LWT: Luscious secrets is here!
The LUSCIOUS SECRETS EXPANSION PART 1 provides new and unique content that will satisfy even the biggest fans of Tracy and Lisa.
As Justin’s wife, she plays a massive role in his life and in this expansion. We all know she likes to experiment with new sensual experiences, and this time, inspired by Justin, she is open to a lesbian adventure with Coco from the sex shop.
For this redheaded young lady from Canada, we’ve designed new sex scenes that become available when your relationship with her is high enough. Prepare for some ultra-hot weekends with your babysitter. Take her in the kitchen, living room, and garden or witness a fabulous fashion show in her bedroom.
Lisa’s slutty best friend works at the club and is ready for more hot scenes. Now Justin can stay after hours in the club for some fun with her hot young body and lusty attitude.
The new experiences are oriented around already-established characters you love, and what’s more, we’re introducing some new temptations that Justin can pursue.
We introduce a brand new character with this expansion. She is Lisa’s childhood friend from Canada who has moved to Los Angeles to be a movie star. She has spent a lot of money to upgrade her boobs, and Lisa disapproves. Hannah is trying to earn money as an Instagram model, and working part-time as a hairdresser at the mall. She loves to tease and provoke. If Justin plays it smart, she is ready to offer him everything.
Yes, this beauty is into girls (and more). If Justin inspires Tracy with erotic toys and organizes a chance for Tracy and Coco to meet, sparks will fly. Experience an intense evening with the two ladies as they pleasure each other in front of you. And who knows, maybe you will be able to join them when they are done…
The Luscious Secrets expansion is going to be luscious as FUCK!
UPDATE: I’ve heard that some of you got issues with accessing specific locations. I’m trying to fix that right now – it looks like this issue is server related. I will let you know when the process is complete. For now, here is a quick but not elegant fix – if you have this issue, please close your browser, open it again and relaunch the game. It will help. I hope to come up with the right solution soon.
Great, it’s finally here!
I guess for Steam I have to wait a bit more.
Thanks for the update, it looks like there are a lot of new content.
The STEAM version will be released much later. I want to publish complete LUSCIOUS SECRETS there, so both PART 1 we actually have here together with PART 2, which is a work in progress.
Oh! How long for Steam release along with part2? This year?
Yes, we’ll release it this year 🙂
how to you have sex with Sandy in the club, I’ve had the threesome with her and Lisa
Had sex with her and Justin in the office but still cant get it to trigger in the club
same question from me…
I haven’t found out either 🙁
To get this scene you need to “Pick Sandy” during the third event with HANNAH at your place and then select “Wait for Sandy till she finishes her shift” when in the club.
…but there was a small mistake that I’m fixing right now. The button in the club wasn’t visible.
Just started playing it.
From the bat, I’m not sure I like how Justin is thinking with that barber shop scene with Hannah. I am glad it kills his relationship with both her and Lisa. But it’s optional.
Another thing though, I’m not sure, maybe you guys should check your triggers. Ofc I’m playing with cheat enabled, but still, getting the scene where Derek is harrassing Lisa in the garden before Lisa introduced either Derek and Sandy seems off. Also, if I’m hanging around in the house on day 1, she will introduce Sandy. Which will already lose some alone time between Justin and Lisa right from week 1.
Yes, I’ve noticed that cheating messes up some events’ chronology as well. I’ll try to fix it tomorrow morning. Right now I’m suggesting playing with STORY ORIENTED MODE.
I’ve fixed that just a second ago.
Alright cool thanks.
The jury is still out on Hannah. I do actually like her, her insecurity. But the content with her just seems disjointed. Maybe it was going to fast because of the issue, but still. We’ll see after a new play.
Props on all the new stuff with Lisa though. All the small conversations she has, the new scenes, the new options. It would be great if Tracy was also getting some new filler scenes. Anyways, the writing is excellent and I’m looking forward to exploring all the new ideas. Hopefully we’ll get some new outfits with the new models as well.
Great job ! Love it.
I keep running into many spots where the game likes to freeze and not go any further. dont know if this has anything to do with the new scenes implemented or not, but it just keeps freezing and i cant continue. gets frustrating
I’ve heard that many of you got issues with accessing specific locations. Right now, I’m trying to fix that and will let you know when the process is complete. Also, we got some issues with our blog – I’m fighting with spammers, and probably I’ve used one content filter too much. Sorry for that.
