Our journey to the Snake Valley
September 18, 2017Currently we’ve started to develop our next LOPGOLD.com game called SNAKE VALLEY in a brand new design tool prepared for us in Unity. So far I’m very sattisfied with it cause it makes developing game really intuitive and streamlined process. In a longer period of time it would give us the ability to develop games much faster, with a bigger number of interactions and various test influencing the gameplay.
SNAKE is a very complicated project cause it got RPG character development, turn based fight system and map exploration. This is good cause we’re able to the test the limits of our new tool and if we reach one – we ask author of this engine for some fixes so we can do whatever we imagine, not what is technically possible in that moment.
So yes, development will take a while. I’ll keep you posted about our progress.
After SNAKE we’ll launch sexy expansion to Jacob’s Rebound (as promissed before) and after that…
…we’ll go with something really cool. Do you guys remember JAZZ character from HOUSE PARTY? We like this girl so much that we decided to mix her faith with BRANDON and STELLA from REAL ESTATE AGENT and spice it with a presence of HANK and RACHEL from HANK MOODY Divorce with a smile game. Then we’ve format it into a dating sim LIVING WITH LANA style and… I believe we got a highly explosive bomb. More info about this project later. So far some images:
Is iksanabot developing LWT2 expansion?
Guess what? Today I’ve received the first version of his texts to the expansion. Right now we’re starting to build new locations and begin the rendering process.
Is the Blind Date 3d expansion still planned?
Yes! What’s more, I want to believe that we see the end in a tunnel and we desire to finish the game soon. All mundane work with updating assets and all setting is almost complete, right now we have to put everything together and spice it up with new features.
What other games do you plan to develop?
We’re working on a couple of independent projects right now. Some of them are almost complete, some need more time cause we don’t have all assets gathered yet and some are just… in our heads. But yes, we’re going to surprise you with a really interesting projects, for instance a game based on JORDAN 500 / TORI 500 idea, dating sim based in a dorn with a flirty sorority girls and story of Faith, who is kept in a Serbian mobster villa in exchange for a ransom. And that’s only a beginning.
Big news! Yeaaaaaaah!
hurry up, you’re losing followers
Great news I’m so anxious for Snake Valley and the next GOLD games especially LWT2 expansion.
P.S: this question might be dumb but can you use the same desing tools in UNITY that you used in Snake Valley for LWT2 expansion or you have to use the same system like in vainilla?
yeah i would like to know if that’s possible too
would the unity allow even further expand of lwt2 than you’re planning or there is a some kind of limit of how much content you can put?
“There exist limitless opportunities in every industry. Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.”
-Charles Kettering
“this question might be dumb”
I was raised to believe there is no such thing as a good person with stupid questions, just a stupid person with good questions! LOL!
As to your question: I have no comment 😉
That wink means something
No! I, uh…got something in my eye! LOL
bunch of great news,thanks for info
i’m really hyped for snake valley,it is something different and it seems huge,can’t wait for it
love the idea of a game with mix of characters from various games,it looks fantastic already,house party is still one of my favourites so it will be great to see jazz again,hope you will continue to bring back older characters from time to time aswell as the newer ones
i really like the news regarding lwt expansion so far!more days,new locations?hell yes! (hope for more lisa too)
good luck with all the projects!
(Snake Valley)
I hope you enjoy playing it as I had fun writing it! This will be my second concept game ever made for LoP.
(Mix Characters in a Game)
We hope you like this proof of concept game and maybe (just maybe) there may be more down the line.
Lots of new games in the pipeline, looks good. Have to say tho, for the big medley game that you’re making, you’ve managed to pick a bunch of characters I never really liked. The estate agent was aesthetically ugly, the brunette from hank moody was the least interesting and Stella’s motivations were more interesting than her character.
“you’ve managed to pick a bunch of characters I never really liked”
*Wipes sweet from brow” Pheeeeeew! Glad to see you…wait second. *Rereads statement and gasps* “Liked”? On no. Nononononono! *Yells from his office* EVERYONE STOP PRODUCTION! FABULOUS SAYS HE LIKED THEM BEFORE BUT NOT NOW! WE HAVE TO STOP! STOOOOOOOP!
*Everyone looks up and shrugs and goes back to work* LOL! 🙂
Well I’m glad u guys are working hard, Im just not feeling or I just don’t like those girls as much as a did with didi, agent 069 lina carrasco (roommates) Eleanor. Many people has been posting about Eleanor, you should talk about ur plans with her.
