca, go to Bosco’s place and steal Vial. To evolve to Nosferatu, you need to read Anita’s mind, get the Vial and invite Angelique to your place. Use SUBCONSCIOUS SCANNER to help get more info from Vittoria while she sleeps. If you have Vial and used SCANNER on Vittoria – use DELUSION and bite her after this to get rid of Oath. Reading girls’ minds sometimes can give you a clue or unlock new actions. Higher stats will give extra bonus for some actions (usually during the hunt)
MIRROR VISION can unlock new possibilities during sex\AROUSE LUST scenes
WILL – cold shower, EMPATHY – spend time with Christina, CHARISMA – buy stuff or visit barber, MIND – do homework
There are 2 ways to get rid of him. Invite Angelique to hunt together or persuade Anita to hunt it, but she will be injured and disappear from the game.
Bryan needs to brainwash her by the 3rd week with OBLIVION ability. But to get this ability, he must evolve to Sanguinar.
After hospital her personality is changed, so she will agree to sex only if she thinks Bryan is her boyfriend. Flowers or abilities can help.
Multiple “make out” actions at her place will unlock her different galleries.
Confess to her to make her your ally. But make sure to have LOVE relations with her or
Anita can destroy Labelle’s clan if you persuade (with abilities) her. Persuade Angelique to give you the key from mansion. Give this key to Anita.
She is crucial to getting close to Jean-Bernard, her father.
She is necessary to becoming Nosferatu.
Bryan can go shopping with her at weekends, scenes depend on relations.
The only way to have sex with her – is MIND CONTROL and LOVE relations.
But Bryan can use MIRROR VISION and AROUSE LUST to enter her room while she is
Use abilities to make her find Bryan’s mother stuff
Bryan can ask her to date Luca to steal Vial from him (after scene with Vittoria giving Vial to Luca). It’s the only way to get the Vial. She will only agree to distract him if your relationship with her is love.
Vivian & Bob
Bryan can make Bob less jealous and unlock 3some scenes with MIND CONTROL ability in the park
Using MIRROR VISION makes Bryan invisible for Vivian and Bob, so it will limit his actions, but unlocks some interactions during Vivian\Bob sex scene.
FALSE MEMORIES also required to make Vivian more playful
FALSE MEMORIES can make her think she meets Bryan for reproduction lesson.
Chocolate makes her horny
She wants 3some, so Bryan has to use MIRROR VISION to make her think Bob is here.
Abernathy checks homework from time to time
She has crush on Charles, so Bryan can pretend he’s his father to have sex with her during the hunt.
1. Premature. Either SUSPICION is too high, or Monica’s brain was not washed by 3rd week or Bryan confessed to Anita without enough relations with her or Christina
2. Bloodhound. Bloodhound wasn’t killed by Labelle’s or Anita by 4th week.
3. Failed orgy. Bosco have no Vial. Bryan has no allies.
4. Betrayal. Bryan gives Vial to Jean-Bernard, who breaks her plans.
5. Clan Bosco. Vittoria does her magic during the Halloween show.
6. Hunter. Bryan has Vial, Anita is ally, Christina’s relations are high enough, Anita helps with Vial during orgy.
7. Ruler. Anita destroyed Jean-Bernard, Angelique helps with Vial.
(Note: If you save Sunday morning before the school event you can get endings 6 & 7 on the same playthrough.)
This is my revised version of the one provided.
I have managed to got 6 of the 7 endings for Bloodlines which I like. I am having trouble triggering ending 2, the one where the Bloodhound is not killed by week 4. The guide linked to the game is very handy, but a little more direction toward that ending would be appreciated. I actually copied the guide and pasted it into a Word document and edited it into a form that worked better for me. I would be happy to share it here after I get the final ending if space allows.
There are some points I hope are thought of in the next installment.
Christina – She’s having sex with Luca, you know this in the game when you steal the vial. I feel there are a couple options to see them more.
1: On nights when Ellen is away you can catch Luca and Christina in her bedroom
2: Vittoria isn’t always at the home, so could catch them in the act there other than vial scene
3: The park maybe in evening before hunting time
Ellen – After you have gotten the ability to mind control and can have sex with her, there are 2 options I feel could be used.
1: In evenings when you have love relationship she watches porn and shows her pussy to you, should be opportunity to have sex with her on couch. There is an opportunity for you to either catch Christina watching and just know she can see you, or arouse her to join.
2: During the shopping scene even when you have mind control and lust all that happens is she comes out in sexy lingerie and you get a boner, if you have love why doesn’t she take you into the changing room to relieve your boner.
Becky – Not a big one, but after having sex with her in the park, could have a scene where you have worked for her so much she wants a quickie in the store after you close in the evening. Could take or leave this one though.
1: Would he also have been having sex with Vittoria too? Why do we never walk in on them screwing at the house one day?
2: Luca has to hunt at some point, why do we never see it? Why do you never come across him in the park at evenings? My thought on this was that he would actually have a scene with all of them (short), and if you chose to go after a certain person in the park on certain day Luca would already be there having his way. Gives option to either watch and loose the night, or move on to a different spot.
Angelique – She has to satisfy her urges as well
1: Could have opportunity to actually hunt with her after the wolf. Either she’s into girls and you can go after any, or she only wants to go after Bob/Vivian and have a partner swap/groupsex.
2: Daddy is rich, why wouldn’t he procure some strong humans and have them just lying around the house for her? Could have given the males a vasectomy so Angelique can have sex whenever.
1: Always thought why wouldn’t she make a pact with Jean-Bernard, you could catch them in the act and figure out she was going to sacrifice you and Luca. Brings other options where if you have the relationship with Angelique and Jean-Bernard you are spared but still live under Vittora/Jean-Bernard rule, or you send Anita to take out both Jean-Bernard and Vittoria so you can use vial with Angelique and become the head of the town.
2: Doesn’t she have to hunt? Why don’t we find her at the park with someone?
1: She has a special relationship with Vivian which is never really acted upon. Why could we go after Monica in the park, and then convince her to go elsewhere to have group scene with Bob/Vivian?
Sleeping times
We have the option to see Ellen, Christina, and Vittoria sleep, but only can interact with Vittoria. Seems like an opportunity to have fun with others.
This comment is for the developers of the game
I wanted to know if you are planning to add in a self voicing system for people who cannot read hopefully this reaches you and I’m hoping to hear back from you because the game looks good but like I said I’m not able to read hoping to hear from you and to see what else
Anyone help me unlock scenes 03,17, 32?
I was hoping to get an answer are you planning on adding to this game it’s a voicing feature or some kind of feature walk read the text on screen for people who cannot read at all please reply