It looks like the game itself is coded okay. I believe the problem might be on a server-side – I’m talking with my web administrator right now.
Just for the record, I had issues accessing the garden at any time on the first weekend (having not gone away with Tracy & couldn’t get past the no touching chat with Lisa. I went back & started the days again but still had the same issues.
Great update apart from the glitches though!
I’ve contacted you via e-mail: Can you please try to replicate this issue? Before you reach the moment when the game breaks, please open DEVELOPER PANEL by pressing CONTROL + SHIFT + I and go to CONSOLE and take a screenshot for me and then to NET and to the same?
so at least first thing this morning, I tested it and was able to get to the garden (helping Lisa with her selfies) and get into Charlie’s Room at 18:00 (new scene with Tracy probably setting up Keiko). Those were the two where it was freezing and I managed to get a continuation to most of the new scenes. It might be server side.
I have exactly the same problem with the garden.
Okay, we’re very close to solving this issue. I was able to replicate it by myself.
For now, a quick but not elegant fix – if you have this issue, please close your browser, open it again and relaunch the game. It will help. I hope to come with the right solution in minutes.
I have had a lot of difficulty trying to unlock the two new fashion shows involving Lisa. I’ve done one run where Hannah wasn’t invited to the house and I’m currently on another one where Hannah was invited to the house and I’ve selected Lisa for the photoshoot outdoors. I’ve also gotten I think all the pre-requisite scenes in the office and the library but it’s still not appearing and I’m running out of ideas to try.
Ignoring that, I really like the expansion outside of three points. Hannah really needs more fleshing out before Justin just ups and cheats with her, whether it’s extra teasing scenes or maybe sharing her OnlyFans (she’s a shallow, plastic wannabe actress in LA… she has one). Also, the final scene with her was hot but makes no sense, since Lisa and everyone else are still in the house it’s strange that he’d just follow her to fuck without thinking twice. Lastly, the new scene with Sandy at the bar features her in her casual clothes instead of her bar outfit, which is what I think most of us were expecting? I think before the full expansion release it would be worth fleshing out those issues since in the discord I’ve seen some similar feedback.
Outside of that, the only other things I can think of are some of the problems from the Redux to begin with. Some of the triggers being relationship based rather than event based mean weird stuff happens, especially with the cheats. Some of the fluff scenes with no decisions to be made by Justin really need a skip feature since there’s so many of them. Lastly is cleaning up the dialogue with Lisa over the weekend to better reflect that Tracy is not home. It’s still easily one of the best games you guys have released and honestly there’s still plenty of future expansion content featuring the main cast that it’s easily worth my website sub and steam purchase. Can’t wait for Part 2 and Horos (and Hazel from CVR2) later this year.
Having similar issues triggering the new fashion show scenes with Lisa. Selected her in the photoshoot but at 6am on weekends when entering Lisa’s room get the same comment about not entering the room etc
That aside, really like the new character Hannah and hoping to see more development with her and Justin in the sequel. More scenes between her and Justin at the shopping centre/salon, maybe a few scenes with her at the gym, and a threesome between Hannah, Sandy and Justin or a threesome between her, Lisa and Derek.
Also, not a fan of the cuckolding scenes in these games. Would rather see some ass play whether it’s Justin rimming Lisa or Hannah and vice-versa. Especially if it’s part of the threesomes mentioned above or part of Hannah’s “audition”.
Still hoping that there is a scenario where we just see Tracy having sex with Daniel instead of it turning into a cuckold or wife sharing scenario. Like just have her cheat. The story was on the way there in the first RDX when Keiko hints that you should check on her, but somehow fit Justin magically slips just as Daniel/Tracy are about to get it on on the dock.