Well we should give some other girls some spotlight every now and then. Also, Eleanor is-*Whacked in the head with a frying pan* SILENCE, YOU FOOL!
Well some observation: Better work on less but bigger detailed stories and delay for later the small ones, and make them more detailed and longer, for when you have time instead fast and shallow. Instead based on
Jordan-Tori 500 imitation games, cr8 expansion of Jordan-Tori 500 which all liked them and Jordan 500 was most played and liked game by rating for a while. Jordan 500 one of my favorites gals. The girls however look better, well more realistic good job on graphic design, however don’t see spark in them. Instead hotness, ambitions, elegance, class they look very average and ordinary. People want to see modern bitchy elegant slutty girls. Been a while since you cr8 very hot chicks Arkham was kinda miss, when comes to chicks Sensual hunting women were bad, Lana was cute can be better CVR was returning on the saddle. This new project Snake Valley not impressing, Jazz was hot i liked it, Real estate agent chick not impressive can be better. About mobsters i suggest you not to involve politics because how americans represent other countries its lame, and for someone who is from the Balkan Peninsula Us politics Irritates, given the actions they did around and how they represent the conflicts around which they created. I don’t blame people i know its politics but friendly advice keep nationality aside, serbian russian and other mobsters better just call them mobsters not cause i give a crap or defending them but many of the players are from those countries. Work on girls designs, dresses make up, hair style. Just observation no intended to insult offend or start conflict just my personal opinion.
Wait wait “Been a while since you cr8 very hot chicks”??? I have a complete different opinion.
Elizabeth was my fav from Arkam. Veronica from CVR is hot af and my fav Lop character along with Tracy. Zara, Natasha, Miranda and Teri. Stella from REA is classy and gorgeous and was my fav character with a supercool hairstyle. Brandi from Jr is awesome. Olivia and Ellie are gorgeous as well.
Zara, Natasha, Miranda and Teri are freaking awesome too.*
You just wait then for what we have in store for later than. *Stares at the secret folder hidden on his desktop and views images* Hoooohooo, if only you knew! 😉
If we simply work on longer games then we would have little to no updates. But fear not, we have been hard at work during the UNITY development and we have some awesome game coming down the pipeline! I’m sure you might change your opinion as of the release of the game or not. But only time will tell. Greetings back to you again!
Great news. Can’t wait. Yeah Stella was my fav caracter from Real Estate Agent. So much untapped potential. Great decision to see her in a LOPGold game. And JR was a great game too I did support an EXP so it’s great to see what is going to happen.
Snake valley looks really promising.
I hope you do enjoy the JR expansion. As previously stated, it was part of the original treatment but was cut do to time.
As for Snake Valley, I hope your up for memorable characters, spicy western action and deadly lookin’ woman! Yeeehaaa! *Cough* Sorry, couldn’t resist. 😉
@Daman and @ Leo great to see new games. Enjoying CVR though waiting to see how to figure out 4 some with older couple. Is it possible? Is the magarita on the table for a reason?
Though love seeing new games I just think you guys need to expand on old ones first because it has been so long. Games like Eleanor, LWT and SERENA heck in Roomates or Girl with tatoo. Give us a couple old ones to play while we wait for new ones. Expansion before new. Three or 4 new adventures in old games. Seeing those beautiful woman keep your faithful loyal gold members happy while we wait.
Well, so far we are testing the waters with a few ideas instead of jumping in head first. So far the game featuring the calibration of characters (House Party, Real Estate Agent and Hank Moody) is the first as for the future, well I can so no more. But let me say this; if successful, you and others may be happy with what else we have planned, as Leo said, “In our heads”
As for your question in CVR about the foursome with the older couple (I’m guessing you mean Che and Alexandra) there is no foursome scene, sorry to say. And as to the margarita on the table…I have no comment at this time. 😉
The only very cool project in a while was CVR girls all awesome. Real estate, Arkham, Sensual Hunting, Roommates not many options mostly lesbian, missed projects if you ask me Lana was something better with not many options. Snake valley don’t impress me very much, better cr8 modern time game like Tori 500 black mail, or RPG like johnny bullet doing violence and blackmailing, something we like and we played and we are familiar with. Lately games i liked were Sylvia & Nick, Margaret & Walter, and CVR. I think Sylvia & Nick deserves expansion better those games to be expanded then new fast short games.
