David is here!
November 10, 2020Let’s celebrate!
Today we’re delivering you David together with his wife demanding a divorce and three other ladies worth your attention.
I’m proud of this game – I believe we’ve mastered RELATIONSHIP SIMULATOR this time keeping all grinding and repetitive aspects of it to minimum (and keeping it engaging in the same time), mixing it with emotional story, interesting characters and outstanding visuals and animations. Give it a try and let us know what do you think!
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My name is David…
…and my wife demands a divorce.
Get ready for a unique relationship simulator, with a story full of erotic tension and dramatic moments. You will play as David, a successful fantasy novel writer (author of the popular “Enchanted forests of Elves”), who just got served the divorce papers by his wife, Maria.
…and I think that Maria is cheating on me.
She was always one of a kind in bed—ready to experiment, passionate, and with inexhaustible stamina. But in these past few months their sex life was nowhere to be seen. A total dearth. David knows she still has her needs, and, as the attractive woman she is, it would not have been hard for her to find someone else to fulfill them.
…and I’m being humiliated by the person I love.
Maria is doing everything in her power to make his life miserable, turning every single day into a hellish ordeal just to get him to sign the damn papers. And the worst of it all? She is dragging their friends into their whole mess. It is up to David if she will manage to corrupt them or if he will keep their loyalty.
Now is the time to act! David has lost his inspiration and isn’t able to write anymore, so he will have to find a regular day job and start earning money, all while trying to figure out how to survive under the same roof as his ife-turned-screeching-harpy. Is there still a chance for them? Would he even take it? His future is in your hands!
You have many paths open to you. You could focus all your efforts on your wife and try to get her love back – though it might be difficult right now, seeing as she doesn’t even treat you as a man, much less someone she desires. You could impress her with your achievements and all the effort you’re going to put into winning her heart back, yes, but are you going to forget everything she did? How badly she mistreated you in front of your friends, how cold she was when trying to drive you away? Let’s be honest: you will never forget her behavior, and forgiving it would be a tall order.
So maybe you will instead get revenge on her and find a way to catch her cheating on you – the perfect blackmail material. Will you just use it to get an advantageous divorce, or are you going to humiliate her and make her suffer? Remember: it is your path to walk.
Perhaps it is time to forget about her and focus on someone else. Maybe Valentina? She’s a quite fetching Italian lady who lives upstairs – and Maria’s best friend. She is not only tempting, but smart and witty, and, even better, you know she likes you. A lot.
Another chance at romance could be Sasha, Mack’s wife. He runs the best restaurant in town, and she helps him with his business, but… whether the charming woman who spends every night satisfying their customers has kept herself faithful is anyone’s guess. Are you going to test the waters? You could do worse for a rebound. Much worse.
And let’s not forget about the angelic girl who runs the antique shop. Her name is Linda, and there is something just plain special about her. It’s hard to capture whatever magical quality she has that always keeps you hanging on her every word, but you would like to try.
Im surprised its out already! Thank gosh im on leave!
Two games in a span of couple of weeks,awesome! I still have to finish Lilith,and even Pledge,once I’m over with those games I’ll try this one. Hope it will be great as it looks!
This is da best game you created!! Hands down
The Bar is set high for the next game
I have open all endings and i m not play yet. Please fix this mistake 🙂
Another game where wife/girlfriend cheats on you if you did not get high enough points or cheats on you anyway… don’t personally like these cause of reasons. Hope to either see a game with faithfull partner or where you start off single soon
I liked what was in the game, however I thought that the “cheating wife” part of the game was a bit lacking.
Maria insults you a ton, then the cheating just kind of happens with no build-up and even off-screen.
Yes, I know. The revenge was very lackluster and not very rewarding. If I was David, I could have done worse. In my opinion, they could have put on more outfits for her to wear for example in Ending 8 she wore this beautiful black lingerie while David was filming her with the Motorbike stranger. I would have shared her with either Valentina or Sasha; especially Linda, I could call it “The Angel punishes the Devil”.
How do I get the “busted with Mac” scene?
You need keep relationship with Maria low and get relationship with Valentina high.
she will let you know that Maria betrays you. Keep playing on day 28 so you can catch her with Mac in your bedroom
Nothing triggers for me on day 28
You have to have had sex with Sasha in the club, but don’t keep her panties. If you do keep her panties a different scene occurs.
