What next with Eleanor?
July 16, 2021ELEANOR
I’m sure you’re familiar Eleanor’s biography written by Daman a while ago – we’re present in on our blog here: https://blog.lessonofpassion.com/2019/08/30/eleanors-biography/
For me, the most intriguing is the first part of it – when we got some brief information about Vanna Parr – Eleanor’s mother. Take a quick look below:
Eleanor was the only child to Robert and Vanna Parr and had a simple and yet uneventful childhood growing up. All that changed on her tenth birthday when her father went out to get her birthday cake and left her, her mother and the party guests alone at home. Later they found out that her father ran away with a younger woman and they never seen him again. Once the divorce was finalized and over with, Vanna soon fell into a bitter state and transferred that emotion to her daughter Eleanor and use her to become a weapon to break the hearts of other men.
At twelve, Eleanor told her about her first real crush at school only for Vanna to instruct her to kiss her crush’s best friend right in front of him that would cause a rift and fight between the two. In the end, Vanna took Eleanor to the mall and told her she would buy her anything she wanted as a reward for being “mommy’s little” and “doing the right thing”. This progressed through high school where Eleanor mastered her mother’s teachings of teasing and breaking everyone within her radius. And her mother would reward her more and more every time. In Eleanor’s mind, it was a game that her mother taught her and in the end, Eleanor never truly understood what love was in her heart.
This fragment is an amazing inspiration and interesting idea which could be a foundation of something really exciting – the prequel of Eleanor’s story. We would have a chance to meet her when she was much younger, innocent and looking for love and acceptance of her mother. Vanna took a huge part in shaping Eleanor’s character – I don’t want to judge her but it looks like it was she who awaken Eleanor’s split personality – loving girl during day and dirty whore when it’s dark and no one see.
So let us know what do you think about this approach. Digging in Eleanor’s past might be very intriguing but if you prefer further updates to ELEANOR 3 or just to explore a brand new chapter in Eleanor’s life with ELEANOR 4 – give us your feedback in the comment.
So far I want to remind you thank you can download ELEANOR 1 and ELEANOR 2 and play ELEANOR 3 with all expansions online here: https://lopgold.com/
If you interested in ELEANOR 3 STEAM version, you can buy it here: ELEANOR 3 ON STEAM
I must to say that we got all texts and renders ready and waiting to be put into a game file!
BASE version will have much more content than we originally planned – that’s a very good news for all TRACY and LISA fans! Development will take a while cause I want to re-balance the game a little making it less grindy and still as enjoyable and interactive as possible.
Release? We’ll do everything what’s possible to release it before the SUMMER ends!
WIFE GONE WILDER expansion, which we know from the original game, will be added with the first update to the LWT1: RDX – probably around AUTUMN. And later we will spoil you with even more amazing content those girls really deserve!
A prequel would be really interesting to see tho i wonder how would it go with the multiple endings, maybe a *only ending one is canon* kind of thing
Any story about Eleanor is good, we will be glad to see her! Since you are thinking about the future of Eleanor, maybe you will release part 1 and 2 in Steam!? to collect a complete collection and wait for future game
When creating a prequel, that is the one loophole that MUST be closed for continuity. But in a game, we can make one “true” ending while at the same time venture into the “what if” category and see where Eleanor might have ended up. That is how Eleanor 2 happened, following one ending from the first game, so it’s safe to say we can make this possible prequel to have multiple endings too.
Sounds interesting, but i like current character development. So i would prefer Eleanor 4, starting from one of Kevin’s endings, fidelity bar replaced with something like submission bar and humiliating tasks from her master (increasing submission if done, or she will be punished instead).
The idea DID come across during our discussions, sorta like how we did “My Sex Date – Eleanor” where we focused on Kevin and Eleanor’s office relationship. So not to say it will happen this way, just wanted to know that it was discussed.
We are talking about an adult right? 😛
Anyways, I feel like her story is kinda told. I’d rather see new expansions for 3 than an Ele4. The prequel, I wouldn’t be against it, it might be interesting to see how you handle the character models. Actually, I’m for it. Go for it.
Yes, if we were to go back in time, Eleanor will be 18 years old, fret not! LOL
Like how you changed your opinion midway through. We have some ideas for both expansion, sequel, and prequel but wanted to ask you, the fans, what you thought of it.
Prequel for Eleanor please. Flagship character right there.
Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
Honestly, I’m not a big fan of Eleanor, so I’d rather see you doing new games or expand on others such as SDC, SC, LwN, Lily…
If Eleanor is to keep getting new content, I’d rather see a sequel to 3.
