About LWT update
October 21, 2022LWT UPDATE
Our next game is CURT MADDOX. After the release we’ll start working on the expansion to LWT. Depending on the available assets I’ll receive, we’ll release one huge update or we’ll separate it on 2 parts.
We got 4 core elements planned:
- Keiko and Tracy – new locations and events oriented around Tracy’s office
- Lisa and Sandy – extra scenes with both girls after you had sex with them in the club
- Coco – plotline focus on the girl from the sex shop, including lesbian romance with Tracy
- Hannah – new character with huge tits and enormous fan base on instagram
Next to the additional content, I plan to reorganize some elements inside the game to make it even more approachable and less painful for not experienced players (for instance option of replaying key events if the outcome isn’t satisfactory). Also, we’ll add some minor visual touches to make everything look smoother and more appealing.
If everything goes well I should release it till the end of 2022 / first months of 2023. Later we plan to release this expansion as paid DLC on STEAM.
So the new expansion will be a paid DLC on Steam, got it.
I hope you read all comments because I’ve read a lot of good ideas here, I’ve also given mine that I hope you might add in the future.
I think they have been reading comments. A lot of what we requested they are doing. Of course they can’t do it all because we requested so much and that would be a ton of work but it just shows what a gold mine this game is. Can be so many DLC and even expansions. I just love that there is going to be more. My favorite game by far. Everything just works from the gameplay to characters. I’m excited for what they’re doing and all the things to come.
Renders look great as always. Wouldn’t mind a two step release if it’s a little faster this way. Really looking forward to it.
Will there be any added content with Tracy cheating and cuckolding Justin? Preferably with Daniel? Please? 🙂
I would like to see Tracy cheating behind Justin’s back if he doesn’t pay attention to her and do baby/house chores.
Would love that too… and even more if Justin eventually catches her and gets cucked and starts to like it.
Was going to suggest this. A shame we didn’t get that in the earlier RDX update with the cabin.
More Tracy and Lisa interaction! Don’t care much about new characters. Better deepen those who you already have.
I do like that Tracy gets a dedicated lesbian path with Coco. Seems like a good fit. But agreed I don’t much care for Keiko. Or for Justin cheating behind Tracy’s back on a whim with anyone beside Lisa. But I imagine the writing will be spot on again so it’ll all be handled properly within character and the spirit of the game.
I’d even celebrate an update with only small Lisa scenes. Anything is fine. 😛
Those are the main girls so yes, in any update should include more and more content about them.
I like they’ll add more interactions with Sandy and more with both Lisa and Sandy. I want to see Keiko in actions and see what they planned for Hannah.
What I’m liking a lot is how romantic the relationship between Lisa and Justin is becoming but she showed to be jealous when she caught Justing with Sandy. Here they should improve that part because she got mad but then they continue as if nothing happen and makes me wonder if Lisa would accept the idea of Justin having sex with more girls. That could be a good reason for Justin to love so much Lisa, with her he has a hot girl and the allowance to be with other without consequences
two-part update for the LoP Gold group to get the content as quickly as possible, one large update for the Steam game if we’re doing paid DLC.
I don’t know if I care that much for an entirely new character with Sandy finally getting her first add-on content. Combined with the fact that there’s still plenty of unused ideas featuring Lisa/Tracy who I feel the fans are more interested in. I felt kind of the same with Daniel and really didn’t feel the urge to explore his content past getting the achievements, so we’ll see if Hannah is different. Even with Keiko I’m kind of “meh” on, but any update that features Lisa in a plethora of new outfits will get a thumbs up from me.
Also, I know it’s a whole new cast so people might not be as excited for it as LwT/Eleanor content, but I’m really excited for Curt Maddox. The models look great and as much as I like familiar faces, I’m also really looking forward to the completely new content.
There are two things though I’d really like. First, I don’t know how some of the staff/artists would want something, but I’d really like a small credits page or section in the menus of games, it’d be nice to be able to notice artists and writers whose content I specifically enjoyed. Second… if I gotta wait until 2023 to meet Hazel in CVR2 I’m hoping she at least shows up for the holiday blog posts xD
Yes, one big DLC on steam or two parts but paying only once.
I hope this game never stops growing.