So I unlocked 77 percent of scenes and done 4 endings. When looking at the Maria scenes I dont understand how to unlock the punishment scenes. If anyone could help that would be awesome!
Keep making Valentina really happy by doing all her events.
She will call you about Maria cheating in the living room and then once that’s done.
A new button will pop out “Have a confrontation with Maria” and the you will get all the punishment scenes all at once.
Any way to increase image quality/resolution? Fullscreen images are blurry and not very clear…
Any tips on how to get endings 5 and 9?
To get ending 5 you need to keep Sasha’s panties when you have sex with her in the club
To get ending 9 this one I’m not so sure because I managed to get it by pure accident.
You need to keep Maria and Valentina’s relationship high enough until up until Day 29.
how do i get ending 3
Focus on Valentina, get all her scenes, she has proof Maria is cheating on you.
It is an event you get somewhere on day 20+. After the event there will be an option in the living room
“Have a confrontation with Maria” and it will give you the option whether you want to punish her or break it off.
Choose break it off to get – Ending 3
So, I got ending 2 which Maria had proof that David cheated on her, even though he didn’t on my playthrough. I got it by signining the divorce papers on day 15. Was this supposed to work like this?
I have to say that David is pretty hard to sympathize with. I really don’t care about making him work things out with Maria or even take revenge. I feel like he deserved to be cucked hard by her, but ufortunately her cheating path seems to be disappointing and lacking. I’m more interested on making him get the divorce and end up with Valentina, Linda or Sasha.
I find this game quite generic and bland. I blame the wife, have zero feeling for this character because of her behavior. Compare to other great wives characters like Tracy, Serena or Eleanor this character is a massive disappointment. I found it hot when the suppose loving wife cheat/sleep with other men but this Maria is so trashy the way she treat the MC I don’t really care for her at all. Rant over. Will wait for next Eleanor and LWT redux.
Anyone know how to get “clubbing together” and “busted with Mac” scenes in the gallery?
Maria’s relationship needs to be low and Valentina’s relationship with you high.
Valentina will give you proof Maria’s cheating on you but do not confront Maria about it.
Keep going up until Day 28 and a cutscene will play.
“Clubbing together”
You need to have high relationships with both Maria and Valentina. And I think you need to get caught by Valentina having sex with Maria on the roof. Then the clubbing scene should automatially appear near the end of the game.
Anyone got the “Fun at the gallery” scene ? I cannot figure it out, lol.
Its the path with Linda. With high relationship (and sex before), it should trigger around day 25 to 28 in the antique
Do you need to hold off on taking Linda to the museum to trigger this scene?
how to get the ending 3?
I got it by:
– High relationship with Valentina (and all sex scenes)
– Low relationship with Maria
– On day 25, I got a scene where Valentina talks to David in the apartment and gives proof of Maria’s cheating.
– A follow up scene occurs on the rooftop where you talk to Valentina.
– You get a new option in the apartment ‘Have a confrontation with Maria’.
– Choose ‘Break it off with Maria’. Ending 3 appears right after.
the game “my name is david” seems not to work with firefox.
Again Javascript (message error = An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was: InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations)
Could you help me;
This issue sometimes appears for some user strictly in FIREFOX. Please switch to CHROME in order to avoid this issue.
I am having problems with CHROME since updating to latest Mac OS 11 “Big Sur” system. I can get the older games to load but all of the more recent games just display a blank background screen and nothing downloads.
Finished the game, definitely the best one here. Less grindy than the other games and scenes were great. Would love to see more Maria in the future!
This game takes forever to load and lags so much during play. And my connection is normal.
Will there be an expansion to this game in the future?
Overall such a great game as all of the games are. Maria is amazing although I must admit I love to see more of her in a few more scenes like a heated argument with David and if she is high enough there is a very passionate sex scene. The anniversary change and some of the clothing changes overall were terrific. Loved the bathroom sex although it would be nice to see Maria through the mirror reflecting or more opportunity for Valentina or Linda or Sasha without getting caught. If there is an expansion would love to see more scenes with each character with more places that have been unlocked that could come into this world and would love the option of creampie in more or getting them pregnant on accident. It is would be nice to have another woman added that works on his writing that he submits works through that we see more changes in some way maybe.