With the next release and the office coming I’m hoping Justin wants to ‘surprise’ Tracy at the office and as he rounds the corner hears noises only to peek in on them together. At some point either through the fact she wants cock and isn’t getting it from justin, or she finds out about Lisa she should have some on her own. With that in mind, if she were super slutty after the having multiple guys at Vegas, why wouldn’t she also go after Derek if she finds out about Justin/Lisa? Kind of like a “If Justin’s going to run around on me, I can run around on him”
Thank you for all the hard work on the update LWT original game. I am looking forward to the part 2 of the experience more which I hope comes with more experiences of each of the girls and the new ones. I didn’t think all of this one was done much better for Lisa and Tracy side much. Lisa is still lacking a sex scene that you can do more than just a blowjob or titsfuck in the shower at home. I would hope all the girls have more in the shower in house and other areas like the gym or someone else’s house. It would have been nice if Hannah was living next door or close by with her story knowing Lisa again. I think really Lisa scenes that were added should have been a little more that you could change and remove clothing more which came be with more risk depending on how Tracy levels were. I think the scene with Lisa having sex on the dinner table should have been more than a blowjob done and Lisa having sex outdoors in the backyard that there should more with volleyball or in the pool itself and again the shower scene outside and in the bathroom that even when Tracy is gone you still can’t do for the day or the weekend. There should be options of having sex in the library with Lisa or Hannah or Sandy or each of them including Tracy. There is should be options of having more than a blowjob again shopping when trying on clothing or when Hannah is cutting your hair that you are only one there in the hair salon that she choose to have sex there with you. I think having sex in the park on those walks with Lisa that should also be an option with the other girls somehow or more than one really. I think the moment Lisa does go with Hannah or Sandy out that those nights came be used to do special scenes with Tracy or other ideas to come about that Lisa returns home early that you confront her that leads to more that night that Tracy doesn’t see or does in the end (especially if it happens more than once). Yes, the weekend get away should be ways that you get away with the other girls instead and having sex in your office / in the baby room / other places should be something even in the gym area itself (not just the jacuzzi). There should definitely be one with Justin, Tracy, and Lisa together or one substitute in and ones with just Lisa and Tracy together.In some ways I loved the added scenes and new girls in, but others I wish there was more done in adding to that not just – it is either a blowjob or tit fuck, but both anal and regular style again. It would be great to see a few changes of clothing in the scenes and removing it or not still having the same results (may with removing it better results or the other way). Overall thank you for your continue hard work on this and all projects upcoming. You are doing great work always.
Anyone know how to start the Tracy/Coco storyline?
Small hint – first buy the flashlight from the sex shop and let TRACY use it during the sex scene in the master bedroom – evening hours.
Made it past there (seen the book reading poolside, and gone back to talk to Coco about meeting at the club), but can figure out the next step.
nevermind, just found it!
There’s a small bug with Hannah at the haircut- if you have too high relation with her and she’s giving you a blowjob but wants more, if you refuse and go back to deepthroating her, it loops back to her wanting more. You can never finish the blowjob.
Thanks, I’ll check that.
Finished one playthrough love some of the new scenes I got so far. Would love to see a some more scenes added for Tracy on the second half one would be giving the officer at the strip club some attention to get out of trouble. That seems like it would be fun. Also I think after this second half of the expansion drops. Lop should definitely move onto freshening up LWT2 and then start working on a LWT3. I feel the Story has a lot move forward with Tracy’s seemingly sexual addictive nature. The story should definitely pivot to Justin trying to keep her in check or delving into her shinagans. Along with have to try to keep his has on or off Lisa. The series has so much potential. I can’t wait to see what lop comes up with next.
Love LWT, Love LWT2, also a fan of a lot of the other LOP and SAG games. The developers put in a lot of effort, and I have never thanked them before on the blog — hell, I never created a WordPress account to be able to comment here… till Luscious Secrets!
I have always enjoyed guiding Justin threw one adventure after another, but I never envied him… never wanted his life… till Luscious Secrets!
I have lusted after Lisa — Lisa made me sign up for LOP membership after I found a download on a partner site. But Hannah… I do not think I will ever get enough.
Thank you is not enough. I want to share with you my dream for the next phase of Luscious Secrets or a subsequent expansion.
** Spoiler Alert — there are gameplay references below which you may or not want to experience yourself first **
If anyone’s played the game, they know about Wednesday night and Sunday night movies. Imagine if getting the girls to go along with watching Porn resulted in a cable glitch where instead of the joke porn that the girls have planned, they find themselves watching a Hannah porn vid in which she has seduced a well-endowed homeowner whose name happens to be Justin, and they start fucking on his marital bed, and the wife, who happens to be brunette and named Tracy, walks in and start screaming, which causes the nanny and her bff — you guessed it, redhead and blonde named Lisa and Sandy — come running to see what made Tracy scream (because it was not a scream of lovemaking, lol). Movie-Tracy goes to attack Hannah, but movie-Justin restrains movie-Tracy while Hannah makes her cum, and then movie-Lisa and movie-Sandy are drawn in like moths to the flame.
