April 14, 2023DUSKFALL
Today we’re presenting you the expansion to our beloved BLOODLINES.
- sensual events with new characters including LYNN, who is Monica’s hot mum with massive tits and IZABELLA – experienced VILF (Vampire You Like to Fuck) who want to have her servant CLARA impregnated by another vampire
- new hunts, performed together with Luca and Vittoria
- experience vampire impregnation, feeding at home and entering Ellen and Christina’s dreams
- 10 new sex scenes to the gallery and updated endings
In terms of content quality, it isn’t huge, but without any doubt, it’s a must-have for all fans of that title.
Let us know in the comments if you want more content for that title.
Played through and I’m missing a couple scenes yet (43 and 46)
Unless I’m missing something I’m kind of disappointed that Clara/Izabella are only in one scene. Would have liked to see more of both of them.
Was really hoping that there was more directly with Ellen and Brian instead of the dream sequences. It seemed like there should be an opportunity to use mind control on Ellen when she notices the hard on during shopping and have sex in the changing room.
A potential scene to add would be mother/daughter with Monica and her mother. Maybe one morning when you’re with Lynn, Monica comes home early and you are prompted to use an ability on her to join.
I’ll have to revisit all the scenes in the gallery, but I didn’t see the scene where you hunt with Vittoria as an option to review.
I like the hunting with Luca and Vittoria idea. Had kind of hoped there would be times when you could catch them in the act instead of joining. Perhaps you go to hunt on your own and see Luca already seducing one of the girls, you have the option to leave, or watch. Could even be a third to join if high enough abilities.
Also there are times when Christina isn’t at home at night, and if she is already basically dating Luca(especially if she was with Luca to get the vial) would love to see a scene where you catch them somewhere (library, vampire home, park).
I agree about Ellen. Such a missed opportunity. Same with Christina as well.
One thing that interested me in the ending with the harem is the choice of only having Jazz with Angelique. If Bryan is supposed to be the top vampire now where is Anita, Christina, Ellen, Lynn, Monica, the aunt, Vivi? Would really show power if he won over the vampire hunter with his powers instead of only Jazz.
i couldnt find 6 21 and 40 either
#6 you have to keep going back to Monica’s and having sex
#21 You CANNOT tell Anita about the plan and confess you’re a vampire. As long as she doesn’t know she should be an option on the final event.
#40 Also on the final even, you should have an option to only have Monica
I’m only missing 43, so if you have unlocked that one any hints would be helpful
tried every combination with Lynn also did the same thing 3 times without any result.
i think its a bug on #43
That assumes that it’s during her hunt scene, which I have no confirmation from.
@leonizer any hints on how to unlock scene 43? That seems to be the single scene that no one has been yet to find of everyone I’ve talked to.
Hint from the developer: Have sex with Lynn on hunt (need to be Nosferatu), visit her at Monica’s place and blackmail.
@leonizer Is there any more than that? Myself and others have done that. There are only 2 sexual scenes and it’s either bike fixing reward or false memories about her husband cheating. No matter what choices we’ve made the only option when visiting the house with Lynn is to use mirror vision on her. I’m guessing there is a specific order of operations, but we haven’t been able to figure it out, and it seems to be the single scene that has that issue.
Thanks for highlighting the issue – it looks like the scene is problematic. We’re rebuilding the game and should upload the new version soon.
I truly hope my saves don’t disappear again for no apparent reason this time around. The game ofc still looks great. One thing that’s kind of a bummer is how alot of gallery scenes are in the same scene. Like the orgy, so you just replay that one over and over. Like the additions, it’s a small expansion though, but one of the 2 new vampires has an amazing looking model.
1 bug I found so far though, sometimes when clicking the hospital, it links you to Monica’s house instead of the Hospital. This is annoying when you need blood that day.
I’ve found that to occur in the morning/noon time when you click the hospital and it goes to Monica’s house and the scene with Lynn.
When will horos be release on steam?I really want to buy it.
It hasn’t even been released on the website…..
We got a dedicated STEAM page for HOROS there: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1888300/HOROS__monster_slayer_and_lover_of_many/. I’m trying to release a STEAM demo but am waiting the second week for approval.
The game itself is still under development, and I need some time to complete it. I guess that I’ll be ready with the lopgold.com release in the second week of May and we’ll wait around 1 month with a STEAM release.
Love the update, can’t wait for more, interesting concept.
Have a couple scene that I am having difficulty, would appreciate assistance (29, 43, 45 & 46)
#29 It’s one of the hunting scenes with the teacher, to be fair I don’t totally remember all the caveats to get that one
#43 I’m still working on that, seems to be the hardest one as many are also stuck on it, if you figure it out please let us know
#45 is an extended ending scene, specifically the one where Bryan is the all powerful vampire with Angelique as his queen
#46 You have to see the quick cutscene where the beast is summoned in the park then go to the library at night
#43: While on Hunt: use false memory to thing her husband is cheating, then fuck her. following day in the morning go to her place and blackmail
Hi, I just finished the expansion, I loved it 🙂 I liked the extended endings for 5 and 7, even if I hoped to see a longer scene at the end on ending 7, with someone other than Jazz at least, because she wasn’t really a big part of the game… Maybe Ellen or Christina? Or Vittoria, as in that ending it is said that Bryan is more powerful than her and is now her Master.
Also, I found it a bit strange that when you cast Mind Control on Lynn during the hunt, she says she will allow Bryan to visit during the day, but if you go to their place, you can only leave or cast Mirror Vision :/
I would love to see more content for this, especially for Ellen, Christina, Becky, Vittoria and Izabella, even more if it’s content between Bryan and them, without Luca 🙂 Also, in a future expansion or sequel, it would be nice to find out what really happened to Celeste, Bryan’s mother, and meet her (because it’s implied in ending 7 that she’s not dead, but in some kind of trouble), maybe with Bryan saving her?
I’m missing scenes 10 and 29, I know you get them during Monica’s and Ms. Abernathy’s Hunt, but I can’t seem to figure out how to trigger them, so if someone could point me in the right direction, I’d appreciate it 🙂
Hope to see more content soon, and I look forward to your future games =D
Sorry but this game so HARD! And i have no idea how to play this . Also 31 days limit so disturbing
how are you playing the game? I cannot seem to get this game to work. it just keeps saying please wait on the cthulu screen.
Has anyone played recently? I cannot seem to get this particular game to work, all the others do just fine.