This week I had a chance to play the SENSUAL HAUNTING prototype and it impresses me on many levels. Amazing visuals, great interface, and what’s important – engaging and not mundane gameplay that lets you discover your true ghostly potential and explore all secrets that characters are hiding. I’ve spend a great time playing it and it looks like the game is in a very advanced stage of development. We need to render more animations, add sounds, cumshots and tweak some elements but it shouldn’t take us too long. When our SEX AND GLORY team will complete this project we’ll proceed to…
Yes! We’re doing an expansion to our bloody vampire game. Please take a look at the presentation of the additional characters that will play their role in the upcoming update.
Which girl will you choose for a one-night stand in a cheap motel?
Looks great, can’t wait ! Not sure how I feel about all the milfs, but sure hoping for more scenes with Christina and the vampire daughter. Also the orgy was amazing but didn’t cover all possible combinations. Great work as always, it’s rare that I’m hyped for almost every game in the pipeline.
I hope there are more contents where we can catch other characters and watch from the original.
Luca is supposed to be dating and fucking Christina, but you only see them once yet quite often you can’t find either of them 😉
Luca has to go hunting and should be possible to catch him going with others?
Do we really think Vittoria is only with the protagonist?
Also think it would be good to see protagonist with the other older ladies more.
Why doesn’t he ‘fix his boner’ with Ellen in the shop?
Why doesn’t he help his aunt ‘close up’ late at night?
One thing that does bother me -> in the current iteration game after you have delivered the vial to Angelique’s father, he says every time you come to his house you can have Angelique whenever you want. This should be an option where you can ask for her, and either you go straight up to her room in the house and have sex with her, OR the father calls her down to do her duty for the family.
I am really disaponted about SENSUAL HAUNTING. I really liked the original, but the new “style” and all of the women have no breasts. Why on earth do you create erotic games and you didn´t even have one single women with more than B cub?
The old aunt was really sexy the new one is just nothing.
So sad.
Milfs are always welcome!!!
How long until the release of the LWT expansion?
Ya know, I was thinking that you guys should post a game release date schedule. Of course, I realize not knowing exactly what exactly happens as far as work loads go for you guys, and maybe it wouldn’t always be possible to keep to the dates posted, but….just an idea. Maybe have an announced ETA to look forward to rather than hoping/waiting for something to arrive, month to month. Thanks for all your efforts. Also, just a reminder, check, check, and double check your grammar and spelling. It’s never a bad idea.
Hello !
I have a problem, i can’t find how to read in Anita’s mind to have sex with Angélique after stole the Vial
I try a lot of possibilities but i doesn’t work !! Can you help me ?
Hey, Bloodlines is one of my favourite games of all time, it’s super lovely and I’m excited and hard for the expansion.
Are you planning to update old content too or just add new stuff?
If I may suggest something, It would be really great if we could avoid Cucking Christina to Luca, give us another way to get the vail.
And as others have already posted it would be great if we could catch more people on the act, it would make the world feel more lived in. Also as others said already, having more actions when Christina and Ellen are sleeping, for example jerking off to them, cumming on them etc. would be nice.
And for the love of everything I would hope for Christina x Viv scene!!!
+ I found a small bug (I think), Blowjob scene with anguelique in the library is missing from the gallery, and it is one of the best scenes in the game!
Oh I forgot! Having “Make Out” options with characters that have love relationship with you, like we can do with Monica, would be great. Escpecially for Christina, god I want to fuck her everytime I enter her room, It would feel more natural to just make out instead of having to cast spells on her everytime.