And the best part is that Tracy and Lisa can’t change the channel, they are both masturbating, and Justin is looking at them wondering if he can enjoy himself, too, when suddenly Lisa looks at Tracy, who nods, and Lisa calls out, I’ll tell Sandy to hurry, and Justin gets an orgy whose first course is him with Tracy and Lisa, main course adds Sandy, and dessert can be a variety of choices.
“But wait, fxchx, no way Tracy will go for this.” Hmmm. I actually imagine that this might be possible only after Tracy has enjoyed at least Coco, maybe Hannah, too. And that Justin will have had to play his cards right and have a great score (cough) with each of Tracy and Lisa, too.
And of course that means that the happy result above could be paired with a disastrous one — where Justin’s scores are wrong or he made some unfortunate comment or the pictures he took of Hannah come back to spoil things — such that Tracy and/or Lisa accuse Justin, and claim that Hannah’s porn script was based on actual sex with Justin, regardless of whether he cheated with Hannah, and maybe Hannah was just paying him back for the lies he had told her in the chair so to speak — and the result is either temporarily bad like lost stats with Tracy and/or Lisa, or that he has to live in the doghouse, or even that he has to hang out at the club and let Sandy invite him to her place (which is not too bad an end as such).
You could do the above as a bonus when Justin is alone watching porn in his office, maybe with one or more girls walking in on him, and maybe with him wishing/imagining they were Hannah, and or calling out her name, lol. But movie night is an easy way to loop in the girls. Hope you like my dream or these variations. I will be imagining them over and over again, lol, for a long time to come.
But Hannah has pushed me over the edge. I am so happy to take Sandy in the club — my old fantasy was that Justin would keep fucking Sandy at the bar and at her home, until one day, Sandy being Sandy, she posts pictures that only Lisa and Tracy would recognize as Justin’s penis in her mouth. That still would be hot, but Hannah is mor than hot, she’s a whole inferno.
Apologies for the long post… you know how it is when you keep stuff inside, lol. Also apologies for the typos, but if I had to proofread all that it would have been too much like work.
Hannah just keeps opening my mind to new possibilities. ** spoiler alert **
After you lock her into her job as hairstylist you can have her there every day, which is wonderful. But now I am imagining sending Lisa to the hairstylist, would that result in a threesome? Or after Tracy opens up to Coco, you “treat” Tracy to the salon and enjoy what follows there. Sandy, can get in on these imaginings, too, but she walks in on you and Hannah — Sandy has a knack for that — and then threesome.
I have sent in a suggestion with Justin and multiple of the girls but at one of the clubs instead of at the house. There is a narrative justified way to make it work imho. We’ll see. I disagree with the comment above that after these 2 expansions LWT1 Redux is done. I believe there is room for one or two more bigger expansions. Maybe one more focused on Tracy. Or on other relationships between the cast. Like Coco and Dr Lotta.
I do agree that LWT2 could use some love too. If only because graphical it just isn’t high def enough on a widescreen monitor. But also, some kinks from LWT2 wouldn’t fit LWT Redux, like the swinging, or the cuckolding, or bdsm or Lisa/Tracy threesome etc. but it does work in LWT2. It has that holiday feel over it and Tracy and Justin having already accepted their new lifestyle.
Yes, we’re thinking about LWT2 remake with some gameplay changes but first we need to solve the possibility of moving our favorite characters to the new DAZ models.
Well, you guys are doing a fantastic job 🙂 Keep up the great work, and personally, I am so glad you are releasing this in two parts. Sure, everyone wants everything delivered in full and all at once. But the people who complain are the ones who don’t appreciate all the work that is required. Thank you, thank you!
I can’t seem to get past scene following Hannah and the group taking photos in the garden. It moves into the office with Hannah asking to checking the bikini top and freezes after it states she leaves. Another Bug?
Don’t think it’s a bug, I have gotten that scene, and the scenes that follow with her. But I did get memory errors occasionally that required me to restart the game. Not calling those bugs, just overplaying the game and exhausting the browser.