Looks great LOP crew can’t wait for the new content. I know one thing I would like to see is more public interactions and cuckold or wife training with Tracy. Like have events where you take Tracy to the sex shop. You keep trying new things with her till you can start having interactions with strangers at the store. Kinda of make a cheaper and dirty option to the swingers ending. I would like to see more interactions in the swingers scenes. I think that would be cool later on.
Any chance of adding a way to get lisa or sandy pregnant either an ending or just a part of the game where they ask for it or they mention that they want it or that you got them pregnant or anything? You could make it so we have a choice to do it to possibly. I think that would be amazing
I agree. Would be amazing to have pregnancy endings with Lisa or Sandy. Happy accidents
I always thought on one ending where Lisa gets pregnant and Justin leaves Tracy in order to be with his new family or having a secret second family in Canada.
The idea of both Lisa and Sandy is good. 2 secret families? Leaving Tracy and create a family with two women? It sounds good for me :).
Screen shots look good and thanks for the update, the more attention Tracy gets the better imho, definitely want to see MORE of Daniel, ideally in the work place and home etc, definitely want to see more of Lisa’s boyfriend(s) dipping tracy, ideally cocky young upstart fucks tracy in front of husband (to cuck him), while his thoughts are on lisa ;-), leading to swinging and dp’s, 2 corrections/improvements I’d like to see (mentioned previously by me); the 2 jocks in the vegas restaurant/bar getting served under the table by Tracy and Tracy’s lingerie to look “normal” and not like a cg after thought PLEASE.
I’d really like Tracy to become like Eleanor 3, a real slut open to anything and everyone, it’s only fair given Justin’s desire for Lisa.
I disagree. Eleanor is already that game. The charm I find in LwT is that Justin’s desire for Lisa takes almost the entire game to develop and mostly everything he does with Tracy, or everything Tracy does, is together. Only her possibly cheating on Daniel deviates from that, and it’s my least favorite route. But everything else they do as a couple. Me as the player doesn’t feel like a wimp and the its the game that feels most like they’re actual real people
I agree with you. The reason of Justin for cheating is because Tracy stopped being sexually active and Lisa became like his sexual awakening. Including more girls is like once he started cheating, he couldn’t stop having so many hot girls around him. Not fan of Tracy cheating on Justin or a threesome with Lisa like in LWT2 but the game is growing and they had to include more content.
I still hope they include Eleanor paying a visit to Tracy having fun with Justin.
Yeah Tracy isn’t a slut. Just a very sexually active woman who loves her husband and wants to explore their sexuality together. It’s something very real. While Eleanor comes straight out of a porno. And even though Justin cheats on Lisa he asks himself the question if he loves Tracy at every step. It makes it almost relatable. Justin also has some fantasies for himself and his wife, which is also normal. That’s the strength of this game, nothing feels out of place.
And Daniel was done right. So I have good hopes for the other 2 characters. Tracy exploring a lesbian fling, well, I can imagine Justin doesn’t think of that as actual cheating so that also works perfectly fine. Eleanor is also a great game, but being Eleanor is what makes it great. The same doesn’t work if Drake was the POV.
For LwT2, I think the threesome was a perfect conclusion. Tracy has been flirting with Lisa for 2 games and she knows Lisa is hot. And she might get into that.
For me a threesome destroys the temptation. As conclusion as you put it, you’re right, it’s a good ending but if they do LWT 3 that shouldn’t be the canon ending. If Tracy approves the relationship there is no temptation so that should be secret.
A scene where Lisa dirty talks with you would be great. Like she calls you sugar daddy or the sort.
I don’t like the cucking stuff. If you have to go that route, at least make the main character the cucker and not the cuckee.
I absolutely loved the cucking sequence, I thought the writing and the way in which Tracy Cucks Justin was exceptional, I admit ntr/cuck isn’t for everyone, each to their own kink but the clue is in the title; LWT, the only things i hated about the sequence, was after the event NOTHING happened (when Tracy was shared), and the cucking ended it, just like the singer segment these really need to be open ended and repeatable .
You’re right, it’s LWT, as in living with it in house. You’re more than welcome to have your wife’s boyfriend live with you.
Great renders! I’m liking the new characters, can’t wait to see what Hannah’s storyline is. The situation with Keiko is hot too, Justin trying to visit Tracy but Keiko seducing him right at Tracy’s workplace. More Sandy!! Yes more interactions with her.
I prefer one huge update. Get all the expansion at once and hopefully some of the game logic gets fixed. For example, events should be happening in order/incrementally like the first LWT and not just getting events randomly that kinda jumps around and doesn’t flow with the order of progression.
