Tracy and Lisa are closer and closer
July 31, 2019Last couple of days mean constant development of LWT2: Revelations. My task was to rewrite the whole game, from FLASH to UNITY, so it isn’t only adding extra scenes operation. It’s building the original LWT2 game from scratch, in new engine, and then adding the new content to the base version.
The whole process is going okay but because the fact, that the script is very complex with a lot of variables and tricky jumps between scenes (depending on various conditions), beta testing process is very complicated and time consuming. I’m trying to test every scene in every single possible variation and… my brain is almost melting.
So what is left?
– more and more betatests
– final text verification
– some cumshot images
– add AUDIO & SFX
– add GAME+
How do I see it so far?
New scenes are adding extra tension and depth to the game – you can learn a lot about background of the most desired characters, their experiences from the past and understand their role in this story. From the gameplay point of view, achieving the most erotic scenes, will require using smart approach and staying focused on your target for the whole game.
The game is much longer – we’ve managed to stretch it from 6 to 11 days and what’s important – every day matters and offers a lot of interesting activities. So no fillers – only fresh meat.
In terms of sex scenes – I’ve made a short calculation and I’ve counted around 14 sex oriented scenes in the original game. This expansion will add around 24 new sex scenes so as you see it’s a huge progress.
Is it going to be awesome?
If you loved LWT2 you will be just amazed with the expansion. Really. For some, who said that LWT2 was to short, this will be also great addition cause this time Tracy and Lisa got much more to offer. Not only much more scenes but also the variety and context of them.
Yes. This game is worth waiting for!
Thanks for the latest news about my favorite game. I really want to know more details about the past sex life of girls.
Hey you say August release and it’s August but no game. All joking aside, game is looking amazing. Take your time to polish up the game real nice. Most anticipated game for me. Once again, thanks for keeping us updated on the progress of the game.
Thanks for update Leonizer on the game. It is obvious a huge undertaking for this expansion. By the sounds of it is probably as difficult as making a new game. Waiting a little bit long for this game sound ms like it is completely worth it. The last picture previewed has me the most excited this time. If you require beta testers I would like to officially apply. Best of luck with the development and I hope we get an official launch date soon.
First of all, love the images for LWT2, looks like its going to be amazing! I’m a big fan of the LWT series, Tracy is by far my favourite character you’ve made.
Just wanted to ask, is LWT2 going to be similar to Eleanor 3? And when I say that, I mean are there going to be several expansions? I guess this is hard because its not a stat builder, but there is so much potential its insane!
Serbian Casino – I realise that a while ago there was a pole asking if the community wanted more of this game. The last time i checked, the community voted for more content in Serbian Casino (and why wouldn’t we?!). I’m a big fan of Faith & Senka, and I really like the story, its unique. Have you got any updates on this? Or are you still coming up with ideas?
Lastly – Would you consider having some sort of online form (like ‘Contact’ on LOPGold) were the community can submit ideas for new projects or expansions for games? – For some reason I interrupt the ‘contact us’ page as a bug reporting place. I’ve most likely misinterpreted.
With the online form (designed like the ‘Contact us’) when someone types in their idea and presses submit, it then generates an email to the LOP team were you can review the ideas/expand on them etc? I’m aware this forum is a good place to do this already, but maybe having another place to submit ideas/thoughts would encourage more people to do so? Then you could pick your favourites as a team and ping it back to the community to decide which ones to do (maybe via a pole?) Just a thought.. obviously i don’t speak on behalf of the community 🙂
If not, i don’t mind.. I love all of the games & story lines you make anyway!
Sorry, this seems longer than i intended.
Enjoy Beta testing Leo! 😀
(P.S. Is Daman still alive? I haven’t seen him for a while.. maybe he’s taken too many frying pans to the head?)
excellent work so far…great pics. Cant wait to see Lisa again 🙂
Wahou ! Great, thanks for all your works
AAAAHHH I can’t wait at all. Why isn’t it out already yet 🙁
And Living with Serana 2, Eleanor expansion, and more are in the pipeline.
It’s a great time to be a fan
I’m looking forward to the release of the new game. But the day after the new game, I’ll start dreaming about the new sexual adventures of Tracy, Lisa and Justin. I’ll start dreaming about creating a LwT3.
I’m curious if the other to girls from LWT2 will also have pregnancy routes as Tracy and Lisa already did so it would make sense to me to introduce those options not sure if you guys planned on that or not but it would be cool.
Steam, please!!!
Firstly, we should support the Eleanor 3 Steam release. We’ll see after that.
Lets LWT 3 with tracys mom, lwt series is a your best game, even eleanor not comparsion
I’m waiting to subscribe for this one….
Hey, forgot to ask, is there any chance Serbian Casino will be released in Steam?
Would love to play that game..
I hope we get a more wild and uninhibited Tracy, fooling around with whoever she can 😉
I just hope that we’ll have proper cumshot/creampie closeup images/animation like we used to in the older games. Eleanor 3 was seriously lacking in that respect.
Another fetish which I would have liked to see in Eleanor 3 was a creampie gangbang. I wanted at least one of the 2 gangbangs to end this way, but to my disappointment it didn’t. Hope we’ll at least see that in the LWT expansion (One such gangbang was already present in the original game, I’m kinda hoping to see a new one, preferably with Lisa!)