Out of interest what browser are you using? I am using Firefox and annoyingly the game is nearly unplayable because of this. I have had a look at the control panel (ctrl+shift+I) and get the following error:
Uncaught undefined – Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.
An abnormal situation has occurred: the PlayerLoop internal function has been called recursively. Please contact Customer Support with a sample project so that we can reproduce the problem and troubleshoot it.
I’ve reported it but in the meantime it’s kind spoiling the experience.
I am using a Chromium based browser called Brave. It seems to be a little less resource-heavy than Chrome. Not a perfect browser, but I also have a decent-sized beast of a machine including 32 GB RAM. Even with that I get out of memory errors from the browser playing games on LOP and SAG, but that’s what 64 GB RAM chips are for, right? 😉
So far I haven’t managed to trigger the two new fashion shows in Lisa’s room. Does anyone have any tips or hints? …and btw. i like the new extentions. especially the scene with Sandy is very well done. hope there will come more with her…
Still can’ find a way to get scene with Sandy!?.. I pointed her as the best after photo session by pool bot still nothing – is there any other rules to get this scene?
About fashion shows – have no clue at all how to get them.
scene with Sandy is you go talk to her at the bar later and select the first option. I imagine your style/fitness/esteem have to be high enough considering Justin is pretty forward with her about having sex.
For the fashion shows I’ve gotten part of the way there. After you get Lisa to introduce you to the library, talk with the younger students and read up for inspiration. When you’re in the office, Lisa will eventually sneak up on you in the polka-dot dress and flirt with Justin. After that scene, you’ll get another new scene returning to the library for inspiration and talk with Lisa. Currently that’s the furthest I’ve gotten, one game with no Hannah photoshoot where I’ve gotten every Lisa scene and still nothing new has popped up, and another with selecting Lisa during Hannah’s shoot and I’m most of the way there and still haven’t found the right trigger for either new fashion show.
also I should mention, I think there’s a new scene in the mall with Lisa where you keep playing the raffle for a $200 gift certificate? I feel like that’s important but I don’t remember if it’s new or not.
Scene with Sandy still not possible. Think, there is some more rules, like sex in office before or relations progress with Lisa before.
I definitely got it with no real frills attached after selecting her in the photoshoot, I had max Fitness/Style/Esteem and just went into the bar. It’s repeatable as an option in the bottom right of the screen too so maybe I’m misremembering and it’s there instead of the talk with her option.
Is there any ending for Hannah? How to unlock?
There don’t seem to be any new endings
OK, but I really like Hannah and hope she can have she’s own ending in part2.
Great expansion! Love the new renders, I like how the scenes had the girls in different positions and each position has it’s own final shot after finishing. We finally got more scenes where Justin can fool around with Lisa around the house when Tracy is not home. I also enjoyed the new Sandy scene, I hope we get more scenes with her in the future.
I really like the character design of Hannah. She is hot. Her character and story also make sense. She had plastic surgery done to make her appearance a 10/10 stunning model, so it makes sense that Tracy would feel jealous and threatened by her, and it also makes sense that Justin and Derek would be extremely attracted to Hannah. I would like to see more Hannah scenes in the future!
Unless someone has gotten them or Leo chimes in, I’m all out of ideas of what to try to get the new fashion shows with Lisa. Either it’s bugged or the triggers after are so specific that brute-forcing selections doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tried three runs with no Hannah, selecting Lisa during the photoshoot, and defending Hannah and selecting her to make Lisa jealous, and then after that I’ve found two scenes that should lead to Lisa wanting to help provide Justin with “inspiration” and a new scene with Sandy after buying a hot-dog, but I can’t find the next trigger to move forward and I’ve exhausted all possible scenes with Lisa and most with Tracy.
Yess!! 100% agree – not worth money have paid!! Offers, selections and possibilities should be more or less understandable.
Its really easy.
In the weekend when Lisa is outside and topless (so after having sex with her) you choose ‘take her to her room’. That’s it. If you havent found it, I’m pretty sure you havent exhausted all possible scenes.
So far I’ve gotten polka dot twice, tight jeans not yet.