It is great to see Maria at work having sex although would love to see this at the clothing store or at the restaurant somehow with David working that happens because of something that makes matters worse or that Valentina comes to give comfort there or more places with Linda other than at work or her home. I would love to see Maria exercising in the park and having a scene there or somewhere. More Maria, More Valentina, More Linda for sure. Sasha was good, but wish her face and age was a little younger as it looked like the smoking although I loved that she was a smoker that she didn’t look so aged. Overall again such a great game.
I’m sorry but we don’t plan to expand this game with more content. Game was rendered by STOPER a while ago and right now he’s focused on a different project, not related to LOP.
Thank you for writing back. It is a bit sad that there will be no expand to this game, but understandable. Is it possible you may use these characters especially Maria, possibly Valentina, and Linda in other games in the future some how that you are working on like Serena as Serena is suppose to have more characters and different way to interact with the characters in the game or are these characters only able to be worked with by STOPER? It is my hope that some how some time in the future that these characters are able to be used again even though there will be no expansion of the game. As much as I liked the game, there are a few more games I have liked more that you have created, but the characters in this game I would say are better looking than some others in the past which is why I am asking or wondering if it is possible to use these characters in other games being worked on as one of the additional characters to be used. If I had a top ten hot list of LOP girls that you have created I would say that Maria for sure would be #6 or #7 with may Valentina and Linda probably either #9 or #10 or just outside the top ten list. There are just some that stand out more than others like Lisa, Tracy, Serena, and Jade, but I feel Maria and possible Valentina and Linda stand out as well. I would still say though Lisa, Tracy, Serena, and Jade are in my top of top 10 list without a doubt, but Maria is in there though in the running in the top 10 just not as high up, but close. I would appreciate if they can be still used in the future for consideration even if it is just one of them, but if it is not possible until STOPER is being able to work more on projects with LOP than I understand. Any thoughts would be appreciative on how your LOP girls work with those you have created including these and if they can be used still in the future some way some how. Regardless I look forward to your upcoming LOP games as all continue to be great especially knowing there will be changes upcoming in the way they will work / feel as changing it up only adds to the challenge / excitement. It is good to have options that we can choose the way we like the game to play out in some way. Thank You.
I know this probably isnt right place to post this but I cannot log into the gold website. Anyone else getting an internal error? Haven’t been able to find any info or updates about it.
We’ve got some temporary issues with our server which we’ve already solved.
Thank you Sir was able to login this morning! Cheers!
Nah, game still loads extremely slowly. It took me 5 hours to get to day 15 and then the game crashed, then 2 hour to day 21 and guess what? It crashed again and I couldnt even log in anymore.
This has never happened before so please have a look into it. I already sent an email to u guys but have not received a reply.
No issues on my end now. Game loads fine and played through a full 28 days with no hiccups.
He is right, game stopping very much :p Playing on Opera.
Firstly I’d like to say that I did enjoy playing this game and I do think it’s good. However, as a person who has played I believe every lop game to date (I usually pay for one month after a couple games are released), I have to say that the games just tend to feel the same. While I didn’t like the direction of lwt2 I did like that it was different. Lwt1 is my favourite game, really looking forward to the redux and hope a lot is added to it and done differently. Going back to topic, I would like to see something quite different in a future game. I’m not sure if you’ve checked out other games but many these days go for a virtual novel approach where you’re mainly just making decisions and some do have the odd gameplay elements added to them. For instance Jessica O’neil’s hard news who’s developer has worked with you has a good game, there’s a few other games like good girl gone bad and our red string (these two made by the same developer) and being a dik and many others that you could use for inspiration.
Basically I’m just giving some feedback because I like you and your games but for me they have started to become forgettable and feel the same as previous games. I would love to see a visual novel style game from you as I know you have good writers. Just my thoughts and hope this is helpful.
Yes, we’re aware of that. In our future games, starting with SERENA NEXT and other not officially announced projects yet, we’ll come with a different gameplay options. Of course we’ll not abandon dating sims completely but following the current trend (positively feedback by our players) we’ll try to make those sims less and less grindy, focusing more on choices and interactive events.
Thanks for the response 🙂 Looking forward to what you produce next as it’s always quality. Would love to see your version of those style of games.
Having played through the game, a few places I thought some little scenes could be are like the park. Valentina rubs her ass against you, but then nothing. Could sneak behind a tree for sex, same with Linda. Also kind of on the same line at the shop, there are changing rooms and you’ve utilized them in games like LWS. The bistro scenes where they play with cock could be the same as well, maybe feet under the table, or someone gets on their knees. I would have liked to have seen the average number of scenes for all be higher, rather than so many for Maria.