Thanks for supporting the Bonus Game sections. It’s been a while since people have mentioned them. And I promise you good sir, this announcement is only a taste of what is to come. What that implies…no comment at this time 😉
-I think you can use couple regular characters in more games like:
1.Ryan Blender to check if wifes are well trained house wifes or out of husbands leash 🙂 can be used for example in Eleanor extension if you planing one for the next year, and if she finds out, must keep him silent somehow, we all know how 🙂 or can be hired from womens to, lets say from Tracy to check if Lisa taking care of you to instead only of your son 🙂
2.Johnny Bullet can be used for Breaking some bones if someone bothering you for example Break Kevin’s big mouth in Eleanor or get rid of from Don Mario
3.Hank Moody for divorce well can be in any game i will let you decide.
4.Well Tracy its lawyer to can be used or guest in other games maybe?
-One question i asked before been a while, is CVR same club from LWT? Its very look a like the lights,colors on the interior, The rooms, The design, The Rooms.
-Some of the games lately not mine taste but happy to see Irena again from JB loved that girl her beauty separates from other chicks, many other chicks actually, really love to see her again in other games maybe, also i really want to see the girl not the wife the other one the tennis girl from Divided heart not remember her name.
-Couple characters that can be mixed: i’ve seen same guy professor instructor in Prima Balerina and in Divided Heart, also in CVR there is professor with the blonde one, this characters from CVR, Prima Balerina, Divided Heart-the chick from tennis ground and Sylvia & Nick. All these characters are students and professors i think or instructors, and can be mixed in a Extension of College Romance maybe in LOP Gold Game.
Slayer, I’m sure Tracy and Veronica are visiting the same club.
Compare the ladder in the lobby of the club on the bonus picture No. 7 in the game of LwT and the ladder in the game CVR.
Last time in comments, a lot of people want to know what will be with Eleanor. No info again. Why?
I’m glad to see you guys showing some love for other characters outside the usual suspects (Eleanor, Tracy, Lisa, Serena…).
Honestly, I can’t stand people mentioning Eleanor and the others all the time in the comments.
Although I’m not really a fan of the characters you mentioned you will expand upon, I’m looking forward to it since I do believe previous characters should appear more.
By the way, who is Brandon from Real Estate Agent? I thought the protagonist was called Francis (at least, that’s how he is called in the wikia).
Friends, that’s what I thought about. Dr. Lotte from LwT has a twin sister. This is Sharia from Hot Wife Story 2.
I’m glad you guys are going back to some of those older games! House Party and Hank Moody are two of my favorites.
One thing that I think they did well that has been lost recently is a bigger variety in the girls looks and body types. I feel like the newer games for the past couple of years are very unimaginative with the girls. They’re all tall, skinny, comically oversized and perfectly rounded chests and asses, etc… I’d love to see Rachel from Hank Moody (or Megan from Date With Megan!!) or really any larger variety in ethnicity, skin tone, body shape, etc…
Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
Make Brandon look like a hunk and we have a deal!
Thomas yeah i think its the same club like a said before or they used same or similar renders, and like i said before the doctor and Hot wife story chick are the same, just she was manager or sexretary 🙂 to same of the Directors or Managers. So either she change profession which have no sense or like you said twin sister, or they not paid attention much, and they were in a hurry and borrowed old character hoping no one will notice 🙂
“So either she change profession which have no sense or like you said twin sister, or they not paid attention much, and they were in a hurry and borrowed old character hoping no one will notice”
Oh my friend ,if only you knew the method behind our madness, it would blow your mind what we are doing and why we did what we did! Hehehe! But I’ll never tell! 😉
@Daman yeah there are alot of questions at Cvr. The margarita, the piano, dressing room all places we can go but Why???? Lol Thanks for the info. Pretty exciting the new stuff coming through just think you guys left some unfinished business with the 3 best games LWT & LWS & ELEANOR. I even think hot wife story needed more. Just so much can be done with those first three as far as expansion us loyal fans clamour for more… So many different scenarios that we can imagine and think of we just won’t more. Though we gotta have faith I suppose and keep dreaming and hope you guys bring us more of the old back.
Hey guys I’m liking these new games and ideas and all but will there be anything related to Eleanor? Or is that project dead with all this new stuff?
I haven’t forgotten about that classic game…if it’s considered classic these days :p
Sorry if this already been answered but when is Jazz getting released??? Thanks