Thanks, Sean! Have not been looking for a take her to her room option, so may have missed it. 🙂 As for fashion shows, I did trigger the scene in the mall, but does that replace the “fashion shows”/sex scenes that were originally in her bedroom at 6 am on weekends? Every time I try that Lisa does not so much as show her clothes much less change into lingerie and blow me.
It doesn’t. Go into her room around middag the first time instead of in the morning. I only get the lingerie though. I think the other clothes might be dependent on relationship level which is a bummer since you’ll miss them. I’d rather just have the scenes incremental like in the original. I also can’t seem to trigger the pizza Hawaï scene anymore, or the scene with the pickle when you eat something in the kitchen
Thanks, will try it! Yeah, still chasing pickle (scene, only). Is pizza hawaii the conclusion of the pizza delivery guy? Have not gone that far yet to make sure it is available. Am enjoying the patio sex scenes though.
Got the pickle scene!
The pizza Hawaii was when you ordered pizza when Lisa is in the room. But maybe it’s a fever dream, pretty sure I haven’t found it anymore since WGW released
Idea is perfect an characters are perfect – this is the only game i am waiting for!! I don’t care about any other games on this site!!
Nice game!!
But here is a problem –
I got my own small business(workshop) and for me it’s understandable deliver to my customers unfinished an low quality product. Unfortunately -this is what I paid for – I paid for hastily executed and sloppily done work. If I would offer this kind of work to my customers, according to post Soviet Union rules they could wrap me in a film and bury me in the forest. I Paid to play this game some hours in my weekends and it’s unacceptable to spend a lot of time to get understanding about bugs, mistakes incomprehensible tricks how to get out of stuck, even if i am reading all of the texts.
1. There is a lot of free games with a good characters, good high resolution pictures and good scenes but there are lot of unnecessary BLA BLA BLA an other things – don’t be like them PLEASE!!!.
2. If story line are changed, please change texts too, or remove a scene – there should not be texts about no touching rule after sex with Lisa 10 days later.
3. If You are making a promise things, like You can have SEX with Lisa every where You want, (that was in very start after REDUX was done) its looks strange when it’s possible only once on terrace, on sofa and some tits..,,.. in weekends. – i think first version of LWT was much more better in this case.
4. Like I wrote before game play should be more intuitive that’s sad to loose whole story line only cause You went to library too fast, choose wrong text 10 days before action or got too much relationship to get right move – Offers, selections and possibilities should be more or less understandable.
Yes, that’s true that with such long list of available events it’s difficult to keep the right chronology of them. It’s a sandbox type of a game and the story flow is dependable on the player’s choices – tracking everything in the right order isn’t easy, especially when you select CHEAT CODES and boost all relationship stats with girls to the max. We got fluent flow of event with the regular STORY ORIENTED MODE.
I’ve just published a slightly modified build with the improved chronology of events for a game with CHEAT MODE active.
Awesome, thank you!
Another Awesome update, can’t wait for future updates
Small Suggestion for potential future update. It would be awesome to get visuals for “Surf the net for Porn, like could bring characters who’ve dabbled in Porn to life i.e. Eleanor, Didi, Poly, Bianca Mastubation Scene from Serena, Girl Eleanor meets at beach from origianl Eleanor game, Tori/ Jordan 500, and further development with Hannah storyline where gig in Florida turns out to be a porno
That’s a good idea. I’ll think about implementing this with the next part of the expansion.
Yeah I think stumbling onto Hannah through the porn on the PC is a natural way of fleshing her out. The porn on the pc bit has so many possibilities.
Agreed, also the porn on movie night — would love to have that threesome watching a Hannah porn vid, especially the one I described in that very long post, but even a sequence of Hannah porn vids. Maybe the girls turn it off the first time, acting outraged. Then Justin catches first Lisa and then Tracy watching the Hannah vid while masturbating. Or Sandy catches them and makes them let her join to keep it quiet from Justin.
Just so many doors opened by Hannah in porn.
Does anyone know how to progress further in thre tracy/coco storyline?
I used the toys and tracy confirmed she met coco but I can’t progress any further. Any help would be appreciated
After she confirms to having met Coco, you can catch her in the office after 16:00, then catch her outside after 16:00 (I want to say it has to be after 20:00 but could be wrong). After that talk to Coco, then talk to Lisa alone to help you pick out an outfit and you can call Coco after 20:00 to do the whole thing.