Agree with others that Im not that interested in new girls in LWT. Personally would like to see more around Derek. Maybe a full on Derek/Lisa and Derek/Tracy and maybe especially a Lisa/Derek/Tracy/Justin swap/orgy.
I want to see new characters but Lisa and Tracy should remain as the main ones. About more presence of Derek, hell yeah! Like another pool party ending in two couples having sex and even swaping partners (with a lot of alcochol in between) or Derek visiting Lisa but finding only Tracy who knows how he looks at her. I’m not fan on Tracy cheating so she could be suspicious of what Justin is doing and in rage having one affair with the couple of his husband’s affair.
It could be a storyline where Tracy finds Derek and she knows Justin is wild about Lisa (she might even know they have an affair). So she invites Derek to whatever secluded place but she also leaves a hint for Justin to come look for her, with or without Lisa. Like she wants to get caught, just to have Justin/Lisa join in and share her feelings.
It sounds good. One way could be Justin catching Tracy with Derek, playing dumb about his own affair, convincing Tracy he’s being faithful and feeling betrayed so demanding space and less control about economics and using this as advantage to spend more time with Lisa alone at home and in another scenarios.
Hopefully once LOP is Done with LWT REDUX. They Jump over and Either ADD to LWT2 OR come out with a sequel to the the Franchise the Eleanor and LWT series are Definitely the Flag ship games For LOP. With Eleanor Getting a Fourth instalment. It feels like LWT is getting left behind. Redux gave the fans hope. I would love to see a LWT3. Where we get returning characters from LWT and LWT2. Would love to see Richard , Any, Gaby and the new cast of characters from LWTR in one game the possibilities would be amazing. The new sexual temptations between the characters. I think it would be awesome if the Temptation switch from getting caught with Lisa. To trying to keep Tracy satisfied to letting Justin fall deep into Tracy’s Nymphomaniac side getting into stuff like public sex , gangbangs , sex with strangers, sex for money , cucking Tracy instead of Justin , wife cheating , wife slut training , quid pro quoe , BDSM and more. I would love to see a sequel and see how far the Justin and Tracy rabbit hole goes. The LWT story is amazing and deserves to be continued .
I totally agree with everything above by greyjedi, Eleanor 3 totally opened my eyes to what I’d really like Tracy to be more like; a total slut up for anything, everything and everyone, which tbh the LWT intro gives us a taste of, Justin is the MC and it’s only fair while he’s chasing Lisa and Sandy that Tracy is well and truly serviced by Daniel and Derek, ideally at the same time, as well as my previous remarks I’d like to see Movie night become a FFM night, maybe leading to a pool party 3 and swinging relationship , cucking etc. i.e Tracy may get off on being fucked in front of her husband and he accepts being the cuck while thinking about a 3 some with Lisa and Sandy (this should be nurtured to spice the story line), new characters aren’t really needed, there’s already enough and if they gave the pizza guy and Keiko some action why bring in Hannah etc ?.
I welcome any update of LWT, my favorite game, hell yeah…!
But IMHO I agree wtih those that prefer to go deeper in the plot with the main characters rather than go sidetracked with other new ones. I find the the original plot of LWT is already rich enough to explore huge posibilites with the main characters. Anyhow, it’s just my opinion, and I’m sure that I’ll enjoy any update that you deliver. In fact, I’m already eager to get it!
Yeah, keep it focused on the main characters – there is still so much potential regarding Tracy and (especially) Lisa!
Well, i kinda agree. LWT is the game, except LWS (Wich i think they blew it with the last release, how you play it), with most potentional to expand.
Hopefully, they add more days, and go deeper on some caracters, aswell iclude more caracters, for example Tracy’s assistan lie for her, while she is doing something shady, not making the MC the only bad person in the game, that could be a reason to include her more.
The dinner with Lisa and Derek end up in a foursome. Lisa and Tracy under the garden shower, wich ive seen picture from old version, but never seen in the game myself.
So there is reasons to include more people, and this game has the potentional to grow alot, become even bigger, like foreign affairs can be included in the game, alittle deeper, depending on how you progress in the main game, like with Vegas, you dont get that without lingerie etc, so there is alot that can be done, and LOP know its a money maker so 😛
I would love to get something with Tracy and Derek