I am a big fan of this game! Definitely less grinding and a nice balance between stories, characters, events, etc. Great characters, and plenty of different content, especially anal content, as I know that was a popular request. Great work!
A few comments:
1) there needs to be “skip an hour” feature or something like that to pass some time. sometimes you need to be in a specific spot to trigger an event and it is sometimes hard to find something to do
2) also should be an “end day” or “sleep” feature to finish a day. Particularly useful when going after a specific ending
3) a skip dialogue feature would be good. Some of the sex scenes have lots of dialogue (Sasha dance scene for example) it would be great to skip to the sex after seeing the first time.
I have been a long time subscriber and love to come back and play these games over and over. Great work!
How to get ending 6 ?
Get relatiionship with Valentina high and keep Maria’s low, day 25 or so Valentina will tell you she has evidence of Maria cheating. Don’t confront Maria and play until day 30
Love this game. Still can’t get it to load into Google Chrome on my iMac since updating to the latest macOS 11 (Big Sur) system. After clicking the link nothing happens. This also sadly applies to all the new LOP games. It does work on Safari fortunately.
So, I have managed to find all the scenes and all the endings except one. Any hints on how to get Ending 6?
Get relatiionship with Valentina high and keep Maria’s low, day 25 or so Valentina will tell you she has evidence of Maria cheating. Don’t confront Maria and play until day 30
Does this game include BDSM, foreplay and sex toys, or its just vanilla sex? Cause for me my favorite games from LOP were Under the black banner and the new Pledge, but if this game doesn’t have some fetishes and bdsm I won’t play it, but no tags so I can’t know beforehand 🙁
How to sex with Linda?
Have the issues in Chrome under Mac OS Big Sur been addressed yet? I reported the issue via the game’s page but haven’t heard back yet and I see several people here are having the same issues. I don’t want to start all over in a different browser tbh and these games usually run best on Chrome.
Really good game but only two sex scenes with Linda is really pity.
how to get the ending 4?
I feel stupid for asking, but how do you get ending 1?
Ending 1 is staying with Maria. You simply do everything positive to help restore your relationship with her and avoid sexual relations with anyone else. Try to avoid Valentina or you will end up with Ending 9 which is the continuing relationship with Maria and Valentina.
After 5 different ending , try use cheat function to start game , it’s won’t work !! (chrome)
When can we have a WT for this game??? I’m not able to reach some finals!! Please 🙂
I seriously doubt they are going to publish a walkthrough. Maybe we can help each other. I have finished Endings 1,2,4,5,6, & 9. There are several good explanations of how to achieve ending 3, so if you have completed 7 & 8 we can compare notes.
Spoiler Alert:
My Name is David Endings
1. Maria and David restore their marriage. Keep doing good things for her and avoid sex with other women.
2. Sign her divorce papers on day 15 after sleeping through every day. David loses everything.
3. Valentina Ending. You have a good relationship with Valentina. She tells you she has proof that Maria has cheated on you. Confront Maria. Choose to end the marriage. (Save the game the day before this confrontation with Maria. When you reload it make the other choice for ending 8.)
4. Linda Ending. Just have a high relationship with Linda and toward the end of the month you will choose to be together.
5. Beat up By Mac. Have sex with Sasha at the club and keep her panties when she offers them. Maria will confront you with the panties, and Mac will beat you up.
6. Continue in a dead marriage. High Valentina and low Maria. Do not confront Maria. Do not have a high relationship with Sasha or you could trigger the Sasha ending number 7.
7. Sasha Ending. Have high relationship with Sasha. Do not accept her panties when she offers them to you in the club. On day 28 you will catch Mac and Maria in your bedroom having sex.
8. Punish Maria Ending. You have a good relationship with Valentina. She tells you she has proof that Maria has cheated on you. Confront Maria. Choose to punish Maria.
9. Threesome Ending. Keep a high relationship with Maria and a good relationship with Valentina. They approach you together to go to the club and propose the threesome.
I thought this would come in handy for anyone new who tries the game.
Hi JimMorrisonIsAlive, I got all endings except ending 8. I have like 800 Sasha’s points and less than 80 Maria’s points, but looks like Mack doesn’t find my wifey attractive, as I can’t catch them having sex on day 28. Any clue about what I’m doing wrong??
Thanks for your other answers!
Sorry, it’s ending 7 (Sasha ending) the one I’m missing. 🙂