Do be noted that it could take a while for all the scenes to progress. For me the outdoor reading took like more than a week after the watching porn. Because so many other events got in the way of it. I did trigger the reading scene at 17h I think
So thanks to the discord… the new Lisa fashion show scenes (including an unmentioned one) are an option for when Lisa is outside topless over the weekend after you’ve had sex at the club. Including the polka-dots and the jeans, there’s a plain white dress one, you get them by selecting “Take Lisa up to her room.” I don’t think you need the scene with her in the office or the library to get the dress because it seems random, and I’m going to say the combination of that one option getting lost in the sea of options + the normal fashion show being a triggered event made it sort of hide out in the open.
perhaps it might be worth having Lisa’s room over the weekend be a static location like it used to be and gives you a chance to do all the fashion shows on command?
There is a sea of options, but tbh you do use all of them and it shouldn’t be too out of field to access it. What would be cool is if you actually get the scene after going to the mall with Lisa to buy the dress. Or of the outfits become available after another in game scene. Like the polka dot dress after the scene in the office, the other black lingerie after the scene in the mall, the nurses outfit after that scene in the evening. My current ‘gripe’ with it is that the scene you get seems random and you only have 2 shots per weekend.
Hi. What is a solution for really slow loading of the scenes? It takes 10-15 minutes for each scene to load. Im unable to play. My connection, hd space and specs are good.
Hello, can you please try in an alternative web browser?
How can I get the sex scene with Hannah at the hairdresser ?
I was only able to get the blowjob scene.
Nevermind. I figured it out.
I’m can’t seem to figure this part out, any chance for a little help?
Once you get blowjob from Hannah, next day just go to hairdresser find her again.
I do that but Lisa always says shes leaving LA then shes not there anymore.
hey man how did you get this scene ?
You can’t lie to her that you are a Hollywood celebrity, and then you must tell her that your wife talk shit about her, make her hate your wife.
Thinking more about Wednesday and Sunday night movies. I still want the porn sequence I mentioned in my long post. 🙂
But might also be interesting if, when they turn on the TV, there’s an entertainment magazine that comes on each week, and they show reports of Hannah getting more and more successful, week by week. Hannah’s successes trigger reactions with Tracy and Lisa. And Justin’s reactions to them trigger consequences. And maybe at some point, there’s a report that Hannah is going to be honored — it’s LA so maybe with a Hollywood Star or some such honor that the public could show up to cheer. And she sends Justin an invitation, and only Justin, lol. That could be a lot of fun.
Hopefully for part 2 we can have fun with Keiko. Would be great to cheat on Tracy with her. One scenario could be you spy on Tracy in the cabin after the info from Keiko and to get back at her you have an affair with her, Also since Tracy is her boss maybe implementing Keiko trying to seduce Justin for a raise. Hanna is not a bad addition just more flesh out story with her would be better. To easy to cheat with her. Anyways keep up the good work guys
On Sunday evening, I went to shopping Mall and at 20.00 went to visit Sandy (Sex scen with her). When next day starts (day29 Monday) Tracy was no Tracy any more – not in bed at 6.00, not in shower at 7.00, but at 8.00 Lisa appears like it’s Sunday.
at 9.00 I went to Lisa’s room and got show in lingerie — NICE! Every day like SUNDAY!
Please! don’t change anything!– best BUG ever!! :))))
It’s fixed. Thanks for letting me know – if you got more to report, please send me an e-mail. I’ll try to fix it ASAP.
There is some issues with space bar – when You hitting it to remove text – sorry, cant find Your E-mal to send a screenshoots.
I had it as well. When you hit spacebar during a sex scene the UI disappears. When you finish a scene without the UI, during the normal game, you either have to UI on top, or the choices for every location, but not both. And you switch between both by pressing the space bar. Going into a new scene fixes it
I used to stumble into that bug, but to avoid it all I had to do was restore the UI with space bar before advancing. If you advance while the UI is off, then you get the glitch.
It has been fixed yesterday.
I still haven’t played, but i want to say i love your cuckolding writting. Hoping to see a hotwife path on future aswell, love seeing Tracy more on domme side.
I fully agree with this comment, but for Tracy, I love seeing her be submissive to the guy cucking Justin. like he can tame her where Justin can’t.
