Living with temptation 1: REDUX
We’ve heard your voice and together with IKSANABOT we’ve decided that we want to come back to the original LWT1 story and retold it with more details, alternatives, including new characters and even more hot scenes than before.
Our plan is to rebuild the game with new visuals and features, implementing new story elements and new characters. IKSANABOT got many ideas he would like to add to the original LWT1 game and we’re going to give him the chance to make it happen.
According to our plan, first we’re going to release the base version of the game (without the WIFE GONE WILDER expansion) but already together with new elements (new character, daily actions, small events, remodeled scenes that already exists in the game, etc).
Why we gonna add WGW later? This expansion requires a lot of preparation – redesigning / building from scratch many locations, modifying old characters with new shaders (and there was a lot of additional characters in that expansion) and a lot of difficult renders including crazy sex positions with a lot of people on the one screen. So we don’t want you to wait for everything – thanks to that we gonna give you the first bite of LWT1: REDUX earlier.
So WGW as a second step and then we plan to provide this game with further updates on the regular basis – as long as IKSANABOT will be able to find time and passion to develop them 🙂
Original game was released in 2013, and despite the fact that the story still remains inspiring and unforgettable, visuals don’t look that fresh and need serious upgrade. Game was rendered in 900 x 600 px resolution and today it isn’t enough to provide the immersion and level of details that players are expecting from an erotic game. Also locations are build from rather simple elements, without to many details and without separation to day / night period. The most important fact – characters, still look sexy as hell, but in 2020 we got new techniques thanks to which we could present them on a completely different level of quality. And finally sex animations – only 10 frames cause of the technology limits.
So in 2013 we’ve got something like this:
This time we’ll go with FULL HD resolution (1920 x 1080 px), brand new characters shader, 40 frames per animation and completely refreshed / remodeled locations to match current visual standards. Thanks to UNITY we’ll be able to fit everything together without any issues at all.
Sample visuals (not renders from the actual game) from the next gen below.
First we got a very good news – we plan to release this title both on lopgold.com and STEAM.
IKSANABOT has already provided us with some new fragments of the script including new character and awesome short events. We’re still debating what to add to the base version of the game and I hope we’re close to the final decisions. YAMYODA has already started rendering the game. He has begun from the original script and I’m promised to receive his first complete renders soon. Of course I’m going to share them with you as soon as possible.
Our team is very excited about this project – we all know how much you love the original game and how close to your hearts JUSTIN, TRACY and LISA are. We promise that we’re going to deliver the best LWT experience you may imagine, build on the foundation of the original game but spiced up with new ideas, gameplay modification and regular updates making LWT the most iconic erotic game you may find.
Also today, next to this big announcement, we’re releasing CandF for our lopgold.com players who are able to play this short game 2 weeks before the other players.
What’s so special about this game? We’re experimented here with a new rendering technique and new animation format. Worth to give it a look cause it looks really amazing.
The woman you see before you is Faith Philips, a simple retail associate with a heart of gold and has given it to her current boyfriend, Christian Grant. Who, if you have not yet established now, is currently not here at present.
On any regular day, this would not bother Faith in the slightest as Christian would frequent the local card tables into the late hours of the morning. But with today being their six month anniversary, it has caused some bitterness to the fact that he is not there with her right now.
Very short but intensive erotic game with passionate story and even more alluring renders and animations. If you’ve played SERBIAN CASINO before you gonna love those moments spent with your favorite character again.
Oh fuck yes! LWT 1 was really amazing – one that hooked me to LOP. To play it rebranded, remade, that is something we all truly appreciate. Can’t wait to play it again!
Fuck yeah, my favourite game with more stuff! The biggest thing I want in this remake is to fuck Lisa in the bathroom at night without Tracy catching you, even though Tracy should be gone for the weekend. That on its own will make me happy. I hope it’s open like the original, so we can repeat stuff, that’s one of the biggest problems I had with the sequel. Exciting stuff, especially with the Steam release, thanks LoP!
I agree with you completely. Game should remain “open-world” to repeat interactions and we should be able to fuck Lisa without any interruptions on the weekend if Tracy is gone.
Do you think this will come before or nearly after the Living with Temptation Serena new game being developed?
Such phenomenal news which I as well as many look forward to this coming about within the next year or less hopefully as I know time table can’t be said, but hoping a rough estimate will be a year or less with also Living with Temptation Serena coming near the same time. If there is anything suggestions for the original game – I love to see Lisa with the option of less clothing or different clothing to buy and wear with the sex scenes as the original only had that in the shower with Tracy. Another would be the option to sleep with Lisa during the night both with Tracy there or when she leaves for the weekends. Also wouldn’t mind a little more days to get the accomplishments or less work to get to some of the original accomplishments. There should be an option to have sex in the main bedroom with Lisa and / or any other and also with Tracy in the other rooms possibly. If there is a possibility to have sex in the exercise place that would be interesting as well. There could also may be an option to sleep with both in the end more than one day and may be an option to sleep with both during the night as start with one and then find a way to go to the other later on. Also having Tracy try on some clothings like Lisa did in an expansion might be something. There could be something to see them shopping like Living in Temptation Serena did. I think there should be equal or close to equal amount of scenes with the two main characters Lisa and Tracy even if it involves the two of them getting closer. Without question thank you for listening to feedback and for answering some of our questions. You are doing such great work which this game I know many are looking forward too as it is still one of the best storylines and best made game that makes you want to play over and over again. Thank you.
