AMERICAN SUNSET – work in progress
September 13, 2024AMERICAN SUNSET
I’ve come back to the development of the first version of AMERICAN SUNSET, which we plan to call a complete game with 6 different endings to achieve and sex scenes + endings gallery.
Endings are completely redesigned – both in terms of their content (now every ending has 8 images instead of 4) and the conditions to achieve them. They are not forced and are more like an option you can choose to conclude your story. Some of the new endings images below:
Also, we’ll implement BUSTED scenes with all the logic behind them, explained in this post (RISK AND CONSEQUENCES). I’m excited about this feature and I just can’t wait to code and test it – probably at the beginning of the next week.
In terms of content, we’re going to pack in this version of the game – I was thinking a little bit about what else we can take from the LUSCIOUS SECRET expansion without blocking myself from expanding the plot lines of other characters presented in this location, and basically, we’ll present everything except KEIKO plot line. This character has a rather complex set of scenes, both in terms of narrative events and daily actions in the office, so I don’t want to mess with its structure right now. But everything else will be here:
- the first step of TRACY and COCO romance – later, it will be expanded into something more meaningful, including COCOfluid sexuality and exploring Tracy’s hometown a little bit
- EMMA and JEN from the library – when we have more content for them, we’ll include them on a city map as well, right now, only the scene in the library (and EMMA’S participation in a 4some)
- All 3some and 4some scenes with DANIEL
- Full SANDY plot line, including the first 2 levels from AMERICAN SUNSET blended with level 3 from LUSCIOUS SECRET
- LISA in JUSTIN’S bed scenes while TRACY is in the cabin
While I’m coding the game, my team writes texts and renders the final images. It will still take us a while to complete – please be patient 🙂

JUSTIN with a chastity cage on his cock, watching his wife being pleasured by 2 guys on their living room sofa [AMERICAN SUNSET cuckold ending]

Can’t wait for this.
Will the next update be available later on Steam?
We plan to release both ELEANOR IN MIAMI and AMERICAN SUNSET as STEAM games in EARLY ACCESS and expand those titles with expansions for a long period of time. So, answering your question – yes.
Great news, thanks!
Now I have to ask after that cuckold ending tease: in the cuckold path can Justin be in chastity during normal gameplay, or is that only an ending option? It would bring a whole new dynamic to the game if Lisa ended up trying to fool around with you but then saw you’re in chastity lol
Haha, I don’t like the cuckold path but your idea is so funny I’d like to see that.
LWT is my favourite series. Please try to avoid too long texts. The last Club Velvet Rose and Eleanor were near unplayable for me because of it.
Totally agree, too long texts aren’t good. That’s why I didn’t enjoy the second Serena game that much.
i like the pictures of the endings. But please check the pic where lisa gets licked. Her left thigh is very thick, to much i think…
Check the images of Tracy in the risk and consequences section. 3rd image of Tracy in a dress seems like a much thicker waistline than on the images above and below. Image below in the bikini has a much slimmer looking Tracy.
Hope we will get to see some more rimjob action in one of these games…
i hope we won’t
If Justin/Tracy go down the true cuck path, then why is Justin SO BUFF?
IN that final image where he’s watching Tracy with 2 men, the 3d model is extremely fit. He should probably be losing a bit of muscle mass, not a fat guy or anything, but physically weaker. Being a cuckold is clearly psychological, but they tend to have weaker will, they won’t stand up to their woman and are not in command of the relationship. Since he’s not having sex often with Tracy now due to her status and her leadership choices, he wouldn’t be focusing on keeping fit to please her since she’s getting her sexual satisfaction from other men, and also other psychological paths like the chastity cage.
Looks great! I’m glad you’re adding the “busted” mechanic, its for sure important for the feel of the game. Thanks for all your hard work
I wish the game is focusing on keep expanding harem, not sharing or getting cuckold. I believe there is a big demand from users to feel 1 sense of superiority than other guys and 2 immorality when playing the game.
You don’t need a harem for immorality, just being immoral.
Did you even play the ORIGINAL LWT? You literally couldn’t be with LIsa in the game. There were 3 images in the end where Justin gave into the temptation of sex with the nanny and you ended the game. This game is ALREADY a harem. You can get with basically every girl in the game on a single play through if you do it right……
You’re right but I still hope the immorality of our actions will have enough focus and not just with Lisa but in general.
Why does the cuckold path have to end? Can we still keep on playing with more branches and events? Also, I would like to see more cheat/cuck content with Tracy, also perhaps she will also get breast implants and become more slutty etc.
Make the Daniel scenes re-playable before the end game and expand upon the cuck route. It’s super fun and provides a completely separate dynamic for the vanilla users. It’s literally one of the best features. LWTs range as far as how depraved Justin can be is (IMO) the primary alluring aspect. If he can go full on harem-master, then he should be able to go full-cuck while in-game. Swinger’s club and Daniel route should have repeatable cuck events. I will throw my money at you and yell for you to take it if you expand the cuck branches. You all do great work and there’s not really anyone in the market that usurps you in terms of quality. Expand your submissive branches pl0x.
I can see there has been some work on the cuck part of the game. Will there be more scenes to it or just the ending we have so far? We have the 2nd Daniel cuck date, and then nothing, would be interesting to see Tracy bring home other men and go further.
Also, I’d LOVE to see Tracy push Justin a little more to come to the lake. As it stands, if Justin just doesn’t go for 3 weekends to the lake, it’s cuck path. Tracy does love Justin, so why doesn’t she say something? Also make some comment about spending MORE time with Daniel. Justin can question it. Tracy can respond, saying something “Well since you didn’t come last weekend I invited Daniel over for some drinks on the dock. We relaxed under the stars and reminisced about the old times.” Justin should remember that the ‘old times’ with Daniel was a sexual relationship.
I agree… It would be good to see further adds and expansions of the cuckold story in this game…
I think I should clarify further.
Each time Justin makes the decision not to go, it’s the SAME dialogue from Tracy. On any other weekend, that’s fine, but once you starts down that cuck or swinger path, then I think we should see different dialogue about Tracy hanging out with Daniel more. Also, it kind of seems like at least if we go down the swinger path AND complete the 3some on the dock with Daniel, maybe we should have different dialogue on the weekends after.
Justin walks Tracy out to the car, not in front of Lisa.
Tracy – “You know I’m going to call daniel over and fuck him on the dock again right?”
Justin – “I know, and I opened that door up, I hope you have a good time”