Massive question, how do you lock in Hannahs job as a hairstylist? and how do you get the sex scene with her?
Hi guys, after many attempts, I’m asking for your help with two things:
– How to progress the relationship between Tracy and Coco?!
After buying the sex toy, Tracy goes to see Coco, I tell her that I find it sexy and nothing!!
Can you give me the solution?
– Second thing, how to unlock the scene with Tracy “Get exercise with her and play volleyball”
I’ve tried everything, but I don’t understand how to unlock this scene!
Thank you in advance for your help !
The answer was allready posted here.
After sex Scene:
– find Tracy masturbating in your office arround 17.00
– talking with Lisa for an special outfit for Tracy (I think it was talking during morning lunch)
– go to Living room at 20.00 and start the event
play volleyball scene is a result of eating pizza with Tracy 3-4 times at 1600 in the living room.
Like the expansion, just a couple of things I’d like to comment on
How do you get ending 5, some people on the discord seem to think that now theres no end day you cant get it, has it been tested on this version, I can’t seem to find it? I also cant find the tracy volleyball scene 🙁
In the original game (wife gone wilder exp), you could have sex with lisa outside during the week, even whilst tracy was home and get caught. I thought this was a fun element, and I’m not sure why this isn’t in this version, perhaps some days lisas friends won’t be round all day, she is supposed to be doing nannying after all…
In the original version of the game, you could also do the lingirie scenes with lisa in the bedroom during the week (at around 12-14hr i remeber), again this is weekend only now.
In the OG version once you gave tracy the sexy dress, she would wear it in the living room and you could repeat the scene there with it, now it is a one time scene.
Basically, I would like to see more of the scenes be repeatable, doable during the week, as otherwise it can feel like theres nothing to do with lisa during the week (the only time you can fool around regularly is when tracy is home!), the scenes are already there, why not make them more available.
apart from that, I like the new content, its just a shame that you’ve limited so much content with lisa to the weekends only imo
Just finished the update and have to say I really like the new content. Especially the Hannah content was amazing. Have to say she directly become one of my favorites in your cast. Would love to see a lot more of her. If it’s possible in her own game. May how she become a model and what she have to do to achive her goals.
Would be cool if this game had a walkthrough or hint system to tell us what to do. I remember playing through this game years ago and saw pretty much everything it had to offer. Seems like a lot has changed though and I’m struggling to figure out how to unlock the scenes. I’ve even seen people saying triggers get bugged so that kind of kills motivation to grind when you’re just playing completely blind with no hints or anything because you don’t know if you’re wasting your time.
I would also love a walkthrough. There are just some scenes I just can’t seem to get. Hannah in the bathroom and shower with Lisa are two that come to mind.
There is a lot of lag… everytime, the game stop and I need to quit and reload… so the week-end with lisa and a lot of things can’t be played…
Been replaying some of the older games and had a couple other small suggestion for potential future update that would be awesome
Introduce a supporting character i.e. a friend of Justin from college who could be personal trainer/coach at college who Justin goes to for advice/help.
Another thing could be to have certain objectives/task to be done in order to not get caught cheating i.e. how Tracy got Lisa movies tickets to have house to self.
Have interactions with characters in different locations, \
– could have Justin’s cousin one weekend spontaneously, and go out to the club where they have a couple drinks and friendly rivalry re-ignites where either depending on dialogues options picked either Justin seduces both Sandy and Hannah into foursome at club or Richard seduces Hannah with his money into gangbang with Richard, Justin and bouncers (At Saloon says he’s a Hollywood writer and Richard producer)
– After night out with lisa Hannah crashes at home, Hannah sneaks in and hj/bj Justin while Tracy sleeps next to him, sneak out and fuck next to pool
– Justin catches Derek getting HJ/BJ from Hannah right under Lisa’s nose
– Justin catches Hanna/Lisa/Sandy/ Girls from College,Coco, etc with his friend (BBC) and vice versa with opportunities to share, watch etc.
– Coco giving demonstration of sex toys depending on conversation selection
Trouble author can you consider adding Chinese to the work released on Steam, without Chinese I have a hard time playing it, so we need to Chinese, thank you!
I keep getting ending 3! i am stuck. my relationship is high with both girls
I keep getting ending 3! i am stuck. my relationship is high with both girls