I’m more invested in LWT series than Eleanor. Seems like Eleanor gets more attention than LWT considering LWT 2 got one expansion, and Eleanor 3 got two expansions. I’d love to see another expansion on LWT 2 or LWT 3 in the works.
lwt are the masterpiece, too bad lwt2 soo boring
I think Leo has asked players about “Serena: Dark Confessions” and there may already be an expansion in the works. Leo and I are talking a bit about “Serbian Casino” so I won’t comment on the progress until we are certain. “Living with a Nympho” is completed, but we may make another multi-universe style game that involves many other characters, but time will tell who and whom will join in! “Lily in Hawaii” is something I’m playing close to my chest, but I am working on an idea for a sequel but not an expansion, so stay tuned.
As for your vote for “Eleanor 4”, thank you for your feedback!
Thanks for this update, Daman! I really hope you guys can continue exploring Serbian Casino and Lily in Hawaii.
As for Living with a Nympho, I’d love to see another game like that!
I’d love an Eleanor prequel game. To be honest I get a little lost with the new Eleanor games and think there’s a lot going on for me to do everything. I kind of just do one or two play through and leave it. I can replay the LWT games multiple times though. A fresh new start with an Eleanor game would be awesome. I’d love to see all the mischief Eleanor got up to in school and her beginnings in life. Truth be told I never really cared for Drake but I guess you can connect to how they meet or idk maybe make this a canon series to how life would be if they never married and she was single and used all her sexual tricks to get ahead in the world.
Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
You can have an Eleanor 4 with flashbacks of an origin story/prequel throughout the game and thus you can tell her origin story with the decisions happening in the Eleanor 4 timeline. Her flashbacks can influence the players’ decisions which will guide towards the endings of Eleanor 4, allowing you to avoid complexities of not changing canon. You may need a quick intro to allow a player to choose what happened in Eleanor 3 (like Mass Effect Genesis, just not as in-depth). She does need a fresh start without Drake, so a player should be allowed at the beginning to divorce him. You can still have the underlying “Faithful” and “Slutty” by letting her find others to date….or just have fun all around. Definitely keep Paige, Sasha and Ben – good story arcs.
Eleanor 4 with flashbacks including Vanna Par : +1.
Meeting a new charachter in a new game will be more intesresting than a prequel in which we already know the end. Confronting Eleanor and her mother, discovering their common past and maybe their new relationships at the end of the game…
I sorta wanted to do that with “Eleanor 3” and did in some manners with the flashbacks to Eleanor’s gangbang party and her wedding night. There was going to be more, but I’ll keep my lips tight about it just in case we do something with it!
As for how we were going to start “Eleanor 4” or how to go about it, we are in works with it just in case players wish to see that over our prequel idea, so I won’t spoil as to what ideas we have as of now.
Eleanor is my favorite character. But, to be honest, her model is too outdated. This is Victoria 4, right? I think for the 4th part you need to make a new model on the G8.
I’d love to see what she looks like, but not to kill the sexy, original vibe she once gave us too. It’s like Pixar’s “Toy Story” and comparing the models to “Toy Story 4”. They are very new looking and have stronger facial expressions, but some of them lost their appeal over time as they updated their looks. So here’s hoping that if we do, it looks as good and sexy as before!
I Think that alternative timeline spin-off about her Laura Golddigger Porn carrer in the Story of Didi way is amazing idea for another game with Eleanor big fan of her character. Keep doing a great work guys
Yep. Or a new story about her porn career. And Drake is not needed for this story.
I know I’m a bit late to the party but story about her porn career could be amazing could be set between 2 & 3 i.e. Drake in prison, and in order to pay legal fees turns to porn, you could also bring back characters like Lisa and porn producer from Eleanor 1. You could also have something where she helps cops to get Don Mario to reduce Drake sentance.
Leo and I are kicking around ideas to make short games that involve follow-ups to certain endings in games. Nothing TOO big, but it would be some what of an epilogue that spans further than simply showing you three or four images for an ending like how we normally do it now.
To be honest, any Eleanor content is good content. I propose we do both! (prequel and Eleanor 4) Also I really do miss Eleanor rewarding Drake with a stripper threesome…. That is the only thing I miss in Eleanor 3. Even doing Eleanor 1 and 2 reduxes is highly welcomed
Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
A major part of Eleanor’s allure is that she is a cheating wife and MILF, so I think that another chapter would be best! I think with a prequel you lose that spirit and it becomes another game.
Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
I want to thank you, the LOP, for all you’ve done and continue doing, after all these years, you only growing bigger and fair
there’s no other competitor in diversity of full-fledged, sophisticated products, and, for a few years now, in speed of production, keeping in mind the increasing scale; your decision to transfer to Unity was impressive, that’s no simple business.