That’s exactly what I wanted and even better! New scenes and characters for your best game…awesome. I just hope we don’t have to wait a whole year for it to come out.
Oh my,thank you guys,this is incredible!
Excellent news!
I see there is a small glitch in Christian and Faith. In the second dialogue, if you click the “fair skinned seductress” option the game thinks you’ve clicked “sexy little fox” and gives you a bad ending. Have to say there are also quite a lot of errors in the texts that a quick proof read would have picked up.
Indeed. I’m fixing this issue with mismatched choices right now. In terms of the second problem, we’re working to solve it ASAP.
Are we going to cut down on the grind for LWT1 remake? The game takes place over the course of a month and we can work out and go from being a weakling to being super cut or being a dummy and read a few books to being super smart in a month. It never made sense to me.
I like the current “cheat” system you guys have in the newer games, where you get a certain amount of endings then you get benefits. I’d just turn that into a game mechanic. At the beginning of a game, you get to pick traits (strong, smart, charismatic, rich, etc.) and put them into open trait slots. For every ending you get, you open up a trait slot. Traits are unlocked by completing a certain combination of achievements in game. So to get the “strong” trait you would have to complete certain achievements, like perhaps challenge someone to a race in the pool and win (which would require you to do a chain of events to allow you to win), then go to the gym and do a feat of strength etc. etc. Once you get the “strong” trait, you can slot it into the trait slot at the start of a new game and the game always assumes you’ve been working out, so you start the game with a gym membership and perhaps already know people at the gym (like perhaps a hot yoga instructor or something) which may be necessary if you want to score with them. Anyway, I’d like to build up my character just by playing the game and following quest lines, not by doing mind numbing repetitious tasks. If you get multiple endings you get multiple trait slots and if you’ve unlocked multiple traits through achievements then you can have a smart/strong character or a charismatic/smart character.
For money, instead of grinding exact dollar values, instead grind up your credit rating. Instead of a money counter you’d have a credit card at the top of the screen. Do better at your job and your credit card changes. You can start with a silver card, finish a work quest line to bump it up to gold, and complete another one to bump it up to platinum or black. Different items you can purchase require you to have a certain card.
Very good idea MrHyda – I’ll think about this.
I like the idea of traits but they should be like the ones in Eleanor 3 and be skills Justin has developed over his life ( magic fingers, gifted tongue, superior stamina, oozing charm to suggest a few) that open up different scenes/options during game play. To cut down on “grind time” to develop the different skills/stats and to increase varieties of playthroughs why not have a randomize start to show you didn’t spend the first 26 years of your life being a zero. If you have 4 important skills/stats that go to 100 then you have 40 to 60 points randomly assigned among them, maybe for each ending you get an additional 5 or 10 points as a cheat. It would encourage different ways to playthrough because one game you might have a decent body to start the next you would need to work on it more. Just my two cents.
This is a good idea as well.
If you’re grinding tasks to purchase things in the game… it doesn’t matter if it’s cash or sandwiches. It’s still the same thing.
The point is that I want to gain money through progressing through a story, not by pressing a button over and over again every day. You could just give a lump cash sum when you complete a work storyline and still have everything cost a certain dollar amount, but the credit card system is more arbitrary and more streamlined which would make sense in this type of non-grindy system. Completing part 1 story entitles you to certain items, then completed level 2 storyline entitles you to more items etc. etc.
Great news ! Looking forward to this. Iksanabot is always quality so sweet.
Also great calendar pic. I don’t know if it’s already possible to replay scenes in the StT gallery without text blocking a part of the screen?
Simply hit the spacebar to hide all texts and your HUD display to see the picture in all its wonders!
I did not know that.
This is absolutely wonderful news.Can’t wait to see it when its complete. Now my big question here is can you do the same thing with Eleanor 1, with the Asking for more expansion. Eleanor is my fav game with LWT coming in as a close second and I would absolutely love to see the first Eleanor redone with updated graphics and animations. Still really looking forward to the Redux of LWT tho. Its gonna be awesome!!
OMG !! Tracy, Lisa & Justin all together again !!! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !
LWT is one of my favorite game : nice story, nice characters and great moments of play. The WGW ewpansion was a nice idea and seeing Justin & Tracy into the swingers club was amazing, but maybe too short.
Are you going to explore this episode further ?
