We gonna tell the story of a webcam girl
December 5, 2017Web-cam Match 3 (working title) is a game where the player, in the role of Claire, has a limited amount of time to earn back all the money that was taken or she’ll be sent to jail on false accusations. To do so she must engage in a series of sensual webcam sessions to earn money. Over the course of the game, certain days will introduce events or characters that play a part in the overarching story and through these she can find out who it was that framed her.
YamYoda is still rendering visuals to incoming sexandglory.com game. Wanna take a look?
Any anticipated release date? Been waiting for this one since it was teased a few months ago.
Yeah they never tell Release date, half of the people left because of that drives them crazeee!
@slayer, @ ktbarnes93
We don’t commit to an actual release date because we need to finish the game, test it, reconfigure, render, export and retest it again and about a hundred other things. Unlike other game developers, we don’t release release parts of a game to milk out money from people (*cough* Patreon). Instead we opt to make complete games for people to enjoy now, not later.
this could be really interesting game,looks good too
how is snake progressing if i may ask?
Almost there, just a few more tweaks and a couple more beta test models to test out.
🙂 I can’t wait to play it. I have a lot of expectations for this game
I like the idea of playing as a webcam girl (they’re amazing)
So YamYoda makes the renders of the game eh. This could be very, very, very, very, very interesting ;););)
dear developers, how do you feel about the idea of adding a tracy’s mother to lwt3, and generally milf theme in lopgames?
Well, I have to ask a question as to your definition of a MILF then good sir. As far as I know there are two definitions of a MILF: one is the direct translation as a “Mother I Like to Fuck” meaning a woman who has had or currently has a child. Or the second definition where it is a woman in her mid 30’s to her 40’s.
Why not both?
I’m more into the second denition. I don’t care if a woman has a child or not.
for example,for me Sharon from farm stories is definition of milf 😀
For me Sharon, Samantha and Tracy are milfs
Tracy is a milf.
About your mention of needing to beta test, are you in need of beta testers? Maybe even offer limited spots to gold/sexandglory members to test an upcoming game for you guys. Maybe alternate your testers for each game? Just thinking this could help you get more reports on bugs to help you fix the games faster.
We actually tried this earlier for a game called “Farm Stories” for a group we called the Insiders. It was a beta test team comprised of players like yourselves to help test games.Since then , we have simply resorted back to closed beta testing in the office. But thank you for the suggestion! 😉
This is great work.Can I ask you what about Living with Temptation game ? You guys told before , you are gonna make another one.. and for this game , we are male or female ?
They made Living With Temptation 2 last year. We played as Justin.
They are working in an expansion now.
They are making a LWT2 expansion so you’ll have to wait
there’s never enough of LWT
You’re right. For me LWT is LOP best game
Wait a minute is this the game that was scraped years ago? (and I believe was made into camera business)
Also whatever happen to that game “Do as I say” or the new face of playforce?
I think you may be thinking of “Story of Didi” where you are a porn producer and Did, your girlfriend is the star.
As for “Do as I Say” and Aurora, our newest and sexiest flight attendant to Play Force One, as of now we are-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
That’s what I thought at first but me and another guy remember a post on the old blog about a cam girl game that was later scrapped to make “Story of Didi.”
Also I’m glad you’re part of the team, you add an extra layer of communication(and awesome humor) that has been lacking on this blog. (I know Leonizer is quite busy)
Well we can all thank google for that one. Seeing as they did not having our content on their site and decided to nuke it and delete everything from years and years of comments, content and even my walkthroughs. Luckily we saved a good number of them and re-posted. Wish we can go back and check it all, but alas we can not. Now if you will excuse me for a second…
*Opening new tab. Typing GOOGLE into search engine. Flipping off page. Closing browser tab*
when can we expect to see more of lily?
No announcement as of now, but I might have something in the works…maaaaaaaybe. 😉