Still, i’m waiting for a time when you start to make good ol harem work, especially sci-fi, anew
Dignity One was a good piece, but it’s more of a tease of what you can really achieve
and yes, would you start adding transgirls? not with a dick, with a real pussy, just a part of her biography, discover in dialogue for example
or in the various states of transition, and protagonist can influence it, straight from the clean “male persona”, or uncovering crossdressing, etc.
you could make something interesting, if done right
Harems are both tricky and many times, in the hand of some writers, a sad cop-out to deliver fan service. But you are right, when done right it can work. So far, in our long list of entries, there have only been two harem endings in our game library: “Sensual Haunting” and “Arkham: The Dark Legacy”.
As far as trans characters, sci-fi genres, and such, we are all hands-on for trying new things, but many times before we venture in, we ask you, the players, what you’d think. A great example was way back in 2016 when we asked the community if they wanted us to add shemale characters into our games. The fans turned it down, but we are pushing the envelope and broadening our horizons in terms of how to tell a good, sexy story.
you misunderstood me, i meant no harem endings, but the whole idea, the gameplay, like black banner, snake valley, seducing the throne, dignity one, johnny bullet, almost noble hero, bounty hunter, even jacob’s rebound has its parts
almost noble hero actually is on premium level
as for t-girls that’s why i said with real pussy, no shemales with a dick, as a potential topping character, which you did survey about, and of course people don’t need that here
it would be interesting to see players reaction if they discovered someone is trans in conversation, no biological differences from born females, so you don’t need to ask or warn
Both would be cool a prequel as well as Part 4. Eleanor has so much more that she can do. Just please bring her back soon…
If there is enough interest for more Eleanor, you can bet on seeing more of her!
Waiting for Lisa and Sandy… Hurray!
And let Gabrielle come visit them. She has to make a return right LOP?
Eleanor is my favourite series throughout the LOP library. Firstly, I would love to see a remake of 1 and 2. I feel that part of the allure of the Eleanor series at least for myself is the infidelity especially with the other guys throughout the series. I’m not sure what to make of the Mothers role in the proposed prequel although it may work well. I feel that if Eleanor for instance disliked the Mother and started to have affair with the Mothers partner and/or having a fling with a married man be it a teacher or a boyfriends Father. I reckon that would be epic. Keep up the good work:))
Leo and I chatted about perhaps doing a REDUX of the Eleanor series: nothing to report on it so don’t hold your breath but also never say never.
As Eleanor is my favorite I will say anything with her would be okay with me. In fact do both. Lol I know that’s a tall task.
(Lately I have dipped my toe into developing scenes using HS2 and I have a new appreciation for what you guys do)
Anyway I think it would be cool to see Eleanor develop into the whore we all know and love but an expansion where she does more cheating right under Drakes nose would be very cool.
Thanks as always and keep up the great work.
Thanks for the feedback! 🙂
I tend to think El3 already has a little too much content if anything, so I would prefer to see a new game rather than further expansions. A prequel could be interesting, but presumably would have to end with her getting together with Drake and I’m not sure whether that works as a game (only one possible ending, otherwise it isn’t a prequel is it?), So maybe a new story would be better. I think there are a few possible options for this, but one might be where she leaves Drake for someone wealthier and more powerful, while another might be where she develops a more independent persona running her own business – maybe she could graduate from acting in porn to producing it?
Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
maybe we can see a different ethic model.
All the games are wonderful and I love them all.
It would nice to have some games like Eleanor to be not ending based and maybe continuity game where we can go in different directions. Meet characters along the gameplay, part ways and maybe meet again.
I’m looking forward to Eleanor and Drake’s participation in Velvet Rose club. I’m looking forward to their performance in Eleanor 3
I think it’s more exciting to join Eleanor 4 and let them meet in the club
Would also prefer a new game. The trip with samantha you mentioned in one ending would be a nice setting for part 4. They could meet up with other characters from lop or visit locations like the velvet club. Cause they are traveling and only straying not to long at one place there could be a smaler realationship system like in velvet club. Lot of new settings variations of characters and a lot of action with Sam an Eleanor 😉
I’d love another Eleanor story rather than a prequel but possibly include a prequel chapter in the new game maybe??
i think the next one gotta be 4 and with that comes to decision we the player can have Drake or not in Eleanor’s life at the beginning of the game just like the other commenter said above. It is time i think for her to not be near Drake and pursue other things.
The path of Eleanor pornstar “Laura” is also left open so that thing can be made or a spin off like Didi game. tbh im all parroting other commenter here because we have the same idea and not much feedback to give but I am one of the Steam user so i wish that next game will be out on Steam as fast like the latest expansion really.