Serena and hidden truths
December 16, 2021SERENA IS HERE!
Today we’re releasing an expansion to our SERENA: DARK CONFESSIONS. You’ll find a lot of arousing sex scenes, re-appearance of character from the original game and much more temptation between already known lovers.
- Bianca has new scenes: an impulsive bout of public sex with her fiancé, Diesel, followed by a photo session with Poly, a talented photographer who moonlights as an enthusiastic pole dancer.
- We’ll be delving deeper into Serena’s past as she reveals one of her most shameful episodes.
- An expanded storyline with the busty Nicole, including some classic office romance and a clandestine rendezvous during which she will address Carlos’ fantasies involving Nancy’s mother (from PARTY WITH FRIENDS).
- Revisit the “Secret allure” and meet Ivone (from ELEANOR 3). There, a scene involving Serena, Jade, and almost too many erotic toys will take place.
- A whole new plotline with the latest original character: Melissa. It will showcase plenty of naughty scenes, including dress-up and role-playing
- A new story in which Julian and Bianca will almost cross a line behind Diesel’s back.
I have returned from the depths of my dungeon, boys. If you deem yourself brave enough or foolish enough, let me know what you think of my latest work…
I have been playing it a few days now. It’s well done. I have all the sex scenes and 8 of the 10 endings. If you would be so kind as to give me a point in the right direction to get endings 3 – Second Chances and 7 – Along came Poly, I would appreciate it.
I managed to get ending 7 which I knew hinged on Poly but I made a few other different choices here and there to end up with that ending. I’m going to shoot for ending 3 – Second Chances again figuring it has something to do with Serena but I’m not sure what combination of choices with result in that end.
Never mind the request for help. I figured out how to get ending 3 too.
See? There was no need to acquire my assistance, was there? Now be a good boy and enjoy yourself; I know you aren’t the only one who does…
It’s unnecessary to be so condescending.
The Bianca- Julian story is awesome wish i could got to back to club before the game is over lol Cant wait for the expansion 🙂 How do I get ending 7 along came poly? Also for future idea would be awesome if Julian is at Biancas wedding and lets just say it gets interesting lol Anyways great update
Great to see Mel back, one of my favourites from the first game. Good to see some more Nicole content too, I really like the new model myself, and think she deserved some more scenes! Great job 😀
So, is the Bianca/Julian story a set up for a future expansion or? Cause it seems kinda unfinished, unless I missed a final scene, but that does not seem like it judging by the 100% in the gallery. Other than that a great expansion.
I will say nothing on the subject matter of those two as of this moment, but if people wish to see more than a simple tease between them, I will then ponder on the idea for next time…
Bianca is up there tied with Serena and Jade as my favorites in this/these Serena games, so would gladly see more of her, both with Julian and potentialy others.
Love the new stuff in expansion,especially Melissa and her story. Serena nad Jade scene is probably my favorite,don’t know how further can you push that theme but it would be great to see more,I’m sure you have something in mind to include Julian too. Liked the easter eggs in sex shop too,nice touch.
Gotta feel for Serena too,I liked the new scene with tourists until Eric humiliated her. I’d love it more if Serena seduced those guys without Eric but writing and setup was nicely done given how big of a douchebag he is,nice work.
Glad that Nicole got more scenes too,I like her model.
I also feel that there is more to happen with Julian and Bianca,hope there will be more content for this game in the future.
Serena’s storyline with Eric was written with a lover’s demise angle where her ideal prince turned out to be a monster in disguise. I do, in fact, have a far darker and even more emotionally violent scene where Eric degrades and even “trains” Serena as a pet, somewhat similar to what we see in her ending with Eric. Perhaps if there is time and fans wish to see this downward spiral of Serena’s, I would think of adding it later…
Good to hear there is more ideas. Tbh I’m not that into degradation and humiliation but I guess it would be interesting to see those events unfold. Gotta say Eric is written pretty well,you just gotta hate him.
What I’d like to see is scene similar to that with tourists but without Eric,Serena as older and experienced woman seducing younger guy or guys,making them lust for her. I think with your writing style it would turn out great
Is it me only or this game sounds so depressing ? I feel like the game characters are so sad.
Tragedy and conflict make for a better experience than simply exposed tits and firm asses being put on display…
Great update to the game. Would love to see Lorena come back again, continuing hook ups with Julian and/or making moves on others.
Perhaps if you plead and beg yours truly, then I may consider it…
Pretty please! On our knees begging!
I really liked Nicole’s and Melissa’s scenes. The new ending was cute – I liked it.
Perhaps I let my imagination run wild with all the possible new scenarios involving Bianca, but I was disappointed by her new content on this expansion. I was really looking forward to more scenes with her, but what was added did nothing for me.
After seeing another Serena flashback with Eric (which was great, by the way), it left me wanting to see him using Jade as his pet, but I think it’s better not to create expectations like this or I’ll end up disappointed again.
It was a good expansion. I believe that I liked so much the base game, that I ended up creating such high expectations which got me disappointed, but I’d love to see more being added to this already fantastic game.
I tend to put more value in my own stock by saying that there are a plethora of ideas from both myself and Mister Leonizer that have yet to be made, so of which that may scratch that itch you so desperately want to satisfy…
I have no doubt you do. The darker and the more corruption there is, the better.
How do we get the bianca/julian scene?
Be on the Serena/Julian path. After sex in the locker room you get an invitation to a strip club. It’s the one where she works.
Thanks for the help!
Now that I have discovered all the sex scenes and endings I would like to say that even though Serena is not a favorite LOP Gold character of mine there are enough characters in this that I do like that I would enjoy it if you would add even more content in a future update. My suggestions would be some scenes involving Ivone, more scenes with Bianca giving in to the money making aspects of sex on the side, maybe Julian and Bianca end up together and/or both killed by Diesel, and most of all I want to see a scene where that asshole Eric gets imprisoned and gang raped by a bunch of larger men. I hate that motherfucker. Another possibility is where they meet Eric in his hotel room and kill him leaving no evidence. A possible new scene with Bianca is if she goes out with the nice client that offered to get her into acting instead of passing him off to Poly. There are several spin off games you could create from this one that would be made better in my estimation by the absence of Serena. I loved the inclusion of Mel and would have enjoyed more with her. I wanted to see an ending in the first Serena game where Julian ended up with Mel.
I am missing something… How do you get all the scenes with Nicole? (great game btw. Poly is so hot)
If I recall Jade has to turn down Carlos every time, so be on the Julian/Jade path.
Loving the game and additions with the update. Really hope you explore more into Julian and Bianca what fun they could get up to planning a bachelor party.
Loving this game, especially Bianca!! is there actually a second lapdance scene? I can’t seem to get to it.
Also how do I get the “Nurse Bianca’s office visit” scene?
This game fell really flat for me. It comes across as a load of unrealized characters randomly bumping into each other, saying random things to each other, obtaining bland results. It lacks any sense of a story pulling the player forward — all the more surprizing since Serena, Jade, and Julian were such clearly delineated characters in Serena 1.