Maybe Tracy and Justin will go there more than once (and experiment thressomes, foursomes and more)
Maybe Justin will take Lisa there
Maybe Justin & Tracy will “accidentaly” meet Lisa in the club (“Hello guys, having fun?”) or Justin and Lisa will find Tracy with another guys (“Richard, what are you doing with my wife ?!” “Justin, what are you doing with Lisa ?”)…
Or maybe Justin & Tracy will spice up their couple with a little fun with Sandy (I miss this character…).
Or meet new couples (“Hello guys. I’m James and here is my wife Veronica. Do you want a drink ?”)…
There’s so much story lines you could explore…
Thanks a lot guys !
Best notice ever one of my favorite games 😀
While I know I’ll enjoy whatever story iksanabot writes, I hope he expands on two specific subplots that just kind of seemed to be dropped in the game. The first is where a few days when Lisa first moves in and invites her friends over Justin has an option to either put his foot down and remind her she needs to be doing her job or just be lax and say it’s ok. This could be the start of a branching story path where you could either be “push over Justin” (aka, beta bitch cuck Justin) or Alpha male Justin. I’d like power dynamics to be a larger part of the game. Tracy is a lawyer and is probably the major breadwinner of the family, which gives her a bit of a power advantage in the relationship. This wasn’t stated in the game but in my head I imagined that part of the problem between Justin and Tracy is that Tracy had lost respect for Justin as a man. Lisa is hinted at the beginning of the game to be using her sexuality to give herself a power advantage as well, although that kind of gets dropped as the game progresses. I’d be nice to have a “power triangle” dynamic in the game. Tracy is withholding sex from Justin at the start of the game and Lisa is using her sexuality to achieve power. At the end of the game Justin could be the alpha male, being successful in work by writing a prize winning article and “taming” Lisa. Alternatively Tracy could remain the one with the most power, drifting further away from Justin and perhaps towards someone else, or just start lashing out at Justin by purposely humiliating him. Lisa could also be the one with power, having seduced Tracy and Justin, and be the one in charge of the household.
The second is the quest line where Tracy catches Justin masturbating at his computer. I’d like that to be expanded upon too, perhaps with two different paths, one for beta Justin and one for Alpha Justin.
any game with cheating wives, hotwives, or corruption in general is something I’d definetly buy into.
I’ve unsubscribed to a lot of patreon games due to Covid, but if you continue with the Eleanor and LOP type series, I’d be happy to keep giving.
Awesome news!
The most exciting thing is the idea of it being a real building block with periodic updates. I thought there would have been more updates with LWT2, but perhaps the structure of that game made it too difficult.
A quarterly update of this franchise would basically mean I’d keep my subscription active year round.
Good luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product!
I also would like to see what happens when Tracy cheats with Mitch the gym instructor. It was mentioned in Kim the Cheating wife so I would love to see how that happens 🙂 Still really looking forward to this tho…Can’t wait
Would definitely be interesting to see what course of action Tracy takes if Justin keeps neglecting her and the baby and becomes strongly suspicious of Justin hitting on Lisa.
Thank you so much…!!!
I’m big fan of Iksanabot, so I’m sure that whatever he will develop is going to be amazing!
IMHO, there’s also a lot of room of maniover with Sandy as a character, in several locations and moments. And also there’s a location that can have a lots of interesting meetings and moments: the Gym!
I eager to have further news about this developemnt!
Yes! I agree! More Sandy
Best news of the year!!!! It’ll be interesting to see how the game is expanded! Sample visuals are HOT!!!! Can’t wait for more Tracy and Lisa content!!! Some of the ideas mentioned by others in the comments are interesting…
Although Sandy is a side character, would love to see more of her. Would also be great to go to the swingers club more than once, maybe Justin or Tracy go alone without telling the other? Not going to the weekend house with Tracy should open up much more interactions with Lisa too, and I wonder what Tracy does by herself if Justin doesn’t go to the weekend house with her. Gym and club seems like great locations to expand on interactions and new/current characters. Would be funny to have a story-line where Derek tries his luck with Tracy. Can’t wait to see what’s added! Great job LOP team! keep it up
A thought is to add more “riskier” actions to further the thrill of cheating. It’s hot when Justin was interacting with Lisa in the bathroom although Tracy was in another part of the house. Why should they stop there? Justin and Lisa should take it even a notch higher and risk even more when Tracy is in the same room as them.
Im hoping this time we step up the cuckolding content.
Are there any plans to add more to lwt2 revelations?
It would be cool if you could keep original soundtrack from the game for redux,it’s one of my favourite scores.
That! Please keep the music, it’s a big part of the lwt experience.
LWT is by far my favorite game and I’m a gold member because of it. My biggest request would be to please have more cuckold content throughout the game and not just as a ending. Maybe have Tracy cheating if she is neglected but actually have Justin get into the fetish and have it repeatable.
please add more of the doctor, you end up doing her at the sex club, why not before?